Learning Objective Date: 27 th Jan 14 Unit: Online Media English Departmen t By the end of the lesson.... • We will consider some of the issues relating to Web 2.0 • we will understand the concepts behind wikinomics • we will look at some of the benefits / difficulties of wikinomics Key Terminology for your glossary Peering Free creativity Globalisation Democracy ‘Perfect storm’ A wiki Prosumers Torvalds’ ‘Linux’

Wikinomics - Mrs Brown

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Page 1: Wikinomics - Mrs Brown

Learning Objective

Date: 27th Jan 14 Unit: Online Media

English Department

By the end of the lesson....

• We will consider some of the issues relating to Web 2.0• we will understand the concepts behind wikinomics• we will look at some of the benefits / difficulties of wikinomics

Key Terminology for your glossaryPeering Free creativityGlobalisationDemocracy‘Perfect storm’A wikiProsumersTorvalds’ ‘Linux’

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Ross M with

Caroline with

Charlie with

Charlotte with

Megan with

Braden with




Ross F



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Starter (10mins and then feedback):Key Terminology for your glossaryOnline communityLean back mediaLean forward media

What technology has made audience participation possible? Hardware, software and online.

What issues surround Web 2.0 – is it democratic? Is it safe? Who owns the content and who is responsible for it? Does it empower the user or can it be limiting?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of web 2.0 for users and for institutions?

Page 4: Wikinomics - Mrs Brown

Date: 27th Jan 14 Unit: Online Media

Level 2



Grade 3


Level 4

Limited ability to adapt to the specific requirements of the chosen question. A partially coherent, basic argument is presented.Some examples of theories, industry knowledge and/or texts and debates, with some basic evidence of an attempt to connect these elements. Inclusion of history and/or the future is limited.Some of the material presented is informed by contemporary media theory, articulated through a basic use of theoretical terms.

The answer offers a sensible, mostly clear balance of media theories and knowledge of industries and texts, with a proficient attempt at personally engaging with issues and debates. Question answered well.

Examples of theories, texts and industry knowledge are connected together in places, and a clear argument is proficiently developed in response to the question. History and the future are discussed with relevance.

Material presented is mostly informed by contemporary media theory, articulated through use of appropriate theoretical terms.

Chosen question answered in excellent fashion and make connections in order to present a coherent argument. The answer offers a clear, fluent balance of media theories and knowledge of industries and texts and informed personal engagement with issues and debates.

Examples of theories, texts and industry knowledge are clearly connected together in the answer. History and the future are integrated into the discussion with conviction.

Throughout the answer, material presented is informed by contemporary media theory and the command of the appropriate conceptual and theoretical language is excellent.

English Department

Learning Outcomes

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Wikinomics: Tapscott and Williams


5 mins – what is it?

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a website or database developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.

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Wikinomics: Tapscott and Williams

• Peering, the free sharing of creativity, and the ability of Web 2.0 to allow audiences and institutions to think globally has led to a media industry that is becoming increasingly democratised.

• They argue this has led to the ‘perfect storm’ where resistance to online/social/participatory media is futile.

• The Art and Science of Peer Production

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Emergent Wikinomics:

• In the 1990s companies that couldn’t find solutions to problems offered them to the general public such as the ‘Linux’ operating system.

• Goldcorp shared their secrets with the world to find more gold deposits and offered prize money to a public member who found the solution

• Ordinary people were having a say in the economics of the country.

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Individual response and research

All resources are chunks taken straight from the book.

Formal presentations tomorrow…..

Research the ideasConsider the implications, the challenges for producers, audiences and institutionsWhat are the benefits?Define concepts (especially if they appear on the glossary)

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Wikinomics: prosumers rather than consumers

While hierarchies are not vanishing, profound changes in the nature of technology, demographics, and the global economy are giving rise to powerful new models of production based on community, collaboration, and self-organization rather than on hierarchy and control.

Customers become "prosumers" by cocreating goods and services rather than simply consuming the end product.

