© 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. © 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Building Creative Product Extensions with Experience Manager Justin Edelson | AEM Evangelist | @justinedelson #Connect2015

Building Creative Product Extensions with Experience Manager

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© 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.© 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Building Creative Product Extensions with Experience Manager Justin Edelson | AEM Evangelist | @justinedelson


© 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Agenda• Common Extensibility Platform

• Getting Started

• Anatomy of a CEP Extension

• Connecting CEP Extensions to AEM


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Extending Desktop Apps

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• Sandbox – a crashing extension will not affect the native application

• Much faster to develop and run

• Well known, widely supported, industry standard

• Easy to integrate web services

• Rapidly build user interfaces

• Wealth of existing frameworks and tools to support development

Benefits of HTML5

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Adobe apps supporting HTML5 extensions

Compatible Products

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Getting Started• Enable PlayerDebugMode

• OSX: ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.<version>.plist• Windows: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.<version>

• (OS X) kill cfprefsd (or just Restart)


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Anatomy of a CEP Extension


Regular CSS

Regular JavaScript

Regular HTML

Special Sauce

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Manifest• Provides Extension ID & Name

• Declares Compatible Applications & Versions

• Points to Starting HTML

• Defines UI


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The .debug File Allows you to remote debug your extension via a Browser

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Extension Id="com.example.helloworld.extension">


<Host Name="PHXS" Port="9090"/>





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Using Node Modules in CEP

• The Easy Way:• $ cd MY_EXTENSION_DIR• $ npm install MODULE_NAME

• The Cleaner Way• Create a package.json file• Run npm install


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Using Node Modules in CEP

• Then…• Use require() in your JavaScript

var opener = require('opener');

• Or in Angular:

app.factory('opener', function() {

return require('opener');



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Sidebar – AEM Assets Companion

• Introduced with AEM 6.1

• WebDAV Helper Application

• Registers special URL Handler• aem-asset:/geometrixx/banners/airport.jpg

• Reveal (Open Containing Folder)

• aem-asset:/geometrixx/banners/airport.jpg?action=open• Opens File in Default Editor

$ open aem-asset:/geometrixx/banners/airport.jpg?action=open


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Logging into AEM from CEP

Option 1: Host the entire UI in AEM

Pros: Supports any authentication scheme used by AEM. Cons: Not the best development experience

Option 2: Use XHR from CEP Extension

Pros: Simple. Cons: Requires allowing blank referrers. Only supports username/password.

Option 3: Use node http client

Pros: Simple Cons: Only supports username/password. Requests don’t appear in Debugger.


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Logging into AEM from CEP

login: function(username, password, url, success, error) {

$localStorage.baseUrl = url;


url : url + "/j_security_check",

form: {

j_username : username,

j_password : password,

j_validate : true


}, function(err, response, body) {

if (response.statusCode === 200) {

$localStorage.tokenCookie = response.headers['set-cookie'][0].split(' ')[0];


} else {






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Querying AEM from CEP

search: function(term, callback) {


url : $localStorage.baseUrl + "/bin/querybuilder.json",

form : _.extend({

'fulltext' : term

}, searchDefaults),

headers : {

'Cookie' : $localStorage.tokenCookie


}, function(err, response, body) {

var results = JSON.parse(response.body);





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Referencing Resources

getTokenizedUrl : function(path) {

return $localStorage.baseUrl + path + "?j_login_token=" +

$localStorage.tokenCookie.split('=')[1].slice(0, -1);



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Demo #1


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Interacting with the Host

CSInterface.js Information about the host application & environment Event Handling

CEPEngine_extensions.js Extension Control Functions File handling

Vulcan.js Launch CC Applications

All available from https://github.com/Adobe-CEP


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Demo #2


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Demo Code Link



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