Theme: Understanding Governance Ch 2: Governance in SingaPore 2 Governance iI SingaPore. ( a ) Do you agree that anticipating change and stay relevant is the ' most important guiding principle of governance for Singapore? Explain your answer. [ 12 marks ] L1: Describes the general topic without focus being put on the issue in the question. [1-2m] [ '1m for 1 de.tail and a second mark for further details up to a maximum of 2 mks'] L.g. Governince refers to the way a government manages the resources of the country so as to carry out its functions. L2: Describes given OR / AND ldentifies / Describes Other Factor(s)' [3-4m] [ 3m for identifyhg one factor, and an additional mark for identifying other factors up to a maximum of 4mks l e.g. No, anticipating change and staying relevant is not the most important guiding principle of governance for Singapore. lnstead, it is '. I could choose from : ;Leadership is Xey', 'Reward for Work and Work for Reward' or 'A Stake for Everyone, OpportunitY for All' l L3: Explains the given factor [5'6m] [ 5m for an explanation of the given factor, and an additional mark for each supporting detail up to a maximum of 6mks. e.g. Anticipating change and Staying Relevant is an important guiding principle foi Singapore. The government needs to take risks and make decisions that are forward--looking in anticipation of future challenges. For example, in preparing.for Singapore's friture water needs, the government has taken steps to ensure that Sinlapore is self-sufficient in water supply. This has been done through producing 'NEfoatei and desalinated water. Another example would be how, through the decision to build tvvo lntegrated Resorts, the government has taken bold steps to help Singapore capture the growing tourist market in the face of rising competition- At the inOividual level, studenis can ltretch their potential by coming up with creative and innovative ideas. workers too could play their part by upgrading their knowledge and skills to stay employable and contribute to the nation. Thus by anticipating change and staying relevani, Singapore can look forward to the challenges of the future with confidence. OR Disagrees and explains other factor(s). [5m fir an explanation of one other factor, and an additional mark for supporting detail up to a maximum of 6mks.l e.g. Leadership is Key is a very important guiding principle of governance that Singapore praciices. Singapore takes care to Select leaders that have outstanding per;onal qualities such as honesty, moral courage and integrity, in addition to having talent. Potential leaders are specially selected and groomed. Singapore needs good leadership not only in government but also in every segment of t[e society. For example, the arts scene in Singapore made progress more vibrant arts scene. Thus, leadership is all important if singapore is to continue to prosper and face up to the challenges that misht come its *"u nYl::*::,:ll":::::l:: l

S S Structured Essay Booklet

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2009 N Level Revision Structured Essay Question. Please View the SEQ Booklet 1 for self-Revision. This Booklet was created by http://social-studiesresource.blogspot.com/.

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Page 1: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Theme: Understanding GovernanceCh 2: Governance in SingaPore

2 Governance iI SingaPore.

( a ) Do you agree that anticipating change and stay relevant is the' most important guiding principle of governance for Singapore?Explain your answer. [ 12 marks ]

L1: Describes the general topic without focus being put on the issue in thequestion. [1-2m][ '1m for 1 de.tail and a second mark for further details up to a maximum of 2 mks']

L.g. Governince refers to the way a government manages the resources of the

country so as to carry out its functions.

L2: Describes given OR / AND ldentifies / Describes Other Factor(s)' [3-4m]

[ 3m for identifyhg one factor, and an additional mark for identifying other factors up

to a maximum of 4mks le.g. No, anticipating change and staying relevant is not the most important guiding

principle of governance for Singapore. lnstead, it is '. I could choose from :

;Leadership is Xey', 'Reward for Work and Work for Reward' or 'A Stake for

Everyone, OpportunitY for All' l

L3: Explains the given factor [5'6m][ 5m for an explanation of the given factor, and an additional mark for each

supporting detail up to a maximum of 6mks.

e.g. Anticipating change and Staying Relevant is an important guiding principle

foi Singapore. The government needs to take risks and make decisions that are

forward--looking in anticipation of future challenges. For example, in preparing.for

Singapore's friture water needs, the government has taken steps to ensure that

Sinlapore is self-sufficient in water supply. This has been done through producing

'NEfoatei and desalinated water. Another example would be how, through the

decision to build tvvo lntegrated Resorts, the government has taken bold steps to help

Singapore capture the growing tourist market in the face of rising competition- At the

inOividual level, studenis can ltretch their potential by coming up with creative and

innovative ideas. workers too could play their part by upgrading their knowledge and

skills to stay employable and contribute to the nation. Thus by anticipating change

and staying relevani, Singapore can look forward to the challenges of the future with


ORDisagrees and explains other factor(s).[5m fir an explanation of one other factor, and an additional mark for supporting

detail up to a maximum of 6mks.le.g. Leadership is Key is a very important guiding principle of governance that

Singapore praciices. Singapore takes care to Select leaders that have outstanding

per;onal qualities such as honesty, moral courage and integrity, in addition to having

talent. Potential leaders are specially selected and groomed.

Singapore needs good leadership not only in government but also in every segment

of t[e society. For example, the arts scene in Singapore made progress more vibrant

arts scene. Thus, leadership is all important if singapore is to continue to prosper

and face up to the challenges that misht come its *"u nYl::*::,:ll":::::l::


Page 2: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

people and thus be able to carry the people with them when decisions (even toughand less popular ones) are made for the good of the country.I candidate couid offer an explanation of either of the other two guiding principlesinstead l

e.g. 'Reward for Work and Work for Reward, is an important guiding principle ofgovernment. Underlying this principle is the belief in meritocracy. Meritocracy meansa system that rewards hard work and talent. Meritocracy helps to give everybody insociety an equal opportunity to achieve their best and be rewarded ior theirperformance, regardless of race, religion and socio-economic background. Thus, forexample, hardworking students who excel in their studies and co-curricular activitiesreceive rewards in the form of Edusave Scholarship and Merit Bursaries. AllSingaporeans also received a share of the surplus from Singapore,s growth throughthe Progress Packager Thus, this principle encourages people to continue to wo-rkhard to help Singapore develop and stay ahead of the competition_

e.g. 'A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All' is another important guidingprinciple of governance. This means allowing people more opportunities 1o ge'tinvolved in the decision-making process. such participation wouid lead to peof,lefeeling a deeper sense of belonging to the country. For example, the goveinmentconsulted the public on the issue of having casinos as part of the lR;. Thus, byallowing the people more opportunities to participate in important decision-making, istronger bond is built between the people and the country. This will help to keepihepeople actively involved with the government and supportive of the decisions madeby the government.

L4: Both elements of L3. [7-10m][ 7m for an explanation of the given factor AND description of other factors.8m for an explanation of the given factor AND an explanation of other factors up to

a maximum of 10 mks.lL5: Weighs the relative importance of different factors covered in L4. Thisshould be done using some clearly stated criteria e.g impact. [11-12m]

( b ) "The Graduate Mothers Scheme was the most successful measuretaken by the Singapore government to encourage populationgrowth." Do you agree? Explain your answer. I i3 marks ]

L1: Describes the general topic without focus being put on the issue in thequestion. [1-2m]e.g. The population of Singapore grew rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s and this posedproblems for the country.

L2:_ Either Agrees OR Disagrees and ldentifies other measure(s). [3-4m][ 3m - 1 factor; 3mks - 2 factors ]

e.g. Yes, it was the most successful but, at the same time, there were also otherimportant measures taken such as the 'Three or More lf you Can Afford lt, policy /various pro-family measures / the policy of attracting foreign talent.

L3: Agrees OR Disagrees and describes given / other measure(s). [4-5m]

L4: Explains factor used for agreeing. [6-8m][ 6m - Explains given factor or other factors for agreeing or disagreeing;

Page 3: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

1 additional mark for each detail up to a maximum of 8 mks l

e.o. Yes, the Graduate Mothers Scheme was the most successful measure Based

;f r";;: 'i;;;li tnut ii'" uo*ution level of the parents had a direct impact of

their children in schools rne reslaicn showed that parents who were university

oraduates were more lif,"fy to nuu" "nildren

who performed better in schools As a

i;:;ii:ffi ;;;"'Mi;Ji;; i"rt tn"t i"'ur" sraduates should be encourased to have

more children so that tnere -woutd

ne '' nign"t chance of the new generation

;;ilf";;;;;s ,nor" "ou"ui"J.-inus,

in 1s84 the Graduate Mothers scheme was

started to encourage tur,'uglt among graduates and to encourage them to have

more children. ...I Note: lt isanticipated that most candidates would not agree with this being the most

!r#*,[ ru;il ""

in" ""nlte met witn much unhappiness amons manv people

and it failed to get the ",ppo't

of the people After just.one year' the scheme was

withdrawn. Thus, it is unrirerv iirai t'nu ianciioute will be.able to explain how this was

a successful measure. tnu"i ir"i ngr"" u"o Explain the given measure should not

be awarded more than 6mks l


Disagrees and explains other factor(s)'

e.g.Disagrees: Explains the 'Three or More lf You,Can Afford lt' policy'

No, the most successful t"Jt"" *ut in";tht"" or More lf You Can Afford lt' policy

To bring Singapore's pop'ruiLn git*tn nact to the replacement level of 2 1 children

Der woman, instead of ois"ouiaging iarg" iutitl"t'. parents were encouraged to have

ih*;;;;;;;;hildren if t'n"v".o"uro iffora it Tltis was a cautious policv due to

economic considerations. T;;"F ;li";;ihe financial burden of having children' the

oovernment introduced,;;;;"';;;;r "rio*ing the use of Medisave to pay for

il%iiJ;il;ffi;; in"liot il't'"" children As a res-ult there was an increase in

the number of children n"t"'p"i *"t*t iiot f +A in 1986 to 1'96 in 1988 Thus this

was a very successful measure

e.g. Disagrees: Explains the other pro'family measures that were taken'

N; ih;;;;i successful ;;;Jt; was the slew of proJamilv measures thlt'*-"^l:

taken from 2004. ln tn"t ylui tn" Prime Minister .introduced a package ol new

marriage and parenthood ;;;;';"; inut *"tu aimed -at

boosting population figures'

iil;;";;;J"s came about as a result of public feedback The new measures

included equalized meoical"iunJts for both p'arents which meant that mothers too

could make medical claims ir"o* in"ir "rprov"rs

( and no1 iust fathers ). Another

measure was the gr"nop"'inil";d;t-;;ii"i'bv *i'i"h u "ou-pl"

could claim $3 000

in income tax relief it, g'u;Jp*"ni was helping them 10 take care of their child A

third measure is tne s_cav iloilie"r. t tn" bivii service. This is to allow for a better

work-life balance. rinatty,'tnere -is

the extended. maternity leave which was a'n

extension from g weeks to''il *""r". rhrough these various measures, there is

sufficient reason for tu.ti"j "o-'pfJ"

to nuui t6t" children as the high cost of raising

children and the lack ot t'it"UrJ"nif otu'" ""ung"t"nts

(concerns which the public

raised) were addressed'

e.g.Disagrees: Explains the policy of attracting foreign talent'

No, I believe thar the toreig-niai"ni poficy is th6 most'successful one ln 1989 the

government started to '"ru"*

it" in'ttigtation policy to attract foreign talent with the

ikitt. tnut sinsapore t"q,;;i;;;i;;"ti. i'ir" n"n'o"t"ir]:"J:l:::"H:li:::

Page 4: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



an.attraclive education package for chirdren were offered to foreign tarent who werewilling to work in singapore. By making it easier for foreigners io work and lrve insingapore, the government hoped some of these individuals would develop a closeatlachment to the nation and take up either permanent residence or citizensnip. Rs aresult,of the inflow of foreigners, srngapore's .o"i"tv nu" r""ome more cosmoporitanthus

. testifying to the success of the foreign tirent scheme in increasinj irrepopulation.

L5: Both aspects of L4. [9-l 1ml[ 9m for an explanation of the given factor AND descriptibn of other factors;10-1 1 m explains why Agrees and Disagrees.l

L6: Reaches a balanced conclusion based on an explanation of factorscovered in LS. [ 12-13m]


Governa nce in Singapore

Howfardo-esthesu@to prepare for her ageing population? exphin your aiswer.

Writes about [email protected] 1m for each detail, to a maximum of 2m.Eg. With fewer babies born each year, there would be feweryoung.people in the population. The number of older people]1oujd bg proportionately larger. This means the country wouldbe faced with an ageing population and the community wouldhave to take care of the increasing number of senior citizens.

Describes ttre given factor, ORfactor(s).Award 3m for describingidentifying/describing other factoi(s)Award 4m for both

identifies/describes other

the given factor OR

Explains the given factor On otfrer tacto(s)

Explains the given ta*or ffifactor(s)Award 8m for answers which explain the given factor andidentify/describe other facto(s)An explanation of the give'n factor but only identifies otherfactors.

Both elements of L3Eg .. The community ptays an important role in enhancing thewelLbeing of senior citizens. It can give social and emoiionalsupport and provide healthcare and social services. An example

has made laws and introduced


Page 5: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

ffine senior citizen.s. Tle fir:t

i#nts cm6btain the iioirt's help to seek financial stlppoft from

1i;;;hitAre; who ;l; Apabte of s.uppPrtino t!1iem'-b!t-a!e-n-ol

;iffie Pubtic Housing scheme

ffitn*" fist-time buyers of government flats to.obtain a

hiutsing grant if they buy a flat in the area where their parents

live soi that they can look after their elderly parents'

Maintaining a heatthy tifestyte is also the responsibility .of the

inJiriiiil k preparing for their otd age. He sh7uld watch his diet

iJ exercise iequlirlv. He should also plan earlv and be

'. To strenqthen familAt the same time, family suppott is also important to bring.about

social stabitity and harmony. To strenqth.en tam v - Do-ngs'

ilies toqether to show thet a

@nce of different factors

Egj 'm*rrir, the support of the government is es,sential^ in

ieparation for an Ageing population because without any"ii[iiii arnd policieslroi tlhe gove,nment, to introduce their

tiws ana measures, Singaporians woutd not be physically'

@importantmeasure in

t<eeping tramc smooth in Singapore" Do you agree? Explain

Writes about traffic flow in Singapore.Award 1 mark for 1 detail and an additional mark for further

details.ig.- As Singapore's population continues to grow, there will be

2", in"r"r"6 in aem'ana for land to buitd roads. Singapore has

e,xpirienceA rapid growth and therefore traffic volume in the city

centre is especialty high especiatly during the peak hours'

@es other factor(s), withoutexptaining

-now it is an important measure in keeping trafficsmooth in SingaPore.Award s mirlis for describing the given factor or

identifying/describing other facto(s). Award 4 marks for both'

Agrees OR Disagrees, suPPorted.n-irio s marks

-for an explanation of how the given factor/

uii"inutiu" factor was an important measure in keeping traffic

.r"otn in Singapore and an additional mark for any supporting

detail to a maximum of 7 marks

Page 6: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet




Iffimru:" i::*"",u:rn,:"*ntmn* m' ]ge+' ;;ffi ;io.i;.1iififfi ;ilfl **li*i)

AoBes & Dist ta', l

lo nelor rrT6-

,L A (JAr-a -d n e r, oa, o. n"r ao o. \-n "L. d,o"eo ro,.9,,'.2 or d d,ha, - -arn"Cer,.ar-o.r.r,t,",".r.,O.,a.Ed , diE tlIn4iqo.,r rolid €, 6 tnF o,i - o. rdr. 1 d ...-,or- trr'oo^F ioord -ao".". a4.. Ij

lm': 1ei:ue 9 I I p"." o.F-p rdlr noa ,oo ^",-'d-Area Lrmshq s.heme ,A s. unoF. .- -.,F"-,L'll' :d'"p",t" " -o Fnan ocds ,slq"ro,p

bou.dcd ai. I "r""- <r",o".eo ",


Award 12 narks for a weaktyerptain€dmarks tor a wett-erptained asres<mcnr

'-,, " ,1 ", 'Fa.Fd.o .or Lrd.er.n.e r- r a rhF P6str ad /one o.- "i ;;als;. =-- iffio"+Ler:l+aq-.r"!;- ;idt,,.affiffio"!ie r, e ats b" dr " e.-.F ;;d;;: i;;; i; -

I 4 ' haches a b:lcmd orctu<ion a< ro €.pt,!nty tt 2. t:112. t3.addrcc<ing ,Ho fa, .



