Vowel Vowel Sounds Sounds Revisited Revisited Taken from: Taken from: A Course in Phonetics, Chapter 4 A Course in Phonetics, Chapter 4 Teaching Pronunciation, Chapter 4 Teaching Pronunciation, Chapter 4

Vowel sounds a 2010

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Page 1: Vowel sounds a 2010

Vowel Vowel SoundsSounds

RevisitedRevisitedTaken from:Taken from:

A Course in Phonetics, Chapter 4A Course in Phonetics, Chapter 4Teaching Pronunciation, Chapter 4Teaching Pronunciation, Chapter 4

Page 2: Vowel sounds a 2010

How can we How can we define vowels?define vowels?

Page 3: Vowel sounds a 2010

There are at There are at least 3 ways:least 3 ways:

Page 4: Vowel sounds a 2010

Manner of ArticulationManner of Articulation

Syllabic StructureSyllabic Structure

Poetry StructurePoetry Structure

Page 5: Vowel sounds a 2010

How can we How can we classify vowels?classify vowels?

Page 6: Vowel sounds a 2010

In Chapter 1 we In Chapter 1 we saw at least 3 saw at least 3


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Tongue PositionTongue Position

Tongue HeightTongue Height

Lip ShapeLip Shape

Page 8: Vowel sounds a 2010

Thus we get the Thus we get the following chart:following chart:

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Page 10: Vowel sounds a 2010

But there are But there are other aspects to other aspects to consider, like:consider, like:

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Lower Jaw HeightLower Jaw Height


