PARIVARTAN- Poorest Areas Civil Society Program Supported by: DFID and VHAI Consultants: Development Alternatives Implemented by: Sambhav, Gwalior


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PARIVARTAN- Poorest Areas Civil Society Program

Supported by: DFID and VHAI

Consultants: Development Alternatives

Implemented by: Sambhav, Gwalior

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Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS) Programme envisages contributing towards the millennium development goal of poverty reduction world over by 2015, by working through civil society organizations in India on issues of governance, empowerment and entitlements of the poor.

The project aims to strengthen civil society organizations to work as effective catalysts, implementation agencies and nodal points for the convergence of backward and forward linkages to ensure the success of various anti-poverty programmes.


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Activities Beyond Plans


CBOs Formed




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Poor people in the most backward and poorest districts of India are empowered to realize their entitlements more effectively and in ways in which it can be sustained.


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Program Area


Activities Beyond Plans


CBOs Formed




Program Deliverables Monitoring Indicators

Photographs Press Clippings

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Civil Society Organizations in the mostbackward and poorest districts of Indiamore effective in helping poor peoplerealize their entitlements. Civil rights Political rights Economic entitlements Social entitlements Cultural entitlements


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CBOs Formed




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Thematic Areas

Responsive local self-governance in rural and urban areas to promote articulation of the needs of the poor and access to information about entitlements.

Women’s empowerment to make them effective participants in governance.

Social cohesion focusing on efforts at raising awareness on entitlements, changes in institutions, discrimination and manage conflicts of interest towards accelerated poverty reduction.

Policy advocacy in order to break the patterns of public inertia on critical areas affecting the poor like tribal rights, dowry violence, environmental degradation etc.

Self-help to meet the immediate basic needs of the poor (in specified circumstances ) especially if it would provide a platform for developing the longer term approaches mentioned above.


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CBOs Formed




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Program Area Profile

States: M.P. and U.P Districts: Tikamgarh, Chhatarpur and Lalitpur Blocks: Prithvipur, Rajnagar and Talbehat Panchayat: 198 Villages : 355 Population: 4,46,050 BPL Population: 1,33,839 Families : 72913 SC Population: 1,10,453 ST Population: 18,395


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Project Area






To Tikamgarh

To Panna



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Plan v/s Achievements


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Plan vs. Achievement- PrithvipurS.No Activities Plan Achievement

1 Setting Up of PMU at VHAI NA NA

2 Meeting of Project Advisory Committee NA NA

3 Identification of Field Co-coordinator & Supervisor (Core Staff)

2 supervisor, 10 Community Organizers and 62 Animators

2 supervisor, 10 Community Organizers and 62 Animators

4 Designing Training Program for Core Staff NA NA

5 Inception Workshops at Distt. / Block Level 2 18/11/2002 Tikamgarh

09/11/2002 Prithvipur

6 Setting Up of DDC & BDC Block level committee and District level committee

Participation in meetings of Block and District committee.

7 Meeting of Distt. Development Committee 14 7

8 Meeting of Block development Committee 14 7

9 Training / Follow Up Training of Core Staff 4 Done

10 Training / Follow Up Training for Community Organizers


11 PRA Exercise at Panchayat Level 62 Panchayats 62 Panchayats

12 Initiation of Village development Committees Formation

62VDC Working with 62 VDCs

(Strengthening of existing VDCs formed by Panchayat or Gram Sabha, Formation of JSS where VDC is not formed)

8 Jan Shakti Samities

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Plan vs. Achievement- Prithvipur13 Training need Assessment of Local NGOs 2 Done

14 Training of Local NGOs 2 Done

(Work Shop)

15 Development of Communication Strategy 90 villages 90 villages

16 Training / Follow Up of Animators 62 animators to be trained in 2 basic and 2 follow up training

62 animators trained in 2 training programs

17 Initiation of SHG Formation/ Renovation 100 105

18 Development of Communication Material 1 block level communication kit Done

19 Training of VDC/ JSS Members 186 members to be trained in 6 batches

186 members trained in 6 batches.