{o) , T::. ':": ,o ooo \1o.poi61 pop-r.ron, c bF. ,rd p.o. o o, o,rant€r ramries Do youaqrcer E

l: :,tuios on erononns ldts.rtdnit,es ot torcisn tatenr whhout t'ocus.

I ^1 -"i. p.l:l.: o,oorcr . L"-Fo o. r .o\ popud.o. q.o,. --aurr r-rddd.., d oF. in to3/ it rrEd to b. m,.o,oo.e -oop,"

ote\Froi, (.roren pF, troa- r ,eoo oro"(o r.9.a d oe t nl6-. e nF^ Dot. . F.!o-r"oFd p"r"ormore.hidrcn i they..utd alord r '

Page 7: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


.;o"oo,e aooo.'d "l" "d n q!1o1oor "odka;--;:,;;,,'"; . "i a.oo,". a" .a " paru- od o' 16'. - drr)

."' ::"q";;; ;," .;o. dua o-.,

r 1- trbldrns the imponance promoting lc'ger lamilre( lo encouraqe

i,l",.l"ii J,.ii-r. i.'st""*ori on oltre potrcv o' an'a'tins to'e's';:;;;;;;;.-;i,iiv;;;aqins popuarionsrowthor sinsrpore 16'


L2 Describes lhe policv oi promotinqf or€rsn lale.is wilhour e^plairingpopuhnon growlh ol sing.pote


Encouraqins large lamilieslncreasinq pop!lalion qrowlh lh.oughlhe soLutions govetnment has used to

larger lamilies or att.actingits s!ccess in encorragrng

encoumginq larger lamilles is one olboosl S'Pore s PoPU aton

1 oou, -d a oor r dlFd d o .a' g r oapo '"^" ',,""",.-.., N lo ll.a rFola!61e l c'F oll tid" o'r /on"a'"*-- -;.1 .-r*" o oi o'adno ro' k1 F or413 ^'F"..,, -.1. ',i

r.r." t ""

\ld en o ao' I hcv (oud cdord I o eo

,.';;"ih:: ;"; ; ou * or n, ' o rd Fn oo ' n-'1 1 odl 6d

-ll. ,.'-. ." ^ irr"*- v"o " e o p.v to F oe v6to d oe or rrre

, ili ii,)," ,ii o;'". r.;,;.1 "':;';;.";";.. "en

o;nou€i,".o"s . dlod"'|oh:vF hree children or mor€i,1'"-.,.1. i"rr'"i"r*"a ^'" ro'"a"n"o on"'oD'o s"o"p''o.D!ation"-"i"ii

"-.,-^ '".i"rr" o"o' dn o 16 Ir2o1d{j1IrJ

. i,.iir-,'.i-.t"q " o "d or aer"L

r.L r.hildren aliendna approved 'rId'a@ 'enrres. ;i";^,,".. ';

j"d-"robF.tr" olo,.r oour.belt

. il"ii.,"e e" ue u*o tor nospilaland delilery charses ior lhe 1st'

?nn:nd lr.l.h ldrcn.

' i,""."#".'' "-

i ^. e*, e"n 'o rhsr dem' o opo "trr'p.ii"y

"a"-pt"J ov in" q&l

"! z oavs or Leave ior r'arents lo spend

ln 1933. some 55 OOOO babies were born folowing lhe intr'dlclion of these

B,ho q'qanqrs Trpo aon {orEoloi ol 6'o'VoElvoi-^"".I rr'";** '

on"o oaoe rdl

"i i"i""" r.i"-"::::J ".paq-,. " o"d^, o heu6o veo,.r.4Lo

;-: '.-';.;"; riic".r " 't e- r'de o"oor"^oud'""i'.'.1i.. r": """ "oir

'q " ':,::;";;.. ;,i"-,' :"; . .

.-ir.""' ""'"'" r'',' n i'P;li*i"i "r. ." 'r.'''r',",rlr"o'pL"o '\ ^" ' " oood

Page 8: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


o- to,ct d.o . 41, o .o [ - .o, . .rt".o nry'n[1F o naFa. . eiraro. rd r.. t, r.6\.,1od..ed l dcr ,h. po Ihodtr.4o

LL E pEins the ihponance cn\olagng targq tdmilies to encoutagepopulcn.on gt.owth in.Singapa,e AND ptlf.nitv nqa.urcs eooal ORtne pohcy of ddta.nng brcig, rdtent< in suctesstutty encour.gnqpopulaton grcwih ot Singapare

Pro.Family Measures l2004t

::._" i9!o':'" o'o',n, ne!. u+ {-- i roo" Fd o.,r " eo.e a. "u_€ wa "n o nFd-br o,n- tvi ,r-. "" r.Fn _oong i rS x e \"mlatuo, tsrLr \pce , n 200a ". a .F> tro. oLor rp.dod o--r.dL.-^eeon eq br-Fd - ddid be - i ^.p.6

ooth pd.qt, ro.to tra.a 4€d dr.r. to thFi I'd,qf rhFi.h d.ar.s a€moir-. -p u " oupr"

rd,Fn M",",. . rca.- ^", " ., .

"" -",r, .!r,

::- 1 9 1.*' fo.'1-r o.nq 0.6. he.odo, d o .'od ro.or the, r.15"ir€ balan.e

t: q" ". '* "".' noo !"o "ineo ", d,'hq ,..u.as rhe.o., o

o.r or hd\r o !hrd.6,iil'!' ll.!. '.p',/t I oF o ipr.c r i b" elo.r"q;d,o ".-.o-:ij lil.l-"" o. a.o rh. -." o,odh r pop dlnn r--rp. F;.n- no.-wor{s Dbo...,pp\ .o t,6.ar, Inotcbox ,a.rdd.orjo oida^te

l:^:\e n eF o. rncs" . enr.e. ro p.o. o.F r.,qe rdlre i F e nd-".' 'l:.d " "

*'."*".",oooorsno,oo""oipid,Dr 1,.- rp_.::':11 "' a"n'ed6Lore ,e o oapr o,4^- d'"trd1u -"-iFo ").1-, "re dE.oed o rh.i. d,.er.4n o GaFd io I d,. b&., eo .i d, u .Ant r.orc.Elani ,dr6 r. .o. bFto, oi

l:1".r:, -:1":'^"r'-" o "r" n.'o.-qr ra-1,Trnm-d rAs.e.poF, ..."-. poot;,oi. qbardo eDo- tor-,"nd- n". o o,,sponsmen aretoretqne swho hare raten !p( zensh,o

h 1o^8o. e uFri.4in, ,o.-qna. rr1 .,ir"drs adood FoJi.J. oon6o, "1"", ," . ".

,h" a;/-,. i", I p , n,o

o o po a9 io . ro.. rF.- o,6 Fd to io Fiql



Page 9: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

no'e5eroarooldi orFg_be r o5 ' lred a^d^t' ' o loboFf

d";j:';:'ir:::i :ltl{:t ""r:J,:::i ";03:: Tir l"


f ;:""#*fi ..!"ffifr i,ririi:i5'i*,$ii;l":;;.;; b;;- '. ""- d'd,ne 'o"Q dre ts 'o 'ruo ' o'""'i..;i"i' * !* i -, p'' n on onq'" pop rdrio'

"';;;';";; ";"";'"" re\c A d' noroFenLae-rha Fnsu es rha

,;- il. -* '" i,'-' "" o q

^o F oo nodoor€ -e'o^ 1o <o 01

:;.:l-;:i!;Js;;:-a';;o ciob'dld (Gd e o od' d''j1

L5 L1 + Adves at a tdsoned conclusion (which is th' best

In"o,*cino to,"q' raca i\ Ine 06'r

;.;;.J;,^,i"a-i as 11n'oirre Irp"15'no or'' t'rri i"."1*- ^ i." -*'n.+r A\no qF € oas +e nldsel or me o d

:i;", ,;:;.i;";: ;." o-e n pe6 m4 ' I

.i,l.*."J "i"*'.p"-'!rio' o ne o nra*iIan' rr'.a'oar-lli]}i."";"r; ;,heqo\e'nre. ooe. no,'dv.,ofmoney io.iracr lor€qn ra enl lo lhe @untrv

wh,e rhe oor", ol p'orol'q iFr lmF n4 rl relj"j. '..i,..1"0 ""' 'o ororen ro b' e bcd 'I ron o 14Fd)'

;;.::i;';; ; "; ' ", ,'- no^ev" '- ' raorr " o-o re n orl'on o

'""-'.;''j " r,r.. o€moar"on r'au"s 'are € nor rxl* d'oe-d or

,;.,i],]";, i;..i; ;;;;i " oe.,1 a pop auon "s o'Fq -. do o'

:;;;, " "';; ; *"'i.'." -,'. -0.'," e'i"ffi i,,'ii"1'"idh{e e-conomc oppodunies;";-,"' :;;; ;""i'; ;" ' ! {@-re" srcapoE o tso e nd".rij,i .p.p"" "

o:o/ 1 ,oo" u.2n"dro rh"rLrrF

Page 10: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

iiit Themei UDde.standing Governance

Ch 3 lManaqtng Heatthcare: C.se StudyotSinqapore

(a) To what oxtenr can the British wotfare systemSingapore? Explain vour answer.il for health.are work for



Expla'ns tho siven ractor and htionaliseswhy or wirt;ot




12Writ6s aboLlll"e hedtth.ara rysrem but tad'ng desL'rprrcn.

poT6&rrIrFraresJqra, orr,qdpoetoo di96 -nr1.,.e1. I r "' o"doT o| o enho oLdnoldhoro o

_!e o_lre ied olpaY lf 'netr

|eatrn o :L2 Describes the g.vrn factor OR idpnrit'esdescrjb.s oth fadoGl JrAward 3 m#ks for describing lh€ g ven factor OR idertfying/descrtbinOoth€rfaclorc Award 4 marks fo. both

E g I can work for Sifgapor€ provded €veryone does nol teave at lheplanning lo lhe govemment aid are responsibte to ook afler thenheallhcare needs and w€tfare without r€tyng overly on gov€rnmeri

' d el o ^o

l p- daq bv the cove nrFn' qTdrl .ra,c,orp.i eao a o,:b ror. ndrs why the peope need to opt earty for [4edslri€td or Etdershi€tdnslrafce offered by lhe governmenl as an alernalive to Medsave in

L3 i Explains the siven ractor, oRotherracro(s)Awat.l t hdks fot ah exptanatian, antl atlditinat naks tat anrsuppadng delail, Dp to a haxmLn ot 6 natus

Yes I can work lor Sngapore provided ising he.[h costs are manaAedcarefu y How€ver for Snqaporc, heltthcare costs had inceasedsleeply lfd this was atso whai Brta n had orpeaenced in the 1gBOs Theresull s lhere islust nol enough docloF nurses and t c ities in hospita sfor surserles lor al. Besides lopping up lhe CpF ot senor citz€ns theAovernmenl woLd need lo make avaitzbe more,C'cass wards forlhose who cold not afford basic heath€re This means patie.ls in Ccass wards in aovernmenr hosp la s pav ontv 20% of the tora cost as300" uot/"d I ont6\er, pa+n

^ho .no_ord b".. hF"rh."re trt tor e\cmoe B rdrd-charqe 30% on indvtduas with lhe remaining 2oolo being subsd:ed by



AwaftJ 6 natks fat explainng ane eason to suppa L3, and l

Eg Govemmenl subsidies alone w lnot be enouqh lo ensure lhe Brt shwellarc syslenr ol heatthca€ wit wo.k fo. Sincapore This is because tf

db 1!dF o,.j.t .roF.Ftoned-o.ld,q- a

Ljo . 6 r ^oudh..Frooapa.dbu06. oFn,u.aqLd , -or'h d.-


Page 11: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

eolh el.menls or r:Da nat a||att 1a nark unless rcasons ln f.vout ot .gatnsl lhc well"es! sl--n at hc althc.rc is cxPlained

rs "r,s werors tr*tar,va imponancp or lhe rwo hpdlihcJP\"(rcm. one-rhal te>l< on lhe prirciple of r.countab litv cnd lhF

oirre, n* aep".o' o|n'rers'd sov'rrmenr 'p€adinq on

hearlhcare laelrare model).

