The European health report 2015 Targets and beyond – reaching new frontiers in evidence Claudia Stein Director Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation

The European health report 2015. Targets and beyond – reaching new frontiers in evidence

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Page 1: The European health report 2015. Targets and beyond – reaching new frontiers in evidence

The European health report 2015Targets and beyond – reaching new

frontiers in evidenceClaudia Stein

Director Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation

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European health reportsWhat are the European health reports?

Flagship corporate products of WHO Europe;

Published once every 3 years; Major platform for reporting on

Health 2020 progress.Baseline measurement for

Health 2020: year 2010

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European health report 2015Main aims:• To report on progress towards the Health

2020 targets (since 2010 baseline);• To reach new frontiers in health

information and ‘evidence for the 21st century’, including further work on well-being.

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Health 2020 targets1. Reduce premature mortality2. Increase life expectancy3. Reduce inequities 4. Enhance well-being5. Achieve universal health coverage6. Establish national targets set by Member States

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Target 1: Reduce premature mortality

Target: 1.5% relative annual reduction in premature mortality from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases until 2020.

Indicator: age-standardized death rate per 100,000 in people aged 30-69 for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases combined.

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Mortality from external causesStandardized death rate per 100 000

Biggest reductions in: Russian Federation,



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Three major risk factors in the Region

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Changes in tobacco smoking prevalence since 2010

Biggest reductions in: Georgia,

Belarus,Ukraine, Russian

Federation and


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Target 2: Increase life expectancyTarget: continued increase in life expectancy at current rate (the annual rate during 2006-2010), coupled with reducing differences in life expectancy in the European Region.

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Target 4: Enhance well-being • Subjective and

objective well-being

• (How) can we compare?

• How can we best communicate about well-being?

WHO will engage in further work on the cultural contexts of health and well-being

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Cultural contexts of well-beingConclusions from the report:• Well-being is a vital component of

health• …and it can be measured.• But cultural differences must be

better understood• …and more innovative reporting

strategies are need.

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Cultural contexts of well-beingExpert Group on Cultural Contexts of Health and Well-being. 1st meeting January 2015: Main recommendations:• Explore different types of qualitative evidence more

fully• Commission further work in the area of culture and

health• Adopt the UNESCO definition of culture• Investigate cultural contexts of health more

systematically• Use a multisectoral and multidisciplinary integrated

research approach.

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Target 6: Setting national targets

Number of countries

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


Yes, included elsewhere

Yes, stand alone

Policy addressing health inequity or social determinants of health existsAll answers (n=31 and 36 for 2010 and 2013, respectively)



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

No, and not planned for the future

No, but planned for the future

Indicators defined

Targets defined

National or subnational target setting process existsAll answers (n=31 and 36 for 2010 and 2013, respectively)



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

No and not planned for the future

No, but planned for the future

Yes, another strategy

Yes, comprehensive health policy

National health policy is aligned with H2020All answers (n=31 and 36 for 2010 and 2013, respectively)



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

No, and not planned for the future

Yes, in process

Yes, adopted

There is a health policy accountability mechanism in placeAll answers (n=31 and 36 for 2010 and 2013, respectively)



Source: WHO. Qualitative indicators for Health 2020 policy targets monitoring, 2014

Online survey

Target 6: Alignment with Health 2020

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Moving forward: working together• Broad international cooperation is

required to tackle current health information challenges efficiently and sustainably;

• WHO Europe, European Commission and OECD are working together towards a single, integrated health information system for the WHO European Region.

In fig., pls insert comma in capacity building"capacity-building"
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Conclusions• The European Region is on track to achieve the Health 2020 targets

but much needs to be done to reduce inequities; • To inform the implementation of Health 2020 adequately, data

collections need to be strengthened and new health monitoring approaches explored;

• Enhanced international collaboration is required to move the health information research and development agenda forward in the Region.

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Thank you Merci Danke спасибо!

All products available at: http://www.euro.who.int/en/data-and-evidence/european-health-report2015