Snapple Snapple A Fresh look at the face of snapple S

Strategic Communication Plan Synthesis Proposal for Talenti

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A Fresh look at the face of snappleS

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INTRODUCTION Excutive Summary & Overview...3

BACKGROUND Historical Context...4Situational Analysis...5SWOT Analysis...6


RESEARCH Research Objectives...8Target Market...10Brand Value Proposition...11 Campaign Strategy...12

MESSAGE Boom Factor/Creative Strategy...13 Verbal/Visual Strategy...14Executions...15Message Testing...19

MEDIA Media Objectives...20Media Strategies...21Media Choices...22 Media Budgeting..23


EVALUATIONSCriteria For Success...26

APPENDIX Biographies ...27Sources...29



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Modern Media has dedicated itself to creating a strategic plan that is relevant, creative, and most importantly, recognizable. Snapple already holds a high position for single-serving juices and is also well known for its variety of flavors and being an “all natural” beverage. Since the products assets are clear, Modern Media’s broad focus is to create a competitive edge by raising brand awareness and enhancing its overall likeability.This campaign’s signature aspect is its ability to stick in the minds of consumers. As the target audience begins to recognize and associate the advertisements with the product, the plan will serve to distinguish Snapple beverages as unbeatably fun as well as one that will allow customers to sit back and “relax” while drinking. After reviewing this plan the reader will walk away with a new embedded image of the brand and an understanding of how that signature image will increase consumer interest and demand.


Modern Media’s campaign will implement $25 million towards expanding its already established target market of women, ages 18-49, as well as reaching out to potential male customers of that age range. The plan provides the background of Snapple in an effort to build off of past successes or failures. Next, It outlines the goals of the plan before introducing research that was used to inform the associated message, media, and engagement programs. Finally the plan provides an evaluation which will be used to measure Snapple’s movement towards achieving the campaign goals.




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1972: started as small grassroots company known as “Unadultered Foods” in Brooklyn NY

1978: began to market carbonated apple juice, company changes name to “Snapple.”

1982: added natural sodas

1986: expanded line to include other fruit drinks

1987: Birth of Lemon Iced Tea

1989: Most popular product: Ice Tea is introduced

2000: added Super Premium Juices to line-up

2002: begin adding Real Facts under caps

2012: Diet Half’n Half, a mix of iced tea and lemonade is introduced



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COMPETITIVE FORCESSnapple’s main competitors include PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and Unilever. Both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have launched new campaigns that have made package innovation and more personalized products a priority. These new campaigns have more the competitors more appealing to our demographic, 18-49 year-old males and females.

ECONOMIC FORCESThe average pricing of Snapple ranges from $1.75 to $2.50. Consumers can see these prices as a bit expensive compared to other competitors’ prices such as Pepsi and Coke. But even then, Snapple has a stable revenue growth each year with an increase of about 2%.

TECHNOLOGICAL FORCESIn more recent years, Snapple has made strives to become more environmental friendly. In an effort to reduce, reuse and recycle, Snapple has replaced 69,000 outdated coolers and vendors with more energy-efficient equipment. Snapple has switched to polyethylene terephthalate (also known as PET) bottles and have begun using green ink technologies on the label.

REGULATORY FORCESAs part of a deal with the New York school system, Snapple obtained exclusive rights to sell its beverages in public schools and in city buildings.

SOCIOCULTURAL FORCESNew consumers are people who are health conscious and want to enjoy a beverage that will prove to be tasty and a smart health decision.


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STRENGTHS· Wide variety of different flavors· Distinguished brand image and brand product (i.e. Real Facts and the bottle itself)· Great brand awareness· Functional and appealing website as well as other social media· Wide notoriety throughout North America

WEAKNESSES· Growing health conscious groups will decrease soft drink sales· Poor brand consideration set inclusion. · Concentrated mainly in North America instead of establishing a global presence.· Poor choice set.

OPPORTUNITIES· Seasonal flavors· Expansion in different categories of drinks (i.e. tea, water, juice, and mixers)· Growing consumer health consciousness will gravitate towards more healthy snapple products

THREATS· Substitute products· Competitive pricing of competitors like Coca-Cola and Pepsi· Decline in economy· Reduced use of carbonated drinks in general· Health movement.