,.n cni.". P "q" aj-; o-'po nqfr- ooo'o d

"" " ""-- o 'rn" "d l o''o no d

hlve to .onre lmm laxp.y€rs money This exD a ns wh! in llrc 1930s

Brl.n lid€r Prme Mnsler. Maroarel Thalcher had 1o 'ul back ol

o'o'io'po'-F n-F I obtF' i

mFeliio the d-o'nard Tor heaLlhcare senLces as heaLlh "sls incr'ased

-;-:,,.,." ;, ;. o , o jo"" oN.rofar nsd;ance l.x of 3% 10 lhe Brl sh governmenl which

'or d n'l

,t" lon B" d o

'-".'"'";- p"t,

", '. q oor' 'n ''dro o

h€alh.ar. and erpandlna lhe NHS, I dd nol solle the problenr of

Eq SlnqapoG cou d Leam flon lha exp€reice of Brla. s NHs (Nal ona

H; h aetuicer b! manacinrr resolrc€s optma v. ror exaope, re

. .-."i' e "n."0 .o 'o d Nrl pl"n n -000 11 1"d"i-nnP n...o.n i€.oo" k ho

'hea rircare s nlapor€ .ould eatn iiom lh s and contnue I' mon l" lhe

h*lrrcare n;d5 so thal I would nol spend unnecessarLv on

adnr nislr:l'or and n€ge.l the provision of polessionaL me'i ':l serv c€s

The .rra enoe lor boih the wellate mode and Srig.pore's lrealthcaressl€m is h;w io manaqe ihe steep dse ln he.lthcarc costs ard velnr..,.e ol"tl LeJ dF o rt DFoplE. r - ngdpo - oo.e n FnL

ooh !r . V ,M r " v6o 1'o VaoI'ao.-p o " \'o o.d o lo d

b" io" q " oo ohF"r'" rn

llris respecl the qov-.rnmenl coud adopl a we f:re modelror lhose who

ne€C lob€ hep€a by qovernmenl subsides The aovernmenl woud llsoneed lo.lLdyirre ne;Js orrhe ndde ncom€ and devise a ratrsvs(em or

," or;o or6ddl ard

eo. p ," "q"do01'd o no r.nEorldF 4l o

.fL!.lL e s..! d be beller mel

Page 12: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


2(bl Her€ are three ways


4!!41rm I'naina ..hemes o heD oa! r.rerdery ,F 5n!apor€

healh.are of an agerng



Which of these is a bener wav orelderly? Exptain your answer

Lilwrires abdi fiE aseins poputarion wiiholr

leeqe,+l Ojq yelrs elese !viot5- "D."-jb". r.a;E b,ri;i;ffiffi;; r*fr

rocus onrhe qqesrion T r-r--

tE9. Sirgaplres poputato is egeing raFidtv The lirsl


i1'li"n I:::::,:{^, t* _" na*

"ia q ii,i"'ii

s,ooo,,. . e hedr !F eFo. o, d. dqerpuE D. fs" , MFd."\a 4-(anra'F,ordartFuda-op-opulmr 5qru,i I opd\'o thFrn-o(a dr Io.prr,r...,o

::i.--j_ l:t"1." I d .o e.o o,o p'ooie . on " h-.","" -"e! rs ano orqanrze we h€se proq€mmes lor the e dery





Erplcin\ one,ccto,

!l:^:-:-::::. ,- D. dnd ao,tr.an", a., . ]asrppantng detat to a ma rnun ot 7 n-trts

, e ExpDnrron and etabordtion on how the p/jnLipre o, indivjoualr r accolntabitity is beihg apptied

::"^!-1?::! b t . d an,r ']qb, 6.aan-o a.th an-.nG n-,^.... ." ; .""",

. p".", . ... "..;' ;":;; ",; ","ii'." il-.

-.';'"-*,D e- E ta\ p.. anpd. a.t1 a.- ".t- ."t1 a. *ri.". ,iap*


I o Go.- reo-a aaono r- "ld-,v Bl !F M.dso,c^h..,s";a".,."a,."r1,.. . V6o, hcd r rh a o oa/ e. n.L,dnre:::;- il"-t or .o r v"o,.".- o.o.e.,h"o,oo,,rio,r* " o.rr"

an or "fio.o .uo>d,ed o,' cn",g", o"rp."v-o,

'.d d d V6o!1aa ,o M"d.,;.o *,,,n " "n..t Lo b. .. .!nadoo.- 9o.-r rant o hFrp L o,e 4hordnno' paL/ ror rF r medtrat eroFnscs

medlcal etDenses of the2q" q911911,4q""c



Page 13: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

E !. b mv vi€w. tth nk lhe prnc ple of individuataccountab try must st idool, loi i adpor.!.Fn' o.gh1or bs,o-. d.p t",.ooFr

"a!" "i"b"'o "o o^r 'raooor- d.daop -o-1ro o d oao.oo:;.

d. ,-r- lopor-.do.ordF. -p.hFrF. 1 d. -.- n-,o,ndro,o/a€sb.str

linancllprotection io those who oeed on! term €re Moreover, needy.nd d sabled eldery Sinqaporeans who are not €liCibte for Etdershietdt d, dop r la n d cr L -p uloe tr F Inp.i. D-ao.a ^). sunleo o r'.r '. o rhF loe r DAD-. -r ", To, - -, dlor \ otr,€

F ' n., leqd ro !,!,dFoc d4n!- or x c ao.Fr, ar ,Bnc' '- F r'. n

'-o a \d, orr Fr..-!o ", .-,,o,o o'aDo.d

'o od. ' 6 b- ldo 'olhe cosrwll have lo be bohe by the taxpayer lnthefna anaNsls,

srnqaporecan earn lrom the British wellarc mode bul itclnnot fouowIhis mod€ because h€allhcare costswil continueto risea.d th€ndividua wou d have Io paf ahead byleppina on lrre I MedNaveaccounl aid olher ava lable schefies on lhe olherhand, the conrmunty4o. d l.,r o,eao- |lo^n.. '-rc,. --,r,o.d Lo.aie .o rhF hd.,4q-rd 1q 6

'o bed _ - ru o".1ot l c Gn;. rc hFdr aFcoslsuprapidy This isbe@lse t,ledisave [,4edished!nd t,l€difLnd orllre'3Ms cannotcontrolhealhcosl nf alionanduntesslhegovernment

',.uoF tLF\.d- -pb o,,hFDooi^no d.Frllco -o Ff1.o . otu a.hS. .o ^,

. d.d.o.o,Fqon-oi.d.are ofp ead lor pub ic charily.

(a) To what extenr is the p.onorion olihe main Iactor

'n rmprovinq th€Singapore? Erpta n your an5wer.

a h€alrhy lifestyle amonq the citizensstandard of heatthcare services in


up 0 mr, nrum ot 2 ma s

L1 writes about promoii;s or healthy lifestyte w itho ut focirs

Award 1 mark for €ach deta

D€scribes given taclor, OR/ identifjes/ desibsiherfactmAlv.rd 3 nra s lor descrbinq qtren factor OR deit ,i€s/d€s.ribes.rr'€rr.... !trdrd l mr t tordong boh

Page 14: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet




Healrrr edrcarDn &d1rcfro|onoaalearhy ffsry a

I :i:.:i:J :u};tkft T"JilJil, :)"1;[:'Hj:it

i "]:ffii;'.l11",i".!:i:''o5bc r'rrhero^n h-€a rh

ra" E{plain the gjven frcroroR oth;iAwrd 4 m fo .n F,nra,,a1ion

slppon nq deral14-61


i ; :1r::""1x1 i;::j "" :r" : - " ;';:.:: ,:r ;;::

'u,russoe,:nigil*n''ffi;itfltr*iilf iitl#i$i{r"+t+rr".#ljd



ts rot

i,;,.5*il+*ru;lfi:f'";-;::"-l " ;::l::: ;::;f iii :j:I ;,::""*";:" ;iJ";;"',:1";::';1"."" -o';.;;'.,n" " .

!:ll:J"'j:".4"J,;::.;;";;. ,; ;": :"" ". "." .,"", .".,".,.,

n,fi:.-- ''

Page 15: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

15, plus €rplains the relarive inporllnceof ditferern tad-o,s.Toodan a,h,o.ah ci. po.c/. \jnqaLvecr.

rF"r. lotr o be € pocrcL or ,*, "*i n"".rn .: e."ror" n+D.oEy nF or '6- paa n'ooL..o d.e. rhFr .!re or hear. Th>iF]F.e., e b-rdFl or pavno o, --" . G.e o., o. th" I dro. o. the9o1eT e-l lo s!trd lh. .drF nonF/ 01 r-F'der,,orrF.,ronunare or.n olhs deve opmenl

(b) H.re are rhre w.ys r" which to improve rhe NHs to meet the n€eds ofthepsople in Brirain:inc@asing efiiciencymanagrng governmert spendinqprovjdin9 quatity seruic€s

Which of these is a h6sr wavB lain? Erplarn youraneer. ' of meting the ne€ds ol the psopt€ in



tr. ptus exprains orrrei raiiirrl-A@rd 3 marks rorL3 otus € se.-;d f:..rmark for add tional supponinq iniomat onPUs n{o other tactoc exDlatnld. wilh.np

explained. with one enraAward 10 marks for L3

a@d 1 maRforeach dela tuo to

writes abour improvi;-lt;iHs

4 frarlrs lor more rhan one t clor

D.scribes racto(s) bur with;aiAward 3 marks ior one tactor and

eo Ma lh..he. n rae NHs - o," "- "n..f,olq.p,,vrrz" olotShe ked ro.utbacl on heat0iare soend noThe NHs ne-o. to rode,n /" n orte, ro oro",ro- q. a r" ""r c"



lhDush betler medicat €€

Awdd. trdns o a c)p'a..-o, "no ldoi o,a. 1d4s ror a1,supporl nq de ail, to a maxrmum.rT hi <

VF rhllh€r ldde NJS nor" Ftrie-r throush p.ivarz on ortr neans r.,fiaa 9o."i, nenr ,onr.o ornos,or€t $1ic$ h?dre ho,pr"s -ao to oe ef(e.r ,o Tzteorca\ aerh€v re. pNe tE.\ gow One ebTde ot

l::_11?llg- *. for NHs .osorrar\ lo n"re .se o. p..vdieoa'ados_lo trond. seli-e^ .-(. a, aLtl .,-d1,19 an.,oLd a,tow .osort-s ro corent,"re o. beh€rneocr rFry(er End r.eli.g .e r-"os or .e pFop,e o, B-ira,n


Page 16: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


'd,d.d o o. .oe.-.oo1.ibr6,o. ,.a ... B r.a., 0..06,ot.rt onr , I


governmenl spendi.g would resur n not havn.t free and qua y

'h u o" li to,, Bd.a- o.o oi ed.F;Fr.(.rlspending and improve the NHS He coud do so .s he made rhepeople pay more towards lhe Naionat

Tony Ebn fer rhat the NHS needs lo nrodern 2e in order to Drovrd-aoutrri -. eOToiaa^dh-lo ,,rpr !r oi on I ".o .

" ! a.;r - p"

wd rhF Ntls bto' ./000 I " tFo ro. . dnq- bd Fd oa r4-oo. Ipo d. r. ioi- qo\..nT-

'10 - NPSoarFn 'ol- '. , d In4

Reaches a balanced conctusion based on the relativesiqnif icance ot the faciors


P o lh .. .6!ri 6 | d.o. rh-,o..op,o.drq..h F4.-..oF. r o. oo..oh,.-oo.-.-,-., d... dr,. L

n co e.lino moretaxes as there are es; young people to supponan ag€mq populalion Privatsation and €ncouraginq Feope lo payroi hci or. ..diih d.. a-ad d.- ibo o e:

--. , " u.

measur€s hrve been adopl.d

Page 17: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Theme cohnEt.nd Hmmony,nIvutri.EthnrcsocErresrh 4 s'r Lanka and Norrh€rn kerrnd

, , , *l^._,.:!l:: ,ljl ,.1" i.ha/d.onry.porcy w.s rhp nolr rtoporranrreasor whyco-itict bro\e out in SriL"ntta? Erptarn your.nswer.l12lll Dpwr,b.s lhe gcr{at bprc withour locu. bernq put on rne irsue in thequesnon.I1 2ml

"; "^: " ;"^" ^1. '-o d ''4 '|or

' 1 ' F,- 'rh4 d. I. d.o - s "-"@mm:r..

oo- oFno n !rroth..o I r

Li_l::..jpj: sl:T_91l_f g rdennncs, Desnibes orhF' rador r. ). r3.4nl, o ue rv-9o a r to a.dJ dooro d 1d. .o,,o- r,./n.o.- ,d oj,.pFo \o.

^d, oi'ha 5, h"'.O.t. po,\,I rd rar o..i,polrl.Fd or''6o'b%,o16 r"i-",rrn.rro.s.. 1 drLoo. .d,-d.reo ,h,r^d. - -. . ,,, po; . -d ol

13. Erpta'ns the qrven factorl4-6mtr41 ..o -,"". irr. i-suppon/nq dera lup i. a mJ rmLo otbmlc

fa. or, and an ad.|lona/ma rorsuppon n9 d€ a/

aa ves, rhe sihha,a onty oo i.. or t\, FrFBlrsn

::-:l:''"^:l!:--11 !o.F, i.. , e"b" o . F r.qi'

^"r" " " o,.o."r"q; "oa,.", o, e

I 'j'i," " :r" "dpdi>E! nk unod Lanquaq€ A t { 1956 ) bv whrch Sinh,-",, " " ""","; ;:"" 1 ",;:::,:"",,:;".".1[;I hF ou ^ -r-td51 ,do bFd *, .*n" " ",'-"1 "^.,it-l-11: o @ do-no,oedo 6 o,he.4.o,.bIJ ns,.oa Ay.d!r q uen onstr ron .qdrfs th€ olicrar L:n.,,:.r a.rn6 d1,. e6d6d-f d!-\eq 6\40

oioa.o,q.no:;";:;'"'e' ,--'

4m lor an exp anation otone otherup loa max 6um ot 6mks.l

E'plai^5 orher fa.tori,). t46mtNa, the'Srnhata onty Dotic!;ar n.|h"the question of citizenship riqhts tharw:s

most imporl:nt reason. rather jl w,sthe mosi import6.r reason.

3 Canflict and Harntohv in Mufti-Ethnic societie<

Page 18: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


,*",;:;.15:jitT:,,{.";j,":i1; ::;1 "i.l;li"i

;l' l: : *Lt 1tt #:* ; *;u.T, +-. T ;;*t*t r-i** i, i ql[* :ii1l, ;"*#

#.+fn;:; t*:;i, gqli'rt:n

fi#*#ir*;a*ry*n[+*r-*r*rffil-4: aoth etehents ofL3 t7-1n_r

.:". s ;1 i;:il* i np'""J1 ^^\%":::,1 :;""": ?,r.: ;:" . "" "5::,ti""i5:lf

"::til,::;?:*ilT,"::.[Tif * j?.in jf lii,.,14 .0,n,"


'', "l*ff;'"::i:4.,;1;q3;'jJ:"".;?llfi r;J:il:ffi ,if,,ii;*i,"ii ;..1ti:1^*",,,"'l; ';?: t#il',fi .,i,+i.T"ii:

""i,T,Jit;,ii;?l'-'r':':"' i9i::".:l:':":Tsano,den,ineqrac,o,s r,.4mi

Page 19: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


eg. Yes the conllicr has had serous conseqlences for the country Theconsequeic€s are of Ihre€ lypes politcal economicaid soca. Ot these the moslserioLs s lh€ e..non cconsequencase c Th€ conlict n sri Lanka has h:d maiy consequences such as the econoricpo itca and s.. alconsequ€nces Howev€r ldo not aQree thar rhe most serous wasth€ €co..d,. coosequences. Rather, itw:s

L3: Agrees OR Disagreesand Descrjbes either given / orher fa.ro(s).

e.g. Yes lhe mosl serous consequence was theeconomic mns€quences The riolsol 1933 caused rnassive unefrpoyment for boih Tamits and Snhaese Peopte osrlhen jobs as laclory workers pantation workers, etc Flnhernore, for€ign inv€stoNlv€re irghlefed oll by the viol€nce aftl puted out lhen nveslnent troh the coLnlry.Tourism, whch was a major revenue eaner lor Sri Lanka was simtarty badlyaffecled Th€ d€crease in numbers of lounsl arva s h:d a senols efie.t .n .hs

I u, oLF rh4 ouro,-o\econody h:s been badly hit

eq No ldo nol aqree ihat lhe economc consequ€nce was lh€ mosl serousconseqL€nce. Rather, I beleve I is th€ po uca conseqdence thal is the mostserous. Th€ Tam ls origina ly lred to !el what they wanted lhrough negotiations. Bllnols toke out (eg. n 1933) As theTamisfound that lh€f d€mands w€re .ol beno

d. o-ad o ru, o orhF dtd n.Ne 16rr o 9- tr q ^ a:

lhey wailed One was rhe use ol totence The LTTE b€gan lo anack lhe Sinhaeseas weLas lhe Tamlmemb.rs of the rulng party Ths armed conflct cost anncEasng numbe. oi rves Also, rhe conficl edrotnda ntetuenino nsriL.nkas.l.'nrl doA o oncr ot r -dd on o e r;,"r ",0 ""rchanged to more dnecr inleryention {ln-droppnq ot food and pelroteum p.or!.ls)tnTamldofrinated areas Ths was n€xt tolowed, n Juty 1987, by Sr Lank beingpr€ssured nto sgning a p€ace accod whch a owed tnda lo s€nd peacekeepeEnto sri Laika ro d sarm lhe LTTE However, the LTTE refused t. surenner henweapons ro llre lndians. This then led 1o clashes behree. t.dian peacekeepe.s andLTTE Fi.arty the tndian torce was wirhdrawn nom Sr Lankde.0. No, Ihe economic conseqLence was not lhe most serious cons€qle.ce. Themost s€rous consequence was the sociatcons€qlence This meanrlh.l the conticrc.lsed rroe-s€le dlsplacemenl of Tamts beyond the couilry,s borders Ma.vTamrs led the tightnq and went ro Tamt Nldu in Solih tnda. Furlhermore thedecaralon ol Hlgh SeduntyZon€s (HSZ)by lhe S.tLankan amed forces lo keep lheT-Ean". "."l.o "d'oad, drt e-n9 d.