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Wikinomics: the perfect stormFrom the Internet's inception its creators envisioned a universal substrate linking all mankind and its artefacts in a seamless, interconnected web of knowledge. This was the World Wide Web's great promise: an Alexandrian library of all past and present information and a platform for collaboration to unite communities of all stripes in any conceivable act of creative enterprise.

The Internet is becoming a giant computer that everyone can program, providing a global infrastructure for creativity, participation, sharing, and self-organization.

How is this different from the Internet as it first appeared? Think of the first iteration of the Web as a digital newspaper. You could open its pages and observe its information, but you couldn't modify or interact with it. And rarely could you communicate meaningfully with its authors, apart from sending an e-mail to the editor. The new Web is fundamentally different in both its architecture and applications. Instead of a digital newspaper, think of a shared canvas where every splash of paint contributed by one user provides a richer tapestry for the next user to modify or build on. Whether people are creating, sharing, or socializing, the new Web is principally about participating rather than about passively receiving information.

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Wikinomics: the perfect storm

The bottom line is this: The immutable, standalone Web site is dead. Say hello to a Web that increasingly looks like a library full of chatty components that interact and talk to one another.

The losers launched Web sites. The winners launched vibrant communities. The losers built walled gardens. The winners built public squares.

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Wikinomics: peer production

Today the tables are turning. The growing accessibility of information technologies puts the tools required to collaborate, create value and compete at everybody's fingertips.

Some examples of peer production have recently become household names. As of August 2006, the online networking extravaganza MySpace had one hundred million users—growing a half a million a week—MySpace, YouTube, Linux, and Wikipedia— today's exemplars of mass collaboration

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Wikinomics: the blogosphere

The upheaval occurring right now in media and entertainment provides an early example of how mass collaboration is turning the economy upside down.

Tens of millions of people share their news, in formation, and views in the blogosphere, a self-organized network of over 50 million personal commentary sites that are updated every second of the day.

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Wikinomics: Current TV (Aug 2005-2013)

Turn off your TV, pick up a video camera and some cheap editing software, and create a news feature for Current TV, a new national cable and satellite network created almost entirely by amateur contributors. Though the contributors are unpaid volunteers, the content is surprisingly good.

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Wikinomics: Peering

• Peering succeeds because it leverages self-organization—a style of production that works more effectively than hierarchical management for certain tasks. It’s greatest impact today is in the production of information goods—and its initial effects are most visible in the production of software, media, entertainment, and culture—but there are few reasons for peer production to stop there. Why not open source government? Could we make better decisions if we were to tap the insights of a broader and more representative body of participants?

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Wikinomics: democracy

The democratization of the media publishing tools, however, is rapidly transforming our notions of how expertise, relevance, and professionalism develop in the media. "The old way of thinking," says Rebick, "is that the cream rises to the top. . . . [Y]ou have hierarchical structures that cut people out at each level." On sites like Rabble, the users, not managers, make those decisions. "Instead of cutting people out, we bring them in, and people can pick and choose what they want to read or hear. They don't have to listen to all the podcasts or read all of the blog posts. But there's something there for everybody, and it allows for people to come in and do their thing and get noticed."

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Research Wikinomics more and the following concepts:• Peering• The perfect storm• Democracy• Free creativity• Globality (my word!) Globalisation

http://cgis.hbg.psu.edu/articles/Wikinomics_Summary.pdf for a useful summary and starting point.

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Homework this weekComplete some more research on David Gauntlett and his ideas on Web 2.0.

Re-watch the Youtube Video and make notes.

Research the concept of Web 3.0. How does this move on from Web 2.0? There is a useful reference on Mr Smith’s blog if you need one.

Read the quotations / extracts from Gauntlett’s book Making is Connecting and take notes summarising his ideas. Make a note of useful quotations

Use these sources to answer the questions on the next slide

You will be expected to feed back ideas on Tuesday next week

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Web 2.0

• How is web 2.0 different to the Marxist model?

• What technology has made audience participation possible? Hardware, software and online.

• What issues surround Web 2.0 – is it democratic? Is it safe? Who owns the content and who is responsible for it? Does it empower the user or can it be limiting?

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of web 2.0 for users and for institutions?