Shiny Things- Flickr Comes as Advertised?: Advertising’s Negative Effects on Society

Comes as Advertised?: Advertising's Negative Effects On Society

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Shiny Things- Flickr

Comes as Advertised?: Advertising’s Negative Effects on Society


People are surrounded and bombarded by advertisements on a daily basis, through multiple modes of media 10

What What- Flickr

From 2013 to 2014, adult smartphone,

tablet and computer use each went up at

least 5% 9

Flash.Pro- Flickr

Adults averaged over 29 hours a week watching television and

almost 28 hours a week on the


Alex Naanou- Flickr

77% of adults ages 18 to 24

agree that they check their phone at least every 30

minutes 8

Nicolas Nova- Flickr

Brands create their own media 7

Benoit Duchatelet

Red Bull generated 360 million views on Youtube

through Felix Baumgartner’s stratos jump 12

Justine Warrington- Flickr

Advertising in schools:“Approximately 200 schools

districts nationwide have signed exclusive contracts

with soft drink companies” 3

Chad Horwedel- Flickr

Advertising can fly under the radar, using product

placement in movies and television shows 11

Fabio Hofnik- Flickr

With all of this exposure to advertising, through countless techniques and forms of media, negative consequences are

inevitably reflected in society

Karina Lamontagne- Flickr

Increasing sexualisation of girls

in advertising has resulted in increased

rates of low self-esteem and

depression, and eating disorders 1

Kunsou- Flickr

This can be attributed to the ‘sexual sell’ and certain celebrity endorsements 10

Lars Plougmann- Flickr

Children under eight years old do not understand the

persuasive intent of advertising 2

Erica Minton- Flickr

Approximately 80% of American youth is overweight 2

SteFou!- Flickr

60% of commercials

children watch are for fast food,

candy and sugar cereals 6

Nokton- Flickr

“Children who were more aware of beer advertisements held more favorable beliefs about drinking, intended to drink more

frequently as adults” 4

Thomas Hawk- Flickr

Every year, teens are exposed to 1000 to

2000 beer commercials with the

message that ‘real men’ drink beer 6

Five Starr Photos- Flickr

There are 45% more beer ads and 27%

more hard liquor ads in teen magazines than there are in adult magazines 3

www.david baxendale.com- Flickr

Advertisements present gambling as a skillful, easy way of obtaining financial and social rewards 5

Lisa Brewster- Flickr

Advertisements often include

cheaper offers for repeat visits in a

short period of time, which can lead to

gambling addiction 5

AntTree- Flickr

These advertisements encourage spontaneous decisions, which can cause significant financial losses 5

Neil Turner- Flickr

One must stay mindful and critical of the advertisements they consume


Outside Sources:

1 American Psychological Association. (2007, 2, 19). Sexualization of Girls is Linked to Common Mental Health Problems in Girls and Women--Eating Disorders, Low Self-Esteem, and Depression; An APA Task Force Reports. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2007/02/sexualization.aspx

2 American Psychological Association. The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/topics/kids-media/food.aspx

3 Committee on Communications. (2006). Children, Adolescents and Advertising. American Academy of Pediatrics, 118,2563-2565.

4 Grube, J. W. & Wallack, L. (1994) Television beer advertising and drinking knowledge, beliefs, and intentions among schoolchildren. American Journal of Public Health, 84, 254-259.

5 Hare, S. (2013, 8, 1). Impact of Marketing, Advertising and Sponsorship on Gambling Behaviour. Retrieved from http://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/mental-health-and-addictions/problem-gambling/research-and-evaluation/implementation-2007-2010/impact-marketing-advertising-and-sponsorship-gambling-behaviour

6 Impact of media use on children and youth. (2003). Paediatrics & Child Health,8(5), 301–306.

Course Sources:

7 Campbell, C. & Marks, L. J. (2015). Good Native Advertising isn’t a secret. Business Horizons, 58, 599-606.

8 Krashinsky, S. (2015, 5, 11). Advertisers cash in on attention spans of digitally savvy Canadians. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com.proxy.queensu.ca/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/microsoft-study-looks-at-attention-span-of-digitally-savvy-canadians/article24359527/

9 Krashinsky, S. (2014, 12, 4). Four ways Canadians are consuming media differently. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/four-ways-canadians-are-consuming-media-differently/article21949630/

10 Matrix, S. (2016). Advertising Strategies. Queen’s University. Lecture.

11 Matrix, S. (2016). What is Public Relations?. Queen’s University. Lecture.

12 Toole, C. Brands as Publishers: inside the content marketing trend. Retrieved from http://curve.gettyimages.com/article/brands-as-publishers-inside-the-content-marketing-trend