'bd.L4: Explains given factor. [6,3mil6' r,odr.o,,F1 4o'oorh.. or ro da "- 1a or o. do ed ng

1 add liona ma lor€ach detai !p lo a maxinrun ot B hks.leg Gven Facror Yes, lhe mosr was llre econom.@, "q " e. I.F or o t63.,o Fo1r. i.err ld.F F P.oo.e o r InF. |ob. o, ;.to1 ^ore

paFldlremoE foreign nvesloB were fighten€d oJf bythe vtotence and pu ed our lhe Investment ifom lhe counlry Tourism, whch was a m.lor revenue €amer for srLanka,wassidiarybadyafiected Thedecrcase n nunrbersof tourslatrvashadaseious efiecr on lobs r€ aled lo lourism thrs, due rhe outhrc.k (andcantiruahce) of violence. the econatny has been badly hit. The toss ot jobsmeant hardship fot thousan.ls affahities and atso prcss!rc on the governheott aleviate the slffering of the peopte. fhe toss of foreign investhents meantthatthe country could not develop q|ickty ard thefa| in the nu 5eroftourFrs

Page 20: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Disasr€es and Erptarns Olher Fado(s).I6-smt:"i: d" :r .o,F- rhlr rrp F onolr !o .Fq.t-

^r._?i ":"-:."- %"" I bF14.- | ,s rh. oo. .a .on.Fq.-ai6 .h" rh- , o I.:.::.- -": ."1't m:,I:l\ 'tFq o:.- , ar .h.\ wanr-d .rcLo| eqo d o. .. B.., to8r q-thp

"n!.ou.orha \a Frilo ;erercI.-"_. i-5 oi ,,otF,.6 _hb | trf o69d_

l:ij:1,'-"_ llb:9 i.e- 4.o... o.n.r,eo.oro" nr"^"""s n", _..", t,ooL rhF ro, ot n-o,rtiol bJ .","i,", ",a ro,"ir-o4o b 'oddrFititF.oron,d{oporoor ._ ""i * .re, . p.o"" . -nc- u,Fd nro.a1r9 o o.d.6 " .o.o h..h "to^"di oa ,o.; o p"".e,-";".rnlo sri Lank" ro d6am the LTTE. fowever, the LfiE re,used b aurender ihe;^-.pot a+-|dd in i F1 rEo ,o . d. he . bFh^een -o11 o6...ra6pFr .no,-lj,! | " y "" rno" ,o!e @ .. d.\c as a tesu| tnepot tcdt c,M@qFmes has been nat iust the tos< of thousands of hte< butateo-a b. h ot t Fspect fot sri 1 an^a s sovg eQnty when lndd intetuened,

. dn,Fqrer- sa . , o. !dql-, 6 L dn o lsanou on.a- F d.the o.r!o..ao -.e t1.Tea..th".rhF,onr

d i" ' to -anr r.,l!d- tr so , . t-od. r ulF-m o- h:o .Ermo Hqh-. L r.70 e\iH!/,.. rhFo,,Lonta

-_.'.!-"_*"1: ": . o.droran) dnr. rhus.tne.onthcthrs.aus* taee numhets of famits b ne. then n..* *a u"a, **ttiiq ,itnese, rFfuge.s hving in overcto@ed rctuice canps at wirh rct.tives ot

L5: Bothaspects ol L4 [9-t1m]-n rr or aND oes

u , m€xpranstrrryAarees and Dsaore€< lL6: Rearhe" a batanced concrusr;n bas.d on ,n expt.nanon o, ra.rorscovered in 15. [ 12-13m]

meant that the sovetnnenthad less revenues toan,ennies an.t taciht?s sLch apovetly and hardship for the people in genetat.

spend oh lhe davelopnent ofhausina!. AI this would mean

lbl'lhe economiL impaLt ofthc Tamit-sinhateso conflicl hasLo.sn Lanka than irs potiticat inpact, , How tar do you agree?

superticial answer sivenia;suDooriedrAwad 1 ma.i{ ror a basic ans;;. ,.; ""

rorr -Ta1,-.i..d-\".orn tr,o@-, .o" dald, a o S- t"n\d ""n, potl.d no" I neoo r aor'ar6d qo, o..F. o 1rie."" . .", ;,._"",,:.".r;.:.;:":; #,;"."i,:: 1,;,:"' .ored i .. Ld L. nt-. a d tdr

Page 21: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

LGr reaohard lrE t$;.Awmd 3-a fr As ro, a sl;d"torn{5)orimpicl ETTHER or BorH



ij;|:;#,1it!!Ii. itSit":j- jt,l?H ff [;11;;;i1", "" -,

l* iiii:iJff il,""l"Jii.l"nr,, s,nha ese conric, was ahed

l:,r:*:j"l':r ":: """'-'":". :;1

An,lysis and.{pla,ali;.Award,5-8 m ts tor r thorouqh e\pian*or ofhow ETTHERt ,. "t,.p*r "* a"."g.q

lii" ;;;; :#il;|: ?i's11:'jhe.rami, sinha,* ed d has r.l,:^si_!1lf ,h.,,n .,i;",";;;"j;;:;:.;

::ll,t*t ;t!1.J iJ"*"1"1il;:":" j".l,tfi fl T":f:;;:,lljf lI", :lf ":i:11'?.-;#J#;;. ;:T ?i. Jff .""[ff :l:i::.x,t::::"'t11.:"r-r.t -;";;H:j"il";::: ;"',::;'fl 'i,::i ;:r,$ j,:ff il"J-,r i i#[i:.i#:T",,f" 1;til1:i|11,.111""',:+*:1r lg ":r;.ff : ;"i:"iL:;' |fi ji"il'.)l.jil,f :li:;rs:ii,_::i r:iiii,t!,11"1.;;"",11 ;.

;;"i"ili':l j"':',', ji xF.:,j,l,::,il J i"'H;?:ililif#J;'ffi :r.,-",,

^ *,.r*. L'0" ;;:i,,;, iliS

+Ur,,; l^l r::" -a;""ii;:,' "l11'1::" r: ;.,;".":.: , :." l' :,.-""

";d ,u ^-," - ;""":,,,:"":""":;:": ",^ "



Page 22: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet




Yes, the ecoromic impact of rhcmore oanagtno lo SrtLanta Ihan

*:u*gm**t*Wig1*1$d;#,":*$,1#*tri'ffi i,I*i,ffti


[r,til#*i+'++rn+ttBusnassas ftom oulside Sr L:nr;q/ow rlre ont prob en was h:inu"r n a

"ornt,y rtrrruot,"A,n


Ta,nr Snha qe.ont.r h.s hepnjs polrriG/ihp:.r

$cre npedFd tor G econom! Lorew rore,ln nve<oa wanr.a r


5,*fr ;fr}f fl ;.;*r,ffi ft i,i,:,""';.*,ii.,''13',*'' rn! '. ,D ,..-",";.'-.;:'".""'. li' :.'" " ,

Page 23: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

E..r'' l,- -.o.on' $"s a1e(Fo b"di wrn .e ro.crror ,nr on€ or lounsr ndulrv, rmr" @s a o!( o.tu d> ro deL.opamenil es such as transportand houstng.

Tne result of a I ihe abde s thal Srj Lanka has one of the poor€st^lardd ds o'lrvng . A.d at ts aco.ony 6nlt ues to da oen,nolhal or ils more ptospe@us n€iqhbour, tndia.

Award 9-12 harks forlhorough €xptanations of how BOTHforms ol impact w6r. dahasins

hows cons.quen@s and resuttstirh;a;;;GrdthiciAward 12 m.rks for L4 PLUS,ONE form of inpact was TMORE

thoroush explanation ot whydanaqins th.n the OTHER

Overa I the politicat impact ot lhe TamlSnhalese @nfitct _ inparllcllar, Ihe amed conflict and vioence - has be6n mostdao4.lo ro S. Ldnka D e o lhe poi Gtdsaa,e€nerts oehr"enlhF S.nhrlese ano resep66l,sr tents trrun,-oro-os

"u. r :s meLrrr ose ro orori a-@ thcn use ot viotence adve resurleo in

deGdp! or c\, wd Lir'e rbolh dri. a.d S.n-d"sei hdve beenlo, T5ese rr,ude nm,e.r.rvitdrsand\hto.er too TheiarluJ€ ollhe Tamils and the Sinhatese lo €ach a potiti€l aareemenl hasorr/ T€d I .o h.ued toFnce. wh(r.oenF r additiol s.thour lhed co-nrt, noic wold d.5o.olhav6 a reason ro inlery6ne rn sn L:ntas.t.mc<ie:tr n<

Allhoug\ siO-t.ant, rrs economic impact ot lhe tdr l-S n.a ese@n-iclLras nol b6en a. danlo,lo ro Sn tanta A houoh it hdiTcuii lo p@ve I iee thdt I urar tvee a-d trv1q . oe;* -ohamony are mo€ inpodanfthan economr prospe y.

ln addiiior, lh6 economic impacl of the Tamilsinhalese @nnictmay achrally be seen as a @sull / subset oi armed confiict. The.rmed conAid meanl lhal Sn Lanka tosi ils altEliveness as a lourtsta rd.lion. li rere {a" o a n6d (orn , oreo- nveslors troJto1ol lave e1 le cou1ry as r" country @ud s.,t be $fe iornve^h€nl hdustfr n qere,.t oLd bo ,e!r.E anolnemployment woutd not be so high

Page 24: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



2 Conuid in rvTufii-Erhnrc So.rety


lh€ marn cause of confticl betwee,rn Norrhern ket.nd? Erpta,n vour



li:i" i::: j fl.:E:J [1t'"..ii....t n,i:.**'.",, ",

'1ii"";'l**;tirffi ' r'si;: 11"1;331;"" r'."



3 I ExptairllF- sjven ractor oR ornerracrorsAward 4 m fd an etptanahon a.d addl,on:/ m'uoooilodora.i.ioztro,-,n oro" r' - -'-' 'dn d " ,

le9 ii€ lathot.s see lhemse lee as kEh:n,l w:nr Iba,eu,"a wi " aeor,.. "i,";:j ;; ;"';: ";":,."';?l:i ore o s,rr 4d wd, ", "."" ." on

"." ". ";, o .e ,..


- "l# i:;il."il;:)T^:;" l:;;::lT.;.H:-:;Jl:

luverneo bv rhe a.Gh Thev tnew lha rhc.,rh^i; _,


1::,*------ ],:: jrli;!:ii",'-"1"r i:;;, ;:,i" :;::'i,':i""::':';

] li"-{ffi * =*nfll*i+':,,;."'.'i"ai

l:,,s""'ift '::ili";"":':T": o ni ". ;,.-'h" " o ",,- " d

q--," .nr"loo, ..o.r.-lo"d 1 ro a. !.0r.nd orp" " 0 "."1q. or%a..". - aft dtr ".,



lrr0 " oo /",".:,;; ""

" i":fl11T'" qrv.n raLro' ahd'oun'n'u' '0"*n0"" o,n-,l nr" **"irrr*rrr',.

--'-*--'*,t3:,"";;*''"'' u'' no" "non""oo'o'"""'o''ol

r6 I Ls., pr6

^exprdihs.rhe Frariv€ ihporranceol d*rerenrr"o.,". 1,,,_

I :i:'1:,i:;.:1';:ji",i:,","",, "^"" :::1,r ., " "; " ;' -;"

1 i;i-is rheir


uMFoiiodhslierd,d.o.o.n.r t e Db.c ia. rn!iru.idi hal -ed to bF a^.,d o"d1roa.!.0,.nd o,-""o "._,e.q%a..". - ,atr^.i

Page 25: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


d o1.dftq<fr. o -. rc.qo, -,o6 o h1.ol oLo,9 od,/ o !olh4r, 6tana d.d uo..

lowards progress and econohicg.owlh When this s achieved atoth€r rcasons would not be great y fer


(b)Here are thre6 consequences ofthe protestants and the

loss of investmehts toihe countryseqregation berweon rhe protestant andloss of lives

Which otthose is the frost serious consequence for the, , lapluh y9!I9!q.91. I13l

wto,o'U"oHErllolA'3rd imari ror ea.h dera

e1l ManyJoreiqn nvesroE whocdurd ha v€ conrib uled lo ils

AMr'l 5 ma*s ror an erp a ned aid addlona frarks {or any suppDniia

es The rension belween rhe Protesbnls aid the carho ics had brouqhraboul economic .erercuss ons su.h as oss or Nesrmenls M y rorebn

9 1" 1p'o,eo I L

13, prus exprairc othsractor{3t

d4a,01d,,o. do.dn do .F.oD"oo"i\on}'|"e10'a'-q'o\'

up in an atmosphere of renson aCarhoi.s have aso been segreqared socia y in lire way rhev ive wori. andpay r s s.m4m6 pcs bre for younn pe.pre n Nod;,ni,eaid b srow

b,^do, t. .rc

Roarres a ba.r, ed ,oncruson

Page 26: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Theme: contlicl and Harmohyin Mutti-Ethnic societtiesCh 4: Bondins Stnqapo.e



To what extenl can selt-hetpundersranding among difier€nt


groups toster closer interacrion andelhnic qroups in Singapore? Exptain


:; ;:; ;:;'J:;:;i::i';:.1: " "., ., ", """ .

