Freelance Copywriter www.biancamarieta.com facebook.com/marietasblog www.biancamarieta.com | www.biancamarieta.com Step-by-step: Writing Your First WordPress Article Are you thinking about blogging on WordPress? The platform is super-easy to use… once you learn its roundabouts. Today we are going to have a quick look at the right way to blog using WordPress. So allow me to introduce you to the WordPress interface and show you how to write your first article. 1. The WordPress interface Once you log in to your WordPress account you will be shown your website’s Dashboard. We don’t really care about that now. What you need to do is click on Posts and then on Add New. Adding a new WordPress post That will create a new page where you can start to write your article.

Complete Tutorial For Writing On WordPress

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Are you about to start writing your first article on WordPress but don't know how to use the interface? It's easy once you learn the roundabouts of WordPress. Read this tutorial to see exactly what you need to do to write your first WordPress article. Good luck!

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Freelance Copywriter www.biancamarieta.com


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Step-by-step: Writing Your First

WordPress Article

Are you thinking about blogging on WordPress?

The platform is super-easy to use… once you learn its roundabouts.

Today we are going to have a quick look at the right way to blog using WordPress. So

allow me to introduce you to the WordPress interface and show you how to write your first


1. The WordPress interface Once you log in to your WordPress account you will be shown your website’s Dashboard.

We don’t really care about that now.

What you need to do is click on Posts and then on Add New.

Adding a new WordPress post

That will create a new page where you can start to write your article.

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Freelance Copywriter www.biancamarieta.com


www.biancamarieta.com | www.biancamarieta.com

One of the reasons I love working with WordPress so much is because it’s so easy to use.

Really, the first time I saw the Edit Post section it was so clear to me what I needed to do

that I had no need to ask these guys for help.

And I usually bother them a lot with my silly questions…

The Edit Post section in WordPress

As you can see in the image above there are 5 main areas you will have to work with when

writing your articles in WordPress:

1. Add Media button and Text editing menu

2. Publish section

3. Categories section

4. Tags section

1. Add Media button and Text editing menu

Add Media & Text Editing Menu

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The Text editing menu is very straightforward. The options you can use include (from top

left): Bold, Italics, Strikethrough, Bulleted List, Numbered List, Blockquote, Alignment (Left,

Center, Right), Add/Remove Link, Insert More tag, Distraction Free Writing Mode, and the

option to show or hideKitchen Sink.

In the Kitchen Sink (or the second row of the screenshot) you’ll find: Paragraph options,

Underline, Align Full, Text Color Options, Paste (as plain text or from Word), Remove

formatting, Insert custom character, Outdent/Indent, Undo/Redo and a Help button.

I won’t insist on telling you what each of them does. I promise you’ll have lots of fun trying

them out yourself.

WordPress is the easiest way to have your voice heard



Oh, and by the way, the blue birdie is a plugin I use to add Tweetables (like the one above). If

you like it you can get it from here (oh, I love it!).

Use the Add Media button if you want to add photos, images or any visual elements to your

posts. It’s simple to use: click on the button, upload the file and complete some simple steps

as shown below.

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Attachment details

There are some important elements that you need to make sure are present for every media

file that you insert into your post:



Alt Text (this will appear if the media file doesn’t load; it is a description of the file you added)

Alignment (Left, Center, Right)

Link To (you can choose from: Custom URL – which I prefer, Media file, Attachment Page, or


Size (Thumbnail, Small, Medium, Large, or Full Size)

Once all these fields are completed you can click on “Insert into Post” and the media file

will be added in the specified area.

Now that we know what these buttons are for, let’s move on to the next section.

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2. Publish section

WordPress Publish section

As you write your article don’t forget to save your work from time to time. It was more than

once that I lost all my work and some beautiful pieces of content because I wasn’t careful

enough to save my articles.

Once saved, you can click on Preview to make an idea about how the article will look like

once live.

Did you publish the article too soon? Go to Status and put it back on Draft.

If you don’t want your article to be visible to the Public, you can make it Password Protected

or even Private. It’s all done in the Visibility section.

The SEO check is there because of another plugin I installed on my website. It’s called SEO

by Yoast and yes, I do love it just as much as I love my Tweetables.

And then, you can Trash your article if you think it deserves to be trashed. I’m just saying.

Or you canPublish it if you feel your article is good enough and ready to go live. (more about

promoting your articles online in this guest post).

3. Categories section

I won’t bother you with another image because each website will have its own Categories.

You can see the Categories I’m using on the left side of the Blog page.

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But to help you make an idea, here are some Categories I am using (remember, yours will be

different, according to the kind of topics you write about): Freelancing, Copywriting, Internet

Marketing, Social Media, etc.

4. Tags section

WordPress Tags section

Tags. A lot of people have no idea how to use them. But tags are basically keywords that you

used in your article body. They are a way of telling your website what your article is about.

The search engines will pick on that and they will, in turn, understand what your article is


A quick tip: as it says in the image above, separate your tags with commas. For example, a

series of tags could be: “WordPress article writing, tips for WordPress, adding new

WordPress article”. This is correct.

This is incorrect: “WordPress article writing tips for WordPress adding new WordPress

article”. See the difference?

Final tips

Okay, so you’re all set now to write your first article on WordPress.

There are some other things you will learn on the way, but these are the basics of WordPress

which allow you to start working with the platform.

But before you start hitting your keyboard in the madness of the creative process, you may

want to check some of the rules to writing great content for your blog.

And because I know you will suffer from that disease called “Writer’s Block”, I wrote an

article to help you come up with constant ideas for content. Yep, no more time for


By the way… how often do you write on your blog?

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Freelance Copywriter www.biancamarieta.com


www.biancamarieta.com | www.biancamarieta.com

Thanks for downloading and taking time to read this document! I am waiting for your

opinions on my website.

I look forward to meeting you on social platforms! Let’s connect and grow our

businesses together. You can find me on: