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Growing taller forever

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Growing taller for ever

A research compilation

October 2010

Hector Chapa Sikazwe

Key words

Exercises, Nutrition, resting, height, Hormones, balanced diet, beauty, Yoga, bones


The information contained in this research paper is not to be used as an alternative to

medical, legal, recuperation path, Physiotherapy, Fitness or spiritual advice. This research is a

personal research and compilation of articles and write-ups by different individuals

answering the most commonly asked questions in beauty and recreational body care.

Table of Contents Key words ................................................................................................................................................ 2

Disclaimer................................................................................................................................................ 2

Dedication ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5

(a) Lack of Sleep .......................................................................................................................... 5

(b) Cigarrete Smoking .................................................................................................................. 6

(c) Too Much Carbohydrate ......................................................................................................... 6

(d) Don't Drink Soda ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.0 Regular exercises ........................................................................................................................ 7

2.1 Skeletal dictates and formation ............................................................................................... 7

2.2 Areas that can be altered ......................................................................................................... 8

2.3 The Spinal code vertebrae ...................................................................................................... 8

3.0 Body posture issues .................................................................................................................. 10

(a) Tilted Pelvis Problem ............................................................................................................ 11

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(b) Knock-Knees and Bow-Legs ................................................................................................ 11

(c) Rounded Shoulders ............................................................................................................... 11

(d) Joint & Foot Pain .................................................................................................................. 12

(e) Chronic Disorders ................................................................................................................. 12

3.1 Effective Stretching Exercises to Increase Height ................................................................ 13

3.1.1 Growth hormones .......................................................................................................... 14

3.1.2 Strong back and abdominal muscles ............................................................................. 14

3.2 Yoga exercises ..................................................................................................................... 17

4.0 Nutrition .................................................................................................................................... 28

4.1 Correct Nutrition ................................................................................................................... 28

4.1.0 Proteins ......................................................................................................................... 29

4.2 Carbohydrates ................................................................................................................... 32

4.3 Fats .................................................................................................................................... 35

4.4 Water ................................................................................................................................. 36

4.5 Minerals ............................................................................................................................ 37

4.6 Vitamins ............................................................................................................................ 38

5.0 Enough Rest .............................................................................................................................. 39

(a) How night sleep help growth ............................................................................................ 40

(b) How to take advantage of this fact .................................................................................... 40

6.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 41

7.0 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 42

Endnotes ............................................................................................................................................... 42


This research is dedicated to all the people that have passed through personal problems due to

issues emanating from dwarfism and skeletal related problems. It is my desire that the reader

will use this information as a supplement to medical and psychological counselling that

would be sought if the issues arising from height problems become excessive.

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A person‟s height in adult life significantly affects his quality of life, with short people

reporting worse physical and mental health than people of normal height. Various researches

show that adult height is linked to how good a person thinks their health is. Short people

judge their state of health to be significantly lower than their normal height peers do. Short

people have a big disadvantage in this world. Everything is made for tall- or average-sized

people. A person‟s health-related quality of life refers to their perceived physical and mental

health over time. Short height in adult life can either be due to normal development or caused

by a number of diseases such as growth hormone deficiency or Turner syndrome. Treatment

with growth hormone to children with these conditions can increase their final adult height by

approximately 4-10 cm depending on the underlying cause.

Significantly, people who are short experience more difficulties in areas of their life such as

education, employment and relationships than people of normal height. However, the

relationship between height and psychosocial well-being is not well understood. Using this

large and nationally representative sample in the world, research has found that shorter

people report that they experience lower physical and mental well-being than taller people do.

Many research results also indicate that the shorter someone is, the stronger this relationship

becomes. The hunt for solutions to “dwarfism” has led to many research attempts to find

answers that are usually elusive within the consumer oriented populations of the world. There

have been several medical solutions that have been advanced with insignificant results whilst

conmen have amassed wealth through fake and inconclusive hormonal drugs being peddled

on the internet and back alley shops. This research proposes neither of such solutions but

suggests a natural way of increasing height at whatever age one has reached using the most

cost effective and promising method if passion and dedication is not an issue with an

individual. The use of exercises, nutrition and general rest is proposed as a natural solution to

help increase an individual‟s height without compromising economy and health.

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1.0 Introduction

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear today is whether or not it is still possible

for people to grow taller or change their physical size naturally after puberty? The answer is

quite simply yes. This is usually eyed with scepticism especially beyond puberty years.

Puberty is a period in your life where your body will undergo a lot of big changes, both

internally and externally, but it does not mark the point at which you will no longer grow.

In fact, although humans will grow at the quickest rate during puberty due to the body being

flooded with hormones to facilitate the changes, individuals will continue to grow for several

years afterwards. Research from different parts of the word indicate that growth can indeed

be stunted due to different reasons ranging from diet, life style, stress, and indeed occupation

and career involvement. This research article will address some of these aspects in later detail

as the concept of growth is tackled using available information from different walks of life.

On average, it is possible for anybody regardless of one‟s current height or weight to increase

in size after puberty. This can be anything between 2 and 4 inches, sometimes even more

depending on dedication and purpose. Super-models world-wide have been known to grow

taller than their colleagues due to diet and exercises they are subjected to in the pursuit of

their career and fame. Height in some professions is a prerequisite. Modelling, Police work,

Soldiers, Pilots, Guards are a few jobs that demand particular body sizes and some

individuals are precluded unfairly by being just an inch or two below requirements.

There are things that are generally considered as reasons for stunting growth. Below are some

research findings on things and factors that stunt growth.1

(a) Lack of Sleep

Lack of Sleep is probably the well-known thing that can stunt one‟s growth. It is

paramount to know that sleep is very important in order to grow taller because sleep is the

time when the large amount of human growth hormone is being produced. So, Needless

to say, Lack of sleep only means depriving your body of a large amount of the human

growth hormone it produces. As a rule, “eight hour of sleep is sufficient”.

1 http://www.growtallerkey.com/things-that-can-stunt-your-height.html

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(b) Cigarrete Smoking

Smoking is factor that stunts one‟s growth. In one study it was found that boys age from

12 - 17 that smokes 10 cigarretes a day will end up about 1 to 2 inches shorter than the

boys who don't smoke. Consequently, Cigarette smoking reduces the amount of oxygen

in the blood and increases the level of harmful substances such as carbon monoxide. If the

does not have enough oxygen in the body then one‟s health is negatively affected and so

also the body's growth. Nicotine also causes the blood vessel to narrow which causes the

body to receive inadequate nutrients to grow. Needless to mention, Cigarette smoking can

lead to lung cancer and also a major cause of coronary heart disease, which leads to heart


(c) Too Much Carbohydrate

Carbohydrate is important nutrient because it gives the human body a lot of energy but

eating too much carbohydrate has stunting effect also because it raises the insulin levels

in the body preventing the body from effectively using the human growth hormones.

Asian countries used to eat more carbohydrate in their diet such as rice and corn. This is

why Asian countries have such a short average height compare to other countries such as

United States. It is advisable to not eat too much carbohydrate instead but rather eat more

protein foods if one wants to grow taller.

(d) Don't Drink Soda

Soda drinks such as coca cola are carbonated and the carbonation depletes calcium in

bones thus causing loss of bone density. The importance of calcium in the body's growth

cannot be overemphasized. Human beings cannot grow taller if the soda steals calcium

from the process of bone formation. Probably, drinking soda occasionally does not stunt

one‟s growth but drinking too often definitely does.

It is advisable that one does not use soft drinks as substitute for water after eating meals or

drinking it whenever one is thirsty.

Nonetheless, there are in fact three basic rules that one should follow to achieve the best

results. This research calls this concept as „How to grow taller in 3 simple steps‟ guide. For

any efforts to be rewarded there is need to combine the three factors that growing taller

hinges on. A successful effort to grow taller should be a combination of these three most

important factors:

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1. Regular exercise.

2. Nutritional foods.

3. Plenty of rest.

It is absolutely critical to have a good balance of these three factors to achieve a positive

result in the “grow taller efforts campaign”. When one of these does not receive enough

attention, the end result will always lead to a failure in all the three factors.

The three factors should be treated with the same importance and the results appear quicker

than expected. Ignoring this advice becomes the main reason why so many people become so

frustrated with the lack of results from their efforts in trying to grow taller.

Most people tend to forget that the growth process in the human body is a complicated

sequence of processes and requires that every element is in place for it to work successfully.

2.0 Regular exercises

2.1 Skeletal dictates and formation

The human body has an inner body frame called “The Skeleton” that dictates the shape, size

and appearance of individuals. Due to genetic and geographical reasons that are not the

concentration of this research, some individuals‟, sizes and appearances have been dictated

upon. There are parts of the world where humans living in those areas are generally of a

higher height, straighter in posture skeletons and have a more enviable appearance. To the

contrary, there are parts of the world where humans are shorter, stouter in appearance and

somehow unpalatable born formation resulting in non-enviable physical appearance. This has

caused immense torture on the minds of such individuals and this discourse is not necessarily

a solution to such physical issues. Though little can be done to address the physical

appearance of individuals, unless surgery of some medical operation done to correct or

enhance body parts, what needs to be realized is that parts of the body can be safely stretched

out to help increase height naturally after and beyond puberty.

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2.2 Areas that can be altered

These are parts of the skeleton that can be altered naturally without using external

applications/medical supplements like human growth hormone2 (HGH). Such places like the

spinal discs and lower back area are useful when attempting to address height and size of

individuals. The spine and spinal column is a very important factor in determining an

individual‟s height. It is estimated that it actually accounts for around 35% of one‟s height in

total. It is this spinal column that comprises of a series of smaller vertebrae bones which

together make up one‟s spine.

2.3 The Spinal code vertebrae

There are 33 of these in total and the vast majority of them are freely movable and not fused

to one another. These vertebrae are held in place with tough tissues and ligaments, but

essentially they are movable. Their flexibility is what allows the possibility of external

2 There is something about HGH that seems to interest both sexes across the world. Human Growth Hormone

or HGH as is popularly known is produced in a part of the brain known as pituitary gland. This gland is in the

centre of the brain. Within the pituitary gland, somatotroph cells are responsible for synthesizing, storing and

secreting HGH which is a chain of 191 amino acids protein.

As soon as we are born, our body starts producing HGH which is the most abundant hormone produced by the

pituitary gland of the human brain. After this, HGH is absorbed by the liver and then changed into growth

factors which interact with the cells of our body. This interaction is most crucial for cell reproduction as it

instructs the cells about when to live and when to die. If the growth hormone doesn‟t instructs the cells, the cell

reproduction slows down considerably. HGH offers lots of benefits to human beings as it can control ageing

increase our energy levels, greatly improve our skin, etc. It is believed that it can control metabolism and help us

gain some muscle mass. It is also believed to be associated with the energy levels of the human body. Some

diseases can also be cured using HGH through a certain therapy. But the main function of growth hormone is in

the height gain. It has been found that children with appropriate levels of HGH tend to gain more height as

compared to children with inadequate levels of HGH. The HGH levels are at best in the human body around the

age of 21 and up to 30 years. As we grow older especially around 30 years, natural levels of HGH drop quite

rapidly in our body. It is estimated that every 10 years, HGH level drops by 14% which leads to lesser energy

and more fatigue as we grow older. During this age, the pituitary gland functioning degrades and it slows down

the production of HGH. As HGH level drops in our body, it leads to weight gain, bones become weak and

calcium retention decreases. Some researchers have proved that HGH levels decrease about 80% with time.

As the HGH levels continue to diminish with age, it can lead to serious diseases. These include cardiovascular

diseases as the cholesterol levels are badly affected by the decrease in HGH; some memory related disorders

have also been associated with the lack of HGH. People with extremely low levels of HGH in their body

develop some sleeping disorders, their concentration levels become poor and also they lose interest in their life

in general. Some tiring and fatigue related disorders have also been associated with lack of HGH. Some cases

have been diagnosed in which people with poor levels of HGH have lost complete interest in sex.


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changes to be made to their arrangement. In between each of these vertebrae, there is a soft

shock absorbing pad that acts as a cushion to absorb any of the knocks the spine may take in

everyday life, so it‟s very important that these invertebra discs provide separation and

protection between the actual vertebrae. This arrangement is what creates the centre of this

interesting research on height stretching. By repeatedly stretching the spinal column regularly

and safely, individuals are able to expand these discs and lengthen the spine. This invariably

suggests that one can grow taller naturally.

By default, stretching facilitates the increased level of blood flow in and around the discs

which will increase in flexibility and content. Alternatively, a lack of exercise will have the

opposite effect and these discs can become stiff and loose elasticity resulting in a poor level

of flexibility and a shortening of the spine too.

Stretching exercises increase one‟s height. Look at the three figures above and see how they

relate to everyday simple exercises that footballers, wrestlers and sportsmen in general

employ to make their bodies to elongate and thereby perform better in their professions. This

is a very simple stretching exercise that will help individuals to grow taller or at least stretch

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individuals taller in the long run. This exercise is recommended to be done for 5 minutes in

the morning accompanied with other stretching exercises and 5 minutes in the evening.

As can be seen in the figure above, the stretching exercise is fairly simple. Individuals are

requested to stand straight to the wall and put on of their hands straight above their head as

far as possible. It is paramount for participants to feel their back stretching and straightening.

This should be done for 10 seconds or so followed by a rest for a few seconds and do it with

the other hand as well. After carrying out this exercise with both hands, the participant should

then stretch both hands together as far as possible and get to stand on their toes. Participants

should try to imagine that they can reach the ceiling without jumping. This is easier when

done against a wall due to balance issues. This exercise is similar to the hanging exercise but

done without a hanging bar. Participants do not need to do it much but it‟s good for

straightening the spine and improving posture as well. Sometimes, participants should do this

exercise when they wake up in the morning or have been sitting at their desk for the whole

day. One tends t get a little hunch back and this exercise will let them straighten it thus

improving their posture and helping them to become at least a tiny bit taller.

The above is not exhaustive but is only one of the many exercises individuals can do to make

one grow taller or at least stretch one‟s body to be a bit taller. It does not provide a lot of

height bonus but will definitely improve one‟s posture and health.

3.0 Body posture issues

The human body is a fantastic piece of biological equipment which is essentially a strong

movable frame (which we know as the Skeleton) surrounded by a series of strong flexible

muscles which are connected to the skeleton by ligaments. This ingenious set up means the

human body is able to move around at will with a large degree of freedom and control.

However due to the nature of daily activities in this day in age, many people develop poor

body posture. Poor body posture means one not holding the body in a good position when

doing things such as walking or sitting at a computer desk. This is a concern for many as a

good posture provides the human body with a series of benefits such as a strong spine, and a

higher sense of self confidence.

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There is also a more serious effect of having a poor posture that is far more relevant to

anyone intending to improve body height. Having a poor body posture effectively reduce

one‟s height and make one look far shorter than one actually is. For individuals seeking for

ways to increase height naturally, poor body posture this is a major problem as height and

posture are closely linked and impact on one another. As people age they most times begin to

stoop over and their spines start to hunch forward. It is normal to see a good deal of older

citizens who look substantially shorter than most individuals. In fact, in truth, these senior

citizens probably are no shorter than most, but the poor posture they have developed gives the

impression that they have lost height. The same can be said of many people these days.

Modern working jobs such as typing and writing means that individuals hold bodies in a bad

posture for hours at a time, each and every day.

These are many posture related problems but here are the most common 5:

(a) Tilted Pelvis Problem

Your pelvis has a particular purpose in your body. It acts as a lever and has a big impact

on posture and height. Sometimes individuals who are overweight will develop a problem

known as ‟tilted pelvis‟ whereby the weakened stomach muscles means the weight pulls

the pelvis forward which induces a bad posture which reduces their height.

(b) Knock-Knees and Bow-Legs

These are two quite common conditions that are the opposite of one another but have the

same negative effect on posture and height. Sufferers generally walk with the majority of

their weight either on the instep or the out-step, which can induce a poor posture and

again steals inches form an individual‟s height.

(c) Rounded Shoulders

This is also a fairly common condition where the individual suffers from an abnormality

in the curvature of his or her spine which makes the shoulders push forward and look like

the individual is hunched over. Obviously somebody in this position will be losing height

as they will be bent forward more than usual.

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(d) Joint & Foot Pain

Those people who suffer with a poor posture can also experience difficulty in their joints

and in their feet too. Normally this is due to the skeletal system becoming poorly aligned

and so pressure is placed on areas of the body which are not designed to take it.

(e) Chronic Disorders

In more serious cases it is possible for individuals with a poor posture to develop chronic

ailments as a result. The poor posture will mean blood flow and circulation can be limited

and unsteady which over time can lead to problems with bodily functions and internal

organs. This may seem quite a shock to many and may even be frightening, but one

should be aware that everything already discussed can be avoided if one makes a

conscious effort to improve their body posture.

Posture is one of the biggest influences on human height growth and back health. If one

wants to achieve their full height potential, it is important that they maintain good posture

throughout all of their activity. Making a conscious effort to stand up straight is, of course a

good way to have good posture. However, performing regular posture improvement and

height growth exercises will help your body have better posture naturally.

The above figures indicate the importance of how the correct posture influences how tall one

may appear. This is applicable not only to the way one walks but also when one sits at a PC

workstation, worktable or in any position where one spends a lot of the day doing things. This

is extremely important for teens in their puberty and more especially children.

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As seen in the figure above, the girl in the middle appears a lot taller and has a straighter

frame than the other two. The reason presently suggests that it is because she is not slouching

forward or backwards. By keeping the spine straight one can clearly avoid deformation of the

skeletal system over time and prevent such health problems as scoliosis3 which is common

among people who have been sitting in a bad posture. This disorder can be easily avoided by

deliberately giving special attention to sitting, walking and standing postures.

This research suggests that if one already has a forming or threatening hunchback problem, it

is important to start going to the swimming pool immediately. There is a definite correlation

between swimming exercises and growing taller and correct born formation. Swimming is

one of the quickest and “old tales” that are scientifically proven to have corrective remedy for

poor skeletal formation. Swimming has the ability to straighten deflecting spinal problems,

prevent typical muscle health problems and help to get ageing bones to get back in shape.

Swimming deliberately and conclusively brings about spine/posture corrections that result in

one looking taller and more slender in appearance.

3.1 Effective Stretching Exercises to Increase Height

3 Medicinenet.com states that: Scoliosis is a disorder that causes an abnormal curve of the spine, or backbone.

The spine has normal curves when looking from the side, but it should appear straight when looking from the

front. Kyphosis is a curve seen from the side in which the spine is bent forward. Lordosis is a curve seen from

the side in which the spine is bent backward. People with scoliosis develop additional curves to either side, and

the bones of the spine twist on each other like a corkscrew.

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Almost 4 out of five people are unhappy about their height. That works out as 80% of

individuals are serious unhappy with their eventual height and are regularly looking

for possible solutions to enhance or improve their height. This research comes as a

solution to this common problem. These people who are worried about their size and

always are always looking for a way to increase their height need not look further as

this research provides some useful information that could be a common solution for

all concerned.

3.1.1 Growth hormones

One of the most effective means to increase one’s height is through a carefully carried

out height-increase-exercises program that is designed to strengthen core muscles,

improve posture and also encourage the body to increase the levels of growth

hormone it releases in to your blood stream. It is a well proven fact that exercises of

high intensity such as anaerobic activities like cycling; sprinting or swimming can

have a huge impact on your body’s production of growth hormones.

As already mentioned, significantly, better grow taller exercise for one to carry out

which will produce results is definitely “stretching” and this is what we are going to

focus on in this article. The primary aim of a stretching program is to mimic the

conditions that are seen in other resistance based exercises such as weight lifting and

resistance training. The beneficial effect of this is stronger back and abdominal


3.1.2 Strong back and abdominal muscles

One would be tempted to ask why this issue is a positive ingredient in growth exercises. To

be put quite simply, stronger muscles reduce the compression of invertebral discs. This has

the effect of thickening cartilage in the spinal column thereby lengthening the spinal column

and increasing height naturally. A well designed program should include a variety of

exercises that will move the body through a full range of motion. This helps the body to

become more flexible and makes the bone and cartilage more receptive to growth overtures.

This research provides the reader with the basics of three stretching exercises to increase

height that will strengthen and lengthen the human body. These following three grow taller

exercises are very effective and should be an important part of any exercise program.

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Hanging – It is vital to logically note that one of the biggest obstacles to growing taller is

gravity. Human beings spend most of their day in an upright, vertical position. All day long

gravity compresses the spine and joints, which squeezes and thins the cartilage and makes the

human body shorter.

However, it is easy to counteract this affect through a simple hanging exercise

because it lets the weight of your lower torso stretch your spine and reduce the

tension between the vertebrae. In fact, hanging has been known to increase a

person’s height by one to two inches. Primarily, candidates would need to have a

horizontal bar that is high enough so that their bodies can be fully extended. If there

is no room to fully extend the body, then bending the knees slightly until one hangs

freely would be a perfect alternative. The exercise is performed by grasping the bar,

making sure the palms are facing away from the body and the thumbs are almost

touching before releasing the entire body weight in the frame achieved. Whilst the

body is hanging, it is important to keep the arms, shoulders, and hips as relaxed as

possible. This helps gravity to pull on the body even further. This hanging process

should be for at least 20 seconds and the process repeated when one is able to grip

the bar again. Vital insight is to make sure that the exercise be repeat a minimum of

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three times. To make the exercise more relevant, wearing ankle weights while

hanging will get an increased benefit for the candidates.

Dry Land Swim – Also known as the Alternate Leg Kick, this exercise focuses on

the lower back. Preferably, it is important that this exercise is started by laying down

flat on your stomach with your body fully extended.

Candidates should have their arms straight out in front with the palms toward the

floor. Secondly, candidates should raise their left arm higher than their right

arm. Then, keeping their legs straight and lift their right leg off the ground as far as

the can possibly go. This position should be held for at least 4 seconds before gently

lowering their leg and raising the other leg. The goal should be to work up to holding

the position for 20 seconds. Also, adding wrist and ankle weights to the workout will

increase resistance and tone the lower back muscles even more.

