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The Munster Legacy: Generation 1.1 - Growing Up

"Can you believe it, Priya? We're finally out of the sim bin, we can finally have a life, we can.. woooweee!!!, was your nose always that big?"

Welcome back to the Munster Legacy, a Legacy that builds its values on manliness, beards, and old style family values. We last left you with the birth of Abraham Munster, the first spare of Generation 2, who had been proceeded naturally by the heir, Bartholemew. Let's do a quick recap on everyone, shall we?

NOTE: My writing style may shift around a bit in this chapter as I'm trying to go from more of a past tense narrative thing to more of telling a story.

The founder and master of the house, Fudge, when we left, was busy doing the manliest things possible, like this.

Michelle, a Fortune sim through and through, was quite shocked to find herself willing to have so many babies and so little work time.

The baby she is holding in this picture is second born and first spare of Generation 2, Abraham Munster

And then there is Bartholemew, AKA Barty, the heir apparent of Generation 2, being the first born male.

He was a loud toddler.

"At least all these pregnancies aren't keeping me from my grilled cheese." Michelle thought to herself. Fudge was a good guy, but he really had gone overboard on the kid thing. She was willing to do it, and loved her children, but would be glad when it was all over and she could get back to her work.

The next day was the first day in the house that both Fudge and Michelle had to work, so a nanny had to be hired. Nanny Karen was the standard as far as nannies go, she didn't neglect the children, but wasn't astoundingly good either.

She did, however, have an obsession with taking Abraham out of his crib only to put him back in again when she realized that he didn't need attention.

"Well, that went wonderfully." Michelle exclaimed sarcastically. Her first day back at work, and she's already blown her chance at a promotion with a wayward telemarketing scheme that had cost her all her charisma points.

Abraham was a fairly normal baby as Barty was was before him. He ate, slept, poop, and then slept some more. Sometimes he pooped some more as well.

Before they knew it, it was Barty's birthday, and time for him to leave the toddler years behind.

"No wanna! Go play with bunny noooow!""Come on, Barty, we all gotta grow up sometimes. Well, all us playables, anyway."

Michelle smiled. Her children were growing up so fast.

"Woah, how does blowing out candles do that?"

The newly taller and extremely cute Barty had the rest of his life to figure out the way cake magic worked, but for now, he had a haircut to attend to.

With a quick trip to the mirror, Barty had a hairstyle much more fitting of the Munster familiy.

He spent the rest of the day running about, testing out his new kid legs and tiring himself out quite quickly.

It was an early night for a tired child as Barty went to bed in his new room, right behind the nursery he'd grown up in.

He missed his crib, but just a little.

He woke up bright and early the next morning, before either of his parents.

"Aww, crap, I think I put in too much sugar.. oh well!" Barty was quickly developing an independant if not slightly reckless streak. But isn't everyone a little reckless?

"This house is so messy, why doesn't anyone ever throw the old newspapers away?" Barty exclaimed quite loudly, hoping that someone might hear. He wasn't going to be the only one to do anything in this house if he had any say in it.

Fudge woke up soon, and as it was his day off, had some one on one bonding time with his first born.

"There's my little man! You are growing up quite well, if I say so myself. Soon enough you'll be able to grow a beard like me!"

"Beaaaard? Daddy, why do you talk about beards so much? Beards are gross!" Barty shuddered, beards were for old people! People who were 30! He wasn't 30, it would be a billion years before he was!

"Oh, you say that now, but you wait until you're a teenager, all the ladies will come running towards you if you grow a beard!" Fudge had seen this type of attitude before in children, it was nothing new. Barty would want his beard the second he became a teenager.

The day passed quickly, and before anyone was ready for it, it was time for Abe to become a toddler. Days of bottles and potty training lay ahead once again for the Munster family, and would for some time to come.

Not 5 seconds later, Abe had grown from just another baby into a unique individual toddler. The family resemblance was there between him and Barty, but Abe seemed to have inherited Fudge's nose instead of Michelle's, and had Fudge's skin tone as well.

A closer look at him revealed that he did, in fact, look a bit like his mom, but it seemed Fudge's genetics reigned completely dominant on this child.

