ITS DEPLOYMENT ( ITS / TASK 7 ) done by Wael Saad Hameedi / P71062

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ITS DEPLOYMENT ( ITS / TASK 7 ) done by Wael Saad Hameedi / P71062

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Prof. Dr. Riza Atiq Abdullah O.K. Rahmat





Page 2: ITS DEPLOYMENT ( ITS / TASK 7 ) done by Wael Saad Hameedi / P71062


Supposing that Kuala Lumpur will host the Football World Cup in 2020, this event known as a planned special event, so a planned special event is a public activity with scheduled time, location and duration that may impact the normal operation of the surface transportation system due to increased travel demand and/or reduced capacity attributed to event staging. So this situation is complex because it involves a wide range of ministries, agencies, professional organizations, and private companies in KL and those institutions must contend with the transportation implications of hosting planned special events. Events can be large or small; they can be scheduled only once or repeat on a regular basis. All planned special events present challenges to host communities. ITS, which include equipment to sense current traffic conditions, to control traffic flow and to inform travelers of what to expect, as well as centers to bring all these functions together, can help agencies meet these challenges. And the transportation officials interviewed found that the use of ITS helps to ease the congestion and frustration that accompany many planned special events

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WHAT IS THE KUALA LUMPUR'S INTELLIGENT URBAN TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM PLANS AT THE 2020 FOOTBALL WORLD CUP EVENT ? Kuala Lumpur's goal for planned special events management is to provide for safe, convenient access to and from events while also providing an acceptable level of service for other transportation system users. To achieve this goal, the county uses an advanced traffic management system, the hub of which is the Kuala Lumpur‟s traffic management center (TMC), shown in Figure 1.

Figure (1) Kuala Lumpur‟s traffic management center The TMC is the central location for monitoring and controlling traffic and sharing information about transportation conditions in and around special events( football world cup 2020 ). As part of the public safety communications center, the TMC enables representatives from police, fire, 9-1-1, and the emergency operations center to be co-located at the facility. Planned special events are operated out of the TMC, which also oversees central communications for Ride-On, Montgomery County‟s transit service. Periodically, the command center functions for a special event will be moved to a satellite location where ITS equipment within the event‟s vicinity are remotely monitored and controlled, leaving the TMC to manage the rest of the county‟s transportation system. ITS technologies that are used for operations management at the TMC include:

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Portable dynamic message signs. These portable signs are deployed to strategic

locations on arterial and local roads in advance of a special event. Figure 2 shows one of the signs in use during a planned special event in Montgomery County. Messages are pre-programmed, but may be changed in real time as conditions warrant. The signs may be moved to different locations as needed during an event, an advantage over permanent dynamic message signs.

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Traffic surveillance cameras : Cameras are used to monitor traffic flow in and

around the event area, and are provided to the public on the Internet and cable TV during the event. Kuala Lumpur currently has many cameras in the suggested places for the football world cup 2020, but hopes eventually to acquire a total of 220 to 250, although available funding limits the deployment to about ten new cameras per year. While not all cameras are located near event venues, many are placed so that roads affected by event traffic can be monitored and, if necessary, controlled.

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Computerized traffic signal system: traffic staff use this system extensively in special

event operations to accommodate unusual traffic demands at local intersections and corridors. Transportation management technicians in the Kuala Lumpur TMC or at a remote command post actively make timing plan changes as conditions change.

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Vehicle detection systems: when these systems are operated within a special event

area, they provide the TMC with insights into traffic flow. The computerized signal system is capable of responding to inputs from the detection system and modifying signal timing to alleviate congestion.

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Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS): The RITIS collects, consolidates, and disseminates TMC data from Seremban, Ipoh, and Kota kinabalu . This information is available to public agencies and to the traveling public, enabling all parties to learn about incidents or other transportation issues that may affect trips in the Kuala Lumpur (area of planned special event ) and react accordingly.

