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NATRAJASANA EtymologyThe name comes from the Sanskrit words nata meaning "dancer", raja meaning "king", and asana () meaning "posture" or "seat". Nataraja is one of the names given to the Hindu God Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer.

Steps for NatarajasanaAPPROACHWhile inhaling bend your right leg backwards and hold with your right ankle with right hand as shown in fig.Try to move your right leg upwards as much as you can.Stand straight on your yoga mat and arms by your sides.ASANAExtend your left arm straight out in front. In the beginning you can take help another person.Hold this posture for 20 30 seconds and keep breathing normally. RETURNINGNow slowly come back to starting position.Repeat this with left leg then right leg. Like this you can practice for 3-4 repetition.

Benefits of Natarajasana

Strengthens legs hips, ankles and chest.Helps to reduce weight.Stretches the thighs, groin, and abdominal organs.Improves posture and your balance.Improves digestive system.Good for Improving concentration.Releases stress and calms the mind.

Precautions for Natarajasana

Those suffering from low blood pressure should not practice Natarajana.In the beginning take the support of your friend to maintain proper balance.Doctor advice is must before practice any exercise.Practice under expert guidance.

Counter Pose:Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (Extended Hand To Big Toe)1) The standing leg is not countered2) The lifted leg shifts from hip extension and knee flexion to hip flexion and knee extension. Although the quadriceps are still concentrically shortening and the hamstrings eccentrically lengthening, the gluteus maximus of the lifted leg is now eccentrically legnthening and the psoas is concentrically shortening.3) The spine shifts from spinal extension to spinal "flexion" but our theory is to always extend the spine with equal abdominal and erector spinae eccentric length regardless of flexed or extened directions.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Note: Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regimeStrengthens: Leg, AnkleStretches: Backs of the legs

PARIVRTTA ARDHA CHANDRASANAThe Sanskrit name for this pose, "Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana" (PAHR-ee-VREE-tah ARD-uh chan-DRAHS-uh-nuh), comes from four words:Parivrtta meaning revolved"Ardha" meaning "half""Chandra" meaning "moon""Asana" meaning "pose"English translations of the name vary, including "Twisting Half Moon," "Half Moon Twist," and others

INSTRUCTIONSAPPROACHBegin in Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) with your right foot facing forward and your left arm extended toward the ceiling.Lower your left hand and rest it on your left hip. Turn your head to look at the floor. Bend your right knee and step your left foot about 6-12 inches closer to your right foot. Place your right hand's fingertips on the floor in front of your right foot. Press firmly into your right hand and right foot.Lift your left leg while simultaneously straightening your right leg. Bring your left leg parallel to the floor and reach actively through your left heel. Stack your top hip over your bottom hip, and open your torso to the left. Extend your left arm and reach your fingertips to the sky. Gaze at your left thumb. This is Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana).Turn your gaze back to the floor. Lower your left hip so its in line with your right hip. At the same time, bring your left hand to the floor in front of your right foot. Both front hips should now be facing the floor, and your lower back should be flat. Point your left foots toes straight down toward the floor.Bring your right hand to your right hip. Realign your hips so they are both parallel to the floor. You might need to draw your right hip slightly back.Lift strongly through your left leg. Make sure your right foots toes and right kneecap are pointing directly toward the top of your mat.ASANAExtend your spine from the tailbone through the crown of your head.Turn your upper torso to the right, twisting around your spine.Reach your right arm up toward the ceiling. Turn your head and gaze up at your right thumb.RETURNINGHold for 5-10 breaths. To release, gently bring your right hand back to the floor. Lower your left leg and reach your left arm to the sky, coming back into Extended Triangle Pose. Inhale and press firmly through your left heel as you lift your torso. Lower your arms. Turn to the left, reversing the position of your feet, and repeat for the same length of time on the opposite side.

Benefits of Revolved Half Moon Pose

Revolved Half Moon strengthens and stretches the whole body. It builds strength in the ankles, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and lower back. It also stretches the shoulders, chest, torso, spine, groins, hamstrings, and calves. Additionally, this pose builds stability in the core muscles, including the abdominal muscles, pelvis, and lower back. Regularly practicing Revolved Half Moon will help you develop physical and mental stamina. Revolved Half Moon also improves your balance, stability, and coordination. It increases body confidence, poise, and courage. Dropping the head below the heart provides relief from stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Twisting the torso around the spine massages and cleanses the digestive organs, which aids in their ability to release toxins and waste matter. Stimulating and toning these organs also improves digestion, elimination, and metabolism.


