Planning for my Music Magazine

Planning for my music magazine

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Page 1: Planning for my music magazine

Planning for my Music Magazine

Page 2: Planning for my music magazine

When designing the flat plan for my music magazine I really like the idea of it having a lot of advertisement in it as well as articles because my target audience have a large interest in fashion as well as music so this is something I will make sure features a lot in my magazine. Each page will contain at least one picture so that it is a very visual magazine as well as full of information on music artist and bands. I like this idea of free samples of certain products so this is another thing I will be including in my magazine.

Page 3: Planning for my music magazine
Page 4: Planning for my music magazine

Organisation of ModelsWhen it came to choosing my models I wanted to use people who have the image that is just right for my magazine. The magazine, however it is music based, it will also have a strong fashion aspect to it and this had a big impact on the models that I chose.

Page 5: Planning for my music magazine

Model Number 1. Zoe…

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Organisation of Model number 1. Sent via Facebook email.

I am planning on using Zoë for the front cover and double page spread as I like her look and think she will look good on the front cover, she is also very photogenic which will help with getting a professional look for my magazine.

Page 7: Planning for my music magazine

Model Number 2. Kate…

Page 8: Planning for my music magazine

Organisation of Model Number 2. Via Facebook email.

I am planning on using Kate for a featured article on the contents page and an image on the front cover to give the magazine some more visual aids and more to read about.

Page 9: Planning for my music magazine

Masthead Ideas




I want to keep the masthead quite simple and in a readable font that will stand out. Nothing too fussy and something that will look classy. The letters BTM will in in capitals so to make an impact on the front cover.

Adobe Fangsong Std R

Baskerville Old Face

Engravers MT

Kozuka Mincho Pro H


Page 10: Planning for my music magazine

Colour Schemes These are 2 possible colour scheme for my music magazine. One is a lot more girly than the other but both I feel would work well however I think I may use the red, black white and grey colour scheme but I will try these both out when it comes to producing my magazine pages.

Page 11: Planning for my music magazine

This is a draft of what I would like my front cover to look like. I don’t want it to be too busy but quite simple and be very eye catching. The main focus of course will be the central image but I want the cover lines a plugs to stand out just as much.

Page 12: Planning for my music magazine

Mode of address

Although is magazines main target audience is teenagers I wont be using an slag in this magazine such a text speak, e.g u, tomoz, bbz etc. It is aimed at a slightly more sophisticated audience however I still want it too be easy and a nice thing to read. The articles will be written in a way so that my target audience feel like they can relate and have a say on what's going on with the magazine. I want my magazine to be something that readers can pink up and put down at any point during there day but find something that they want to read each time they open it that is fresh and not a heavy read. Some articles will be written as if you were talking to the reader so they really feel involved in the magazine and feel it has been made just for them.