HOW TO BE AN #OFFICENINJA 10 tools & tricks to make you 100% produc5ve at work

How To Be An Office Ninja

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HOW TO BE AN #OFFICENINJA 10  tools  &  tricks  to  make  you  100%  produc5ve  at  work  

1. PEEP   Place for Everything, Everything in Place (PEEP): Clear your physical workspace.   PEEP ensures that next time, you don’t go scrambling for that important client file, before your meeting.

2. Ka-Ching your Day

Translation: Think of every minute as a dollar’s worth of investment.   Simple logic - If you want to make the most of the day, you have to make the most of every minute.

3. Be a Quick Perfectionist

Follow this golden rule of task accomplishment:

Deadline to stick by = Time I think I need This rough ‘time-to-completion’ metric ensures that you are super-productive while sticking to deadlines.


4. Plan for success

Everyone plans in different ways for each day. Here are some tools to make the “thinking through things” part easier for you….

Try Momentum.

It comes as a Chrome plug-in, and features an easy to-do list tab on the side, along with a background photo and daily quote.

For those who like things old-school (think: pen and paper, or post-its) but also love getting things done, plan using the Eisenhower Matrix.

5. Plan Fast, Plan Early

•  Schedule time to plan your projects and tasks each day, either in the evening, or in the morning before you get to work.

•  When you separate your planning time from your tasks’ execution, you get more done faster in the day.

6. Take timed breaks

•  Being an #officeninja is tough work, and every ninja deserves to take a break.

•  Before you go on your coffee break, remember to time yourself though.

A nice app to regulate your work slots and breaks is Pomodoro One. You can decide how long you want each work session to be, and customize the length of your break time too.

7. Be like Benji

“No matter what’s happening in my life, coping and succeeding are both a matter of routine.” - Benjamin Franklin Take stock of daily tasks in a well-timed routine so that you can ‘free up’ time to pursue other important tasks during the rest of the day.

8. Get in the zone

Don’t know how to ‘get in the zone’? Here’s a quick checklist: Eliminate all distractions (think: unending chat notifications or hunger cravings) Minimize non-urgent conversations Pace yourself –break down your task into smaller activities and time yourself for each activity.

9. Reboot your brain

•  Powering through the day can take its toll on your mind and body. •  Take out 5 minutes around mid-day to engage your sedentary body –

consider doing simple arm stretches while seated at your desk.

10. Get ready for a new life

•  Being 100% productive all the time sounds a bit overwhelming – so before you embark on your #officeninja journey, remember: take each day as it comes.

• Here’s raising a coffee toast to the new you!

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#OfficeNinja by Damini Roy |@damini_roy