20 Meeting with Village development Committees/ JSS

2976 2523 meetings with 62 VDC/ JSS

meetings in 4 yrs with 62 VDC/JSS

21 Training of SHG leaders 210 members from 70 groups to be trained in 7

210 members of 70 SHG trained in 7 batches


22 Training of TBAs 80 TBAs to be trained in 4 batches 2 basic training and 2 follow up trainings organized in which 80 TBAs trained.

23 Regular Meetings of SHGs 5040 meetings in 4 yrs of 105 groups 4698 meetings were organized with 105 groups

24 Training of PRI Committee Members 310 members to be trained in 12 batches

310 members trained in 12 programs

25 Regular Meeting of PRI Committee Members

4128 meetings to be done in 4 yrs with 62 PRIs

2635 meetings organized

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Plan vs. Achievement- Prithvipur26 Specialist Health Camps 10 11 camps

27 Media Work shops 2 4

28 Preparation of Information Kit 1 Done

29 Exposure Visit PRI 186 members to be trained in 6 batches

186 members trained

30 Preparation & Implementation of Village Micro Plans

62 Panchayats 62 Panchayats

31 Support of Seed Money to SHGs 105 44

32 Exposure Visit SHGs 210 members from 70 groups in 7 batches

210 members trained from 70 groups in 7batches

33 Advocacy Work Shop Block Level 3 1

34 Advocacy Work Shop District Level 3 1

35 Exposure Visit – VDC 186 Members from 62 VDCs to be trained in 6 batches

186 Members from 62 VDCs to be trained in 6 batches

36 Developing / Setting Up of Information Centers and Updating IC

62 centres 62 Panchayat Information centres set up.

38 Advocacy work shop State Level 1 Not Done

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Plan vs. Achievement- Prithvipur39 Vocational Training to SHG members

for future Sustainability210 members from 70 groups

in 7 batches210 members trained in 7 programs

40 Convention of SHG/ VDC/ PRI 6 6

41 Vocational Counseling Camps 10 4

42 Sensitization of Government Staff 4 2

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Plan v/s Achievements


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Plan vs. Achievement- RajnagarS.No Activities Plan Achievement

1.        Setting Up of PMU at VHAI NA NA

2.        Meeting of Project Advisory Committee NA NA

3.        Identification of Field Co-coordinator & Supervisor (Core Staff)

2 supervisor, 13 Community Organizers and 86 Animators

2 supervisor, 13 Community Organizers and 86 Animators

4.        Designing Training Program for Core Staff NA NA

5.        Inception Workshops at Distt. / Block Level 2 11/11/2002 Rajnagar

13/11/2002 Chhatarpur

6.        Setting Up of DDC & BDC 1 Block level committee and District level committee

Participation in meetings of Block and District

7.        Meeting of Distt. Development Committee 14 13 meetings

8.        Meeting of Block development Committee 14 10

9.        Training / Follow Up Training of Core Staff 4 Done

10.    Training / Follow Up Training for Community Organizers

4 Done

11.    PRA Exercise at Panchayat Level 86 Panchayats 86 Panchayats

12.  Initiation of Village development Committees Formation

86 VDC Working with 86 VDCs

(Strengthening of existing VDCs formed by Panchayat or Gram Sabha, Formation of JSS where VDC is not formed)

8 Jan Shakti Samities

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Plan vs. Achievement- Rajnagar13.    Training need Assessment of Local NGOs 2 Done

14.  Training of Local NGOs 2 Done

(Work Shop)

15.    Development of Communication Strategy 90 villages 90 villages

16.    Training / Follow Up of Animators 86 animators to be trained in 3 basic and 3 follow up training

86 animators trained in 6 training programs

17.    Initiation of SHG Formation/ Renovation 110 105 SHG

18.    Development of Communication Material 1 block level communication kit


19.    Training of VDC/ JSS Members 408 members to be trained in 14 batches

312 members trained in 12 batches

20.    Meeting with Village development Committees/ JSS 4128 meetings in4 yrs of 86 VDC/JSS

3053 meetings with 86 VDC/ JSS

21.    Training of SHG leaders 225 members from 75 groups to be trained in 13

225 members of 75 SHG trained in 13 batches


22.    Training of TBAs 120 TBAs to be trained in 4 batches

4 basic training and 3 follow up trainings organized in which 120 TBAs trained.

23.    Regular Meetings of SHGs 5040 meetings in 4 yrs of 105 groups

4698 meetings were organized with 105 groups

24.    Training of PRI Committee Members 430 members to be trained in 14 batches

423 members trained in 12 programs

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Plan vs. Achievement- Rajnagar25.    Regular Meeting of PRI Committee

Members4128 meetings to be done

in 4 yrs.2430 meetings organized

26.    Specialist Health Camps 10 10 camps

27.    Media Work shops 2 2

28.    Preparation of Information Kit 1 Done

29.    Exposure Visit PRI 430 members to be trained in 14 batches

296 members trained in 11 batches

30.    Preparation & Implementation of Village Micro Plans

86 Panchayats 86 Panchayats

31.    Support of Seed Money to SHGs 105 44

32.    Exposure Visit SHGs 315 members from 105 groups

268 members trained from 105 groups in 13 batches

33.    Advocacy Work Shop Block Level 3 2

34.    Advocacy Work Shop District Level 3 1

35.    Exposure Visit – VDC Members from 86 VDCs to be trained

Members from 86 VDCs trained

36.    Developing / Setting Up of Information Centers and Updating IC

86 centres 86 Panchayat Information centres set up.

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Plan vs. Achievement- Rajnagar37.    Legal literacy Workshops Block level and cluster

level14 workshops

38.    Advocacy work shop State Level 1 Not Done

39.    Vocational Training to SHG members for future Sustainability

315 members from 105 SHGs in 11 programs

112 members trained in 5 training program from 38 groups.

40.    Convention of SHG/ VDC/ PRI 6 5

41.    Vocational Counseling Camps At cluster level 13 counseling camps were organized in which 200 youth were trained.

42.    Sensitization of Government Staff 4 2

43.    Preparation of Parliamentarian kit 1 kit VHAI

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Plan v/s Achievements


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Plan vs. Achievement- TalbehatS.No Activities Plan Achievement

1 Setting Up of PMU at VHAI NA NA

2 Meeting of Project Advisory Committee NA NA

3 Identification of Field Co-coordinator & Supervisor (Core Staff)

2 supervisor, 8 Community Organizers and 47 Animators

2 supervisor, 8 Community Organizers and 47 Animators

4 Designing Training Program for Core Staff NA NA

5 Inception Workshops at Distt. / Block Level 2 1/11/2002, Lalitpur

25/10/2002, Block

6 Setting Up of DDC & BDC Block level committee and District level committee Participation in meetings of Block and District committee.

7 Meeting of Distt. Development Committee 14 6

8 Meeting of Block development Committee 14 9

9 Training / Follow Up Training of Core Staff 4 Done

10 Training / Follow Up Training for Community Organizers

4 Done

11 PRA Exercise at Panchayat Level 47 Panchayats 47 Panchayats

12 Initiation of Village development Committees Formation

47VDC Working with 47 VDCs

(Strengthening of existing VDCs formed by Panchayat or Gram Sabha, Formation of JSS where VDC is not formed)

Jan Shakti Samities

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Plan vs. Achievement- Talbehat13 Training need Assessment of Local

NGOs2 Done

14 Training of Local NGOs 2 Done

(Work Shop)

15 Development of Communication Strategy

60 villages 60 villages

16 Training / Follow Up of Animators 47 animators to be trained in 1 basic and 1 follow up training

47 animators trained in 2 training programs

17 Initiation of SHG Formation/ Renovation

85 96 SHGs formed

18 Development of Communication Material

1 block level communication kit Done

19 Training of VDC/ JSS Members 235 members to be trained in 7 batches 235 members trained in 7 batches.

20 Meeting with Village development Committees/ JSS

2256 meetings with 47 VDCs 1707 meetings

21 Training of SHG leaders 240 members of 96 groups to be trained in 8 batches

13 programs organized with 240 including follow up

22 Training of TBAs 100 TBAs to be trained in 4 batches 4 basic training and 4 follow up trainings organized in which 100 TBAs trained.

23 Regular Meetings of SHGs 2700 meetings in 4 yrs of 96 groups 1084 meetings were organized with 96 groups

24 Training of PRI Committee Members 235 members to be trained in 7 batches 235 members trained in 14 programs 7followup and 7 basic

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Plan vs. Achievement- Talbehat25 Regular Meeting of PRI

Committee Members2256 meetings with 47 PRIs 1391 meetings

26 Specialist Health Camps 10 11 camps

27 Media Work shops 2 5

28 Preparation of Information Kit 1 Done

29 Exposure Visit PRI 235 members to be trained in 7 batches 250 members trained in 7 programs

30 Preparation & Implementation of Village Micro Plans

47 Panchayats 47 Panchayats

31 Support of Seed Money to SHGs 105 40

32 Exposure Visit SHGs 240 members of 96 groups to be trained in 8 batches

6 visits organized

33 Advocacy Work Shop Block Level

3 4

34 Advocacy Work Shop District Level

3 2

35 Exposure Visit – VDC 235 members to be trained in 7 batches 115 members in 10 batches

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Plan vs. Achievement- Talbehat36 Developing / Setting Up of

Information Centers and Updating IC

47 centers 47 Panchayat Information centers set up.

37 Legal literacy Workshops Block level and cluster level (9workshops)

9 workshops

38 Advocacy work shop State Level 1 Not Done

39 Vocational Training to SHG members for future Sustainability

240 members of 96 groups to be trained in 8 batches

6 trainings for 180 members

40 Convention of SHG/ VDC/ PRI 6 6

41 Vocational Counseling Camps 10 8

42 Sensitization of Government Staff 4 3

43 Preparation of Parliamentarian kit 1 kit VHAI

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Impacts- Rajnagar Confidence, taking problems to Administration Opposition of exploitation in organized way Availability of information at PRI and its increased

use. SHG have helped in reduction of migration Increased participation of people in GS and

panchayat meetings In the villages Majhgawan and Bhabua-fight

against atrocity Increased immunization SHG and other CBOs taking interest in Education Social and economic empowerment of women


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Impacts- Rajnagar Improved relationship with Administration-

SGSY,RCH, Watershed Member of Block level Jalabhishek committee,

certifate of appreciation given by department and CMO

Tara hat ISRO DOTS proposal submitted Some SHG directly linked to market Action was taken against Two PDS shops and

one ANM as a result of mobilization by Bundelkhand Mahila Manch

Organization invited in most District level meetings

Help in ASHA and sugam Karta selection SHG participated in state level Government Fair


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Impacts- Rajnagar

70 members from self help groups have filed their nominations for Panchayat elections.

As a result of regular visit made by members of SHG, VDCs to ICDS centres 59 centres became regular.

132 VDCs and 105 SHGs became active and they are meeting regularly

No. of referrals increased to PHC and District Hospital

Ghura, Tikuri, Badani, Kurela, Gada, Pathargunwa and Pahirapurawa these are the Sub centers where no health facility was available to the people. Creating pressure by the community and Village level groups the services of these sub centers improved.


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Impacts- Rajnagar

3 PDS shops of Chandra Nagar suspended on the complaint of VDC to SDM.

550 persons from the community were motivated to participate in Gram Sabha of Pahara purva,Dhoguan, Nayagaon, Pai, Ghunchu, Mahilwar, Bamari, Beniganj,Kurela, Pratapura, Gadha, Para, Vikrampur, Imliha,Akona, Lakheri, Naad, Dhamna, Ghura, Ganj villages.

Village development committees of 10 villages have been activated. These villages are Birona, Vikrampur, Tiloha, Ganj, Dhoguan, Pahari Mamaroo, Imliha, Pahari Bavan, Mahilwar and Nayagaon.


