SAVE Your Story from REJECTION

Mystery of storytelling

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SAVEYour Story from


Julian Friedmannis co-owner of the Blake Friedmann

Literary Agency

In his 35 years of experience

working with Writers he has

worked as an editor, a

publisher, an agent and also

as an executive producer. In

his Ted Talk he aims to

demystify the art of


5994 out of 6000

Submissions a year at

their Agency are


Agents Wonder:

Why do People write??


Because We are Born Storytellers!Storytelling is what Defines

Human Beings

Then there must be

7 Billion BooksIs it the only reason why we


Obviously NO,

According to George Orwell’s Why I Write

People Write :

• Due to shear egoism : desire to seem clever, to be talked about

• To Immortalize themselves

• To Get back at people who put them down

• Political purpose : Desire to push the world in a certain direction

Samuel Johnson

On the Contrary believed

No man but a Blockheadever wrote But for


Whatever they are,

But do these needs make

one a good writer??

Hell No

Then What makes a good Storyteller??

A Good Storyteller connects with the audience.

He Thrills them . Turns them . Titillates them

How do we

Become ONE?

Learn Human behaviour.

Understand what makes them

Laugh, Cry, Applaud and do what they do.

Lajos Egri:


Human Motives is

the basis for

dramatic Writing

Is there any

formula for a

Good Story??

2500 years back

Aristotle gave a structure to

good Stories. A good Story

engages the reader into it and

takes his feelings through

different stages.

• Pity

• Fear

• Catharsis

This structure is Analogous

to Modern day Success

thread Structure Which also

has 3 parts. This structure

is found in most of the

blockbuster novels and


Engaging the

Audience is the

keyword for Good

Stories. The Reasons

why American film Industry

is a big success Proves the


American Movies have• Shorter Scenes: Only important parts are

shown . The rest is left for the audience to fill in

• Shorter Dialogues: Story is presented

more visually. We Believe what we see more

than what we hear .

• Have Sentimental Happy Endings

Connect With the Audience.

Prevent Rejection.

Bidding Farewell

Disclaimer:Created by PreethamV Raikar , IIT Madras

during an Internship For Prof. Sameer Mathur,

IIM Lucknow . www.IIMInternship.com