Analyse ideas for costume, hair and make up.

Costume, hair and make up

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Page 1: Costume, hair and make up

Analyse ideas for

costume, hair and

make up.

Page 2: Costume, hair and make up

The costume within most of the supernatural horrors that we have looked into have clothes that fit in with the context it is set it. For example within the Conjuring, Loraine is dressed in a shirt and waistcoat this is because the film is backdated to 1971.

Loraine is dressed in smart/casual clothing that is appropriate for this time. The make up is minimal as the women were not self indulged, her hair is also up. This indicates that she is busy and is on a mission to do something. This is displayed through her serious facial expressions also. This contradicts with our characters, mainly because of the time it is set our characters are much more into their appearances.

The young boy Dalton is possessed, his hair and costume is specific to him. He has darker concealer around his eyes to show him as possessed but his hair is just a ‘normal’ hair cut to show that he is a young and boisterous in addition to resembling his innocence. The costume is chosen to reiterate the main disruption in the film which occurs during his sleep, proving the pyjamas to be appropriate. This is a factor that will go towards our own costume, to make it specific to situations within the film.


Page 3: Costume, hair and make up

CostumeGenner, who is the girl who commits suicide will be in black and white. These colours quite plainly represent that she is pure and innocent, as she was bullied and only had a crush on Jamal. But the black will then represent the fact that she has dark features both physically and mentally. The idea of breaking up a couple for her own selfish needs is not pure, but more importantly the act of possessing a boy is extremely impure. By dressing our character in these colours it will be clear to the audience the characteristics of Genner, in addition to displaying the constant fight within of pure and evil.

The clothing she wears will also need to show that she is a student, which will need to be shown because if she is in the role and wearing a smart suit the audience will become confused, an factor which we hope not to cross.

Page 4: Costume, hair and make up

Members of the Elite Group (Chanel, Taylor, Jamal, Trey, Kim, Brandy) will be dressed in casual clothing such as jeans, hoodies, t shirts etc. This will be in order to display such characters in a laid back and relaxed form. That they are not serious about education and cannot be bothered for most activities. This will then lead the audience to get the impression of lazy, self indulged and uncaring students. If these members were to dress smartly in suits, then the audience may not believe that such students would go out of their way to disrupt, plan and devour the life of another.

Taylor and Jamal, will be dressed in mostly whites and red but with other shades of perhaps grey and blue. These colours will suggest that these students are just ‘normal’ educated and well organised beings, with the idea that they care about their education. The white in their wardrobe will inevitably display purity and innocence as they themselves are not bullying Genner, as well as it not being Jamal's fault if Genner has feelings of lust for him. Red connotes love and passion, feelings that Jamal and Taylor have for each other, displaying the clear emotions for the audience to understand.

Page 5: Costume, hair and make up

HairGenner’s hair will be down, in order to compliment the dark features on her face. This will also indicate that Genner is trying to hide something as part of her face will be covered, successfully displaying an underlying metaphor for her unrequited love for Jamal.

All members of the elite group except Jamal and Taylor will have casual hair, to represent their lifestyle. This will also portray their outlook on life, suggesting they have nothing better to do that to bully the ‘odd looking’ student.

Jamal’s hair will not be fresh, but it will be clear that he has had a shape up, indicating that he does care about his appearance, Taylor also will also be neat, instead of casual. Once again giving off the aura that the couple do care about their education and how presentable they look.

Page 6: Costume, hair and make up

Make UpGenner’s make up will be extremely dark around the eyes, to signify that there is something within her that is dark. This will draw the audience in to look at her eyes as ‘the eyes are the pathway to your soul’. All aspects of her make up will be dark, her lips will have a dark purple lipstick on to show that she is not all dark and evil there are elements of pure within her. Make up will be applied all over the face, this is due to her not only covering her face with a product but also metaphorically masking her face with an artificial emotion, to show that she is not who she claims she is, or even quite literally covering her emotions with the make up so that the real her is not revealed.

Chanel will be wearing a face full of make up like an average teenager, this is to show that she is self involved and mainly cares about herself.

Taylor’s make up will be natural and concise in order to display that her appearance is something she cares about as she does not want to look messy but at the same time it is not her priority.

Kim does not wear make up as she has no care for her appearance, in addition to having no care for how people view her, she is much more into bullying a fellow student.

Brandy will wear some make up again to show that she cares for her appearance, but doesn't care too much, she is self involved but tends not to take herself seriously.

Page 7: Costume, hair and make up

Jamal will need to wear make up in order for him to look possessed. This will include eyeliner, in addition to darker tone of foundation/concealer around the eyes in order for him to be seen as possessed. This will also make the possession look a lot more sophisticated, due to it being to some extent natural.