He was a neat child, and quite outgoing as well, and with a ton of activity in him. He had no time for silly games though, as he was quite serious, with about one iota of a playful sim in him. It could conflict with the fact that he was nice as could be. (7/7/9/1/10)

It wasn't a legacy birthday unless your parents ran off in the middle of it for some good, strict family values fun .

"Hey, where did this thing come from? Cake magic strikes again! Ah, well, you're cute enough without being cuter than me. You can stick around, kid!" Barty joked wtih his brother.

He wouldn't admit it, but Barty was fond of the little floor dork, and could often be found engaging in a game of peek a boo while he thought no one was

"Cmon Abe, walk for mommy!"

*thump* Abe fell to the ground with a small crash. He was such a different boy than Barty was, much more nice and so much more dependant.

She'd fix Barty breakfast in the morning, only to turn around and find he'd made himself a muffin already.

"Are you sure you want to eat that, Barty? It looks a little overdone to me." Michelle shuddered, that didn't look very healthy. Surely the pancakes she had made would suit breakfast better?

"Too late mom, already half done with it. I can take care of myself. I think they just need less flour."

Michelle just knew, one day that impulsive boy was going to get himself into trouble.

But she couldn't keep an eye on him all the time, she had to work. She'd finally gotten her promotion to Junior Executive and couldn't really afford to skimp out on the days she did have, considering how much maternity leave she took.

Fudge, meanwhile, had been relegated to at home daddy duty with Abe.

"Now how did you get into the toilet, Abe? Do I have to keep my eye on you 24/7?""Yes! *giggle*"

"How's my hard working lady doing? Come here and get some Fudge Loving!"

"Oh, cmon Fudge. You know we'd have to Try for Baby even if I did want to, and I have work to do. I have to finish your portrait, then skill so I can go to work tomorrow."

Turns out, she had little to worry when it came to having to Try for Baby.

"Aww, nuts." There went that promotion she could have gotten tomorrow.

Achievements come in all shapes and sizes, and even the smallest one can seem important to a child.


The muffin wars were finished, and Barty finally didn't have to worry anymore.

"Congratulations, Barty! You'll have to make me a muffin sometime. But you know what today is, right?" Michelle glanced out the window to where the yellow school bus was waiting, "You have to go to school today."

Barty cringed, "Mom, don't you know that the school bus eats kids like me for breakfast?"

"Honey, go.""Alriiiight."

Fudge and Michelle watched as their first child stepped off the lot and on to the bus that would take him to his first day at school. A necessary thing to avoid the social worker, but they sure didn't like the looks of that bus driver.

"So, we're having another one, huh? I do say, it'll be nice to have another young man roaming around the house."

"Well, how do you know this one isn't going to be a girl? I think it's going to be a girl."

"Nonsense! You're a boy, aren't you? Hello little guy, come out of there and prove your mommy wrong!" "I'll bet you it's a girl."

"Well, I'll bet you it's another boy." Fudge could not be reasoned with.

Barty mulled over his homework in the living room, eager to have it all done with so he could play with his little brother and make muffins. What was the use of homework anyway? He listened to what the teacher had to say and all this work was so easy! He didn't need to prove himself.

"Michelle, could you come outside for a second?"

What did that man want now? Couldn't he see she was in the middle of cooking dinner? Well, he was outside, of course he couldn't literally see, but surely he could smell or something..

"We.. we have a car!" Michelle's mouth dropped, "When did we get a car?!"

"I picked it up after work and made sure it got into the front in secret. Did I do a good job?"

"Yes!!!" Michelle was elated. The silly carpool may not pick her up in her second trimester, but they couldn't stop her from just driving to work.

"A TV too? I've heard these things are awesome for helping bribe kids into doing homework."

"There's my little man! Mommy and daddy are moving on up, aren't you proud of us, Abe?""Fuzzy jammies! Eee!"

Abe couldn't understand, but it looks like things were looking up for the Munster family.

And then, that day happened.

"Anyone? Come out and hug daddy? Daddy could use a hug right now."

Fudge was distraught, though he wouldn't show it. How could he blow a covert operation that big? And furthermore, how could he have gotten himself fired? He had two kids and one more on the way to provide for. He felt terrible.


"Anyone? Come out and hug daddy? Daddy could use a hug right now."

Fudge was distraught, though he wouldn't show it. How could he blow a covert operation that big? And furthermore, how could he have gotten himself fired? He had two kids and one more on the way to provide for. He felt terrible.


