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That flower (at someone's house)

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Page 1: That flower (at someone's house)

THAT FLOWER (at someone´s house) By Fernando Zornitta V.1.1 1

That flower (at someone's house) Perceptions to the new climate agreement and the new objectives of "sustainable development"

By Fernando Zornitta – Brazil

FLOWER THAT (at someone's house), refers to the art of magic to bring to reality a scenario

desirable for the human spirit in tune with the universe and the creative power of all. THAT

FLOWER (at someone's house), he says and expect harmony, harmony with nature - harmony and

peace. But THAT FLOWER (at someone's home) was not enough to bewildered spirit of man and

THAT FLOWER (at someone's house) - Photo Detail

published in the article Demolitions ordered by Israel

increase vulnerability of Palestinians in the West Bank,

warns UN Published on 09.09.2015.




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THAT FLOWER (at someone´s house) By Fernando Zornitta V.1.1 2

humanity for his irrational side and shows that are still present and manifests to the detriment of

peace and sought harmony for THAT FLOWER (at someone´s house).

Because we realized we also express many of the same photos THAT FLOWER (at someone's

house) in sculptures that embody the same desire and call attention to this urgent need of

harmony and peace. NATURE IN LIGHT WAVES (www.wavesoflight.com.br), is a demonstration

that erupted in 1995 in Porto Alegre, when we interact and materialize along with another regional

sculptor, Waldomiro Mota, materializing the first works, which we exposed in the Assembly

Legislative of the Rio Grande do Sul State and then follow me and my brother Paulo in several

other shows across the country and with the same intentions of the drawings brought by THAT

FLOWER (at someone's house) and the rustic designs in prehistoric caves - as Lascoaux France;

hoping that the art of magic could warn of the catastrophic course that humanity was giving the

planet and make manifest before, the art of magic, which is in tune with the spirit of harmony and


But bestiality of attacks on Palestinians by the Jewish state have been so great, that not THAT

FLOWER (at someone's house) - that cried through the art of harmony and peace magic, was able

to prevent the destruction of an entire camp that served housing the Palestinians (among 11,000

demolition orders being put in place by Israel in the region). But THAT FLOWER (at someone's

house) was and will remain as a proof of purity and contrast of the art of magic, in contrast to

human bestiality, which moves actions against humanity, against the planet and against common


- Since then, the false power gentlemen, mitigate the effects of weather, or agree new goals of

"sustainable development" post-2015, living with conflict and without affixing points as

"elimination of all weapons and war apparatus" ???

Other points In addition to this, we were by thought and forwarded to Secretary-General Ban Ki-

moon as a proposition (in the document entitled pelao ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE,

which can be found in http://pt.slideshare.net/fernandozornitta/all-for-the-planet-all-for-the-

peace) and in which we propose the inclusion of "principles for sustainable development" and the

new climate agreement, which are essential and need to be considered in the new agreements

Global, which need to boldly and honestly affixed, namely:


MEA CULPA - we assume environmental planetary condition that the planet presents and do the

"mea culpa", recognizing that we are in "CHEQUE MATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL civilization".

Promote initiatives and impact of actions to help the perception of environmental problems and

the equalization of variables "economy & growth" with "sustainability & environmental balance",

until there is a prospect of stabilization and socio-environmental harmonization.



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"ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY" - this is the premise of honest and necessary basis that Humanity

must establish to reorient and have a chance of survival in the alleged perspective of sustainable


3. REINSTATE MAN AND NATURE - NATURE AS RELIGION (Religare) .- Focus and develop activities

to reconnect man with nature and to foster in humanity the feeling of belonging to the system that

sustains life, causing her to wake up protection initiatives . Nature is a sacred environment,

considered as San Francisco and reinforces the Holy Father. For this, we must focus on actions to

touch the human feeling and instituted it as co-responsible for nature and all forms of life. Each

and joining efforts, creating new and innovative ways to raise awareness of man and humanity.

Most religions proposes prayer. Other add meditation and contemplation to reach the same goals

and together we make the changes. We propose a combination of all human activities that seek its

elevation and tuning, such as culture, the arts, leisure and recreation, sports, tourism, education,

media, social networks - among others.

