1 Smarter Software for Communities June 10, 2015 MANAGING YOUR DIGITAL PRESENCE Developing an Ongoing Content Management Competency in your EDO

Manging your Digital Presence

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Smarter Software for Communities

June 10, 2015


Developing an Ongoing Content Management Competency in your EDO

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In this session you will learn...

1. About Content Management Systems (CMS)

2. How to create a page, add and edit content, and get the most out of widgets

3. How to optimize your page within the CMS

4. Create a calendar to keep content updated and on track with your marketing goals

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Smarter Software for Communities

Content Management Systems

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Smarter Software for Communities

Survey Question 1

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Content Management Systems: Intro

• CMS Dashboard Overview• Content Trees contain landing pages, secondary pages,

tertiary pages, templates, and widgets.• Designers style and developers program page

templates, so that when we begin working in the CMS, we can focus on the content.

• Workflow allows you to create a page and begin working on content without making it viewable to your web audience.

• What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) is the name of the editor that helps us take content and make it web friendly (html).

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Content Management Systems: Intro

Let’s log in!


Username: DigitalEDUPassword: DEDU7

Find your organization’s page by selecting the website tab, and then the Digital EDU folder at the bottom of the Content Tree.

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Content Management Systems: Intro

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Smarter Software for Communities

Page Properties

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Properties: General

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Properties: General

The General Properties tab gives an overview on page information. There are two very useful items to point out on this page:

Date Last Modified:This is a great place to check while auditing your site to see which pages may need a refresh.

Live URL:This link will open the front end of the page in a new window so you can see what the live page looks like to your users.

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Properties: URLs

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Properties: URLs

The URLs Properties tab is where you control your URL for the page.

Document Alias When you create a page, a friendly URL is automatically assigned. It takes the naming convention of: www.websitename.com/parent-page/your-new-page.aspx

Path or PatternIf you wanted to change the URL assigned to the page, you will add what you want to come after “www.websitename.com/” to the Path or Patter box. For example, if you added “new-page” your new URL would be www.websitename.com/new-page.aspx

Add Document AliasIf you wanted to have multiple URLs for a your page (for marketing campaign purposes or other) , you can add a document aliases. For example you can add “new” and “page” and to your document aliases and now both www.websitename.com/new, www.websitename.com/page, and www.websitename.com/new-page.aspx would all go to your new page. NOTE: document aliases do NOT contain .aspx at the end of the URL.

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Properties: Template

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Properties: Template

Template is a great place to see what template you are working on. If you are unsure what template to add to a section, you can take a look at the template of a page that is similar to the page you are wanting to add.

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Smarter Software for Communities

Survey Question 2

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Survey Question

Do you utilize Metadata on your CMS?

• Yes• No• Unsure• What is metadata?

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Properties: Metadata

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Properties: Metadata

The Metadata Properties tab is where you control the Metadata for you page. It is broken into three sections:

Page TitlePage Titles are indexed by search engines so it is important that all of your pages have a page title. In this CMS, when a page is made, a page title is automatically assigned to the page based on the name of the page. If you want to change what the page title says, uncheck the inherit box and add your page title and save.

Page DescriptionPage Descriptions are indexed by search engines so it is important that all of your pages have a page description. In this CMS, when a page is made, a page description will automatically be pulled from the content of the page. To ensure that your page description has good content, uncheck the inherit box and add a keyword rich page description.

Page KeywordsPage Keywords are not indexed by search engines but can be integrated into a third party CRM such as Hubspot.

If you have questions on Metadata or Keyword integration, please email Support at: [email protected]

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Properties: Metadata

Page Title

Page Description

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Properties: Navigation

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Properties: Navigation

The Navigation Properties tab is where we tell the page how to appear and function on the front end of the site.

Basic PropertiesIf you want to change the name of your page, you will type the new name in the Menu Caption box. You can update where you would like your page name to display by checking or unchecking the Show in Navigation and Show in Sitemap options. You can have a hidden page with an active URL by unchecking these boxes.

Menu Actions If you want your page to automatically redirect to a new URL, you can select the URL Redirection cirlce and type in your new URL. Make sure to include the entire URL containing the http://www.

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Properties: Workflow

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Properties: Workflow

The Workflow Properties tab is where you can check which step of the workflow cycle you are in. You can also archive your page from this section by selecting Archive.