"""","'6qddlF.!oi d,6 cgidqco'i6qo - o D o\ de5 ooDo;unrr e nrrlFp.op- 6 re."!, " drc r o" ,rdnd fte, ; he,en, . .I 2 D.sc bes the 9.v€n faclor. OR ,dentifierd€scribe, orh.rfacio,rs)a^dd )na. .b. on- td, ta o1

de.'D".,Fq sF -\.p Io.p a.- d!-, ,e,.on o€ in t. e,n. .o crrd d q "rolq or'" enr €lhnr -.-, ir-, .'i orpo " s_ d. rr- , DA, i.- F De."opn- A.. t"1eou I c \)D! D6,.ioo, ba

^, .o? ahor rVF\DA rd d tle EL d\i"r. ,oi a o. T.-rF ,c -h4'p I o-p..s'- re_ .oL1J- ro ob'or ,". | ", .d", a.o.;d;! ro. th",.jobs They also give mora sLpporl to members oflheir own commufdv.oo-.nd!o.o-d^. o.a.nothF.a.,v ,oi,, prola .\1. d,L.o

I I WrilFs about 'a!Ei and 'ehgious hah;ny amonq Singaporeans

iwithout rocus on whar quesnon asks.

proqGmmes ae run by these sethetp qroups and socat andF edondla.6n .r. ororn/.. 'o.tro rorl 'roro,t-- Iethnrgroups ro nreru crand o€ atano w Lh one,n. h.r

E:pErne rho g,ven taclor. OR other t.do,(sJ TaaA||ard 4 hatus lat an exptained t'actot, and a.l(ti onal natus tars,ppa ing delail up to a haxjnun Dl 6 n.rks

.2'Ernroi." /ic o.ob6,d c.-ab., e.",o,no,prd ".bA_du . Tlp. o rcr ,d@ . ' - ."s" th;r "r"re "q-" b"!,e re

dc d od4 'o odJ | " o ou d no rgr-1aj:tpe1'd-.: - "'" o " -rn-,-i"r ,o""o" oi"r-

"ep-o&d r,9 rr. rraa E 'a .F'.'o v B/ a,L.d1,a.oyJt, a.o -dr.o.ao m-ow& 5naapde dTF" IF, i.o,orp.troLto -Ftr,"r1"."ddneren.es and wor( loae herforthe naLonI


Explains tho qiven lactorand r'.jentifEtdescnbejiher f&imL3 + exptains orher racrb(s).A||ard a frarks fq L3 pt,s a secahd t'a.tot exDlajne.l wnhn ..1 lat ..ld at o. \Lapa1: I . tan -t.o.. axe4 ta nitr:srpponihg infarnalion., up Ia a na\ihon of 11 n.rks

E9 Aesides butdng a strmg nationa idenlity, it is ltso inportanl toatFo ."rd lhF i t" a I

d. Mot.r 'oa., I rd.,en n .r qdpo,- d, o pt /

Page 27: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

t- annpordi oli dd oldo I:t:rrr,ar. I v.-p,p.den.,.l' .:1.: "l vl:j: pa,,. prrao ;; rh;-;; i"p ".ar",on

illli.l!'ir-" *::111'l:-'i:. " padoF d, r",Fl e,h' .src p. oh..edoq€ru-G .d, d. oorhF .r.,..o.dndoiro,.o.."*L...a..",r-

roou,d "o qq bonds Moi:9:€! (nooq d o prd, " Di.-, ,.," "

::.1 !: ," 9'^9 -. ,o ad " nore oooonL.,;. b. .r d".,3 .or1r0r4 n. CA dno tFa .o /o4 ^,h

onF a. o.aF, ..ro,9. qd ,a

, o, n o .paf cnong oi..rent p n o.o,p;:::_"" L:nd4qv i4e. t-d e,.notF r.-,RLL.ord.i.e,,.,tstoptd -.o.

a"po,e"n. o 'h" dr.l;.-nt,er,a.oL, prd.,,,-F or'cre.f, ai o, q rha orfierenr F F<a6 oa6.4opdru -..no6,ra ;"s. -""".,;;;

15, prus exptains the retarive ih;;r=a..e or dirrerent f&

::::-_:,-"-i:," .cr- rhF 4 o. ifoola.r .5-He'ps.oupc qr

, +",, ;- n. q.o;,l;:ilT.":i"i"lr . :e :: ;.::;":i" Hl -"'; I j:;" ;" ::T::,Fr-r , or", o, r' " " """,'. " ",

," ., 6, o l,;:.i." """ .,


:i-"_-", 1d',1!-" 4h. rnF, or. ,orr.nry .ol u.,,rono, "- -pr,, o ore., e

o,o"n Fd Wi',o no,.o., ,no .a-,,",puour r dd b. d,f I ,o oc. .e.upool o ndrbF, o.6.roa ogerhq. oa..rt .a.Ton, .hoLd no, stdn:-.0 :ld ^,. elnde arorp, bp(au!. orF. 1.rL,o_ __ n d

rrpoirdr ' par n ro th- .c ou.4rf1,! q,o ip rof06atnd mE dtli q r. "4!=. t, roor_"n, - d,, I orr, q.o.ptrF malonry bero e.nV !nde6.ndnq reposrbte

Page 28: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



3(b) Here a.eth.eeways singaporeans can bond:. Ethnic intesration policy! Bilingualpolicy. NationalSepice

which of these is most efieclive in bringihgcohesion amonq Singaporeans of difierent races?


Wrjles about greater social cohesion wilhout focus on the

Award 1 natu Iot genetal rcspansa ta queslon ahd 2 natks fatidehfiyQg alhet rcleftnl faclots.

Eq There ls a need for Slngaporeans

Describinq qiven lactorAwat.l 3 natks for .lescibing lactu an.J 4 n ks lat supp.ning

Eg. The policy of biingualsm n schools ls most efieclive in bringircabou( grealq soca cohesion among slldenls irom different ethnic ormcizl arolps TheV communicate n Enqish and lherefore, canunderctand aod wo coser logeiher

Awatu 5 natks lat ane valid erplahatbh 6 natks for t a up lo a

L2 + gmost essons are laughl n Enoish lhis means Ihere aremore opporruniiies for srud€nts lo inleract Lsinq lhe same lenguaqeE9!_s!3!]pl9 durns ressons or ccAs {cocurcular activities),sludents @ud work i. groups lo acconp ish a q ven lask or neel €sp€clic larget They are 4bq glven a fanchance 1o prove theirablitybased on equalopponun es n this regard, a student leader may befrom th€ friiorty dce bul h€ may be qven the respofsblly lo ookatler or lead a u.iiormed goup @mprisin! mostLy of olher ethnicgrolps Funhemore,lhere ls no lear lhar ethnic gmups will lose lhetunique idenfity because during the MolherTongue lessons,lhere areampre opportui lies lo be e&osed to culluraror rradlionalval!es,I9!examole, dance movements mud ncorporat€ va ous ethnic slylesrenecwe of the ich cultura tEd lion of a paniculerelhnlc group.

Awatd t hatks fat explainng ane athet lactat with delails atetadples up ta 6 haxinun ol 11 harksL3 + Besides the b ifgua polcy. the elhnc lnl€qraton policy sintroduced by rhe NDB (Housng and Developnenl Board) to losterclos€r inleracton amonq residenls Th€ l-lDB ensures lhis byensunng an even dishbution ot Ihe differcnt races n a llhe housngeslales This s because ivinq lo,relher in the sam€ fel,lhbou oodprovd€s opporrunlies for p€ople from differeft elhnic groups lo


Page 29: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

L2 Describes the given lactor OR idehtittes/describes other [3J]

Alv:rd 3 marks f., des.rbhq lrre q ven factor ORdenl fyinqid!scfb no olheria.l.(s). Alvard 4 m.rks lor b.rh

.g L\t-.t.at thte.l ltkD trcrsnaianal teran.n c.h tea.l la

.lish.monl .. d c.nlh.l anang Shgapate.ns

Exp a ns the qiven racro. oR olherracro(s)Award 4 nrarks f.r.. e{panatof..nd addtona marks f.r.nysupponnC a.la b a nrainrud ol6 marks

a9 Ltle )at .lhrcals c.naintt pase.l as on€ of the most.ha enging tssLe ih Sntqar)arc Shqap.te needs t. hanttteexlenal lhteats catelLty as can divi.Ja the pcaplc ltr nDltielhni. sa.reles hke Sjngaparc, tace an.J rchgon nay be use.i ta

' a...-tt. a.p 1 .thteaten ncial and rcligtaus hann.ny in Sinlj.pue Fat ex.rnpleNhen Singapate expcncnce.t lhe lhreat af lnnsnalnnal tetuisn)in 2AA1 which n nat h.ntlle catetulll night need la tensonhetw.cn th. MDstihs and athu etbbus qratp:: h Snrg.pateThe nixed rca.tians sha. e.t bf thc Shg.parcanstDth..ncst.tthc Jl teadet. .hawe.l an Leenl neetl to ersure that so.E/.:.hesran vas nat anected

....t -9...Sngapore is very irnpaila.l in ensuing social .ohest.n .ndhann.n! ih a nuln-ehnic sacrely Ihe lack at undestanding

lodp'adang ractal graLps Fat e\anplc, in 1961 Sh1g.p.rccxpciencett lhe race riats whi.h led ta seiaus injunes anddealhs fhe.aDse.l lhts at was the tl feeihgs th.t wete cte.tedb! lhe uMllo nt lhcn 1lehtpl to aftack th. PAP dunng rhcir.ntiPAP canp.iQ, they arcDse.J feetnrgs af .tssatista.trcn ananqlhe Malays that the PAP di.J n.1trcal Utet, lait! an.t tesu|e.J nrt€n.rons bel||een thc M.tays an.l Chhese The Lessan I clcarlhat ncial i$De can lea.l l. sctia]s cansettoence ta the.a@tty itpet.eptlans ate .al ilha1ed wall

Religiaus issre c.n .lsa lhteaten thc hamany and F.ac. af .nu!, cthric sactely n not tnanage ||eL Lesans leant t@n theMatia Hcnaah tials in the 195As telt ts |)al .Jilletenl teligi.rsbetiets and pra.ti..s ate alsa issues th.t can b usc.l t. .t..t.tensian an.4 lhe peaple af singapote. l he M6iints werc arytfvqlh lhe Bitsh fat be)ng tnsensitive an.l .listcsp.cttl ta rh.nt.liatian phct.es an.lbeliefs fhey atsatelt that the Bnrsh thd natloak inta lh.n wetl.te Ihe n..lia t.a wete nesp.n.rbte n) lhent,.p..l ctealjne rcsentncnts ah.l halre.l anang the l\luslms Thrsrcsulcd iniatence ||hich left bchin.l desltr.tbn an.J lass autves

Explainsthe givenfactorAND identitiesothertacro(s)



Page 30: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



"60r6 d"d'.il'-. ..-, o. ^^' o 3 o ' ri 'o

e& a;ations ol lhe glven AND olherfaclo(s)

rd + constucts an €xplanation which considers the inte' [11

ii"ir.i"Jili-iit,j"" i *.se oteasons or comparaiive 121

p. tA L4D'\lPa ata'dt^tlor "_q"ni pnos h"rJa qt

, ", ,; t;, :;,;L: ...n.. . a .- t , o t-t. :\ lrtb to

-".,i"i.,".-.",.*,px, r'\'he^P Gno -nPo *t tb:;:;; ;"i .."'-^.4 acrcale dtshaman! h lhe sacielt

How far do vou aqr.o thar lostering a natonalidenlitv ic lhe

.i'".'i.JirJ"ri," *ii i" ;-'q. erhnlc drve*rrv ia sinoapo'e1 lr rl

Answ.6 on thetopic, but notaddr€ssing the qlestion

e.' t. a httt.-hn: a.d) tle 1n'cpo ' r 'r'40aFd^ lo

",i-"r" '".,a .,'.'". ha nq o '.to aI :d'lrtt r't "3Lt'


Desc be" national idenlilv ANDTOR anolher laclorrsl 4l

^--'" r -,'r' r.' o " 'i ro -" 11a1s or dloll'"r a(odesc bed Award additonalmaris fo. dela Ls g ven

.. fn.te aP'nan '""h.t he ga\qr4 n toooe ' r "o ';";.,,,, :.."" ,-a"po . -; . a;""i^."i, " t' u 'r; r'enq tne n"rcnat "htl"F t" nno thP

,iiii" )ii-i"nii'pang i ti" rtasraisins cetenonv ih srh'ois

lostennq a nalion.l LdeniLly a good wav ro 5 7l

diversity OR olh.r methods lo ranage e!hnrc

have va d contexlual supporl. Award 5 ma s

and addillona marks torany slppodng delai

-.o ore o, r.- er au qa - rba daaD o 'a1'aP 6tn ;

D a'9 d dla'- ide'hl dt oto.*"a:dea^ ' /.,1li tut,i.-ii."-'".n- i-,nq eo.-oo"-"oo"' o"n o'"'.:,,;i,,; ";"-... "

'oo '"'aa. "n"u" rttt;;.;;.;.;'."

" " o1i .tp^- , -F a-s s na"Da """ r' 'i-i". i. *"*' *n. ,r"tn t,t a\.t, ..d t atana. p

t;;., .a"p..-"" oo a'aab ,'da'r e;ptc .l dtte@nt ba.l q aDna \ tllue and @xttan

Page 31: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet




B:::iiT:"Ti:i:l"i "^"* tr rerared nrdma,,m wrhour1.l,r

::::!a" - !:r 1t

b-" a lL"n - t.a, a-.dLe au

ean t -t h dhq BF .ap t p-, . o . ,,;,, "t ,a -..e, "p.an a.. 1.a tt -

tDF bF r6d. ou. o, on I 13-41I \'qd. 0.6

fhrcals t'r.tn etienal larccs .ane in theIt,,py:r i;t, i ; i. ; J ii Z


2 Bonding Singaporcldl or d e-b ..-,o npo.",t o. -o.o, r 'r SnodoorF L,o'r ,-n 4cr

:an.- n-Fltda a-.c,..q:):\:U.11:lonPd'1.^'Dld.a.aJ't-'''d'h'''.a.6^ t'-cp. ". n , "." _".to."oi_e ".m-e nmLD L a M-dl?. "'. "." *d

i1aoao'ta"rnat thq aptnons arc \.htad and h..ad

!:plain whv.rs fdsronng a nationa, ideniiry a qood *av lo .8.,manage ethnic divdsitv oR ou,",."rnor" io min,s. "rr,ni(gorn r ,-",or pt", A{.,0 B 1d4i ,o 6,p..i ,.q o.6 .,o. anooenr/n.d4 brgrhFors.,o" qracor ai. or",o"rrs!o_q.F and addi o d na,r..o,d .Doo,ro 06;r. po.