4. HARMONY OF LIFE AS NORTH - Changing paradigms, goals and behavior - individual, nations

and humanity - in tune with the forces of nature, commitment to the present and the future life.


posture in order to put up as part and not as the center of the universe, fostering greater respect,

protection and appreciation of all forms of life, focusing on actions not only with maintenance

goals of human life - as before - but all forms of life. In this vein promote catalytic actions in the

opposite direction to what we have done so far during the civilizing process, where the man

subdued all forms of life, nature and its resources to his.


REGARDLESS OF SCHEMES AND LIMITS GEO-POLITICAL, instigate and promote a global agreement

among all nations of the UN system or not, so that the natural resources of each country, essential

to the planet, They are administered as "world heritage" and bases of a "charter" to be established

in due course. Arguably the nations that make up the UN system, do not always respect and

protect their natural resources that are essential and are part of the complex environmental

system that sustains life, the climate and the planet. Make this feature untouchable and protected

globally, similar to the Antarctic treaty.

7. DEFORESTATION ZERO - immediate measure to be applied in the main forest reserves on the

planet. No tree can be felled more, regardless of management or form of economic exploitation

practiced. Study and application of compensation to people who depend on them to be supported

by the most economically allotted nations and those most pollute the planet.

8. The REBALANCE ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT - Encouraging awareness to reduce population

growth; producing and consuming less; efficient production logistics, distribution and consumer

products, with a reduction of losses in production and consumption, developing more efficient

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products in power; prioritizing vegetable consumption and minimizing sources of animal food;

producing and consuming 100% clean energy and distributed way - among others and several

possible actions.

9. REVERSE ENGINEERING OF CHAOS - Focus on environmental remediation actions and

sustainability of all forms of life that are in the process of extinction and natural environments in

critical condition. Focusing on actions to reverse the intolerance attitudes, ignorance, involuntary

inertial problems.

10. STOP WITH SEVERE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSAULTS - Of pesticides, sewage, experiments based

on environmental resources (such as nuclear explosions), mitigation of extensive agriculture based

on extractive areas with potential - such as forests, among others.

11. DISASTER PREVENTION - Encourage the development of appropriate tools to climate change,

to mitigate impacts and for environmental resilience. Broad, covering all areas of knowledge and

science tools, convergent, cross, multidisciplinary and collaborative manner between nations,

institutions and citizens.


Compose within the UN, its agencies and programs, administration lines, guidance and

development of actions - even if only offering institutional support and non-financial (validating

the importance of action, movement, initiative) - are in favor of sustainable development. To this

by creating a detection system and unbureaucratic support, agile, efficient to offer attention to

projects and programs that can make a difference, solve problems and mitigate impacts.

13. STOP WITH ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES WASTE - food, energy, water. Structure and global

programs to be applied by nations and localities to optimize environmental resources in any

human activity.

14. PARAR WITH FINANCIAL RESOURCES WASTE - that humanity uses to advance toward the

uncertain future; as the trillions of dollars that are invested in bellicose actions, disputes, wars and

weapons or research and space adventures until effectively has solved the major problems and on


15. OSMOSE ECONOMIC PLANETARY - Promote the permeability and better distribution of wealth

between nations and fortunes, with actions to mitigate the selfishness and lust; devise actions to

bring the benefits of the level of technological development, scientific and economic development

of nations in all areas for all people on the planet, regardless of the stage of development level

where they are.


solar, wind, magnetism and minimum environmental impact, brought the technologies of micro

generation the most remote corners of the planet to improve the living conditions of all .

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that all initiatives of UN member countries, even those who aims to promote environmental

sustainability, prioritizing the economy over the preservation of its resources. In Brazil, for

example, an environmental license release is seen as an "obstacle to development" and under

pressure of business sectors including the public authorities - legislative and executive - and the

discourse of "sustainable development" serves solely to speech and not to practice. The Brazil

given how far pledged during Rio + 20, created protected areas now number 107 in the Amazon,

however, only 4% of these are implemented, according to the Federal Audit Court. And the

philosophy of "management environmental "paradoxically authorizes the deforestation of 1,000 ha

/ year in the Amazon rainforest - in the philosophy of" management "that prioritizes the man.

