It’s a Blog. It’s a Website. It’s a Marketing Tool … It’s WordPress! How to use the Free Wordpress.org Software as part of Your Complete Web Solution UniqueThink.com (720) 771- 3271 1

Its Wordpress Presentation - Updated June 2009

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It’s a Blog. It’s a Website. It’s a Marketing Tool … It’s WordPress! How to use the Free Wordpress.org Software as part of Your Complete Web Solution

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It’s a Blog. It’s a Website. It’s a Marketing Tool …

It’s WordPress!

How to use the Free Wordpress.org Software as part of Your Complete

Web SolutionUniqueThink.com (720) 771-3271 1

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What we will be discussing

• Do you really need a Site AND a Blog for your business?

• The difference between Blogs and Sites• Wordpress.org (not Wordpress.com)– It’s Free software (all you need is a hosting service

provider)• Maintain your own site/blog• Built in Marketing Advantages

– A glance at how it works– Steps to get started

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It’s A Blog: Examples

Sample Category Section A Standard Post

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Why to use a blog for business

• Communicate your meaningful difference– More insights about why your company exists

and what they do

• Allows your customers to give feedback– Learn more about their wants/needs– Provides ideas for new products and services

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It’s A Website

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Why Your Business Needs a Site

• People will ask you if you have a site– Shows you are a professional – Proves you take your company seriously– Allows them to learn more about you, on their terms

• Allows you to share info with prospective clients– Instead of walking around with a stack of brochures,

you can direct them to your site– New opportunities may find you online, without you

seeking them out

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How does a Website differ from a Blog?

• Traditional Websites:– A set of ‘static’ pages

• Content does not change often (or at all)

– Tends to be more sales oriented

– Typically does not offer a way to interact with its visitors

– Often needs a web designer to make even minor changes or additions

• Traditional Blog:– Fresh Content, changes often

• Newest posts appear highest on the page

– Tends to share insights and ideas

– Typically offers a space to post comments and continue the conversation

– Offers ability to add content quickly

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Wouldn’t it be great to combine the benefits of both a site and a blog into one full featured solution?

Each offers valuable information and compliments the other

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It’s Wordpress

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Free Software for use On Your own Hosted Account

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One Look for Your Whole Site

• Example of Post• Example of a Page

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Notice the comment BoxNotice the Navigation Bar

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What is Wordpress.org?

• Created as a Blog Software, in 2003• Open Source (free) application– Lots of developers came together and

volunteered their experience– Lots of folks continue to create additional tools

and add-ons (i.e. themes and plugins)– Anyone can use this software free of charge

• The Hidden Advantages: Wordpress.org is a powerful tool for your overall site needs

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Uncovering the Hidden Advantages

• Wordpress let’s you add web pages, not just blog posts– This allows you to build your site and blog with

one toolset• You can maintain your site, yourself, without a

designer– Easy to add new pages, video, images…

• Search Engines (like Google) love Blogs– Fresh, relevant, original content is important

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It’s a Marketing Tool• Gets the word out: Distribution/Syndication – Your posts are instantly sent to the world with RSS

• Allows search engines to receive notice of new content– Gets you ranked higher, quicker– People find you easier

• Allows visitors to receive future posts automatically• Offers interaction with your community

• People can post comments• Helps you understand what they want and gives ideas for

future posts• Provides more exposure for your E-newsletters

• Feature articles can be referenced in emails and linked to a post online– Brings email readers to your site– Allows new site visitors to see what you’ve written about– And articles are syndicated for you with RSS

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Extending Reach of Email Marketing

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Example A:Email Newsletter Example B:

Feature Article Teaser in email

Example C: Full Feature ArticleAs it appears on site

Example D:RSS Feed Reader

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A Look at the Software’s Backend: WP-Admin and The Dashboard

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Example A : > WP-Admin Login Screen Version 2.7.1

^ Example B: Dashboard Overview- Content Management

< Example C: Write a Post – Visual Editor

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A look at Writing Content

• The administrative section is where the pages and posts are prepared

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Preparation of PageWordpress V2.7.1

Page Presentation to Visitors

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Overview: Why Use Wordpress?• Changing Your Content

is easy: Visual Editor– Page and posts can be

written without HTML– It’s easier than creating

a Word Document

• Managing Your Content is a snap: Content Management System (CMS)– Finds pages or images

quickly and easily

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How to start using Wordpress.Org?• Pick a Hosting Service Provider

– Think of it like a cell phone provider• T-mobile, ATT, Sprint provide service for your phone• Hostmonster and HostGator are examples of hosting service providers for your site

• Pick your own domain name– If you already own a domain name, you can forward it, just like you do with your

cell phone #– Or transfer it into your new hosting package – 1 Free domain name hosting comes with most hosting solutions

• Add Wordpress Software– Download the software from Wordpress.org and upload it to your hosting service– Or use the 1-click method provided with hosting service (Fantastico automates

Wordpress’s set up for you)• Pick a pre-made Template Design for your site layout (known as Themes)

– Endless possibilities • Thousands of Free themes• Hundreds of premium themes (priced from $20 to $300)

*Suggested Theme Developer and Hosting Providers are listed at the end of the presentation

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A Look at Themes: Effecting the layout and look of your site

Example A: MistyLook Theme – as it was designed by Sadish of WPRocks.com, used on the MarketingAndWriting.com blog. Already looks good without any design changes, doesn’t it?