He'd feel even more terrible in a second when his wife found out.

"Fired? You got fired? I can barely go to work as it is because someone has to watch the kids, and you went and got yourself fired?" Michelle had never looked this angry since he'd met her.

"Michelle, you are being incredibly hard to talk to right now. I am going to go take care of my needs, and we can talk about this when you calm down."

"At least make sure you're in gold, first, dum dum, wouldn't want you screwing that up as well." Michelle muttered under her breathe.

Perhaps she should have said it a little louder. Fudge carelessly stomped out back to where the unsightly energizer had been hidden for some time now, stomped in, and promptly was zapped with several volts of electricity that he wasn't happy enough to receive.

He was suddenly tired, hungry, smelly, lonely, and all those other bad things all at once.


He passed out on the back lawn, and was found by Michelle only an hour later, who had to have Barty help carry him back to his bed.

It was touch and go for the next 12 hours, not knowing whether their father and husband would wake up, or if when he did, he would fall down dead of hunger.

What was worst of all is he missed Abe's birthday.

"Mama, where daddy?" Abe didn't see the hairy man he called daddy anywhere.

"Daddy is feeling a little sick right now, honey. I'm sure he'd be here if he could. I know he would never miss your birthday on purpose. Now make a wish and blow out the candles." Michelle held back a few tears. She only blamed herself for this incident, and what's worse, she'd been so distraught she hadn't noticed her spaghetti had gone bad. Now she was ill on top of it.

If Fudge had been able to be there, he would have been quite proud how Abe grew up. He was the spitting image of his father, almost, save for his mother's smile.

"Barty, why wasn't dad at my birthday? He was at yours, wasn't he? Does he not like me as much as you?" Abe was worried that he wasn't living up to his parents expectations. Barty was oldest, they'd think everything he did was great no matter what.

"Well, I don't know about liking me more than you, I don't know how parents think, but dad is sick right now because him and mom had a fight so dad went and shocked himself in that machine they won't let us use." Barty tried not to worry about the silly things adults did.

That night, once again in the dead of night, Michelle woke up from a restless sleep.

"Owww. No, no, I can't have the baby now. Fudge isn't nearly ready to get up yet. OwwwwEEEE!"

"Honey, I heard you screaming, I got here as fast as I... oh." Fudge stopped in his tracks. He'd missed the birth of his baby due to his own recklessness.

"Don't feel bad, Fudge. It was nothing special, really. Just a lot of screaming and twirling. Oh, by the way, told you this one was going to be a girl. Can we call her Tabitha? I always thought that was a pretty nice name."

Tabitha wouldn't have known it then, but she saved her dad's life that day. The birth of his first daughter had pushed his mood beyond great, and given him the strength to recover. Him and Michelle weren't sick anymore. He found a job in the Architect career, albeit far below what he had been in the military. The day of doom had come and gone, and they had all made it in one piece.

"Well, a girl baby can't be that much different than a boy baby, can it?"

Fudge wouldn't admit it yet, but he liked having a little girl around the house.

To be honest, he was quite right. In the end, boys and girls both oozed the same drool and poop all over the place.

Somehow, even with 3 children, Michelle and Fudge always found time to be together. Though it would be akward if Barty and Abe were to come home from school and walk in on this.

"Abe, I don't like this baby. Do you think there's a way we can get rid of this one?" Barty was wary of having a sister. Girls were different, and weird.

"Barty, you can't just throw out a baby. Plus, dad and mom say we have to take care of Tabitha, and dad said because she's a girl we have to be big brothers and protect her." Abe was a bit more reasonable than his brother.

That night near dinner, a funny man came about the house. He said he was from a very nice, very influential school, but Barty thought he looked more like he was from the looney bin.

"Oh, hello. It's about time, I've been out here a whole minute now. Is your father home?" The least the man could do was look at him. Grown ups were so rude sometimes.

"I like shoes, Fudge. Do you like shoes? It's very odd that you're at the dinner in your bed robe At least you could have bothered to put some shoes on."

Fudge was very off put by this man, but Barty and Abe got into his school, nonetheless. Though he had to wonder if he wanted them there with this crazy face anymore.

