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Voutat marisa´s essay

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Voutat Marisa´s Essay

Dealing with a controversial topic as it could be training, it may be said that it has a

wide range area to be discussed that is technology. Yet, this field is extremely broad.

Education has varied among the years since the inclusion of technological devices. In

the 90´s, learners had to resign themselves watching videos or doing listening activities

catered for the teachers. Nowadays, it has changed because of the TICs. The electronic

equipment and teacher´s defiance should be taken into account as regards TICs.

To improve the Education system is government´s aim for this reason, the equipment

policy was supplied by them. The announcement of” Plan Conectar Igualdad” was done

in 2010. The renowned enterprise was a copy of another one called “One Laptop per

Child” that was developed by Nicholas Negroponte years ago. Its goal is that each child

at school may have a laptop to work with. In the past, learners were accustomed to

making use of computers in groups of ten or more than that depending on the

institution. With this plan, students will relish the benefits yielded by it.

The inclusion of TICs constitutes the utmost defiance for teachers because most of them

do not have the sufficient knowledge to cover them in the classroom. The inclusion of

technology may put a stop to the long-standing school system. Institutes in which

teachers´ role is centred, may not allow students to be autonomous learners. Including

these tools, teachers serve as a guide and adviser while students became active agents.

As it was stated above that teaching is a task looking forward to the future, Education

should be considered as a mean of social equality and personal development. The fact of

being included the electronic devices may assist a balanced use of them in teaching-

learning process.