Ia - redch6 a batdn(ed cofttusron erptici v ad.rress,ng I ._'how ra. do you aqree,

-. 1t'r t d agna-.tat.tn"a -ta-" .F-deo.1.":''"' ; "'"

6t 'a a'a1a ob1e o L)d,.r'2wlas D.aotc d af- a.o,na\na.tut

- - r et". ."o"aoia ., , rorpranatcd at eve. letetarhp.i)nt^

Page 32: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

L,td -a bna.n t lcn.{ .t a. .^F. ."Lana art-rt at ,q^to idft. la.4t..n.\,,",- 1. .".aqed.naa1" ;-..r.'e US prbo- I a1d .an. qa.4.t -,. t.a.no.t" rnivn't) at t dL, ot;an .1 snoa1a.-t""at.a,a".";-"to.Jrnenbers Lnde, the tnternat seLrnlv A.r

14'61 lThrcals tan external farces cane in rhe ttn al t ansnatbnal

!::d-dtue 'r "Ta-o,h" beaplaaD-. ond .a. nopol bn

la ptan e l.bti ).t.1t "n-.o".. or- .o ou. -, t, t-no..sn

, ta. Pt@tt t ataao cngdpDtaro- e.D- t-n .d tho h.--' at t,- hb.d, t""ot,.q ih""n

':11:: ':'" 4 t otte t'tt.PnLd rd o sare aa.- t --ft bu.td.l rrroopuA bodrc ta th. aao t a.J n cno4., L.de, p. tnt.t.at'b.r'h 4 4P. o

Ih. ]a at ,ntld. to.o.ho o .a1q h- . u. Ata.p dr .t-d1laha L\- p4op.c ,^i, q", teaa to

1a . capla 4 ","ni- ^n-rp-/ at ,td o). -aopao hc ottat t-d b .. "o"o.- rac oo,e.".".r aro.od.a b,n- so-..-t pt.ttt, j .'e P.\-d b\ 16

.nd -,". ,ast:h\ dn. 9the D.apb. Hb..- n.aa-. a4 arn t n

Differen@s in rctgnus beliets and pnc ces can be used 1a

-1::11-'. " and.,n- p-a.\e, ..hq-Da.e ."n 1.,.1 .oi e..t.".,aD.p."^e.p.aiu.." t anl

' a..r1 \dtdi r at "-."a. ,q^r -,.,'.a1n th , .- !k-\ ,or tholthe

tul rtn dd L *\"" ,a.." a- .-d a) i; a.tu-, 4a",.., ten.ad. .r r. Edapeal on;un4" b.d. t ,P 1.qr..4

- t1 - .r- ra: -\' ,he otr".e .ptqau.oa.o Wd -. t tc., ot. .a|a ..rp d.l pd4- t.o..-ro.o,oout t-.1t1a, \., dpot.o aq" tari.oat-n-z "",.

L. E,o", r ttl



Page 33: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet




E'p iL .ons deEhon or ro whaL €rtena

.,";::'";:,;",'::".* - oa r -.o ^-o - -'.' F

:,'"*:1" :.i. |!-,.'' a' 1' l1- "Jt la' p'!.'nrt 4' e;: ":"i";:'.'::::::!. &:;*: ".,:;:,::, :-::,2.;,,t': :f, :; {:#;; " i.*,,p;::f "X :;:: "l AV*iig, nl


.rsrWyfficoDnties. @n ha,ve ad@;e ;nc"a .; \;;i.r'"i,ii),j'j"!!'i[-,"epu"-q]s ceng up thdt ca,* like in the.ase of lhe Jl

o 5harede,peren.es dunfq Na onatSen..o E,mc mteq.alionpoky in pubtc holsrn.o Eou.al/on h schools and tedrary rnsltul;vvntrn or Ine above q he mosr;flecl!e w:v r. bofd Sinoaporeans? Expta n

I13Ji"i srS"po."n. *ijh"u' ro-.i"s o" ?1,".r";l


oesoto* -mponaii--

oirc=rearim " qnM-"pa*

CarnhDn space rcfets t.logethet. Ihis .anh;nSingapteahs ta jnlehcthore undersrandj.g ahang

the lihe and plae rhat peapte canespdre p.oftdes .pparlunttes t t

Desdbe lh€ ONE gi@ t&for

Explains ONE L;b;

!l!,,:iL: ':!:1::: "r *t,*d to seNe in the .tetence ot thc";i:h':,:l ! i ̂::::.i:,n ̂r,!,t

y.1, " t, t's i ;, ; ; ; ;' ; ; ;' ;7 ;L :i :

t n - u e n,t h., i s - o * t, * i ng i j i,;; ;;: ; i ;;i ;: : i:, ;:;:"i ; ;:;, ;: f :i[f2y.!:.1:.:,,h"y *it "fu

i; A;;;i; i;;t;:l?: +|:: ̂

I?: : ?- r : !,".: a 2!i " " "

;,, ;,; "; ;;';"il ; ;;i:ii, ;::' \]Gce. This hetps ta band the sinr"p";;";:t;;;;;;;

):,; 8 r *rrtt rtr &,ffi ;i, ;#i:; : ; r ! :,, ! E r

Page 34: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

'-iolhau-oao Bv,.,t q ar -.. n d . .bu .or a, . - ..tteten.nces jn all haLsing estates. By hvnq raqsther. it provides.Dpo.1u +.. ta thc p.aa 6 ranhta,gh rt1".t.an ta p a ha\e bene'de ld d.9 aI t - ath-, t- c

MosI edrcabonat institutes such as schoals and te,1tary institutians\'lgdDd.Jn. readtdt.s\ al thp., ,a;e. ,"nqu"q"

a re'a.a1 t,o-nt .o-anqq.;.".-o e.anr tuat @|-th..' a, o' th.oa4.rtc,-.rcndu jI.{ o",";o ,,aai ",tiit,estip d.hps dtc.on"a tnauoi. ca.unlut-t^\tilc IC.AS tag-nq and h-\e ber!-t.ndFt rchdilo aI. \h otrq td \ptp"o La o"trt -aa^a,^ -no.Q| ,a4 vt,th 4.t6 onnu.i.aual ,het- s 4d. r.o-.rbndnq a1dthk lesse.s the chance of canflict anang the people

l1'-,oar.rt€ 'o-rs"nonFor o.'o ls-

." *nu;l#;u

N"t af". \- \ , - o. h-\t^. phac i.t"qaLarao|, . I o Dub\ ho-\ng 1.. .\ .-. "J-.

-;r he edu,"r,ahal

ins lurians, the pupils get ta lean abaut the athet races trcfr yaungThey ate less Uejudrced against athets. At the ase where theiaptntans ate still been shaped, they are hae aniable and open toaccepl atherc and when the t'rienrtships ate famed, rhey wit growup - p Ptud\e do- \' ah1.

Page 35: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


Theme ty..a9rng tnrer^arionat R€rarionsrn b uer€ren.e and Dipjomacy

4 Maraging peaceand Security: Deterence

{a) Howfardobirarerairetatronscortribur.,nerods? Erptain !our answer

Singapore,s diptonacy112)

':1"']*,*.*-;.*","*#;;1,:""i,1".1ffi",",v''\a^.a ,, ni ""ii"i;ii'i i.

L2 Des,ojb6 q,ven laddor/and identrfies oih-rrdctor(s) 3-4Awad 3m br descnbing the aiven tactor oR jia.'.'iti.g "h., t",iili

'" '"" 'oetut wxtde'titvins

" I ilr:""*"ti+;if*t:::T:i.n:iii1"",..,_,.,.",

:!; if#,';: il ;i! : i 1::.; ::,:, :"!:{:i ; i:2,;:: kT: :i ",#'ffiffi?##*ffiapore.s

dip,ohacy effons b a

+lF!]Endet:Reo,onar Retarjons

:":'.Ti :"-"-.b or lnou e r. s madds dDroaa-] -,odi?-:- -"-"t^^"::.i-': n:-' ".."'";';;;;' :: "

;:;"-:,-,c)>d-rrie -1,p!1-! ". d I.dd.d,omed ,he Asqo donoJ,"::,,:,:^1^,:'11" l" o ""rq.v, | 6.-

'L_,e- .onbnFos'o'.F and *6rF.oF b. n a o.lrel


Lurlq t!Lst!!r!p!!q !!qper"t!! J-!9;er;-t!9"r rh"

Page 36: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

schohBhps ofiered are without my bond and they alkrw studentslrom any ot lhe other ASEAN countres to stldy courses offered inour lo€l un veBilies, excludlnq ned cne. ln the 1997 forest fres ifndones: Sngapore a so asssl€n rhem in the monitorng ot loresl

nres th.ough the use of saterlre inages. ASEAN has enabedSingapore to foee b€lier realons wlh its neqhbouring couftesslch as Marysir atu lndonesia. ll orovides an avenue lorSingapore lo discuss lhe I d ff€renceswilh.eighbolang counlries.

Oth€r Factor - lnternalional Relationslnten€lonal relalions aso conlrblte to Snqapo.es diptomacy€fiorls to a €nan exlenl. Singapore's adnisson nto UN . 1965al@ed sn€apo€lo gain r€cognltion as a sovereign slare uN hadhelped Slngapore by sendlng expens 1o advise a.d help in lheecononcand soclal deve opfrent ofthe country Singapore payedan imporrant parl h lhe uN Law of the sea conf€rence Theconference was orqan zed 10 d€cde on lhe tetritora ghls ol acounlry over ils waleE sngapore was atso etected by lhe uNGef-.ml Ass6mbly lo setoe as a non pemane.t Secuily Councmember lor nro yeare frofi 2001 lo 2002 The main roe ol lheSecurty Colncil s lo manlain ntem:lionzt peae and securty.Olring lls tem of oliice, Snoapore sered as the P.esident ol lheCouncl n January 2001 and May 2002 The e ect on to the councilshowed the @nfidence member countries have in Slngapore aswe las S ngapor€ s commilment lo the UN

L4+ Discur<errhe relatrve imponance ot d*t€reni tactors

7-14Awatd 7m to answers which give explanatifr of hov bitateatrelations contribule to Si.qapore's diplom..v eftorts. ardidaw .tescibe othet facto4s),

Awad 3m b lAh for .xplarafon of the given factu and othet

Note: wherc .thet factors are 6ncehed. do not award highestna* unless na.e than l factot is deakwith

l=(b) Here are thre€ measures oid€torence in Singapore:

Singapore's Delence lndustryMulti-agency Coordination on S€.urityililiiary Cooperation with other countries

Whichone is th. most effective qoasure? Exptain your answer. [131

Wriles aboutdete ence wirhoutrocus on tho qu.stion.

Describes impacr(s) withoui explaininq.Awatd 3 ma*s fu desctihins 1 siveD measureAMtd 1 ma*s for .lescnbina 2 aiven heasures


Page 37: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

13 Exptain ohe givs inpac!T

lAw-ard 6narks foran erptanation ofhow SjndaDor.,c

;!"^ti,i,ilt;Hii T.,il_""':i"? :::liiigi:"f I ;::i,',,;J:T::,il:";!,1;1.*.n."ar ma, I ro, suppodins d;r.rl\.

iaw d s narks torderibins iireh

64 l


a..e;"- "--.e,.p:";',:;";:,,:;1.",;il;:"..""..T""" ;,d-o od{r d6f- tr--?tdt.o e. ou.,l"o "o , o"" oo"n,"

#ffiffiHEffi##tr# o,,€r c.unrres G a,


Frrp,,.. re re i". "-r""" ; ; s';;;"." "i;:-N". o;-4'r cmrdn. o1 s" -.u, n"c:, "- -r'up ,o

fi.lil:; T ts"T.:"'T "":'" -;";:ii#T: t; ":t.i:10" -\or,r odd "","."" o, ".""q

i"*iii"ij,.""::_-i:,,"::,f i.;,:.:.;:"il ""j";;

*l*l *+, +-'i**i*ii',1"ru'; #ryg+mws*+s""

"! e(p- r 6d. rb,o d6tqiFl--,.$o"oor..noaooe".\"rr

rhouoh oGrF.J .na i.trro,a.a. ,trdle':Tn" | rci' € roo,o!"r'rF dno.NDFd!- r,..,o.. sni.oo",- , r,ra9--cr6 r. ^ I 6" _ai11..."

", 1_

Page 38: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

zeatand and tndia ro arow s|r]rz)I@- i-oops io r.ain in rhe.counties. n add [on, sngapore aso mnducls regu]lr mlitaryt.a n nq wilh feighbouino counlres such as lrlalavsia andlndofesia. Singapore is also nvotved tn mutli-aterat mit€ryageemenls and exercises wilh other tuunldes. One example isthe Fv€ Power Detenc€ Amnsemenls (FPDA), which wasestabished ln 1971. Th€ membeB:rc Singapore, Maaysia, UK,Auslraia and New zealand The iive nalioos conduct exerclsedeach year lo enhance Iheir cooperalion and coord naton I theevenl of ai exlerm threat agansl sngapo.e or Malarsia

' r e1 ber ^o

rd 01 L' one a-or -' or rl. dpoopnz e ip...r.ra be raken ro deler lhe asqressor

L3 plqExplains orher siven impac(s)

R€aches a b.lan.ed con(tusion baced on .xptanation ot

Award I marks for L3 plgtan e4lanation ota secondmeasure dndaddition.l mark for anysupponing details.

Award 10 marks for L3 p!9 an exptanation of th€ orher rwoneasures, aod an additionalmarl for any supportins details.



Award 11m for a. explanatton io show why 1 factorimportant rhan the other 2 factors.

Award l2hforan orpl.nation to show why l faclor isimportant than the other 2 factors AftD why the othertactors aro loss tmportant thatr the I tactor.

the d€tor.nce policy alone herp or h'nder9q.urily? Explain your answer.

lopicwithout reference to the locus

reeds bolh d plomacy and deletrenc€ to iu ly prolecl lsel

Lisis / Describes EITHER persDectivoAward 3n fat lisling/desdbing elher petspective, up ta 4n t'ar

rists r oescriueiEoix pi-peiiG 'fAwad 5n fat iisting/des bing both petspectives. Hep: improves Soore oaldefence. HifdEnce: d€-stabil se the surcundin! r€qion

Page 39: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



. n.er-cneh€loc , " 'r inproves on olrr'.r ia".*t" a,-raol rodoroe" " oLn L

". o"r"nc" r"cinoitov eto,p lhs inproves lh€ lqhtng,-."rit" a '^_ iit .' i. q .ar " 'e " s po o'

".1-.,- -..n 'J"dAo"t- oa"n* nl*t'r -n "tt"nn

lhe Ifespan of sAF eqlipmenl

"1"-ntail*r- M;re imponantv, thru ocal Lnlentons the

i--*' -" *r"'oo""lhF o ou rG x"po dn be

' 'nna enn"n(ed IlL. od':e!-: !ii..: -49-s s qe!!l :el

E/pliLns EITHER PersP€ct'veA6.rd bn Iate\ptanng l petspe.lile upta hA6.,d 3n la e^alatdnq 1 petsppLtift while

T6.B-Id ad(ltt.nal delatts

' "" "j" i",'r " ru ''o o"t_ a tqtegt '"'";,'-"..,,'.,tr o ' o"r4,t dor"n Fd n lrdl r' nolooiF

' Dei€rcnce hinders s pore natonalsecuily as it can d€-srabilise

ihe suirounainq reqiin tt s'pore spends more on expandng its

m,["^ eoLo - I rh trouo {o'q,"" rr - p.''