Extractive reserves do not work and cannot afford to be inspected and, if not work, allow the rules

deforestation of 15 ha for human survival - which is not respected and deforestation follows

unchecked. It follows that pledged to the UN, but has not, just signed a commitment, while

everything went on as before and the path of devastation.

That said, agreements with goals in numbers and deadlines are not guarantees of preservation and

sustainability, even if derived from commitments with international organizations. The variables

are many and the jingoism of compliance proposed a utopia. The process of devastation and the

acceleration of global warming a reality, with part of human responsibility. Therefore, all

environmental protection measures shall be affixed with pessimism and severe sanctions.

18. SUSTAINABLE AND EQUITABLE WATER USE - protect all sources and manage the use

conscious, sustainable and equitable water resources of the planet. Review all forms of use of

water, mainly for agriculture that does not have a monitoring and not following principles of

sustainable use.

19. DEMOGRAPHIC IMPLOSION - Encouraging mitigation actions growth of the human population

and animals need in their food base of large amounts of plant-based consumption, water and

bringing a local environmental commitment and the planet, without bringing great contribution as

a source of human food.

20. KNOWLEDGE OF UNIVERSAL - democratic use by mankind of all the accumulated knowledge

and developed, relieved to pay for it; just as they did and the Indians do; as did our caveman

ancestors who have not patented the fire or food manufacturing processes, tools, cures - among

many others.

21. ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR PEACE - Integration Efforts for the planet and peace - fierce

determination and intelligent collective action coordinated systematically to attack one by one

environmental problems and to achieve peace. Project for exploitation by we presented (ALL THE

PLANET, ALL FOR PEACE) and all that add up efforts in this same direction. Fostering commitment

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and environmental co-responsibility - all together everywhere in defense of the environment - a

planetary commitment to be promoted by the UN.


human activities, the work of the entities on the way of the ideal of sustainability - arts, sports,

science, tourism, media, cinema - among others - and their unions - associations, foundations ,

federations, confederations, business and class entities - among others - in terms of campaigns and

movements with the flag of sustainability and environmental awareness.

23. TIME IN RIGHT TIME - Prioritize time as a determining element for action. A second time is a

lifetime for the environment; to a tree continue standing for the life of an endangered animal or

for solidarity to alleviate human hardships. Therefore, time should be an essential variable to the

environmental issue and to restore the planet. Humanity should no longer rely only on setting

deadlines and numbers for goals; but pursue them with determination and catalyzing the time. (A

second determining factor is to continue or not a tree foot, a second is decisive for animal species

threatened with extinction, a second may be the time between the life and death of a human

patient, a second may be the time between a push or not a button of a nuclear device of

thousands around the planet and, a second time can be a right decision or not)


must be collaborative but intolerant of corruption, with dictatorships, with the omission. Stop

being hypocritical with nations that promote profanity and within and between nations barbarism,

condemning countries that diverge from ideal, ethics and human rights; condemning - even if in

order to fend off the politicians, managers, companies that are corrupted and do not comply with

the commitments made nationally or internationally.

25. SCIENCE WITH SAPIÊNCIA - Increased targeting the focus of science and research to the basic

and fundamental issues to earth and less planet for bloodproud scientific adventures. This in any

field of knowledge, especially medicine, warfare, chemical, biological, space.


for religions, traditions, cultural diversity, the different levels of development, the races and

creeds. Create, foster, support - quickly and accurately projects and programs able to deconstruct

the mistrust and foster greater mutual respect and trust among peoples.

27. MORE Logic and SAPIENCE ON PRODUCTION SYSTEM - Deconstructing the irrational

production geographically spread on the basis of tax incentives to industries in the various nations

of the planet, which seek their inclusion in the globalization system, by accelerating its processes

development and installation of facilities - even to the detriment of the quality of their

environment - make the environmental cost to produce is not considered in the process. Parts and

pieces of products spend energy, time, work, to compose the final product in units exempt from

taxes the thousands of kilometers from where the parts are produced by outsourcing the process

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and with the sole objective of minimizing the final product price. This is insane and inconsistent

with the alleged sustainability.