That night, Barty went in the nursery that had originally been built for him to have a look at his new baby sister. She really didn't look that much different from when Abe was a baby, from what he could remember. "Eh, you're not so bad. You can stay. But you still smell funny, like the rest of the girls."

Fudge had a late night as well. He looked at his half done drawing. No, no, it was wrong, it was all wrong. The hand was too big, and since when did Michelle wear green? She'd made such a good portrait of him, the least he could do was return the favor.

Michelle woke bright and early the next morning and went to her daughters crib.

"Well, it's just you and me today, huh?" Fudge had to work, and someone had to stay home to support the kids. She'd called a nanny but that had ended up a no show. She'd have to have a word with her tomorrow. "... Wow, you smell."

Mother daughter day around the house was rather quiet. The house was normally filled with the sounds of loud thundering as Barty ran wild and Fudge chased after him. Abe was quiet, for the most part, but even he couldn't resist sometimes. It was nice to have a girl around.

She even had time to get her birthday cake ready. It was time for the youngest Munster to become a toddler.

Of course, one can't even make it to the crib these days without learning that the youngest Munster would not, in fact, be the youngest for long. "At least I've got a car now..."

"I didn't miss Tabitha's birthday, did I? I brought noise makers and balloons and.. we're having another one?" Michelle laughed at Fudge waking himself from the dead of sleep to come see his daughter grow up. He'd never quite forgiven himself for the birthday of Abe's that he missed.

When the confetti cleared, everyone saw the spitting image of Michelle. She had her fathers hair and eyes, but only out of dominance. There was no denying who Tabitha's mother was. All in all, she was a fairly normal girl, swaying neither too far one way than the other. (6/4/5/6/6)

From the second they put her on the ground, Tabitha was adored by the whole family. Being the only little girl for the moment had it's advantages, such as charming the cupcakes out of people.

As the night wore on, muffins were made, and brothers sat down for chats.

"You know, Abe, it's my birthday tomorrow. I asked dad for a pony ride, he said we were short on money, but I bet if he could do it, he would." Barty bragged.

"Barty, you know there's not a single pony in Chocolate Falls." Abe knew his brother liked to pretend he was more important than he was.

"Look, Abe, you might not like pony rides, but just because you don't doesn't mean that I can't beg for one until my ears turn blue. It's fine with me, though. Once I grow up I probably won't care about pony rides anyway..." Barty almost let his concern show with that last sentence, but he managed to hold it in.

The truth was he was worried. What if he grew up and became boring like all the other old people around here?

Well, he wasn't going to risk his last day of non boringness sitting around doing homework. He had a voyage scheduled on the S.S. Bathtub.

"Yarr, it be clear sailing to the toilet from here on out."

For a second, he wondered what it would be like to actually rule the seas. Nah, that was a silly thought. The sea is so big.

Abe went back to his room and sat down at the dollhouse him and Barty had shared since he was a toddler. "Freaking Barty, why does he have to be so rude? It's not like I don't know he's going to grow up, and everyone is going to be paying attention.. Dad wasn't even at my birthday. Everyone is going to forget me."

Sometimes, there was such a thing as being too sensitive and nice for one's own good.

The next day came bright and early for the family, as everyone had some place to be except little Tabitha. Nanny Karen actually bothered to show up that day, so she was alright as well. It was a good day for Nanny Karen, nothing was burnt and nobody was left to pass out on the ground from being ignored.

Before anyone knew it, the latter part of the day had come and everyone was coming home from their various day activities.

"Dad, I got an A+ on my report card today. You're proud of me, right?" Abe didn't know whether an A+ warranted jumping up and down and waking people up, but he hoped for at least a congratulations.

"That's wonderful, Abe! My little guys are so smart. Hey, you want to come in and help me set up for Barty?"

Back to Barty again. Oh well, it was good enough.

While the other children dealt with themselves, Michelle set to teaching a stubborn radioactive Tabitha how to talk.

"Come on, honey. Say Mommy? Daddy? Anything?""No!""I guess that would be anything."

When all other things were said and done, it was time for one little boy to say goodbye to childhood.

Barty Legacy stood at the lit candles, thinking of all the things he could wish for, and finally, he had it. He wished he'd stay exactly the same, but bigger. He didn't want to change, ever.

"You're not gonna forget me, are you Barty?" Abe said. He looked a bit worried.