"doprr g "n '.d o '\' nrrun a d

,""-,4 .re '"-, o ' i", '.0,t on 'h-' o\' -l'"r'eipanson roo rnus cerenence liarms S'pore nationatsecurltv Uv

lha-f@d€s 5AF caoablrlv on lhe banklield

ts .atona securly as s'por€ wil hlv€ more enefrles & over a

,o1qq p- oo ol '

,"r' o " !o iol- an p* x naahm ' t " e: h_ d

."-."",r." - .q" ! !s!l!! !!p!!r! sra. r-s!::

'5 mpemenled on 'ts

own n the onq run wnL

imnr.,p 'q.le(ercnL

Leves 3 berrer prole.t rt tr'ts own n the ong run. whl€ 5pore can

"li5 hs relalire impotanco of BoTH perspeclives. n",;,;...-"


.;;';."" ,' an,d o rFaopFh ' Fnr''a!''F

;;"""" ".

." qonr:q ren,ron e ,..p .o. o^ 5Doa 8 :ts

*.-;, "." ; o or" 1r 'r,dns l. oood tl"rion' 1"r

-""-""r..*" He-F f idqscpo'rol aleol"d a

, .-;! !l;. - ^"" "* r-:!:-!e ''o , {"r_ af 'l -o oo i -o.ldLes 1 "rFd r"'

ll 5 T-Erbtains BoTH PerspeclivesI- ;;:,;;" ,,,

" ",,,;-e ba\p6 ap\e.Dta1tFto "rtor:o"'l





Page 40: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Th€me: lVanaging l.ternationat Retationsch 1i (Regional and tntornarional conflict)

economic or socral? Explain your answer.

Writ€s .bout the transbationat rerorism

Award 1m for l derail. to a maximuto.r 2m

e o Ionars F d , bb deLncd d Lke unlo&utute ot D!.e atd srtn{dtF u\e aI \ DbF - a, [email protected]!.hntod goup. -qdn, ,

Dq sahs d ptao-d\i o,tsux ota pa.nt.61aqe.-,p +e5e4 dd)le@ iis usualb Anqdqp n senso a.at dndcl, ratch ro.td oa,nthen

Which impact of transnationat t.rroris is

impactOR both impacts, bul wirhout aNwqjrrq

Erpla ns one inpact. Nor€ that€iptadio

Award 3m for describ nq ihe one mpactAward 4fr only f both ihpacls are descrbed.

E.ononlclmpacte.9 Trcnsnalbnal lenuisn has an e.ananic cost. When there js alet t a' ist ar ". \'..or anl t t outa t.. - ba @s! but bundnds 4 autd D.desh at-d ard bu rn-\"a.. os-d da^ n rjJ,;Fs he oanadna,GD\ennehl ar .ountie dneqed Dv t'. te4dtst o4\ has ro sp-ndhuge anaunls ol naney to rebujld the caunn, t'at etanDle. rhede t oted nl.a \etu" ot top.,.ae o.ohtu\ hetp b;ebuftl lhpafpt ted t400fdnt rdush tcs r vnnq na.. th4 p noutd be ta-s or--thi tg.tat na.) peaple espq bh nas- F\a\eo n thp trcvete.9.anln. ahd ta,\sn trarcl dge.t J) t e|-teo .norsn65 a\ qon, tor t -1,

^autd d\atd evetno ta a tauhLl thd h"\ sutr+d " F..q,si andc^be,-u.eatta".\atad"anacr.ra e aqpte 6net thp scae4be. t t

a4o.\-.thea \re.ndArl p pe.td\t ta. ctato bu.i,ess,ntneFohth- rorar.ng rh- .na .I t as qa.) peaote M.e ar -td at r\.r9.

Sociallmpacre.a. t ansnal.onot Etd t ,q @h a/so dyror sot -n b. rcs,q4ae p6ao ps) r nabai .at oaTdsa an.tsa 4laft;p a1 t!.ar,a re-dral lust to he D{ ot nnoceh \\ e5 od aLa t psutqd ih t he . :. tthbeing pemanent eared, naking Lhen physhallv diabted an.l unabtelat-ddnandt\\.s tenlL rfir.r\ autd atsad.tuDtoar, hv-e\ otpeapb hna,n a.ouq4 a.hpt EataoFocoad dong oa;L a4^Lte\tt .outd -t adbate ia-Bscoa-th-t d\da.dto. tt n eat-a.nD-srP

^hnk ^outa b ai; ed q t.l"Lf he uFb*ot ta-nt. t- atita,r d.dd.e,-.tydrte.! pea.ctu.,et-\ot ot ohsthp.6.estnn" ta. b d.et.e.. rc;.kate

s,spbbn an.l lensbn anong the vdious elhnic and rcltgjaus srcups




nlst have valid

A^dd5r'o d ".otddtio d,dodoi o a,.",1 ord.). opolr qd€ra up roa mr/ mum otTm


Page 41: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



\" bP a. D,t br.ta.t ,. ta. d I.d€stored and busiresses c/osed dawn dutinq the banbihgs fhe totallost of life and prcpeny ||outd .ost insur.nce cfpani$ a lot of

Govemnent of counties aflecled w the leta.ist acls has to spendhDge anounts af naney la rebuild lhe caunty, fu exanple, lhedestayed intasltuctDte at lo ptavi.le ebnafric help ta afededinpaft.nt tndusln$ to prevent then ftan closlng da||n. Ihis neans thalatn! d co al de\etopn e L f h-, aun\) nauk bc cte.teo a o\rthey wauld have les funding. Ecananlc inpact th.augh Gov nnentspendhg has alsa indeased since lhe seplenbet 1 1 dtac*st .aretfat inccased secuily Many gavennents alsa sFend naney andresaurces in holding exercrses la ensurc that the eneQen.y stucesand lhen ctlizens are ptepated and khaw whal lo da in lhe venl al aIetai! an.cks ln nany caDnties, govennents have deplayed natepolice and saldiers to quatd staleqlc areas s!.l' as alrpons, dDbass,esand othe/ sersilive irsla//altons ]n shgapae nany enbassies aswell,s olher sersirve lrsla//allor6 have hned ehte guatus ta walch ilspBntses The ninsL'y of Hane Atralrs also spends a lal at naney and.. au,.,.. hold.. 9 A, 6..... ta pt. ltc tnot hd.nd,g-l ) 3d^ t, d

can nDe to l'n.tlan in the adv enl al a leta sl allack. fhis cau'ednonet and tine la be spenl. AI these have resufte.l i, ircrcased

Funhenate lherc wauld be las af earnings fat nany peopleespeciatt! those invalved ih the travet (e.s. anhne) and tautish (tavelagend!) tetated industries as nah! tauists would avaid tavelihg to acauntry that has sLtfeted a tena sl alta.k because af fears of noreallacks. Fot exar'ple, aftet the seplenber 11 aftacks,lhe arhneindustry especialy last a lal al buiness in lhe nanlhs lollawihg theatlacks as nany peaple wete ataid .n flying The ecananic faloutwaLl.l be warcened if olher couhttjes issued ttavel wahings lo lheicitrzens to stay away lran nunties where te aist allacks e llkely toa.cut fhus terorist attacks would nol lhis just led to loss ofenployment, propenis a|d closute of businesses, but also puladdilional econotui. sttain on the govenmen. which is dpecle.!to help individuals ot itupo^anl in lustry adversely aftected by thetetarist acts and put heasures in place to prepate its citkens fotpossi hle lerorist atkck.

S.sgi4lEpese 9 fta.snalional le aisn can alsa dirupt saciely by causihg\|idesuead psvcholaaical danase and social diluptian ll cauld leadhol jtst Lo the loss ol inhacent hves, bd aln rcs.rlted in the vrclihsbeing p emanent scated nakin1 lheh p htsi.atly d isabled and Dnablela leatl nanal hves Allthis ||ould 6use imnense psychologialand enationat sutreting for fanilies ar in.lividual affected, fetati.lattacks coDld als. distupt daiu lives of people lil|ng in a cauntry as theyfear g aing about doin g daily acti ties I cauld alsa ctaate wuries abaLtjab secunLy fat peaple enplayed n the travel and launsn rclaledhdDst es which would be afecte.J by the lalt in the .umbet af tauistsfhus p sa.ial ;npa.t ot q..snati.nal tp o'i<n.an hFdevaslatinlt as it could rcsull in innense Dsychological and

Page 42: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

I hv the tetorist acts.' Ie o.,,", ."."o,- ct,dnp,p-aeu.cta:an ono I h-rcces in nultiiacial socieLies. ll could cteate suspiclan an.l tenson

'oau qo,p t a\q'i'r' 4at1d4dn",":, ,,.. "o t,,"

.Ipd-j -aIhe harhanv anana diletent n es andrchgians Far et.nple sanecahseq]ances ol lhe septenhet 11 Lenat attacks in the uniLed stateswerc attacks in menb{s al cenain ethnic gtoups Such lenaist aclshave th. pot ntat lo cause cenain elhhicgt upstolealt qeted.t asther nehl be sinaletl aul ld ncteased secutil! checks at viewed

"tr6t t, a' o -,. n- ariuht\ rhis m'shr.duse a teetins o,ahenctio. as

^ett as unhappiness dmo^g this gtoup ot adecEd

petjpl6. tsFa.f o n- n cnoas al Jbrodh t ta n:'an ot' MadlM,Nn ne Mdl-/cauld hDtt overclt i acial ha n.ny in sihgapue if il is hal ha ndledsensitively. lL also alaws aLhet l-"rctist gtoDps to explail Singapate\

Explains the both impactsAw3r.l3tr lo znswers which have an exD anatoian addliona ly loriurther suppodng neGils lrcm

L4+ cofrparalive answers which reconcileboth impactsAwlrd llm tor an erc anaton of one impact compar€d to anotherAward an addil on.lmalklor fulther compansons w lh afother mpacl

E.g tAs Ls p usl Arrolgh tans, aianat tetatisrn has nant inpacls,lhe dosr devas/allrq is lhe so.ial npacL Alhaugh lhe ecanonic lassesaAe.l by Ie disl s acts can be tenendaDs: these coDkl be nihinizedLhrcoAh assislance l@n the gavennenl, hlenalianal huaan ightsusanrsatians at ather syhpalhetb govennenls. fhe caunttv will beaile ta rcbuild ilsell antl its ecDnahy aftet sne tme has passedEcanonic cost .an besevete as the g.vennehl has ta pav lat a.ldedseconty. BuL lat au. gavernnent, lhts ha! .oI be a ptoblen assingapate has hDge ecanonic rcsetues

llawev , s soctal inpact is mde dtfticoll la rcsalve as lhe lass .fhDnan tves at pemanent tnqres wouLi cause innense psvchalagicaland enatianal sDffennu fat lanilies ot inrl|idoal allected, the casl ofwhich is inneasutabte ta lhe fanilies u individtals afleded Na anountal non.taty airl tuil be abla ta canpensate lat lhe lass al lives andpsnanenl physically disabtulies aslhe petsans alleded wauld nal beatie la leatl a namal lile Besides this, the alhet even nde cos vsacial mpacl al lansnationai tenaisn is lhat n nay frake Singapare bea aciatly divided nciel! An.e this happens Il tuay nal be easv ta putlhinas as they wete )n the pasl


Page 43: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



l wrile*6dtthe connicr betaeen kaq and

by Kuwait- ErPlain iolr cnswer

Aw3rd 3m l0rore detail, and

connict betwea iaq and Kuwairdueto the [13]

L2 Describes the qiven f.ctot

whcn traa invatled l<rwail Ihe Ku||1ilia'n! did

t be fultv hablhzed Allhaugh thete tuas satne

nilitary, kDwait lell la laq wilhin 12 hau6 af lhe

oR idenlLr6/deribes orh.r f a.lor(s);n add' .na marl forany r!dh€' deFil



ffi ##ffi*, an connict ||as the.verprc'ircti'n

- ",i,. ^.,-"r ,."." ct.pdat t- t.q.44-h b opa ahd.tabt6r\

;.;r' t;;", o;q h o"^o a'e, n" o^ira t"'t"n '-otodtDD"d'n*. *

^ a., ..chua7o4th-td'atr'ot BJ':,;; ;;;';i.""". ";.-' p,aa t."ototo t -^ar""orar

i,:;;; ;:;';;,".:";;.-- '" hb. " "u\"

"ii"ii,i- -i a" ec h, Fe thp p\ " a' . t' b' o'F oor-

-s'g*#7#j"",,,",,,i;,1,,;;, i",' t.- '".","'tn'Bubt-a -aaA/dbaht t hd rh''"..^i"7

"ia i*a"^ ""a'*b"e'd'a' "-t artda^ rtcdth'F

llii.. "i-'a^ap,aqs., " ' @ hca''nr)tdt'attr'pb'];a-a''i,"i." n '"a;- uara" ' nata^oho'a \tp":;",,,;.'

" "i .",,. t -abr o- ,". .'- -,

" p @ Faa'lnaI

ii.i"iJi a. ,i,to a,"q '^"i,^.7-, i,*." t",* p. r'ot n ds"It a'rtc' t"as't' "'

,iiii"i i.i. ." ".-,a'"1jo"

a " he loo0 ""o 'ol^ bu'

;.'.o .*."i.ft t'"a.*.'

Eff3*#@"., ,-* u,or,,*, it wat uas the ec@mic prcbten

-iit"ii" ,.a'-q";,".' d s'o 'Iun ta;ts

iiiii. "i." ai'"-i, ;'a"\" \" u'^e,"d''-a\Fd?nti;,";;'1a;;;; l,'" F'

" u rc' o' h- ^r'a,- \aun\, 'qu,6d

)-'",i. "i-n a .*t. ,'"s "t aa^co:' ".snaau' -"d th'

":;.'; " ",. hp u ) dn; r'-". - a t:o o'us$ n.tcbt tc'du '

thp\p .aDntues suDDted I Ith laod and equtpfrenl


I " ;zii*;;nn .' *" , "q,"-", ir'"i^.r"" *r"*' *" \a oi\'c ttuqhao att taral'- )-.""-"''u'a"^t" ' aunrya r ta:,'d'hdt

^ ^ailra.ti at- ai, dp-a ot a

't) d o ^o a.qteduld' ''e -"


Page 44: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

L3 Erplains lhe oiven tactoroR o Er

la haq denand\aeG sePn as dehan..

factor(s)Award 5m foranerprEined factorand addriona m.ds forsupponingdela I l. a m.x mum .f 7m

- t A^a ot,ed a1ta. r, h-a\- p.ao ..a.a.tb. ru^-t t ,o^awrh rabDitdihg the cauntry aner ha tang wat ||ttl tan ttaq had haFcdla pay ofr lts debls by earnhp ate Bvenue tah the sate at ts a . Bulo! ptices wee faling due to avet pbrluctan at ail by Xtwan and UAEhaq i.sl a lal af rcvenue due ta the falt in ail pnces ln tact jt last USS/b ianton oil saleseach tin. the pnce af ail feu by ane us dajl.r rheresult was a wotsening of the retatonship b.fween the twocornties as haa tel hat thc a.1'ons ot Kuwah wds equivdtcnt to||agins dn e.ononi.i on haa a<gOaoat its inrone ccnetrcn

Dispule overtenlrorve.9 a ne al lhe ca us s af the haq-K uwait conflict was rhe .tspute avarlenituy, thal is the clain aret |he Bubiyan antl Warbah lsjahds TheB"b.cn "fa A" b.h .t"1d D"t.na-d.orui.r b4 roa