Example B: Same theme – MistyLook – with customization by UniqueThink, a new color palette and more for ApproachableNutrition.com

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More great things about Wordpress.org

• Plugins: Tons of free plugins are available– Think of mini-applications that automate an action

• Sell from your site with the wp-commerce plugin• Get site stats with the Google Analytics plugin• Show your most read posts with the popularity plugin

• Easily add Scripts and 3rd party applications– Amazon.com affiliate program scripts– Constant Contact Sign Up boxes

• Customization– You are free to customize away – You may need to hire someone to create a truly custom

look or if you don’t want to try to figure it out yourself

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Before and After: Major customization of a magazine style blog site

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Goal of redesign:New look and color scheme,feature Video Blogs, set upad management system, show most viewed posts

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• Advantages of Wordpress.org: – Let’s you maintain your site/blog yourself– Let’s you customize your look– Allows for continuity between blog/site– Helps people stay on your site longer– Helps you get more exposure– Let’s you interact with your visitors– Helps you rank better (if you are adding fresh,

relevant, original posts…which is easy with this tool)– Lots of automation tools to make your job easier

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Resources• Wordpress.org: http://wordpress.org/• Recommended HOSTING SOLUTIONS (I do get a referral fee, but

only recommend them because they are easy to use and affordable – about $8.99 a month): – Hostmonster: http://www.hostmonster.com/track/uniquethink/ – BlueHost (sister company of HostMonster):

http://www.bluehost.com/track/unqiuethink/ – HostGator:

http://secure.hostgator.com/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=bethink • Must Have Plugins: http://uniquethink.com/wordpress-plugins/• My Favorite Theme Developer: Sadish of http://wprocks.com/free-

themes/• Video to help you Understand RSS Feeds:


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• UniqueThink.com offers a 1-hour Free Consultation to teach you to:– Communicate Your Meaningful Difference– Build Your Online Presence– Address Your Biggest Marketing Challenge– Create Easy Cost-Effective Solutions

• Bethany Siegler can be reached at 720.771.3271 or email at [email protected]

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Bonus information

• I have attached a couple of additional slides from my 3-hour workshop, to help you understand more about hosting the site yourself

• If you have any questions on this or the overall presentation, please contact me.

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What You Need to Know About Hosting Wordpress.org

• If using one of my preferred hosting services: – 1-click install is available to

automate setting up Wordpress.org•Go into the Cpanel• Click on Fantastico and it will set it up

for you!–That’s it! It’s that easy

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Example HostMonster’s CPanel

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Use the Fantastico (smiley face) icon!

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Using a Hosting Service Provider without CPanel

• If using another hosting service that doesn’t have a cPanel, below are some notes to make sure you can use the Wordpress.org software: – Must have a Linux server– Must have access to PHP and MySql– Don’t use their server-side version, if it doesn’t allow for access into

the wp-content folder (or you can’t add themes and plugins)• Will require setting up the database, can use Wordpress’s Famous

5-min install (will take longer the first time you try it – took me an hour, the first time. Still can take 15 minutes or longer)

• May need someone to set it up for you, unless you are ambitious or technically inclined

• MUST READ: http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress

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Important Notes:Wordpress is constantly making the

software better• To take advantage of new features, you may need to upgrade your

version of Wordpress.org• You may decide not to upgrade every time, if your site is working well

(think of it like your computer, do you buy the new version of Microsoft Word the day it is released?) NOTE: It is up to you to make the final decision on when to upgrade, but it is important to do it correctly

• Sometimes there are important security upgrades, and there may be new features that you may want:– If and when you do upgrade, you must follow these instructions: – http://codex.wordpress.org/Upgrading_WordPress_Extended

• You must check to make sure your theme and plugins are compatible with the new version

• Check minimum hosting requirements, too• Backup Everything before you begin!• Do not use the automatic upgrade plugin if you customize your site, or you could loose

changes• You can always hire someone, like UniqueThink, to do the upgrade for you, if you prefer

• For more insights, feel free to contact UniqueThink or visit Wordpress.OrgUniqueThink.com (720) 771-3271 30

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• UniqueThink.com offers a 1-hour Free Consultation to teach you to:– Communicate Your Meaningful Difference– Build Your Online Presence– Address Your Biggest Marketing Challenge– Create Easy Cost-Effective Solutions

• Bethany Siegler can be reached at 720.771.3271 or email at [email protected] http://UniqueThink.com

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