Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper WP-CLI: Save Time by Managing WordPress from the Command Line WordCamp Rochester 2016 Shawn Hooper Director of IT, actionable.co

Save Time By Manging WordPress from the Command Line

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Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

WP-CLI: Save Time by Managing

WordPress from the Command Line

WordCamp Rochester 2016

Shawn Hooper Director of IT, actionable.co

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

WP-CLI is a set of tools that allows you to manage your WordPress website from the command line.


What is WP-CLI ?

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

I 💖 The Command Line

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Site / Server Administrators

Plugin Developers

Theme Designers

… anyone who wants to do more in less time.

Who Is It For?

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Don’t Be Afraid

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

WP-CLI, available at wp-cli.org

UNIX-like environment (OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin); limited support in Windows environment

PHP 5.3.29 or later

WordPress 3.7 or later

What do you need?

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

You need to have SSH access to use WP-CLI.

Not all web hosts allow SSH access.

SiteGround, Pantheon, BlueHost, GoDaddy, Media Temple, Windows Azure and more now have CLI


It also works great with VPS services like DigitalOcean, Linode and Amazon Web Services.

In Production…

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Download it:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar

Set permissions: chmod +x wp-cli.phar

Move it somewhere useful:sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

Installing WP-CLI

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Does It Work?

> wp

Installing WP-CLI

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Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

That was the hard part.


Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

wp <command> <sub-command> <params>

Running Commands

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<param> — required

[--param] — optional flag

[--param=<value>] — optional w/ value

Running Commands

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

The --prompt flag

guides you through parameters.

The --help parameteron any command will tell you what it does,

the parameters it accepts, etc.

Running Commands

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

WP-CLI packages are community-maintained

commands you can install with

wp package install



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Plugins that include WP-CLI commands

as a feature.



Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Any Ipsum

BackupBuddy Google Site Map Generator

WP DB Migrate ProRedis Object Cache

WP Revisions CLI

…. and more.


Blog - shawnhooper.ca Twitter - @shawnhooper

You can find these slides, notes and more atshawnhooper.ca

Tweet Me @shawnhooper

WordPress Slack: shooper

Thank You!