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  • 1. 3rd Person Singular
    By: Kathryn GAugler

2. Objectives:

  • Identify 3rd person singular pronouns

3. Correctly identify instances of 3rd person in context. 4. Use 3rd person correctly in sentences.Extended Objective:
Write paragraph in 3rd person to describe a family member or friend.Include a description of what they do, what they look like, their age, height and/or physical characteristics.
5. Lets Review:
The first person is when the speaker is talking about____________________.
How are you?
Hi.My name is Tim.
The second person is when the speaker is talking to _______________________.
someone else
6. Good work!
7. The 3rd person refers to:
Someone or something being spoken about
That person or thing is NOT involved in the conversation!
3rd Person Singular
8. he
There are two pronouns to use in place of someones name in English.
these only are used to refer to one person.
3rd Person Pronouns
9. Did you know.?
Many books are written in the 3rd person.
Think of your favorite book
Does it use words like he and she?
If it does thats the 3rd person!
Cool Fact
10. He likes to read books about cowboys.
She paints a picture in art class.
3rd Person Examples
11. The 3rd person also works for nouns that arent people.
The pronoun for these words would be:

  • The storm is violent.

13. It is violent. 14. My hat is black. 15. It is black. 16. That cow is huge! 17. It is huge!Notice that we eliminate the definite/indefinite articles, possessive adjectives and demonstrative adjectives.
18. Now its your turn!
19. He
My dad works very hard.__________works with cars.
20. I live in New York City._________ is a very loud and busy place.
21. She
________ wore a dress to the dance.Anna looked very pretty.
22. Which one of these sentences is written in the 3rd person?
You talk too fast.You should slow down when reading a big paragraph.
My friend is Andrew.He is funny and nice.Sometimes he visits my house.
I live with my mom and brother.I have two dogs and a cat.
23. Great job!Keep practicing!
Try writing a short paragraph about a friend or family member.Give it to your teacher when you are done.