-Mahatma Gandhi It’s been said, but it merits repeating...

How to make change in your life (really this time!!)

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-Mahatma Gandhi

It’s been said, but it merits repeating...

Let’s admit it now.

Change is hard...and daunting.


We kick ourselves every time we try.

First, I’ll take you through the most

common problems.

Common Problem #1

We don’t focus on one problem!

I get it. You’re a hot ass mess. Me too. Nice to

see that there are more of us.

Start the snowball effect of change in your life

by changing ONE thing. Masterfully.

Common Problem #2

We get so excited that we forget to plan.

Honey, you need to calm down. Personal

change is fun. I get it. Let’s break it down to

something that we can measure and

something that we can act on BEFORE doing

a happy dance.

Ok, just get it out of your system.

Common Problem #2

We talk it about it too much to the wrong


You know that Judgemental Judy is NOT going

to be constructive OR helpful. Sharing your

goals with her is counterproductive.

Save it for the after party

Also, over-sharing about your goal with

ANYONE who is not going to be a cheerleader

for us gives us a little of the gratification before

we earn it.

Look at me with my bad, ambitious self.

Making goals. That’s me.

Common Problem #3

We don’t use our past to create our future.

You know you’ve been successful before. What

contributed to that? You trip up on pretty much

the same things every time too. Why don’t we

shine a light on those things before we get

started this time? Hmm?

Okay, I get it? So, How do I change?

Start with WHY you want to make this change

and then create a plan for yourself based on


One rule to play: Truly take the time to answer

these for yourself in writing.

What makes this change important to you?

(3 reasons this needs to happen)

What does your life look like with this change

fully implemented? (3 differences as a result of

your hard work)

When were you last successful in

accomplishing something? What 3 things

brought you to the finished line?

For Example: I want to work on having a

consistently tidy space.

example, cont.

3 Reasons this is important to me.

1. I’m tired of tripping and stepping on things.

2. I want to know where all of my things are.

3. I want to figure out why everything keeps

piling up.

example, cont.

What would my life look like with a tidy room?

1. I would have an easier time in the mornings.

2. I would feel more at ease inviting people


3. I would feel a greater peace with less things

crowding my space.

example, cont.

I was successful at sustaining a vegetarian diet

for 2 months.

1. It was low key and low pressure.

2. I had a reason for doing it.

3. It brought out my creativity.

Back to you.

What do you always find gets in the way of

your success.

How can you make sure that those things that

are personal hurdles for you don’t cause

problems this time around?

Who is your most supportive ally?

When will you know that you have been


If not now, when?

Making change for ourselves isn’t rocket


It ain’t cake either.

Who will you be a year from today?

What will you regret not starting?

Now, take this and do something with it.