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In the meantime there is a new intelligent traffic light system will be applied in Kuala Lumpur that expected to reduce gridlock in KL : A new traffic management system called TrafficSens would be implemented early next year to provide a smoother traffic flow in various parts just outside the city center. It was developed locally by TrafficSens Systems (M) Sdn Bhd, a company given a government grant of RM1.8mil to research and develop the system. The TrafficSens system will be up and running after its integration with DBKL‟s existing automated traffic management system in 62 locations throughout Kuala Lumpur‟s city center by April next year.

The company‟s managing director Datuk Tan Boon Hock mentioned that the system has a software that acquires and learn the traffic flow where it is deployed and adjusts the traffic flow accordingly, It can be likened to having a traffic policeman permanently stationed at each traffic light. Through the TrafficSens intelligent learning system, the “stationary cop” would also be constantly communicating with other policemen to direct oncoming traffic. “With the development of smart-traffic management system, traffic light timers that are being used presently to control the city‟s vehicle flow is a thing of the past.

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“The artificial intelligence that we developed for the traffic lights is able to detect the volume of vehicles during peak hours and synchronize with its „peers‟ to provide smooth flow,” The TrafficSens system is independent as it has an early warning system that is hooked up to the traffic management center via 3G mobile network. “If there is a faulty light in the array of TraffiSens system, it will dispatch a warning via SMS to the command center. “the operators can tackle this immediately to prevent disruption in the traffic management system where the TrafficSens is deployed.”

In downtown Toronto, Canada, the system was installed at 59 intersections and the results showed a reduction in the average intersection delay ranging from 27% to 39% and travel-time savings of 15% and 26% along the busiest routes.

A spokesperson from Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) said they were in the process of finalizing the details of the system. “Currently, the hardware has been installed in stages at certain traffic light junctions, but the system has yet to go online.” He said TrafficSens would enhance the existing Itaka and Scat traffic light system used in some parts of the city.

One of the reasons why the TrafficSens system was selected by DBKL was the fact that it was locally developed,

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ministry of transportation in Malaysia knows the importance of getting information out to travelers who may not be familiar with local roads, or who have not attended a particular event previously. To this end, so it uses a comprehensive set of traveler information tools to assist motorists with information about their trips to and from the venues that host planned special events. These tools include the following:

o Cable TV : During special events, the TMC offers a cable TV program that provides audio from the traveler‟s advisory radio system, scrolling text with traffic and incident information, and video feeds from traffic cameras. This same type of show is used daily and for peak traffic periods seven days a week.

o Traveler’s advisory radio system : Twelve (12) transmitters are placed throughout the Kuala Lumpur and simulcast travel information is recorded by transportation management technicians in the Kuala Lumpur TMC. The information includes any conditions related to a special event that need to be relayed to the public.

o Internet : Travel conditions are regularly updated on the Internet to provide up-to-the-minute conditions for the entire transportation system in general and special event conditions in specific. In the case of events that have large attendance, such as our case ( football world cup 2020) ,Malaysian ministry of transportation typically creates customized pages specifically for those events. Smaller events, however, are covered on the agency‟s current incidents.

o Media sharing : The TMC regularly shares information with the broadcast media, and the media have access to the TMC‟s traffic camera system.

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The use of ITS helps to ease the congestion and frustration that accompany many planned special events. ITS offer benefits to all types of agencies that host planned special events, from large urban areas that host special events throughout the year to small rural areas that host only one or two events annually. Transportation officials in localities around the country have recognized the important role ITS technologies play in the success of their planned special events. Many of these individuals also recognize that without these technologies, managing the transportation needs of both event attendees and local citizens would be a much more challenging proposition. A key component to a successful event is not only the integration of different traffic management system components and technologies, but also the integration of the stakeholders themselves into a coordinated and cohesive team. Without a well-established line of communication and a strong sense of coordination among transportation agencies, law enforcement and public safety agencies, emergency responders, event planners, the media, and interested local parties, ITS technologies are simply expensive tools sitting in a toolbox. No matter the type of event or its size, the most important element is having a well-prepared plan and executing it with the full cooperation of all of the organizations involved.

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