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Through the use of television, magazine, and internet media, Modern Media’s strategic plan intends to increase both consideration and choice set inclusion as well as total market sales within the 18-49 year old target market. Using a series of advertisements aimed at both college students and middle aged adults, we are confident that consumers of all ages will be inclined to “Snap and Relax” after viewing our ads. These ads create a memorable brand image through use of the “Snappers,” a barbershop quartet that appears in situations where the subject drinks or purchases a Snapple as a means of relaxing. The “Snappers” sing a jingle at the end of each ad with audio, which consumers will begin to associate positively with the brand. Most consumers are already aware of Snapple, but only 35% of them have Snapple in their consideration when they want a tea or juice drink. This campaign intends to raise this consid-eration set inclusion from 35% to 45%. While 35% of these consumers consider Snapple, only 20% of them actually choose it in comparison to competitor brands. We are confident that this 20% choice set inclusion will be increased to 30% when this campaign is complete. On top of that, Modern Media is looking to increase total market sales by 11%. All of these objectives are to be completed over the course of the 2016 calendar year, which will have high and low sale points. During the warm, summer months of June, July, and August, our sales will skyrocket and reach their peak. In fall and winter we intent to maintain these high sales by centering a portion of the campaign around drinking Snapple while watching professional sports, at a time when fans watching sports is most popular.


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•1.To find out people’s opinions of Snapple.

•2. To find the common interest in our target market.

•3. To see what Snapple and competitors have done in past advertising.

Secondary Research

For the secondary research, we looked at previous advertising campaigns by Snapple and their competitors. In particular, we looked at the interest of followers on Snapple’s social media accounts like twitter. We found that most of their followers have an interest in music. Based on this information, we decided to have a music element in our ads since they have not done anything like this before and it would be a different way to promote their image.

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Primary Research

For our primary research we conducted a survey that was sent to people in our target market. We asked basic questions about their demographics, such as age and sex. Our focus through this survey was to find out what people thought of the brand and what came to mind when Snapple was mentioned.

We received 133 responses, from which we discovered that consumers found the Snapple bottle, the Real Facts, and the variety of flavors the most memorable aspects of Snapple. The variety of flavors resulted as the most liked aspect of Snapple, so we decided to hone in on this aspect in our advertisements.

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Meet Sophia Sophia is a 20-year-old sophomore student at New York University. On the pre-med track, Sophia is not only kept busy with her schoolwork but also her commitment to various clubs and organizations on campus. Though she does not have much free time, Sophia often likes to take a break and keep refreshed by sipping on a cold Fruit Punch Snapple. Reading the Real Facts under the cap is a bonus that keeps Sophia motivated to continue learning throughout the day.

Meet OliviaOlivia is a 31-year-old mother of one living in Dallas. She works full-time both as a mother and a yoga instructor. Due to the nature of her job, Olivia is very health conscious and aware of multiple nutrition facts. She did not drink Snapple before, but after its incorporation of bottled water and other diet tea snapples, she began to quench her thirst with Snapple beverages. Meet EdwardEdward is an overworked 40-year-old accountant residing in Ridgewood, New Jersey. He is a hardworking family man who loves to spend time with his family any chance that he can. Because of his strict schedule, Edward dedicates his weekend to family time. On Sundays, Edward is known for hosting a commu-nity barbeque in which all his friends and family are in attendance. While working the grill, Edward savors a Snapple Grapeade to add the finishing touches to a perfect weekend.


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1. Functional Benefits•Snapple is a on-the-go drink.

•They have variety in their product flavors, from the juices to the teas.

2. Emotional Benefits•When having a Snapple beverage, the consumer will feel like they are making the right decision that is also a healthy one.

•The bottle and the cap are iconic for the Snapple brand. They bring a level of nostalgia to older consumers from opening the glass bottle to the pop of the cap, and then reading the facts underneath it.

3. Self-Expressive Benefits•The consumer likes to treat themselves to a healthy, great tasting beverage.The consumption of a Snapple beverage says that the buyer is someone who might want to enjoy something other than water but still feel healthy.

•It also says that the person does not let their on-the-go lifestyle prevent them from enjoying a bit of leisure time that might including drinking a refreshment.



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The main problem is that people are aware of snapple, but either do not consider it or choose a competitor brand instead.


The solution for this issue that would increase sales is more noticeable, relatable ads that will leave a lasting impression. By creating ads that exhibit circumstances that the consumer can relate to, they will be more likely to remember the product at any given moment. Unique features such as the jingle will also increase consideration, as it is easy to remember and associate with the product.



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The BOOM Factor: “Snap And Relax” This message aims to increase general popularity through the feel-good satisfaction that Snapple can provide to customers of all ages.

I. Creative Strategy: Our campaign focuses on the lifestyles of people ages ranging 18-49, who may need a chance to relax. The message references those people and instructs them to drink a snapple and relax, as Snapple’s variety of flavors will keep them from having to worry about pleasing everyone.