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Properties: Versions

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Properties: Versions

The Versions Property tab is where you can see the history of your page. Each time your page is saved with a change, a new version will be created.

You can view and compare the different versions by selecting the page with the magnifying glass. You can roll back to a previous version of the page by selecting the blue arrow next to the version you want.

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Properties: Linked Docs

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Properties: Linked Docs

You can place an exact copy of your page in a different section of your website by selecting, New, Linked Document and then selecting your page. With a linked document, when you update the original page, the linked page will also be updated. You can manage your linked documents from the Linked Docs Properties tab. Delete a linked document by selecting the red X.

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Andrea’s Favorite Functionality:

• Paste As Plain Text• Source • Styled Headers• Links • Images

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Paste As Plain TextWhen copying content from a different source (Word, a webpage, etc.) always select this option. It strips away hidden code from the original source and ensures your content style will be consistent without any unwanted characters or styles.

To Do: Select the content from the original source,select copy, select the Paste As Plain Text icon from the WYSIWYG, Paste text in the pop up box

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LinksLinks can go to a page of your website with relevant text, a PDF, to a different site, and an even open an email.

To Do: Highlight the text that will become a link, find the link icon in the WYSIWYG editor, select the type: Content- Select the page from the content tree, this is the page your link will open. Media Libraries- Navigate through the Media Library to find your PDF, or upload a new one with the New File button. Web- Enter the full URL of the new site your link will open. Email- Add the email address.

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Images Places images within the body content area.

To Do: WIth your cursor in the inline editing area of the page, select the Insert media button, select the Media libraries tab, and either navigate to the image or upload a new one. You can resize the image, add a link, or even a tool tip before inserting the image on the page.

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Smarter Software for Communities

Sidebar Widgets

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Smarter Software for Communities

Survey Question 3

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Survey Question

What do you think is the most valuable widget?

• Did You Know (Open Content)• Photo Callout• Media Downloads• Quick Links

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Did You Know?

● This widget adds an open content area to the sidebar of your page.

● The Did You Know widget is used for any supplemental materials.

● You can add multiple to a page.

● You can add text, links, images, downloads, videos, and more!

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Photo Callout

● This widget is used to house an image with the option of a description and link in your sidebar.

● You can add multiple to a page and make a sidebar gallery!

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Media Downloads

● This widget is used to house any supplemental downloads on your page.

● You must first add the Download document type

● Choose your downloads from the Media Library

● You can only have one Downloads widget per page.

● If the download is 2MB or more, let your user know in the description field!

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Quick Links

● This widget is used to house any relevant links on your page.

● You can only have one Quick Links widget per page.

● Link to a page on your site or an outside URL.

● You must first add the Link document

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Connect With Us

● This widget is used to display and rotate through staff pictures and contact information.

● You can only have one Connect With Us widget per page.

● You must first add the Staff Profile document type

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Smarter Software for Communities

Content Calendar

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42Content Calendar Tips

Create a marketing brief and turn the work into tasks. Give yourself deadlines and watch the site evolve! Here’s how:

At the beginning of each quarter, write out all marketing efforts for your organization and how they should be communicated on the website.

Break all the planned work for the quarter into months and then weeks.

Assign an owner or someone who is responsible for seeing the efforts through.

Add these tasks to a calendar or CRM.

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43Content Calendar Tips

Use the CMS to schedule work, if you can work ahead. Publish From, Publish To.

If you have data (charts, infographics, tables) don’t forget to plan for updates from the Census, ESRI, D&B, or any other data provider you may use.

And remember its okay to add, update, or change the order as needed to keep up with your organization's efforts, changes, and successes.

If you would like help with a content calendar, send an email to [email protected].

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45Next Digital EDU Session

Driving Traffic to Your Website, and Your EDO, Using Email Marketing Tools

• Develop and clean targeted email lists• Write subject lines that prompt people to open emails• Write short email copy and strong calls-to-action• Create landing pages that drive engagement• Review email metrics

June 25th 12:00pm – 1:30pm MST http://communitysys.com/About-Us/Upcoming-Webinars.aspx

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929 BroadwayDenver, CO 80203Contact: Steve Fritsch

t: 330.4144676

e: [email protected]

e: [email protected]

e: [email protected]


Thank you and stay in touch!

Smarter Software for Communities