Do not practice Revolved Half Moon Pose if you have low blood pressure or are currently experiencing headaches, insomnia, or diarrhea. Women who are pregnant should also avoid this pose. Those with neck injuries should not turn their heads to face the top hand (in Steps 3 and 9 of the Instructions, below), but should continue looking straight ahead. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga

Counter pose TadasanaTadasana, Samasthiti, or Mountain Pose is an asana. Depending on the Yoga lineage practised, Samasthiti and Tsana may refer to the same asana or another similar asana.Note: Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regimeStrengthens: Knee, Thigh, AnklePreparatory poses: Uttanasana, Adho mukha vnsanaPose type: StandingAlso known as: Mountain pose, Samasthiti

SITTING ASANAPadmasana - Lotus PositionArdhaMatsyendrasana

Padmasana - Lotus PositionThe Padmasana or Lotus Position (Sanskrit: [pdmsn], IAST: padmsana)[1] is a cross-legged sitting asana originating in meditative practices of ancient India, in which the feet are placed on the opposing thighs. It is an established asana, commonly used for meditation, in the Yoga, Jain and Buddhist contemplative traditions. The asana is said to resemble a lotus, to encourage breathing properly through associated meditative practice, and to foster physical stability.Shiva, the meditating ascetic God of Hinduism, Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, and the Tirthankaras (Teaching Gods) in Jainism have been depicted in the lotus position.

EtymologyPadmsana means "Lotus throne" and is also a term for actual thrones, often decorated with lotus foliage motifs, on which figures in art sit.In Chinese Buddhism, the lotus position is also called the "vajra position" (Skt. vajrsana, Ch. jngngzu).[2] The traditions of Tibetan Buddhism also refer to the lotus position as the "vajra position

How to do Padmasana (Lotus Position)APPROACHSit on the floor or on a mat with legs stretched out in front of you while keeping the spine erect.Bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure that the sole of the feet point upward and the heel is close to the abdomen.ASANANow, repeat the same step with the other leg.With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs, place your hands on the knees in mudra position.Keep the head straight and spine erect.Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out.

Mudras for Padmasana (Lotus Position)Mudras stimulate the flow of energy in body and can have amazing effects when practiced with Padmasana. Every mudra differs from each other and so do their benefits. When sitting in Padmasana, you can deepen your meditation by incorporating either Chin mudra, Chinmayi mudra, Adi mudra or Bhrama mudra. Breathe for a few minutes while in the mudra and observe the flow of energy in the body.

5 Benefits of the Padmasana (Lotus Position)Improves digestionReduces muscular tension and brings blood pressure under controlRelaxes the mindHelps pregnant ladies during childbirthReduces menstrual discomfort

Contraindications of the Padmasana (Lotus Position)

Ankle or knee injury: Perform this pose only with the supervision of an experienced teacher.

Counter poseMandukasana or The Frog PoseMandukasana or The Frog Pose has various variant. The one we are about to introduce to you in the following, it is a counter-pose for Padmasana (The Lotus).A counter-pose represents a physical attitude with complementary effects for the initial pose. For instance, an asana of flexing the body towards the front has a counter-posture that consists in a backward flexion

ARDHAMATSYENDRASANAThis asana was devised by a Yogi whose name was Matsyendra. So the Yoga Posture is named after him. But the Purn Matsyendra is difficult for the beginners to do easily. Thus the Half Spinal Twist Posture is devised. It is called the Ardh Matsyendrasana

ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA POSE STEPS :APPROACHKneel down with your legs together, resting on your heels.Then sit to the right of your feet as illustrated below.Lift your left leg over your right, placing the foot against the outside of the right knee. Bring your right heel in close to your buttocks. Keep the spine erect.ASANAStretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, and twist around to the left.Now bring the right arm down on the outside of the left knee and hold the left foot in the right hand, placing your left hand on the floor behind you. Exhaling, twist as far as possible to the left. Look over the left shoulder.

