Shoe Lifts for Leg Length Differences: How it Works?

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A huge number of people throughout the world have a measurable leg length difference. A few of them do not feel any difference or problem as the difference is minor. But, some people do suffer from various effects like, knee pain, foot problems, hip pain, etc. In such cases, shoe lifts are an ideal option to level both legs. People love to order customized orthopedic shoes for leg length discrepancies, as the length difference varies from person to person.

Uneven Growth

If bone broken during growth period

Surgery effect, etc.

So, the complete diagnosis and treatment depends on the medical history and evaluation. A wide array of in-shoe heel elevating products are available in the market that can be used for personal needs and shoe lift is also another process where, height is added to a shoe bottom by using a shoe wedge.

Shoe lifts for leg length differences are commonly applied to the shorter leg that is one shoe either left or right.

It makes both shoes fit and feel comfortable.

The same elevation is added for all shoes including house-slippers, flip-flops and other occasion shoes.

In a pair of shoes, the style and fit are affected by the amount of lift height.

If there is the need of 12mm lift, it is done by adding full-foot lift either from inside or outside.

Normally, the lift is done slowly about 2-3 mm every week in order to adapt the change. It allows the body to adjust with the shoe.

It is recommended to fix the ideal height after experimenting over a long period of time.

Sometimes it happens that, when the body is accustomed to the imbalance, changes in height create new problems in the body.

In case of recent changes like, difference generated by surgery or any child's growth, the shoe lift works better and helps in minimizing the adaptive changes within a shorter period.

Shoe lift is completely a personal decision. But, it is recommended that, health care professionals should be involved in the complete diagnostic process for better evaluation and effective monitoring of the lifting process.

However, the changes should be done before feeling any pain and trouble in other parts of your body. Even a small difference in leg length can bring a huge amount of pain in various parts of the body. If you are not sure about the shoe, then go for customize options and try to bring your own shoe that has the proper changes.




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