Pelvic Shift – This exercise is a favourite of fitness instructors all over. It is simple,

but candidates will quickly feel the stretching that occurs up and down their spine

and in their hips almost immediately.

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Candidates will want to begin the exercise by lying on their backs with their shoulders and

arms planted firmly on the floor. They should bend their knees and draw their feet as close to

the buttock as far as they can. Next, they should arch their back so that their pelvis thrusts

upward. They should hold this position for at least 20 seconds and try to work up to holding it

for 30 seconds. As they repeat this move, they should feel more and more stretching in their

front hips as they exercise prolongs. It is always a good idea to check with their personal

doctor before beginning any exercise to make sure their bodies are healthy enough for this

activity. Strenuous exercises, like these grow taller exercises to increase height, should be

done consistently but candidates should start slowly if they are a beginner. Candidates can

increase the intensity of their workout as the body becomes accustomed to each new exercise.

When candidates develop a disciplined grow taller exercise program, this will help the body

to raise and sustain the correct levels of growth hormone in the body. Therefore, the more

effectively and regularly you exercise the better your chance to increase your height

3.2 Yoga exercises

Yogai is a modern form of exercises that has grown in attraction for celebrities and personal

trainer suggestions for athletes. This science or technic has recently been added to

suggestions that are advanced when discussing issues regarding grow taller exercises.

Research in this discourse suggest that yoga directly benefits the concept of growing taller

naturally using a trained Yoga specialist. Simple exercises suggested here can be done

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without enlisting in a Yoga class but used simply as part of the stretching exercises.

Stretching exercises in general are a good thing. They help in injury prevention and let you

develop a healthy, flexible physique.

Yoga as an art incorporates a lot of stretching exercises that stretch the spine thus helping in

posture improvement and making the possibility of the spine getting lengthened.

Below are some examples of Yoga exercises that this research suggests can be incorporated

in daily stretching exercises that have been known to bring about fulfilled “grow taller”

programs that many individuals have benefited immensely. There are a lot of Yoga exercises

that help the end users to get taller naturally. Below is a collection of a few that work best.

Check them out in the pictures below:

Type of pose: Backbend

Benefits: Increases the flexibility of the spine.


1. From Knees, Chest, and Chin position, release the tops of the feet to the floor and press

them down.

2. Slide your chest forward and up keeping your hands exactly where they were.

3. Roll your shoulders back and lift the chest higher, while keeping the low ribs on the floor.

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4. Keep your neck neutral, don‟t crank it back.

Beginners: Strongly engaging the legs and pressing them down will help you bring your

chest higher.

Advanced: Keeping the chest high, bring the palms off of the floor. Or keep the palms on the

floor and start to straighten the arms for a more intense backbend.

Also known as: Half Wheel

Type of pose: Backbend

Benefits: Strengthens the spine, opens the chest, improves spinal flexibility, and stimulates

the thyroid.


1. Come to lie on the back.

2. Bend the knees, bringing the soles of the feet parallel on the mat close to the buttocks.

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3. Lift the hips up towards the ceiling.

4. Interlace the fingers behind your back and straighten the arms, pressing them down into the


5. Roll one shoulder under and then the other.

6. Lift the hips higher.

7. Draw the chest toward the chin, but do not move the chin toward the chest.

8. Make sure the feet stay parallel.

9. Release the hands and bring the upper, middle, and then lower back down.

10. Rest, allowing the knees to knock together

Beginners: For a restorative variation, bring a block under the sacrum. Let your weight rest

on the block.

When coming down, keep the hands interlaced under the weight of the body for a shoulder


Advanced: Try relaxing the buttocks while keeping the thighs engaged in order to lift the

hips higher.

Lift one leg at a time straight up to the ceiling.

Come into the pose from shoulder stand.

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Also Known As: Crescent Pose

Type of Pose: Standing, Back bending

Benefits: Strengthens the legs, improves the flexibility of the spine


1. From Warrior II, bring the rear hand down the back of the rear leg.

2. Bring the front arm up next to your ear.

3. Keeping the front knee bent and directly over the ankle, reaches the rear hand down as you

come in to a backbend.

4. Bring your gaze up to the front fingertips.

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Type of pose: Backbend

Benefits: Stretches the front of the body including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps.

Improves spinal flexibility.


1. Come up onto your knees. Take padding under your knees if they are sensitive.

2. Draw your hands up the side of your body as you start to open your chest.

3. Reach your hands back one at a time to grasp your heels.

4. Bring your hips forward so that they are over your knees.

5. Let your head come back, opening your throat.

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Beginners: Curl your toes under and come to the balls of your feet if you cannot reach your

heels when the feet are flat, or use blocks on either side of your feet.

Advanced: Try taking hold of opposite ankles.

Type of pose: Backbend

Benefits: Strengthens the arms, wrists and abdomen. Increases the flexibility of the spine.

Upward Facing Dog is usually done as part of the Sun Salutation vinyasa sequence of poses.


1. From Chaturanga Dandasana come forward rolling over the toes without letting the thighs

touch the floor.

2. Keep the legs engaged and off of the floor, while pressing the tops of the feet down and

dropping the hips.

3. Make sure the shoulders stay over the wrists.

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Beginners: Bring your thighs to the floor and turn the feet one at a time if you cannot roll

over the toes. Then lift the legs again. Bend the arms out to the sides and roll the shoulders

back to bring the shoulders over the wrists. Practice Cobra if Upward Facing Dog is not


Type of pose: Standing, balancing

Benefits: Strengthens legs, improves balance, stretches the shoulders


1. From Tadasana shift your weight onto the right leg.

2. Bend the left knee and grasp the inside of the left foot with the left hand.

3. Start to bring the left foot and the right arm up toward the ceiling as you bring your torso


4. Hold 5-10 breaths.

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5. Repeat on the other side.

Beginners: Fix your gaze on something that doesn't move so that you don‟t lose the balance.

Advanced: Go for the full version of this pose.

Shift your grasp on the raised foot so that your arm is coming straight up toward the ceiling

with a bend at the elbow coming back towards the foot. This requires coming into a deeper


Once you have the foot grasped with one hand, move the other arm into a parallel position

and take ahold of the same raised foot.

Balance and deepen the backbend.

Type of pose: Backbend

Benefits: Opens the chest and throat, counter pose to shoulder stand.


1. Come to lie on your back.

2. Come up onto your elbows.

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3. Slide your body towards the back of the mat while keeping your forearms in place and

puffing up your chest.

4. Drop the crown of your head back to the floor, opening your throat.

5. To come out, press strongly into your forearms and raise your head off the floor.

6. Release your upper body to the floor.

Beginners: Place a blanket or block under your head if the crown does not comfortably come

to the floor.

Advanced: Bring your arms up towards the ceiling with the palms touching. Lift your legs.

Click the photo to see this variation.

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These Yoga exercise are supposed to be repeated regularly and consists of holding one‟s

body in this position for about 10 seconds and repeated for about 5 times every few minutes

in a period of about 30 minutes. It is important that one does not create discomfort when

carrying out these exercises. These exercises should be done at home daily for about half an

hour. When stretching, it is important that one does not use excessive force since it poses

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health risks. It should all be done slowly and without overstretching and seeking

physiotherapy‟s advice if there are signs of noted discomfort. These should be combined with

the hanging exercises for maximum effect to be achieved. This research recommends joining

Yoga classes since exercise in general is good for growing taller and especially if it‟s under

supervision of a professional. Besides the exercise reviewed above, there are much more

important aspects of growing taller that are generally neglected. The next section deals with

the more serious additives to the concept of growing taller naturally.

