3 Easy Steps for New Clients…Today! When it comes to getting new clients, many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle. I hear from so many of you that you’ve tried social media, flyers and networking groups…both on- and off-line…and just haven’t figured out how to attract new clients, make some money and get more cash coming in. Maybe you’re even thinking about getting a job… If this is you, you need a quick start step-by-step system with proven, time-tested strategies and a plan. Here are the first 3 simple and easy steps to get you on the road to more new clients…TODAY! 1. Get out. Go to where those who need what you have are. Be laser-focused on your goal of getting new clients, either as a consultant or a coach. This is your fastest path to cash. You have to be out networking…there are no new clients in your home office! People pay you money and if you’re not with people, and your website isn’t generating leads for you, you have to get out and network. Be very intentional and then specific: what is it you want from this event, this person? You have to be disciplined and consistent if you want more new clients. This means that if you’re a coach, for example, you need to fill your practice. So get out and move quickly for cash and new clients! For example, go to 3 networking events…find people who want what you have and effectively offer it to them as fast as you can. Meet like-minded people and network.

3 easy ways to get new clients...today!

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Page 1: 3 easy ways to get new clients...today!

3 Easy Steps for New Clients…Today!

When it comes to getting new clients, many

entrepreneurs and business owners struggle.

I hear from so many of you that you’ve tried social

media, flyers and networking groups…both on- and

off-line…and just haven’t figured out how to attract

new clients, make some money and get more cash coming in.

Maybe you’re even thinking about getting a job…

If this is you, you need a quick start step-by-step system with proven, time-tested

strategies and a plan. Here are the first 3 simple and easy steps to get you on the road

to more new clients…TODAY!

1. Get out. Go to where those who need what you have are. Be laser-focused on your

goal of getting new clients, either as a consultant or a coach. This is your fastest path

to cash.

You have to be out networking…there are no new clients in your home office! People

pay you money and if you’re not with people, and your website isn’t generating leads for

you, you have to get out and network.

Be very intentional and then specific: what is it you want from this event, this person?

You have to be disciplined and consistent if you want more new clients.

This means that if you’re a coach, for example, you need to fill your practice.

So get out and move quickly for cash and new clients! For example, go to 3 networking

events…find people who want what you have and effectively offer it to them as fast as

you can. Meet like-minded people and network.

Page 2: 3 easy ways to get new clients...today!

Find your target audience in concentrated groups, such as specific organizations or

locations. Use MeetUp and EventBrite to find events in your area where those who want

what you have will be. For example, if you’re a family coach, go where parents are most

receptive to what you offer.

Ask what they do and they’ll ask you in return. This is your chance to say how you help

people and add 1 piece of credibility.

2. Offer. Take the knowledge that’s in your head and sell it in one form or another.

Everybody has some kind of unique talent, knowledge or experience that they likely

take for granted. So take the knowledge you have and start selling your skills as fast as

you can…sell your brain.

You want to sell and be clear on your business goal. Be very direct about what it is that

you serve people’s lives with and the results they get from working with you. You must

know how you help people’s lives if you want more cash coming in.

And the key is…to get new clients, you must offer them what they want and are willing

to pay for.

So if you’re struggling to get new clients, let go of what you think they should want and

start listening to those who do want to pay for your expertise.

This is as simple as finding out what their biggest challenges are in the area of the

problem you solve, asking them what they want and then offering it to them. You’ll get

instant feedback in the form of their payment.

Find your audience and share your expertise in a way that they will pay for. Then follow

through with quality and excellence.

3. Get paid. Use a tool like Square to accept credit cards and payments on the spot

with no fees. The ability to accept credit cards will save you thousands of lost dollars,

time and frustration of waiting for checks to arrive…not to mention deliver cash to your

bank account the next business day!

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When you have more new clients, not only will increase your income, but you’ll feel

happier and enjoy your business more. You’ll feel more energized, have a better

lifestyle and more time for your family, your interests and yourself. And the peace of

mind you’ll get from knowing you can make money at any time is priceless.

Remember, this is just a start. Because money will change everything for you. Once you

start consistently getting more clients and making money by selling your services, you

can hire a bookkeeper, an assistant, get a web presence and start building your

database and use that to then sell your brains. From there, you can expand into

products like eBooks, group programs, etc., and start leveraging your knowledge and


To get more information on how you can easily get more new clients today, schedule

your complimentary Marketing Results Strategy Session with me…just go to


QUESTION: What do you do when you want new clients fast? Please share your

comments below.


© 2014 ChristineHueber.com


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“Marketing mentor Christine Hueber teaches business owners and entrepreneurs

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more clients. Get her FREE report ‘Top 10 LinkedIn Success Secrets for Entrepreneurs’

at www.ChristineHueber.com“

Image: thegentlewaybook.com