AROUND THE PLANET - While concerned about peace and sustainability, seeking consensus, we

see the planet degenerate and seeking the wrong ways, a prospect of terror and fear instead

Harmony. Nations with military might still seek to achieve their attempts fighting with weapons

and attacking unprotected nations; when we should disarm the human spirit, act collaboratively

and promote a culture of peace. And this bias comes to mind that man has the power to devastate

the planet and annihilate with his own humanity through nuclear and biological weapons in a push

button or by breaking some test tubes. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all the nuclear

weapons and warlike items, mechatronics, chemical, biological. It is essential to disarm the human

spirit through the promotion of culture of peace and attitudes in tune with the harmony of nature

and the planet. We must also disarm the world of all devices that hurt and that can bring harm to

humanity. Peace generates Peace; hatred generate, litigation and war. It is necessary to disarm the

human weapons that hurt and arm you with light swords1

And to disarm the human spirit, and other new tools and aspects should be sought and that put

back the tracks of peace and harmony, such as the arts - in all manifestations; science used in an

ethical and collaborative manner; of all leisure and recreation activities - sport, tourism, Adventure

- among other proactive tools.


expeditiously resolving conflicts without the use of weapons and the security forces, but through

peaceful new strategies, such as "conflict mediation" overall, the nations or places to meet

demands; by mitigating the motivations and collaboration for understanding. This attitude can be

developed through a direct support arm to the Secretary General and Deputy Secretaries of the

UN, but with different dynamics and permeated by the "speed and autonomy of the necessary

measures and actions" and informed the prerogatives of the main positions (Mediator Global



(social, environmental, cultural - among others), coming from any individual of mankind. Create a

task force charged with going in focus the issues to untangle, reduce bureaucracy, facilitate,

encourage and catalyze the good initiatives in favor of post-2015 Millennium Development Goals

to be established, brewing processes, projects, programs, etc ... and the effects of climate



Review all processes, systems, products traditionally accepted as normal, such as the use of fossil

1 As indicated in BIG IS ART, GREAT CAN BE LIFE. Green Wave Ed., 2000. By Paulo Zornitta and Fernando Zornitta

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fuels in vehicles, the use of wood in buildings, how to generation, transmission and consumption of

energy over long distances and replacement with other sources and processes such as the wood

with other materials, paving the way for zero deforestation; the generation and power

consumption in a distributed manner and in micro and mini units; how to focus on hydrogen fuel -

among others. Encourage the replacement of media products and entertainment such as games

that incite violence and destruction; film and movies with genres that encourage stupidity,

bellicosity - by others who promote peace, sustainability, solidarity.


of food of high nutritional power and low environmental impact in the production and mitigating

food sources with low food power and high environmental impact, such as livestock. Support and

enforce initiatives such as the UN "The ZERO HUNGER CHALLENGE: United for a Sustainable

World", a call to action for the involvement of all people stop us to have access to healthy and

sustainable food. Develop a new relationship between food and health; prioritizing foods that

provide immunity to disease

33. CRIMINALIZE MORE - Punish more strictly human trafficking in animals, drugs, crime and

environmental damage; against human rights. Punish in an exemplary way corruption. Recognize

as crimes against humanity speculation, the assault on culture and the arts - among others.

34. MEET INSTITUTIONS ITS PREROGATIVES - fidelity to their mission of institutions, laws,

principles and goals, so you can trust them. Quick action by the organizations for rehabilitation and

corrections in the direction established by them with expulsion of those responsible. Example

sports entities that perpetuate people who corrupt and divert resources and objectives; preventing

sports fulfill their fundamental role in promoting the man, harmony and peace. Go bold and direct

the focus of the problems and the prerogatives that the institutions have, give honest solutions to

the demands and problems.

35. GREEN GOVERNANCE PROMOTION - Encourage democratic governance and not authoritarian,

that democratize and defend environmental sustainability and open and participatory governance



blocks solutions (with economic purposes or not), associations and organizations intentioned but

caught and did not make the wheel spin; nor of countries that supposedly protect us; or studies

that seek and expect output to human life in outer space at the expense of wisdom to have it in

the biosphere.