4.0 Nutrition

The previous section dealt with the skeletal structure and exercises input to the growing taller

naturally concept. The previous section introduced and gave simple examples of how one can

grow taller naturally without using special hormonal ingredients. This section explains the

fact that there are a lot of other conditions that have to be met to get the best results out of

any exercises efforts.

4.1 Correct Nutrition

It is widely accepted throughout the medical and scientific communities that the food we eat

has a huge impact on our growth rate as humans. This has led to a series of studies in to grow

taller diets and growing taller nutrition as a whole. Not only is it the type of food that we eat

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which makes a difference, but also the quality and quantity of the food which has an effect

also. Over the last few years the food we eat has been recognised as playing a crucial part in

our growth, including that of our height! This means that the right type of food needs to be

consumed if we are to grow to our full height potential. As with most balanced diets, there

are 6 food nutrient groups which we need to make sure is included in our diets if we are to

grow taller naturally through nutrition.

All of these play an individual part in both growth, and in keeping us generally healthy and

illness free.

1. Proteins

2. Carbohydrates

3. Vitamins

4. Minerals

4.1.0 Proteins

It is widely agreed that proteins are the foundation building block for all life. As humans our

bodies use protein for just about every process that takes place in our systems. Most regular

gym users develop larger muscles than the average person due to the use of protein

supplements. This unfortunately is purely a clear misunderstanding by most people who are

poorly informed. It is clearly proven that it is only hard work that produces these muscles and

the earlier sportsmen, musicians, models, body-builders, artists and all lovers of enviable

body formations, the better. For muscles to grow larger and stronger the body must repair and

rebuild them to a bigger size than they previously were. Weight lifters and bodybuilders have

to consume enormous amounts of protein to help their bodies to increase in size and muscle

density. So, just like any other development that may take place in the human body, protein

must be an important part of the “grow taller” nutrition plan. Apart from the usual vitamins,

minerals and fats, the body requires elevated levels of protein to help facilitate the growth one

requires to become taller. There are essentially two types of protein which our bodies will

require to do this. The first is a called a „complete protein‟ii and the second are known as an

„incomplete protein‟iii

. There is a difference between the two and it is important that this

research makes the distinction.

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4.1.1 Complete Protein

A complete protein contains a full quota of essential amino acids which are necessary for

your body to rebuild tissues. These are normally found in food types such as animal meats,

fish, eggs and cheeses. Basically any organic food derived from a living creature is likely to

contain complete proteins. The best foods for complete proteins for the “grow taller nutrition

diet” are those complete proteins which can be found in fish, eggs, milk, and lean meats.

These foods normally contain most of the complete 20 amino acids, as well as the 8 essential

ones which cannot be synthesized by the human body. Examples of foods that are “complete

protein” sources: animal foods such as meat, poultry and milk products such as yogurt and

cheese. Soybeans are the only plant protein considered to be a complete protein.

4.1.2 Incomplete Protein

An incomplete protein is therefore a protein that does not have a complete quota of amino

acids. These proteins lack the capability to be used independently to rebuild and develop the

human body. Incomplete protein though can be combined with other proteins to complete the

chain and be very useful to the human body. This type of protein is normally found in pulses

such as nuts, beans and seeds too. Another one of the most effective proteins that one desiring

to grow taller should be consuming is soy protein. This protein is now more widely available

than ever in stores and can come as a replacement for products such as corned beef or

hamburgers. This is importantly available in soy milk, nuts, and soy flour. If one prefers the

idea of consuming a protein shake to increase their protein intake, this simple recipe: mix 2-5

boiled egg whites, 1 to 2 bananas, 3-6 strawberries, 1 teaspoon of vanilla in blender at high

speed. One can then add soy protein or milk or even vegetables. Trying different proportions

to match one‟s taste can show quick results almost right before one‟s eyes. Drinking this

shake once or twice a day between meals or after exercise and a smaller shake right before

one goes to bed can produce wonders.

Below is a list of protein facts that one can consider in a diet that promotes noticeable results

in a “grow taller” nutrition exercise.

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Table 1

Arginine Brown rice, Carob proteins,

Chocolate, Nuts, Oatmeal,

Popcorn, Raisins, Raw cereals,

Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds,

Whole-wheat products

This is main building block of

proteins used in the body and also

stimulates the body to release human

growth hormone too.

L-Lysine Cheese, Eggs, Fish, Lima beans,

Milk, Potatoes, Red meat, Soy

products, Yeast

This is another essential building

block used in the body. It also aids the

body to produce antibodies and

promotes healing and repair to

damaged tissues.

Tyrosine Almonds, Avocados, Bananas,

Cheese, Cottage cheese, Lima

beans, Non-fat dried milk,

Peanuts, Pickled herring,

Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds

Again, this is another building block

for protein used in the body. Do not

take this without medical supervision

as increased levels of chemicals such

as norepinephrine, dopamine and

epinephrine may be found in the


Taurine Avocados, Dairy products, Red

meats, especially lamb and beef,

Tempeh (fermented soybean


Promotes normal growth and

development of tissues in the body.

Folic Acid Barley, Beans, Brewer‟s yeast,

Calves‟ liver, Endive Fruits,

Garbanzo beans (chickpeas),

Green leafy vegetables, Lentils,

Oranges, Peas, Rice, Soybeans,

Split peas, Sprouts, Wheat,

Wheat germ

Promotes normal red blood cell

production and function. It also helps

to maintain the nervous system, sex

organs and white blood cells too.

It also regulates embryonic and fetal

development of nerve cells. Promotes

normal growth and development too.

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4.2 Carbohydrates

One of the most important thought and concept that attract the mind of most readers of my

research is what else they need to eat to grow taller other than proteins. This research stresses

the fact that most people get surprised to find out that a very common mistake lots of people

make when trying to get taller is that they have a need to include far too much carbohydrate

in their diet with the mistaken concept that this provides unquestionable support to growth.

Research shows that a diet that is high in carbohydrates can have a stunting effect on one‟s

growth, contrary to popular belief. Although carbohydrate does contain a lot of energy, it

only contains a very little amount of vitamins and minerals, or anything else your body can

use to aid growth. The high carbohydrate diet is argued to be one of the very reasons that

Asian countries have such a short average height compared with those of Europe or the

United States. Foods which Asian countries eat regularly such as corns, rice, bread and grain

products are extremely high in carbohydrates but contain little else useful to the bodies

development or growth. Unfortunately, this has meant a stunted growth effect that has left the

population in this part of the world shorter than average.

One issue to consider when undertaking about the „grow taller‟ nutrition plan is to consider

the glycaemic index.iv

The glycaemic index4 or G.I is a measure of how fast the carbohydrate

one eats will absorb into the bloodstream and raise your blood sugar levels. This normally

takes place over a period of several hours but it largely depends on the food types you are

eating and it‟s GI. As the GI is measured on a scale, the base rate or „normal food‟ is set at

100, this is normally considered to be white bread.