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II. Visual Strategy

The design elements which outline the lifestyles of those who can to relax by drinking snapple, feature a college male, Carrie Underwood, a mom buying for her family, and an adult male buying beverages for his friends. With a wide variety of settings and characters, each executive’s appearance will draw in a new demographic of males or females within the age range of 18-49. After being drawn in by this visual element relative to their age and interests, the image of the “Snappers” quartet will bring to mind the jingle and draw a connection between all other Snapple ads encountered by the individual. To support the message that they can “snap and relax” because there’s a flavor for everyone, our executions feature multiple flavors of colorful Snapple flavors on each ad to emphasize the variety. Additionally all text uses the same font that is seen on the Snapple bottle to further tie the brand in with the message.

III. Verbal Strategy

The repeated message “Snap And Relax” is featured on every execution. Additionally we included copy saying “When I need to relax, I snap, knowing that there’s a flavor for…” This phrase is made applicable in various circumstances, showing how all of the target market could use a chance to snap and relax. Our message uses a hashtag which will increase purchases by spreading the word amongst customers online.



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Television Commericial #1 - Carrie Underwood

Television Commericial #2 - College Male Student

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Instagram AdPandora Ad w/ VoiceOver

This paid ad on instagram will be a video that flips through all of Snapple flavors. The caption encourages the consumer to click to Snapples owned instagram, where a link to a $1 off coupon can be found in the bio.

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To test our executions, we interviewed a group of ten people aged across our target market. Initially, we asked questions such as if the ad made sense to them, which ad they related to the most, and the impression they were left with. We found that many of the older demographic did not relate to the ads or understand what we were asking them to do with “#SnapAndRelax” as the call to action.

As a result we altered magazine ads to relate to mothers and fathers buying for kids or their friends, and changed the call of action to “Show us how YOU #SnapAndRelax.” After making the changes, we asked similar questions. The changes increased understanding in older demographics.



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Reach the Target AudienceTo achieve our goals, we plan on communicating to our target market which consists of men and women between the ages of 18 to 49. Our target market are people who live active lives and are always on the go, they do not have time to stop and worry about if their choice is healthy.

Geographic Scope of the PlacementThe number of ads placed in each designated location will be relative to the population. Ads will be distributed across the United States, with more ads placed in urban locations.

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Message Lengths/Sizes

Television ads(2): :30 seconds

Magazine (2): Typical Magazine page 8 3/8 x 10

Internet Ad: Instagram Sponsored post: video :15 secondsPandora ad :30 seconds

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Media Mix

Internet: Owned social media platform pages, such as Twitter, and Instagram, will be used to keep in touch and maintain a personalized relationship with customers.

Television: ESPN, MTV, FOX and NBC are channels that have programs that reach a large number of people in our target market. In this medium, specific ads will run depending on the channel and the ages we are targeting.

Print:Magazines with a high number of subscribers between the ages of 18-49 will be used to advertise the products. Sports Illustrated and ESPN will be used to target men during high sports season. On the other hand, Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly and People will be used to target women of all ages because their readers vary from young adults to older women.

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Media Budget and AllocationsOf our $25 million dollar budget, 30% is allocated to magazine ads, 35% to television commercial media, and 35% internet media. We allocated a greater percentage of our budget to internet and television because those forms of media are more popular among our target consumers. The younger half of the target market uses internet as their primary source of media, and the older market uses a combination of television and internet. Less of the budget is devoted to magazine ads because that form of media has been on the decline in recent years.

Internet T.V. Print

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External Sweepstakes - #SnapAndRelaxObjective: To further generate awareness as well as support for our slogan “Snap and Relax.”

Strategy: To participate in the sweepstakes, individuals must snap their best picture of themselves relaxing with their Snapple and caption the photo using the hashtag “#SnapAndRelax.” Five winners will then be chosen to truly enjoy a day of relaxation that includes massages, meditation, yoga, and even their own personal quartet to deliver to them their unlimited Snapple beverages for the day. Internal Marketing - Snap and Relax DecemberObjective: Excite and motivate our employees by fully integrating their work environment with the company’s message.

Strategy: For the entire month of December, Snapple employees will participate in “Snap and Relax December.” During this month, employees will be able to wallow in a bit of relaxation while still at the office. Mondays will be known as Massage Mondays in which five-minute massages will be offered to employees during breaks. For Rhyme Wednesday, a quartet will come in and perform for the office. Lastly, Fridays will be casual Fridays where employees can dress both appropriately and comfortably for work.


