Why property management is important

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Why Property Management
is Important?

Owning and renting properties can be rather stressful on people. The constant watching over and answering tenants needs, the worrying about and dealing with bad tenants, and overall care for the property.

Benefit of Property Management

The main benefit of property management to owners of houses for rent and other real estate properties is the preservation of their properties.

The Role of a Property Manager

Property management is a process that aims to safeguard the interests of both landlords and tenants by fulfilling the basic responsibilities:

Screening Tenant Applications

The screening process includes a complete credit check, search for prior eviction, tenant history, employment verification and bad check search.

Collecting Rents

One of the primary duties of a property manager involves the timely collection of rents and bookkeeping services like payment of bills and mortgage payments if requested.

Taking care of the regular maintenance and repairs of the property

Once you accept paying tenants, you are expected to resolve maintenance issues promptly.

There are building repairs that must be addressed immediately like carpentry, roofing, painting, electrical and plumbing works.

Acting as liaison between owner and tenant

You need a property manager to represent you in resolving issues with your tenants.

Providing security to the property

The property manager is also responsible in securing the premises of the property from thefts, fires, illegal intrusions and other man-made hazards that can endanger the property whether occupied or vacant.

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