This is important to growing taller because food which has a higher GI becomes absorbed

into the blood quickly and therefore raises the level of insulin in one‟s system. Insulin inhibits

the ability of growth hormones in the human body. The following are the Glycaemic values

for various foods with White Bread as the Standard food value:

4 http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Ending+dieting+effect/3975398/story.html#ixzz19SdGgCrD

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Table 2

152 Maltose 80 Potato, new, boiled 54 Brown beans

138 Glucose 80 Cookies, rich tea 53 Apple

134 Cooked parsnips 79 Rice, polished, boiled 15


52 Yogurt

132 Puffed rice 79 Fruit cocktail 52 Tomato soup

128 Potato, Russet, baked 78 Cookies, oatmeal 52 Ice cream

126 Honey 77 Potato chips 52 Fish fingers

121 Rice, instant, boiled 6


74 Yam 50 Lima beans

118 Potato, instant 74 Peaches, canned 50 Green peas, dried

117 Cooked carrots 74 Buckwheat 49 Whole milk

115 Corn flakes 74 All Bran 49 Chick peas (Garbanzo)

109 Broad beans (Fava


70 Potato, sweet 48 2% milk

103 Millet 69 Grapefruit juice 47 Rye kernels

100 Tortilla, corn 68 Bread, rye pumpernickel 46 Skim milk

100 Potato, mashed 67 Orange juice 46 Butter beans

100 Bread, wheat, whole


66 Pineapple juice 46 Black eye peas

100 Bread, wheat, white 65 Rice, parboiled, boiled 25


46 Apricots, dried

99 Rutabaga (Swede) 65 Rice, instant, boiled 1 min 45 Spaghetti, white, boiled 5


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99 Corn chips 65 Green peas, marrow fat 45 Kidney beans

97 Shredded wheat 65 Green peas, frozen 43 Black beans

96 Muesli (raw oat cereal) 65 Bulgur 40 Peaches

95 Cookies 64 Macaroni, white, boiled 5


39 Sausages

95 Bread, rye, crisp bread 63 Wheat kernels 38 Pasta, spaghetti, protein


94 Mars Bar 63 Sponge cake 37 Red lentils

91 Cookies, plain crackers 63 Pears, canned 34 Plum

91 Apricots, canned 62 Grapes 31 Fructose

89 SUCROSE 61 Spaghetti, white, boiled 15


31 Barley (pearled)

89 Bread, rye, whole meal 61 Spaghetti, brown, boiled 15


22 Soy beans, canned

88 Raisins 60 Baked beans (canned) 20 Soy beans, dried

88 Beet root 59 Orange 15 Peanuts

87 Porridge oats 59 Apple juice 12 Bengal Gram Dal

84 Banana 58 Rice, polished, boiled 5 min 10 Nopal (prickly pear)

82 Cookies, digestive 58 Pears

81 Rice, brown 57 Haricot (white) beans

81 Pastry 54 Rice, parboiled, boiled 5


80 Sweet corn 54 Pasta, star white, boiled 5


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Therefore one should be eating more carbohydrate foods which contain a lower GI

(glycaemic index) rating to avoid boosting the insulin levels in one‟s blood and preventing

the body from effectively using the growth hormones you have in your system.

4.3 Fats

Fats are other elements of a diet that one needs to maximize the efforts to grow taller. Most

individuals taking up grow tall exercises probably think of fats as a very negative element in

their daily diets and most likely avoid fats at all costs. However that is not necessarily the

case as found out in this research. There are in fact two types of fats which Humans consume

as part of their daily eating habits and participants should be aware of where fats fit in their

„grow taller diet‟ plan. The two types of fats are consumed are known as “saturated” and

“unsaturated” fats. A diet which is excessively high in fats will of course stunt growth


The saturated fats are those which we consider to be the most harmful to us as people. They

contain extremely high levels of cholesterol which can block arteries and cause fat deposits to

be left around arteries and organs which can then sometimes lead to illnesses such as heart

disease. Saturated fats can also contain lot of calories which tends to cause one to put on

weight at a faster rate than other foods. As we have already discussed, putting on weight will

counter any efforts to grow taller as it will makes the body appear to be wider and therefore

shorter too. Primarily saturated fats come from animal products like red meat and fatty dairy

items such as whole milk and eggs so try to control the amount of these foods you eat.

Unsaturated fats are less harmful to the body as they contain a far lower calorific value and

also contain lower levels of cholesterol too. As a Human, one requires a certain level of fats

to keep healthy and for certain functions to be carried out effectively in the body. Due to this

purpose one should try and make sure one eats more unsaturated fats than saturated in the

“grow taller” diet plan.

There are a wide range of products available which contain unsaturated fats as opposed to the

more harmful saturated. Some vegetable oil used in cooking containing more unsaturated

fats. The most commonly used unsaturated vegetable oils are corn, soy and cotton seed.

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It is important to know that dairy produce such as full fat milks and butters contain high

levels of saturated fats, and as such, one should opt to drink skimmed milk which is better for

you. One should also remember that although the body needs a small amount of fat to stay

healthy, it should make up no more than around 25-30% of one daily food intake.

Adopting a sensible „grow taller‟ diet plan will allow one‟s body to continue releasing growth

hormones without being compromised by high levels of insulin

4.4 Water

Water cannot be underestimated in what effects and importance it plays in the proper

functioning of the human body. Water is the foundation for life and is the basic essential

element of our bodies. In fact around 80% of our body is made up of water. It is used in every

single process that takes place both internally and externally from operating our organs to

moisturizing our skin and maintaining muscle structure too. Water is also used in the synovial

fluids that lubricate skeletal joints and allow them to move freely every day as the body

moves and performs the motor system.5

It is difficult for us to understand just how crucial water is to our survival, but when one

considers that a human being can generally survive for several weeks without food, but can

only survive for a matter of two days without water, it helps to emphasize its importance in

the human body and its existence. It is recommended that one consumes around 1.5 litres of

water each and every day. This can be made up of other fluids such as tea, coffee and juice

drinks, but it is critical that one does not allow bodies to become dehydrated.

It is vital to remember that human bodies to function properly, it needs to be adequately

hydrated, which means that without water, the processes which use growth hormones to

allow the body to grow taller cannot take place. This means that water is a very important

factor that the body needs to include in the “grow taller” nutrition plan. Remember, to grow

taller, human bodies will need all the nutrients it can get, and water is the basis for consuming

these and helping to transport them around the body.

5 The pyramidal motor system controls all of our voluntary movements. Pathological processes which damage

the pyramidal motor system are extremely important causes of disability and suffering

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Within the definition of water, these fluids can be consumed as part of the following:

(a) lain water from a safe drinking source,

(b) juice from fresh squeezed fruits or bottled juices,

(c) Warm drinks such as tea or coffee but beware of taking in too much caffeine as it

could lead to headaches and restlessness.

Alcoholic drinks do not qualify as fluid intake as the diuretic effect they have actually means

that nutrients are washed from the body and the body ends up losing fluids.

4.5 Minerals

An adequate supply of minerals is a crucial component of a healthy balanced diet. Minerals

are used in just about every function the human body undertakes from repairing itself to

developing and fuelling essential body organs and muscles. Minerals also play a very

important role in making sure that the growth rate is at its optimum level, but to do achieve

adequate levels, there is need to consume the full range of minerals that the human body will

need to allow processes to function correctly. A major secondary reason why minerals are

included in the “grow taller” nutrition plan is the dependence of the body on this particular

element. The human bones contain a large percentage of minerals, so a lack of these could

lead to compromised bone growth. There are specific elements within minerals that are used

to describe dependency on their presence in the human body

(a) Calcium

Calcium is a very special mineral and it can be argued that in the case of grow taller diets,

Calcium is possibly the most important mineral of all. It is actually a very abundant

mineral found in many parts of the body from the bones to hair and even fingernails. The

only problem is that as humans, the human bodies are unable to produce Calcium and as

such one is required to consume the Calcium levels that are needed through food intake.