The largest organization in the world, the United Nations, which brings together 193 countries, will

be holding its Annual General Meeting between 25 and 27 September this year, when establish the

new goals of the post-2015 millennium, that is, goals that all member countries will pursue until

the year 2030. Since 2000, there have been important advances for humanity, but even so, the

eight proposed objectives 2000-15 were partially achieved (and some important "forgotten" and

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not persecuted). In environmental issues, almost nothing moved forward and now have over an

unpredictable variable climate and the 5th IPCC report pointed out that "man has responsibility for

global warming”, and climate change consequently.

The planet and the life agonize on land, water and air; we see the devastation of forests, habitat

depreciation of thousands of life forms; We live with conflict and aggression of all orders, for

disarmament issues and focusing on peace even been and are being addressed . The agreements

establishing numbers as goals were never met by the member nations and the devastation, the

aggression and the depreciation of the life and the planet follow an inconceivable and

uncontrollable progression. We see nature rebel and prove in climate disasters; we see people

moving like ants and seals to Europe and to other countries because of internal conflicts and

international threats.

While individuals of the species and humanity, we believe that we have any chance of future only if

we change the strategies and forms of "development" and on the path of harmony and peace;

stopping the aggression and promoting actions for the planet and peace. So if each and every

individual on the planet take upon themselves the burden on the key issues. Believing that only a

copy of our human species - Homo sapiens (top of the line in the standings among other species),

can change everything, if you have the right strategies and rely on the awareness of others.

The idea we had, to forward a letter to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon (114 pgs), with a

broad argument that makes the "mea culpa" of the country we were born (Brazil, which is one of

the nations more environmentally friendly) and this proposition of "36 basic principles to be

observed by humanity, governments and institutions to compose the document to the new

Millennium Development Goals and also the new climate agreement" (which will be signed in

December during the COP 21 in Paris - if countries understand, because at COP 20 this agreement

did not come out).

In this document titled ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE, we propose the planetary

awareness of humanity in harmony and peace axis; through new tools - among them and especially

the art (in all its manifestations) - how and with the same intention THAT FLOWER (at someone's

house), sport (which develops human values and promotes peace), science and technology (used in

a collaborative and democratic form), tourism (approaching people and provides cultural

exchange), spirituality (in all its breadth and beliefs), education and culture and a set 22 macro

actions and dozens of activities and events for the realization of this planetary process of

sensitization and awareness in the years ahead and anticipating the announcement during the days

of completion of the UN Assembly.

Humanity and all people need to take note of the document forwarded to the Secretary General

and some UN agencies and encourage the generation of other initiatives, for us to take with us the

responsibility for the future of the planet and the life that supports it - for We cannot wait and

neither trust that governments and institutions will do so.

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With this initiative we hope to contribute through this union, with the establishment of honest and

courageous goals redeem humanity's hope in their future and that effectively the 193 nations

reach a climate agreement, which it considers fundamental aspects that we point in the document,

especially in items affixed as principles (listed 1-36 above) and to take 22 action macro, pointed out

in item 2 of the same.

José FERNANDO ZORNITTA, Environmentalist, Architect and Urban Planner, Specialist in Leisure and Recreation (School of Physical Education of UFRGS / Porto Alegre / BR); Specialist in Tourism (UNWTO-UN / Gov Italian / SIST-Roma /IT). Improvement stage in Tourism Planning at the University. Messina (Economic Geography Laboratory / Director Prof. Carmelo Cavallaro - Messina / IT). Doctoral Course attendance period in Planning and Regional Development at the University of Barcelona /ES (focused on tourism and research project in Latin America and the Caribbean). Realization Audiovisual Technician course and develops activities such as artist and designer. Has literary production - book and published technical articles. He has co-creator and co-founder of NGOs active in the areas of environment, film and video, sports and leisure - among others. Was member GTMA (Working Group Environment of CREA-CE - Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy) for six years of GTPA - Working Group on Planning Accessibility also of CREA-CE) and member of FID-Forum Elderly and Disabilities Persons since 2006. Italian Brazilian citizenship. Domain Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and regular English. Born in Porto Alegre on 04.09.1953 and twin Paulo Roberto Zornitta. Resides in Fortaleza, Ceará (northeast), BR. E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: Zornitta_F