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Impacts- Rajnagar

187 Drop out girls were sent back to schools from 29 villages.

Visits of ANM became frequent to the project villages

High risk cases referred to PHC for safe delivery.

Cases of different diseases referred to District hospital for treatment


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Impacts- Prithvipur 1500 institutional deliveries 568 deliveries given payment under Janani Suraksha Dalit and ST women presence increased in PRI meeting-

about 2200 women have started attending meetings Untouchability has remarkably reduced, hand pump use

is now open to all without discrimination Children of SC and ST eating midday meal with other

children, general caste children eating food cooked by Dalit women,

Caste disparity on wane 15 villages with history of caste struggle, are now

showing accommodation and interaction Women taken interest in immunization and health

programs Visits by ANM and MPW have increased, situation of

ICDS improving Raising of voices against corruption by SC and ST


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Impacts- Prithvipur Block Front is actively engaged in taking complaints and

issues of malfunction of schemes to the authorities, several cases have been addressed successfully

136 BPL cards were with Sarpanch and Secretary, these have be given back to beneficiaries at the complaints lodged

938 additional Antydaya cards were issued In 6 panchayats, machines have been withdrawn from

NREGP work as a result of complaints 56 laborers were not paid wages for more than one year,

these are paid due to complaints 282 Old age people are receiving regular pensions, no

bribe is now paid to sarpanch and sachiv Situation of mid day meal improved due to demands by

community 29 PDS shops were irregular, 13 have become regular

due to complaints and press lobbying, information of stack and rate are displayed on all shops.


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Impacts- Prithvipur

Demand generation of rights has a significant impact, community and people have started to approach district administration.

Number of members in Gram Sabha and Panchayat meetings is increasing gradually especially of women members.

Sharing with Block development committees on village problems has increased.

People are getting necessary information at village level through village information centers


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Impacts- Prithvipur

With the support of the groups formed at village level, number of girls in schools has increased.

Safe delivery and support in Ante Natal Care, Post Natal care has been ensured through TBAs trained under PACS program.

Increased participation of women in decision making process

Advocacy efforts has facilitated communities to come at the fore front and from CBOs on their own.


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Preparation of volunteers at each village Women better informed about PRI Sense of solidarity and confidence in SHG

members. Saving more than 3 lakhs Problem of RTI and STD being discussed

frankly by members Pradhans are persuaded to hold meetings Wide coverage by press media Every village has more than two TBA Women enthusiastic about economic growth Women aware of FIR lodging Women taking problems to bank, complaint

of hand pumps


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Impacts-Talbehat Better relation of women with Political and Government

department Administration recognizes the contribution of project Increased sharing of information among Groups and villages Polio and Immunization coverage increased Disability certificates being issued at Block due to

mobilization and demand by project Information centers have helped in availability of information 250 paid membership of Manch, two members from each

village Visits by officials increased Enrollment of girls increased Heightened class struggle between bundela and Yadav,

yadav and Dalits PRI and PHC staff under pressure of CBO and performing

better Sambhav is a member in a 20 members committee formed

at CHC Tal Behat


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Impacts- Talbehat

268 acres land of 56 farmers in Chobara, Vijaypura and Dhangol villages have been demarkated.District Magistrate

3 PDS shops of villages Dhamkana, Chakai and Kadesarakala- random inspection was done by SDM and cancelled their license. In these villages new sales man were appointed and in these three villages 375 BPL families are getting ration from these shops on regular basis.


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Impacts- Talbehat

people are now questioning village Sarpanch and secretary about the income and expenditure of Panchayat. As a result of which in villages Thana, Bigari, Dhangol, Bamohrisar, Kadesaravasi and Rajavan demand has been made by gram Sabha members and a presentation was done by village Sarpanch on income and expenditure of Panchayats.

coverage of Registration of pregnant mothers and immunization has increased.


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Impacts- Talbehat

An increase in the average attendance of schoolgirls has been observed

Men and Women are showing their presence in community level and project level meetings

SHGs members have started income generation activities.