Calcium also helps to strengthen bones even after one has stopped growing. If the body

does not consume enough calcium during the day, it will make a calcium withdrawal

from the bodies „bank‟ thereby have a “negative growth” impact on growth. If on the

other hand one consumes plenty of calcium during the day, the body deposits the left over

calcium in to the bank, which benefits the bones thus providing extra height and depth. If

one tends to have a diet that is always low in calcium, over time the body‟s calcium bank

will run out and the bones can begin to grow weak and brittle. This leads to easier

breakages and means your body cannot repair and fix itself as easy. This is a problem in

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older people as they naturally age, however if one maintains a high calcium diet your

bones will continue to become more dense until the age of about 30 and above.

(b) Phosphorous

Phosphorus is another mineral that is found in huge abundance throughout the human

body. This is probably because the vast majority of it is combined with calcium in the

body to create the compound calcium phosphate, which is the source of bones‟ strength.

Phosphorous has a secondary function which is just as important to your grow taller diet.

Calcium phosphate carries very important information about cell regeneration as it forms

part of human body DNA. Since the element works hand in hand with the calcium in the

body, it is a sensible idea to make sure one also have a high intake of phosphorus rich

foods in the diet. Fortunately this time, phosphorous is quite easy to include daily diets as

it is found in a wide range of produce such as dairy produce and meat, fish and even in

vegetables too. However, phosphorus does have a negative side to it too. It can in large

quantities interfere with the bodies‟ abilities to use calcium. One item of the diet that

could lead to this sort of problem is soda. Most soft drinks do contain a high level of

phosphorus, so while one does want to keep an equal level of calcium and phosphorus,

one does not want to overload the body with a huge imbalance of it in the “grow taller

nutrition plan”.

4.6 Vitamins

Vitamins are basically organic substances that are essential for growth and development at

every stage during life. It is therefore really important that consuming an adequate level of

vitamins throughout daily lives becomes paramount. Vitamins are essential to humans but the

body is incapable of creating these sorts of substances. So if the desire to grow taller is in

play, there should be enough vitamins for the body to develop and for bones to grow.

There are two primary types of vitamins which should be included in diets. These are

basically fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. Each has its own characteristics

which that are briefly covered here:

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(a) Fat-soluble vitamins

These are the vitamins which are normally taken in through eating meats and other

associated products made from animals or animal extracts such as fats and dairy produce

too. The main fat soluble minerals that humans should be concerned with are

(i) vitamin A,

(ii) vitamin D,

(iii) vitamin E and finally

(iv) Vitamin K.

These particular vitamins are transported throughout the system in fats, and if one has an

excess of this, the body stores it in fatty tissues or liver. This method of storing fat soluble

vitamins means the body has a reserve and do not need to be taken on a daily basis.

(b) Water-soluble vitamins

Again, these vitamins are also found in meats and fish but they are also found in most

vegetables and fruits. Unlike fat soluble minerals they are transported in water instead of

fats which means it is not possible for the body to store these vitamins as the system will

naturally flush them through in waste products like urine, sweat and faeces.

It is not too difficult to achieve an adequate level of vitamins in daily diets. Most of the

foods contain high levels of vitamins, especially those foods such as green vegetables and

fruits. Some other types of foods are now manufactured to also help, such as fortified

breakfast cereal which contains added vitamins too. However the conventional techniques

used to mass produce foods these days have the effect of leeching vitamins from them.

This means it is even more important when trying to grow taller to eat fresh produce that

is not packaged or has not been processed and placed on a store shelf. One should make

sure the variety of food one consumes is varied too, including fish and grains which are

healthy for the most important organ, the heart.

5.0 Enough Rest

In general, each time one goes to bed, the body will grow by almost an inch during the course

of the night. Though this may be hard to believe, it‟s a scientific truth. This tends to happen

each and every day. As already discussed in the introduction, the spinal column is made up of

a collection of 33 separate small pieces of bone which are more commonly known as

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vertebrae. These vertebrae are the core strength in the spinal column. Each one of these is

connected to the next using tough tissues known as ligaments, which allow the vertebrae to

be connected without having to be fused together. It also allows for a certain degree of

movement which is why we are able to bend our backs somewhat. Between each of these

vertebrae there is a set of thin disc like pieces also known as the invertebral discs. These discs

are made from cartilage and their main function is to act as a soft cushioning pad between

each vertebrae. The invertebral discs also act as a small set of shock absorbers which provide

protection to the vertebrae should you take a knock or fall. This means the back is less easily

damaged in everyday life activities.

(a) How night sleep help growth

As a general rule the complete set of vertebrae discs account for around about a quarter of

your vertebral column, normally around 6 inches. This basically means that the thicker

these invertebral discs are, the longer the whole spinal column will be and therefore the

taller one will become. The invertebral discs have a function to absorb nourishment in the

form of fluid. During everyday life one is likely to be placing a good deal of weight on

these for a sustained period of time. As they become compressed you lose some of the

thickness in the discs. However when one undertake non weight bearing activities such as

lying down or sleeping, the pressure is reduced and the discs are able to then soak up

more nutrients, expand in size and therefore “blow-up” and as such we grow taller to

around an inch more during sleep. Unfortunately however this is not a permanent effect

as the following day will lead to the cycle starting over again, the weight compression of

one‟s activities will press down on the invertebral discs and once again lead to the

average human adult losing that inch of height once again.

(b) How to take advantage of this fact

It‟s easy to sometimes choose an element we like and put all our efforts in to it, and then

we are surprised when the results aren‟t as prominent as we originally wanted. So, one

need to make sure one adopts a self-disciplined approach to this and make certain that

including and balancing the correct nutrition, regular exercise and enough sleep to unlock

the secrets of how to grow taller work in tandem.

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6.0 Conclusion

Disclaimer here states that not everybody will be successful, BUT everybody has the

potential to be successful. One may be wondering why some people do not reach their goals?

Well quite simply, some of those who are trying to learn how to grow taller become

frustrated when they do not see instant results. This leads to them slacking on their efforts

and eventually giving up completely.

It‟s an unfortunate truth but it is a truth none the less. Important to imbibe and also

understand that the human body is a complicated machine with many processes and functions

all taking place at the same time each and every day. These processes must be working with

each other and not against each other for one to see results from the “grow taller efforts”!

This is why one should strive to find a balance between all of the factors this research has laid

out. Only then will you really give the body the best chance of growing taller, quicker!

Obviously, there are several other factors that will have an impact on efforts to grow taller.

For instance, those individuals who generally have a bad posture or who slouch will find that

they appear shorter than they are anyhow. There are also other factors that contribute to one‟s

success in attempts to grow taller, like posture, but the above three factors (Exercises,

Nutrition and sufficient rest) are the most important ones that one must get right in order to

see positive results.

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7.0 Bibliography

Enbrel(R) Shown to Deliver Long-Lasting Improvements in Psoriasis Patients' Quality of


French Fries Are The New Cigarettes: Obesity Poses Greater Health Risk Than Smoking

Genome Study Shines Light on Genetic Link to Height



STELARA(TM) Significantly Improves Symptoms Of Depression, Anxiety And Health-

Related Quality Of Life In Patients With Moderate To Severe Psoriasis

Tai Chi may help alleviate tension headaches


i The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning to yoke, join or unite. This implies joining or

integrating all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul - to achieve a happy, balanced and

useful life, and spiritually, uniting the individual with the supreme.