"Naw, Abe, you're too loud to forget, wooooahhhh!" and then, with a twirl...

Barty Munster became the first teenager of the Munster household. Also, his face exploded.

He became a Fortune sim, and to honor the tradition of the SS Bathtub, decided he'd like nothing less than becoming the Hand of Poseidon himself.

"Mom, why did Barty run off so fast? He still likes me, right?" Abe asked while in mid dance with his mother, who was now in her third trimester of pregnancy.

"Aww, of course he does, Abey. Barty's a teenager now, though. If there's a free moment and a free mirror, you know where to find him." Michelle sometimes worried about her second child.

"Sorry Abe, I had to make sure I grew up into decent clothes. Can't be walking around in a clown suit now, can I? Wow, when did you get so small?" He didn't think Abe was that short.

"I've always been this size, it's not my fault you grew two feet." Abe was glad his brother would still talk to him. Plus, it's not like he wasn't going to be a teen one day.

"Oh, son, there you are. I was thinking, now that you're a teenager, you do know you can grow a beard now, right?" Fudge would never let up on him now that he was old enough to actually do this nonsense.

"Well, dad, yeah, I could..."

Barty pondered on that a moment before speaking again, "But, you see, I've just been thinking. Maybe a beard isn't for me, you know? I want to be my own person. I mean, you've always just been pressuring me to grow one, I mean, I can remember being a toddler and you talking to me about beards. If I ever did grow one it would only be for you, I wouldn't actually enjoy it."

In fact, he would never say it to his dad, but he was a bit repulsed by beards (The randomizer tells no lies). Especially on females. He'd much prefer a blonde with a nice hat.

"Huh. Well, I see. Remember, though, you've got time to change your mind."

Somehow, Barty doubted by that look that his father took him seriously.

One of the better parts of being a teenager in a Legacy household, Barty figured, was increased usefulness and the ability to make more of his time due to being able to use the fancy contraption hiding out back, the one that almost had killed his father back in his childhood.

Seeing as his dad was far from a great painter, he figured he might as well make a portrait of his mother to match.

"Bart-eeee!" Being a teenager also meant Barty was no longer immune from toddler duty.

"Oh, wow, kiddo, you need a bath. Where is mom? Oh, sleeping.. Dad, work.. Darn it" Guess he was stuck with her.

Of course, even with 5 sims in the house, sometimes you just forget to pay the bills, and a creepy looking man comes over and vaporizes your mirror and toddler toys.

"Waaah, Xylophone go bye. Brrooom rocketship at ugly man!" That would show that ugly man to take Tabitha's stuff.

"Cmon, honey, sing the song. Your brother's can sing the song, don't you want to?" Michelle was tiring a bit of toddler skills, and this baby kept kicking her insides.

"Ow, my back." Michelle was glad there was always a seat ready for her on the couch. "Fudge, you know, I was thinking, this is going to be our fourth biological child. Maybe we've had enough of our own?"

Fudge was a bit taken aback by the sudden forwardness. "Well, maybe, but what about my lifetime want?"

"Well, that's the thing. Whoever said they had to be biological children?" Michelle had thought of this earlier, "We can wait until the boys are a bit bigger and heading off to college, and then we can adopt some children. Wouldn't that be a nice thing to do?"

Fudge smiled, why hadn't he thought of this before? "You know, Michelle, I think that would be a great idea. Now I think I'm going to be off to bed."

"Yeah, I would be too, but this kid won't let up. Owww. OWwww! Fudge, I think you should maybe come back!!!"

"I'm back, I'm back, I'm in my pajamas, but I'm back." Fudge sounded incredibly out of breathe for only having run a few steps across the house.

"Good thing, because this one wants out right nooooWWWCH!"

And with a little extra push, and a twirl...

Carolina Munster was born, at first glance looking quite like her older sister.

"So you're the one that's been playing hockey with my organs."

The first of the children to come see their new sibling was of course, Barty, who had to be first to do everything. "Carolina, huh? Isn't that a state? Well, you're cute enough, you can get away with it."

The fourth and possibly last biological child of Fudge and Michelle had been born, and things were going quite well, so this seems like a good of time as any to end the second chapter. Will things continue to go well? Will there be any drama? How will Fudge feel when he realizes that Barty never, ever, wants to grow a beard? We'll find out soon enough, so keep tuning in.