Online Community Management

Introduction online community - customer care

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Online Community Management






Community defined Types of community

Communities Importance to Customers Communities Importance to Business

Planning Launching Seeding Measurement

Who Members behavior Members contribution

Gifgaff Tripadvisor Sony Starbucks

Community Defined

Community brings individuals together around a common purpose, interest, or goal

Online CommunityNetwork of people who communicate with one another through interactive tools such as e-mail,discussion boards and chat systems

Types of community


Members Defined

The Lurker


The Regular

The Leader

The Elder

Key reasons to join community

1) Interest www.tripadvisor.in/ForumHome

2) Action www.care2.com

3) Place nextdoor.com

4) Practice doc2doc.bmj.com

5) Circumstance community.breastcancer.org

Key Reasons Why Communities Important For Customers






Lithium Customer Survey : Why users visit a community

Researching brands, products or services before purchasing

To hear more about promotions, sales and new products

Seeking customer care support or help

Came across while exploring brand online

To buy other products and services related to brand

Key Reasons Why Communities Important For Business


Company’s online community empowers users making them as part of brands team. Users proactively resolve queries of others

Brand advocacy

24x7 Focus Group


Social media campaigns

Online community is full of people that use product everyday, reviews and ratings suggestions does the work of market research /focus groups

As these are mostly user generated content , this helps in identifying keywords and topic trending to help generate other social channel content

Foster a strong connection between brand & consumer through gamification, contests, rewarding participants, influence positive behavior and drive adoption & learning

Insights derived from community work as great input while planning social media campaigns ex- audience , demographic

Competitive Differentiator

Social listening

Cost Saving Social care

Website Traffic


Opportunity to create and personalize company brand experience and create differentiation

To understand customer pain points, sentiment analysis , trends, crisis management, monitoring conversation

Company saves cost on deflecting customer queries and responding in less time

User generated content, constant update of FAQ, reviews and ratings etc help in search engine ranking leading to high website traffic

Online community gives you an endless supply of ideas on how to innovate and reinvent your product.

Content Strategy

How to initiate & manage a community

Planning the community

Launching the community

Encouraging engagement

Measuring success

4 step process Planning the community

Setting Objective

Audience Analysis

Sector Analysis

Technology identified

Rewarding Strategy

Internal analysis

Response Strategy

How to initiate & manage a community

Planning the community

Launching the community

Encouraging engagement

Measuring success

4 step process

Seeding community

Content calendar/ posting

Launching the community

Guidelines Layout

Building Knowledge base

How to initiate & manage a community

Planning the community

Encouraging engagement

Measuring success

4 step process

Compelling Content

Easy to find

Positioning Part of Customer Service Launching the community

Encouraging engagement

Hiring new members

Offer exclusive content

Reward Customers for Contributions

Crowd Source Ideas

How to initiate & manage a community

Planning the community

Encouraging engagement

Measuring success

4 step process

Engagement metrics

Launching the community

Measuring success

Response metrics

Cost saving metrics

Other Derived Insights


Crowdsource Ideas





Review Badges

Expert Badges

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