BENEFITS :Increase hips and spine flexibility.Removes the wastes and improves digestionStimulate heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and lungs.Open the neck, hips and shoulders.Relieve fatigue, sciatica, backache and menstrual discomfort.Clean the internal organs.Releases excess toxins and heat from tissues and organs.Energizes and stretches the backbone

PRECAUTIONS :Should be avoided during pregnancy and menstruation due to the strong twist in the abdomen.People with Heart, abdominal or brain surgeries should not practice this asana. Care should be taken for those with peptic ulcer or hernia. Those with severe spinal problems should avoid and those with mild slipped disc can benefit but in severe cases it should be avoided

Counter poseDandasana

Dandasana or Staff Pose is an asana. Note: Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regimeStrengthens: Human backStretches: Shoulder, Thorax


NAUKASANA (BOAT-POSE)In Sanskrit Nauka means Boat and Asana means Pose. So this asana is called as Naukasana. While practicing boat pose you will see the entire body takes a shape of a boat. This boat pose is beneficial to cure many physical disorders. Basically naukasana helps to strengthen the lungs, liver and pancreas. Helps to increases the circulation of blood and maintain the sugar level

How to do Naukasana /Boat PoseAPPROACHLie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet.Your eyes, fingers and toes should be in a line.ASANAFeel the tension in your navel area as the abdominal muscles contract.Keep breathing deeply and easily while maintaining the pose.RETURNINGAs you exhale, come back to the ground slowly and relax.

Benefits of Naukasana (Boat-Pose)Helps to reduce belly fat.Improve the function of digestion.Good for developing six pack ABS.Regulates the function of pancreas, liver and lungs.Strengthens abdominal muscles.Good for diabetes patient to maintain the sugar level.Improves the blood circulation.Strengthens the muscles of thigh, hips, necks and shoulder.Improves the function of kidney, thyroids and prostate glands.

Precautions for Naukasana (Boat-Pose)Suffering from low or high blood pressure, hip joint pain, arthritis,severe headache, migraine, hernia and ulcer patients should not practice naukasana (Boat pose).Consult a doctor first before practicing any exercise and practice under expert guidance.Pregnant women should not practice this boat pose.Avoid practicing during periods but if you are comfortable to practice then go ahead.

VIPARITA SHALABHASANA (SUPERMAN-POSE)The Superman Posture is comparable to a flying superman high in the air. This is where this yoga stance gets its nickname.viparita = inverted/ reversed, shalabh = cicada, asana = pose/postureIt is pronounced as Vip-a-RHEETH-uh shah-lah-BHAAHS-uh-nuhThis posture is particularly helpful in strengthening your reduced back muscles

How to do Superman PoseAPPROACHLie on your belly with your toes flat on the floor, chin hing on the ground.Keep your legs close together with your feet gently touching each other.Now stretch your arms bent on the front as much as you can.Take a deep breath in as well as currently raise your breast, arms, legs and upper legs off the flooring. ASANAYou resemble a flying super hero Superman! Spread out the smile on your face superheroes are constantly delighted, specifically in air travel. Instead of making an effort to increase your hands as well as legs more, make a gentle effort to extend your arms as well as legs far from your torso. So, feel the pull that is happening at both ends. Ensure that your elbows and knees are not bent.Keep breathing with understanding, keeping your interest on the stretch.RETURNINGAs you breathe out, carefully lower your breast, arms as well as legs

Benefits of Superman PoseStretches as well as reinforces the muscle mass of the upper body, shoulders, arms, legs, abdomen and the lower backTones the abdomen as well as reduced backMassages the back and also keeps the back suppleHelps stretch the chestImproves blood circulationAlso workings from the mind level when you remove, you cant yet remain in the present now. Even if you wish to, you can not assume about any problem!Can be an excellent workout for the abs and also stomach


Do not exercise this yoga exercise stance if you have had an abdominal surgical procedure just recently or if you are pregnant

How to do Lying-down Body Twist (Natrajasana)APPROACHLie on your back with arms horizontally stretched out in line with the shoulders.Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your hips. The soles of the feet are fully on the ground.Swing the knees to the left until the left knee touches the ground (the right knee and thigh are resting on the left knee and thigh). Simultaneously, turn the head to the right and look at your right palm.ASANACheckpoint: Shoulder blades must touch the ground. While the body is twisted, there is a tendency for one of the shoulder blades to get lifted off the ground. One must work against this tendency for the stretch to be effective.Feel the stretch in the thighs, groin, arms, neck, stomach and back as you hold the pose. With each exhalation, relax deeper into the pose.RETURNINGAfter a few minutes, you may slowly turn the head back to the center, and straighten the torso and legs.Mirror the pose on the other side

Benefits of the Lying-down Body Twist (Natrajasana)Stretches the spine and quadriceps.Brings deep relaxation to the body and mindContraindications of the Lying-down Body Twist (Natrajasana)Avoid this posture in case of spinal injuries.