In India, Yoga is considered one of the six branches of classical philosophy and is referred to throughout

the Vedas - ancient Indian scriptures and amongst the oldest texts in existence.The Upanishads are also broadly

philosophical treatises which postdate the Vedas and deal with the nature of the "soul" and universe.

However, the origins of yoga are believed to be much older than that, stemming from the oral traditions of

Yogis, where knowledge of Yoga was handed down from Guru (spiritual teacher) to Sisya (spiritual student) all

the way back to the originators of Yoga, "the Rishis," who first began investigation into the nature of reality and

man's inner world.

Legend has it that knowledge of Yoga was first passed by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati and from there into the

lives of men.

ii Until recently, animal proteins from meat and dairy products were thought to be necessary in order to obtain

what nutritionists called "complete proteins."

Proteins are composed of amino acids, 12 of which are manufactured by the human body. Another 9,

called essential amino acids, must he obtained from food. Most animal products, such as meat and dairy

products, contain all of the essential amino acids and have been designated as containing complete proteins.

Most proteins from vegetables also contain all 9 essential amino acids, but 1 or 2 may be low in a particular

food compared with a protein from most animal sources. Beans, however, are rich sources of all essential amino


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The old ideas about the necessity of carefully combining vegetables at every meal to ensure the supply of

essential amino acids has been totally refuted. Modern nutritionists, after observing populations of strict

vegetarians who were healthier and lived longer than meat-eaters, now realize that all essential amino acids may

be obtained from a variety of vegetables or grains eaten over a one-to-two-day period. This should be a great

relief to you as a parent. Even the variety is not as critical as once thought. Dr. Reed Mangels, nutrition editor of

Vegetarian Journal, illustrates this by pointing out that if you decide to eat only six to eight potatoes you would

get all the essential amino acids you would need in a single day. Of course, her example was intended only to

show that combining food daily is not critical for obtaining essential amino acids; eating only potatoes is not

recommended, because a more varied diet assures you of other necessary nutrients.

Less than 70 years ago, more than 40 percent of the protein in the American diet came from grains, bread, and

cereal. Currently, only 17 percent comes from these sources, along with another 15 percent from legumes, fruits,

and vegetables, while two-thirds is from animal products. This trend, also noted in other industrialized Western

countries, has been accompanied by a steady increase in heart-disease and cancer deaths.

Along with this shift to animal sources, the total protein in the diet has become excessive. The average

American child's diet contains excessive protein, far exceeding the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)

established by the National Research Council. A 4-year-old needs about 33 grams per day; a 12-year-old, 45

grams; and an adult, 50-65 grams. Children actually consume 50-60 grams and adults up to 100 grams, mostly

from meat and dairy products. The rural Chinese adult diet consists of an ideal 55-60 grams, mostly from plant

sources (http://www.vegsource.com/attwood/complete_protein.htm)

iii Proteins low in one or more of the essential amino acids are considered incomplete proteins. Plants, or

commonly called vegetable proteins, are examples of incomplete proteins because most are low in one of the

essential amino acids. For example, grains tend to be short of lysine. The amino acid that is in shortest supply in

a given protein is called the limiting amino acid. The limiting amino acid tends to be different in different

proteins. This means when two different foods are combined, the amino acids in one protein can compensate for

the one lacking in the other. This is known as protein complementing. Vegetarians and vegans need to combine

plant proteins (incomplete proteins) to get all the essential amino acids found in complete proteins.

iv Glycemic index

Different types of carbohydrates affect our bodies differently. The glycemic index, or GI, measures this

difference according to a ranking system, using a scale from 0 to 100. This scale describes the degree to which a

given carbohydrate causes blood sugar levels to increase after eating. Foods that do so quickly are assigned a

value of 70 or above, and those that break down more slowly and release glucose gradually typically have a

value below 55. The glycemic index of white bread is 70; whereas that of chicken is about 45.

High GI carbohydrates tend to be more rapidly digested and absorbed than their low GI counterparts and cause

greater fluctuations in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, carbohydrates with a low GI produce gradual rises

in blood sugar and insulin levels, with only small fluctuations. This is important because steadier, more even

blood sugar levels are believed to result in more sustainable weight loss by helping to control your appetite: they

make you feel fuller longer, in addition to quelling cravings. Research has also suggested that they reduce the

risk of heart disease and diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2).

What is the high protein, low glycemic index diet?

Amid a plethora of popular diets with varying degrees of effectiveness, the low-fat, high-protein diet, rich in

foods with a low glycemic index is gaining attention because of its potential short- and long-term health

benefits. Knowing which foods have a low or high glycemic index can be deceptive. Some otherwise healthy

foods and beverages, such as bananas and orange juice, in fact, have a high glycemic index. Others with a high

GI include highly processed and refined foods such as white bread and other products containing high amounts

of sugar.

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The study

Larsen TM, Dalskov S-M, van Baak M, et al. Diets with high or low protein content and glycemic index for

weight-loss maintenance. N Engl J Med 2010;363:2102-13.

How was this study conducted?

Researchers in Copenhagen wanted to know how diet affects the body‟s ability to maintain weight loss after an

initial intensive effort to drop some pounds. Specifically, they were interested in how the glycemic index and the

level of protein intake worked to prevent the weight from piling back on and which of several approaches would

be best followed by dieters.

They recruited 773 individuals who had managed to lose at least eight per cent of their body weight or an

average of 11 pounds over an eight-week period on an 800-calorie-a-day diet. They then randomly assigned this

very dedicated group of dieters to one of five possible dietary regimens to determine which would be most

effective at keeping the weight off and lead to the fewest number of dropouts. The diets consisted of every

possible combination of low and high glycemic-index foods combined with low or high protein intake. The diets

the four experimental groups were assigned to were: low GI and low protein; low GI and high protein; high GI

and low protein; and finally, high GI and high protein. A fifth group served as a control arm and was not

provided a specific diet.

What were the results?

The findings were actually fairly impressive. The high- protein, low-glycemic-index dieters showed the least

weight gain as well as the lowest dropout rate at 22 per cent over the six-month study period; as much as two

kilograms less weight gain than the other combination diets. In fact, among those who complied with the

program, the low-GI, high-protein group was the only one that showed no weight gain at all. Of note, the

increases in protein intake required by the high-protein group were actually quite modest and did not represent

more than 25 per cent of total calorie intake.

Are there any concerns about the study?

The main one relates to how short the followup period was. Patients may not see the benefits of this dietary

strategy beyond the six- month mark reported here.

What’s the bottom line?

Planning to lose weight in 2011? If so, give serious consideration to modifying your diet once you reach your

target. Specifically, you may want to consider low-GI foods as well as supplementing your meals with a low-fat

source of protein.

What are some examples of low-glycemic-index, high-protein foods?

Foods with a low glycemic index are brown rice, whole-grain breads and pasta, whole oats, most fruits

(raspberries, apples, pears and oranges), beans, legumes, yogurt and cheese.

On the unhealthy, high-glycemic-index scale, you‟ll find sugary desserts such as doughnuts and cake, refined

cereals, foods containing white, processed carbohydrates – white rice, for example – and fruits such as bananas,

grapes and pineapple. A dinner consisting of turkey with vegetables and whole-grain pasta would be a good

place to start on the road toward a low-glycemic-index, high-protein diet.