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External Sampling – Collect Your Facts APPObjective: Reinforce an already popular as well as unique feature of Snapple. Strategy: Create an app that initially serves as a blank scrapbook. The idea is to add to the scrapbook the real facts that can be found in the inside of a Snapple cap. The user can log the information by snapping a photo of the cap and uploading it to the app. The photos will be saved and the user now has his or her personal archives of real facts to reference to at any time. The app will also allow the user to submit facts that are accurate and have not been used by Snapple yet. Also, this app will allow users to interact with their friends and share which fun facts they saved. Each user will be able to customize their scrapbook and display it on their profile, as well as the ability to view their friends’ profiles to see what cool facts they got. They can also send each other messages through the app, and also “heart” a friend’s scrapbook by pressing the heart button below the photo.

External Strategic Partnership - Expand your HorizonsObjective: Collaborate with some of the country’s top cities’ museums and exhibitions to further emphasize the education/knowledge aspect of Snapple.Strategy: For every 15 Snapple caps that is collected and saved, individuals can redeem an “Explorer Pass” that allows reduced entry into specific history related museums in major cities. For example, in cities on the east coast such as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington DC, individuals will have reduced entry to the National Historical Society of those cities. For cities in south coast, access to Heritage Societies.

External – Snapple Car Objective: Expand our marketing so that it is mobile and accessible to all demographics.Strategy: Create what will be known as the Snapple car. This car will have a unique design that will feature Snapple’s name, logo, color scheme, and signature bottle. The car will then drive around from city to city, college campuses, and other populated area distributing small samples of Snapple beverages.


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Criteria for Success-Measurement MethodsFor Modern Media’s success to be monitored, we will document our statistics month by month. From January 2016 to December 2016, we expect both total sales and brand awareness to increase gradually. Our goals were to increase market sales by 11%, consideration set inclusion by 15%, and choice set inclusion by 10%. To monitor these monthly statistics, we will conduct a number of surveys through Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media, questioning consumers awareness of our campaign. These surveys will be sent out at the beginning of each month and the results will be recorded on our graph to compare with last month’s results. We predict that through this campaign, brand awareness will increase each month, as well as sales.

The best months for our campaign will be during the summer months of June, July, and August. During these months, the climates are the highest, and the need for hydration will be high as well. A majority of our ads occur during the summer because those are the months that consumers will be drinking Snapple the most. Summer is also the season where people want to relax the most, thus the motto “Snap and Relax” will come to mind and consumers will act accordingly. Our campaign features a print ad aimed at maintaining high sales during the fall and winter seasons, that encourages drinking snapple while watching professional sports, because the NFL and NBA seasons will be both active at this time.

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Anna Ferrari is a first year Integrated Marketing Communications major from Mansfield, MA. On campus she is a member of Pitch Please, enjoys singing, playing guitar and playing piano in her free time. At home, she works as a music teacher for children and runs a dog walking/sitting business. After graduation, she aspires to work in creative marketing out of Boston.

Alaina Caraballo is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from New York City. On campus, Alaina is part of various ALANA organizations such as PODER. In her spare time, she enjoys writing, socializing, and watching Netflix. After graduation, she aspires to work in Public Relations or an advertising firm in her hometown of NYC.

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Mónica P. Maldonado is a sophomore majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications from Puerto Rico. She enjoys going to the theater, listening to music and watching TV. She aspires to work in the theater industry and also pursue an event planning career.

Cameron O’Meara is a sophomore from Reading, MA who majors in IMC and minors in writing. When he is not in the classroom, Cameron spends most of his time on the gridiron, where he is a member of the Ithaca College football team. Cameron currently works as an after school counselor for an elementary school near his home, and plans on going into the advertising or marketing field after graduation.

Gregory LaPierre is a senior Art major with a minor in Art History and IMC. He is a graphic designer for the Handwerker Gallery and Ithaca College’s School of Humanities & Sciences.

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End Notes• Dr Pepper Snapple Group. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from http://www.mbaskool.com/brandguide/food-and-beverages/5275-dr-peppers-snapple-grup.html

• Dr Pepper Snapple Group - Sustainability - Sustainability Overview. (2015). Retrieved No-vember 6, 2015, from http://www.drpeppersnapplegroup.com/company/sustainability/

• Snapple Beverage Corporation History. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2015, from http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/snapple-beverage-corporation-history/

• Snapple Museum of Best Stuff on Earth. (2015). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://www.snapple.com/history

• Snapple® @Snapple | Klear. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2015, from http://klear.com/profile/Snapple

• Snapple Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2015, from http://www.twop.com/food/snapple.html

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