A presentation on Personal Selling Submitted by Reshma Babu

A presentation on personal selling

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  1. 1. Definition: Oral presentation in a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales American Marketing Association.
  2. 2. Relatively high level of customer attention Customize the message to a customers specific interests and needs Two way communication gives immediate feedback Enables a salesperson to communicate a larger amount of technical and complex information than other promotional methods Greater opportunity to demonstrate a products functioning and performance characteristics Helps to build a long term relationship
  3. 3. o Quantitative objectives: To get order and execute orders for customer satisfaction To meet sales target and profit and expense norms To maintain present and add new customers To achieve sales volume and satisfy cos product mix norms. To submit mgt reports regularly as per cos policies o Qualitative objectives: To do entire selling job To serve existing accounts To generate new enquires and new prospects To convert new prospects in long term customers To co-ordinate with distribution channel members To collect information
  4. 4. Prospecting Pre Approach Approach Presentation Overcoming Objection Closing the sale Follow up
  5. 5. Prospecting: Pre- approach Approach Presentation Overcoming objection Closing the sale Follow up Before planning a sale, a salesperson conducts research to identify the people or companies that might be interested in her product. A prospect is a lead that is qualified or determined to be ready, willing, and able to buy.
  6. 6. Prospecting Pre- approach: Approach Presentation Overcoming objection Closing the sale Follow up The pre-approach is the doing your homework part of the process. A good salesperson researches his prospect, familiarizing himself with the customers needs and learning all the relevant background info he can about the individual or business.
  7. 7. Prospecting Pre- approach Approach: Presentation Overcoming objection Closing the sale Follow up First impressions (e.g., the first few minutes of a sales call) are crucial to building the clients trust.[ This usually involves introductions, making some small talk, asking a few warm-up questions, and generally explaining who you are and whom you represent. This is called the approach.
  8. 8. Prospecting Pre- approach Approach Presentation: Overcoming objection Closing the sale Follow up The presentation should be tailored to the customer, explaining how the product meets that person or companys needs. It might involve a product demonstration, videos, PowerPoint presentations, or letting the customer actually look at or interact with the product.
  9. 9. Prospecting Pre- approach Approach Presentation Overcoming objection: Closing the sale Follow up After youve made your sales presentation, its natural for your customer to have some hesitations or concerns called objections. Good salespeople look at objections as opportunities to further understand and respond to customers needs
  10. 10. Prospecting Pre- approach Approach Presentation Overcoming objection Closing the sale: Follow up Eventually, if your customer is convinced your product will meet her needs, you close by agreeing on the terms of the sale and finishing up the transaction. Sometimes a salesperson has to make several trial closes during a sales call, addressing further objections before the customer is ready to buy.
  11. 11. Prospecting Pre- approach Approach Presentation Overcoming objection Closing the sale Follow up: The follow-up is an important part of assuring customer satisfaction, retaining customers and prospecting for new customers. This might mean sending a thank-you note, calling the customer to make sure a product was received in satisfactory condition, or checking in to make sure a service is meeting the customers expectations
  12. 12. Need(or problem) Solution Purchase
  13. 13. Need Solution Purchase Satisfaction
  14. 14. Need Product/Servi ce and trade name Purchase Satisfaction/D issatisfaction