Pulse Polio campaign percentage of booth coverage has been increased


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Activities Beyond Plans



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Prithvipur Training for DOTS Providers-80 Registration of 257 TB Patients-112 Cured Rally of AJM on RTF Parivartan Rallies-6 Pulse Polio camp Girl Child Education Rally on Prevention of Child Marriage Mother and Bal Sanjeevini Rally Memorandum and Rally on Disability Day Eye Camp- 49 Cataract operation 188 NSV operation Application for work by Job card holders under

NREGP Scholar Ship for 8 VI children

Padyatra on Right to Food


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Padyatra on Right to Food This Padyatra was of 7 days starting

from 24-2-2006 to 1-3-2006. The main objective of this Padyatra was to raise issues related with right to food in 30 villages of Prithvipur Block and keep them in front of district administration. This Padyatra was organized by Jan Sangthan Manch which comprises members from SC and STcommunities. After this attempt we have been able to gather a little attention of district officials. At the end of the rally a memorandum was submitted to Collector through some representatives of this Manch. After two days collector formed a three persons committee to look into this matter. Now SDM is himself standing in villages to distribute ration in villages from which complaints were there.


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Rally Child Marriage Rally Girl Child Education** Mother and Bal Sanjeevni Campaign Leprosy and Deformity correction Camp Eye Camps Rally on Pulse campaign** Jalabhishek-Water harvesting campaign Rally on Disability Day and Memorandum Rally and memorandum on RTF Rally and Meeting on Women Right Day-TB World TB day registration of 21 patients-TB BPL survey, Disability survey


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World Consumers Day-TB HIV/AIDS workshop for girls Talaab Bachao Campaign RTI/STD -11 taken for TRT to Lalitpur Hospital Electoral Awareness campaign Help in Job Card Under NREGP-Rumor resolution Study on RTF of 30 villages Eye Camps World Disability Day Rally World Health day-meeting of women Disability Survey, list given DM and one NGO

working on disability


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Women Self Help Groups

SHG- Bank Linkage Programme: Operational Highlights

SHGs FormedSHG Members

Savings (Rs.)

SHGs Linked With Bank

Bank Loan Availed (Rs.) Reasons for Loaning

290 2837 1071145 175 437500

Cattle rearing, Goatery, Masala Chakki, Tent house, Household works, Bamboo work, Pottery

Sambhav has set up a shop of local handicraft items made by Self Help Groups, in Khajuraho. The shop offers metal, terracotta decorative items and Chikan Hadicraft clothing

Groups InvolvedOm Bhagvati- BamhariKishore- GangwahaShiv- PahrapurwaPragati- Pahadi BawanKunwar- PayeKrishna- NayagaonSharda- MajhguanJai Shera Wali- Khairee


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CBOs Formed

Bundelkhand Mahila Ekta Manch Sabhash Chandra Bose Vikas Manch Adivasi Manch

Future Directions


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Program Deliverables SHGs formed in all project villages Training of all SHGs completed Seed money given to all SHGs SHGs linked up with Banks/ Government schemes Training need assessment of local NGOs Training of Local NGOs completed Training of DDC/ BDC/ VDC completed Follow up training for Project core staff completed Training of TBAs Training of PRI members completed Required communication material developed Developing and setting up of information centres including display of

important information on a notice board in all Gram Panchayats Organizing specialist health camps 1 per PHC twice in an year Ongoing activities as indicated below With drawl strategy finalized Media sensitization workshop and field visit of media personnel

completed. Documentation of two years of work learning case studies, processes



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Monitoring Indicators No of training programs organized No of persons trained No of VDC,BDCs, DDC formed No of SHGs formed No of Regular meetings ( Panchayats including the

Gram Sabha, SHGs, VDCs,BDCs,DDCs,) being held

No. of people attending different meetings No of women regularly saving money No /types of activities initiated by the groups No of girls attending school regularly. No of women attending Gram Sabha meetings No. of social audits conducted by PRI No. of micro plans (village level ) made No. of women members in VDCs No. of village information centres formed


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