^-.t.d tn-.1 1,\ratldh-pttdq9o..d .\.b -- aD-1^a.otrat Lne p-F anGutl The only p.n haq has, UhD easr, is srarow ard big shhscannot da.k al lhe pan Furlhemore, laciines at rhe pan werc alnastcanpletely desltayed duing lhe haq s wat th kan. This nean. thatlnq was unable ta ttanspatl s oil in tane quanti es. taa had evenatlenpted lo gain the# islahds by t'atce ih the 196as aNt 1g7os burt t t..,.t, - ta. 3 r da \ po b 6o. -.1.. i, \dt or Dut dad.f r i t. " 1"' iunait sFtlral oganthaes rcquesgwotsenedthe.elationship betwee, both sides as haq saw KMait's refusatas an attack on irs natianal intetest. fhis was because withoutacc6s to the Petsian 6u1a haq woutd nrd jt difiicutt to expart itsoil. This in 1wn would rcsutt in a toss of ,evenue whjch it ba.ltyneeded ta rebuild the country

Economic Problems in lEoa^-,d- a..a t h t -o ruto. A

;,..b\ Ida . @\agts, r-aecanony as ils bDtklings ahd intastucturc w e desttoyed andbleresses ./osed fhe recahsltuctian .l the wat tan cauntty equreda large ahaunt al nroney. haq atso owetl its neighbotts and arhercaurties such as lhe US and Fnnce bitian af ltSS ]n debts becausa

oD.. oro da...F1 tctd.t t.dn'o^-, tap)aI n "d.t.-haq lelt hat ds the honwat banehted the arhq A'db.ou^tricsthese colhtries should srppad the rcconstruction of t6q, Sowhen Kuwait djd hot giv. in to its .lenands j.e. jts tequest ofl.asing the islands, to stop dilling oit fron the Runajta oitfietdan.l to compensate it fot the oil it has ta*en ftun the oiltietC, therctationship between the tua @itttt3:!use!tlI!,

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..n \ ,- a.lctlb.r-p .- o a,n t4, taa..-do..-1ar9.o d.-oI t^d abppo.dNa 1t |a. dt) -pa4alt.-oaharo ga.-.n-ounderthe.d...etp. ht\

^hd lo4(qefa*a4a1artu\. ^,.u.\ rat-,pa\tca. uwa. to o, p tn o 1 dedd1d' / uj c, t.Dbdtcd. p u%t\ D qi..nlat.o1d nan.l re- pq a. d-tbn p a5ate<uh,haq*asangry

and be\dne more assressre n tryns to tor.c Kunai tosue i^ bh.n demands, Ihe rcsult wn aworseningotthcrcla onstupoceen rhe rwo @mks tr xwdit ntght havF seen the haqi

Hisrorica Enmitv

L3 r exprains oth6r racto(s)



Award 3m lor L3 + a 2d tactorexptained, with one extra mark brddd:orJ..poo rai,ro ."rcn A^o.o On ro. t J p. b - o,he|d tor,o ddor'o.d .rppo tna 1.or d,ion

:!ry9!Lrto] trj!e:!9!sttl9!9y ta rcbuitd the patl tacttjnes

la trno.ol 1-.c14.Dqw-.r fdq dhd r 4d o-thcD.\F-a.,npt.r\da1 alaDer- ov6,.Dtadr tta. otot b\ \tLar \nt-t t. ulr.rl f rh. 4at\ch .9 ot\ dq ., a1.n r p.aDt-F. O\ p. -D.ad....an a! at. d t *.q cho UAL- ad t -.rt-r1 n th- Idn ih o. Dt i4 a,f . - aao a at t do ..1 .. F ..aneraf t.p ct-ata thdr_tt1tup.dstd t-. ,r-a .n tua ta .t. I d ta01--\61 . flc o tat 44F

^.eo-ato..buitdr p,au.Fr pti a.a:D. fF : !l'"' F'"ct.:"1q' ' al.*:. "".-" rkcb ,-dd@\df4qt-. . a ta.d..'o. ttie.a.. d. p t .t..t le i on a qt t-oao sadd-nhJ- et t


. F..at d "t.\i \r'o\.FDa. ahtb-.d. eria\- u6tndtror.-\..tct --ha ddna! ht-dPn

rn n"dt"l- o,ob,-d r- i.91."at

cohpated la hisloricat enntly, il was alsa nar as mponaft as the aver

a t f b- obL r d. a t - - -d. d. o., o, - pn . o,t o:" o, **o,".dt. t, c Da.t dc-p. .a -.DuLra.;"-o t,r- t" --o -. pot."i'. -,on,o':"

" " ,." - .\a.1. ....a r-,o1..aa.p...

L5 l4 + Reahes a b;E;;;d con(rusion bas.d on a r.tativesrqn'rrcan.e of the fadors

+ hpo1" I, m Dr{ o me b;..Award l3m ror any rlrrher compartsons wth oiherractors

t!J!9 p9\bllitiet.

Page 46: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Theme: Sustarninq E.onom'' D€velopment

ch 2: sustainrnq Econom'c Developmentin

c G.ooJFalion lnd suslqir\'trq s ngaoo'es r' onon (

;: -.;- -"." d ".,'*"rc" 6a\F qoro'F,", l;"".i" - od"qLrd 6a\F sEo'F

" i_!/ra!t!-rl "_

r1 wrile< doou nc'ea'ilg Siagrpores (ompel'livene\' 'n d tlllo,oDdsrnq 'o'rd

wit!99r 'ocui^-,rr'-'*":""^ .;"",.""" ; .',"" " -'. - "..- -"'.. " l

. : "-.":,"-:; "-;:";. : :-:-i"..;"*.- "'"".":,":,:::"",':

. t oa.,, s ^. d. . :, 1r:t:"^"'i::,",;:Jl.l,"* .*,, *,.,, Jl#;;:"# :: i;" ;'* i*oi on io"^ir^'a*'ios otn' I ."r

l".l'';' . ,:t,--:"- "^. " " ,n" o "a " o, oo

dPn ly' q/de5. bnqoh€r..onsloq 'r'9d- b1ooh". orA^" d4 m". ro borl

"" ^t"-o,ow"-,. o'\t9tDa' afa't v'-P

"- ;;;". ." ^.';sro"oo",'roo oroq "' Iba 'J"1

rr ErD'ains ona o lhegrven lacior'OR olhataciorrsr'-

;-:;;;",. . ;" -."'"".,.;;* ,-: .""' "

;;';:;" -'r .n po t ' a

)- a' , *. -. t . a' ap d t ') p'11 n ho au:1'5:":.:\'-: o "ar"" po\to" "o"d "bart 10 \ho'Da'

+l i e"prflf 1!" s,Ylar"qg-nd iaenrifies/dsribes orherll-!-*-*!; r""-t"t l tr

Page 47: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


enlrneeinq and en1ineett.g t'ietds tr ad.lilion, sru.pote avenlu.rng nto $eas like Lna sciences. whj.h jnvalves lhe stuly af'P,. .l dr..aD.:::"r ".. ""' .b..r.h...- b.o..

o.d. d1 Fpa4... ta-\l acoo.. .Lo b.l q

a.c 1Lt Md., ,a. .9h

':." ::a b- - T,- ^t.\-.drc..r, t-op..'t""t- d" Divercj inq thl e.ononyensutet thdt the s;nsdpot6 c.onony , ena,ni stiote;n o"",""r

at th.donntutn ot onc aeddartuncB sngqDdp s I oDpeth;vpness 4ljlabdtisins ^ottd.



rdbo. ,o p{ .-a.t,.. t\ .r1apd-

retuh' the ha.t ca nt'es p,ovtdp tand and tdbou. tot gngapo,6l1nea 4 venturins abrcad eahr,c.s s,ns.pore \! u,rr<lxvffis rs { opens !o new markets for tt ttesolti"tehen's ot L3 '


:1": r'.,:-. o..D.d.o o. ..b o .e. a\o o . ". ,". ,o. 'ol

-X""":^"' "'" t."i* ""0'"'" i"'rb LA prLserptoin<rhererr."l.p.n-.".r.rre,r""r.,I

' ...a ca b --htu i a aod..a Ied! D.- ra.9 0 a

ll " , " ? ^ t- L. na ,a. -.a Fp ta.dt aapad b

{"ll-Di'"6rrvhs, lh' "cmomy r\ tn. best sotutio4 tor srngapore ro L1 ,l

ovp'com. lhe .Fat pnS.\ otd gtobdhsihg *ortd, Do yoiu aqree?, xP,arr yoLr an<ser.

L1 Deq ribe. Sinoapor" and F chale.gs rn a Stobatis TS wor td. It-?laa - " ",- ,"n d. qF r.o . i qdoo.6 far-F_ . jne I

1.4,." "!r""q Doo dm.oo''''or.]or

". "' -"

"'. "-" ":,;" h,o" b. Lt. door b c.oo., crona9"0o " ."doo o . oE96 o.i.) or p,.r.6i dI

Page 48: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Disaarees and 'd€nl'fies

other tadors

^^a 'l dL.or d.1 Iild r'..ldh.-. ro,dlooldodLo.dE?rk lor idenllyng any other factorseq /j/o Other ladrors inclule nan.ging rc ces efftcien y,e aandlq natlc

Eyplains rhe gN€n facrorsoR olherfr.lo(s)

Awlrd 5 ma.ks for an €xpanalon of rhe inponaf@alternaiive faclor and an addltiona markJor e!ch s!pporting

A^d d a nd{!,or ar -,ot. dio.or 4a, d,.. )r9 16 F orol\c. 19td tat4.q..oroaoo

an addilona dark lor each supporlne d€tat lo a nlximum of 7

e.g Yes Div€rsfyinq lhe €conomy is cril €t for staynqcompetlive in a globalisjnq word. s n.rapore aims 1o be a cenlrefo r. h oogr 14n5r -. ho. L alr 1 9 d. , rrF' d I Fa .r a.gf -F'r I dna pha'no FU. J. si adooe hr's€l up organzalions such €s Aqency tor Scence Technotoqv andR€s€arch (A'STAR)to build sngapores research and deveopmenl(R&D) capabilly. SngaFore aso aifis 10 be a reqionat hub torsetoices such as educalon aid bursm Toursm has aso beenidentified as one ol lhe s€rvrce nd!strt€s to bo promoled especiatywilh the buidinq of nlo inleQrat€d resods n Mzrjna Bay and

.r;;land/orolherfaclors to a maxmum of 7 marks6o ryo i. -6F, q.,adt. .c ot. abbd..s.ng

^a.o..tr1dpa.-has to venlute abrca.l With tinted reiaurces and labaurresorl.es S/rgapore ,as to /ook beyand s natianal baundaty toachieve lqlhet grcwlh This is achieved by investing in caLntiesthat have .bundanl lantJ t.||er casts and he|| n ke]6. Fatinstance, Singaparc-basett canpanies Uavide expeftise and c.pit.lla develop the Suzhau lnduslial patk ]n China antl thelntenatianat Tech Patk in Bangatarc, tndia rhe Singtet graup hasatsa expanded into overceas na*ets, wnh cune inveslhents tn20 catnties Soch avetseas rnveslnerts e"suEs ire Siro6rore3 l

13-lErp a ns that d versify ng the €conomy is lmportant ANDalso showih€ importance ot lhe oth€rJactorsAud,o 3 7". .o t". a^er.rt.s,\-ecan.ny B jnpananl and an explanatian al ahathet t'actu Awardan additlan.t hak far any tulhet expjanatins/delaits af athla.t.ts lo a naxinunr al 1 1 n.lKs

,Il?:lllrmpodanc€ ol rhe d,flerent fr.tors in L4, b.sed on

Page 49: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

a crilerjon su.has impact.

oio.... a6.eoprq.d.o ..-.oi" o .,e1" 1i qorFd.e

" -:" " " " . -,., I opoo." on" o", ;". ."so

d'6 \ndl4.d

q urlon .n ' iord" o,"n..d O. -r ...or ... n.i raq'" 'orl o .VtT 6,dto.6 o o.6r,or_ ihp,not-.q4 or dlob- .o r.! ."dti I d ot"n

sJ<la.ning F!onom( Devetopmpnt in a Gtobat6inq wo,td(a)-o r," , r- ' .' bpo.F1 .,ob.t .dro. o "io.. o ,po.- ,,P.inororv// r\r an youran.wer lr?t

due malnly ro rnpro\eriFn s

lo orheri!ctors such as the

!a l.doo" d o,obe' t o t.,qFt !d oF 5'otor. €.p6i,.r ," "% oo Fr 'hF v.na . 01r

salelil€ Icchnolo!y has enablad m€ssages ro b€ lransmlted irom'!'"'q pdd m,.,'orrb,- .. i,h .-. d.oE .,, q

capacr(ytransmit ntormat oi arhqh soeed.

L-wrires qtobatiaiiwiihout roM "A||all 1 natk fat each .tetail t rn2,E9 Yes S ncapoEs q oba zllron s

or No, s nlapores gtoba i:ation is duerole ol tr.nsiationa compan es

th€ given factor, oR idertireslaesirr<

'Dq .. .P d. ARtdentitut,q dp\cnbnq athet t..tat\ Awdtd 1 na;r, ht bot


keyf]nver .l ! oba izal of h Stngapore s due

Page 50: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

]9e jil:"or"r:f sla'rcnar lome:nr€whiah op@re im numbrrl

producrio. or sefrice ractili€s outside ihpfor ex:mpte [{rcrcsorl Corporation

fr' eExplains the given faclq OR orher factoRA||atd 1 na\., tat ea.h e\plana,intn ot 6 ha{s

Erprarns he glven tacror

Eg,,Adrences if comhunicalon iechnotogv alows TNCS iocoordnzle- an.r cortbr wondwide acltviiies !i.iry-i", -"_d"

Ea / ' tF mba.at "0.".,".,do radF i polotF rc

.t"d"f -,n.ti,ld . h.. b- o16

-T1"9: ,"^." c q"p.- oo.uo, r c!6 b on a. e.iz on r , r.. a-.0 "o ,n-,,,i, o o co r

:,.1" - ":"d o.c. ro a d..in.... ,in,d,. snoapo.-pos-rq $a/c, " aob"td, , b ".o | ,. "n onq th" i. I o u-eT"r- btr@r "ld fdJ6! uper Llbo

^li.h "^F ro,-

:-:: I l -:l!, o:." .Fn 'r

oold ' orF . . d. .o... re o.

^:1-1'"1;:id l--, o .... o., orp ad rio .,. po.{o,e

a_0 mrobd bJ 1,6 hFao.,.1e s o, dco n .6 .our t^ o,o19f

\u.r F(or o,,- .rou d thF ^o,to

h",F b" o, " 1o.e nForsre.

Explains the gjven tac{, or another factor, using contet@t

insrrucrom irom tne neadqkn"," r.iir"l-i"-"il_,ir,[email protected] lhe branch oiice or -"tn_ "*"r,v "L "i*tjr"."rrli:._,yg"ll.lgt1gd ._n.m*rrni L;;";t;;;: s"b"::::"lS:ld"l.1:.1"!:""r ":"n""tio*."uu _r u"ii,i"r."s"de.rs znd mahr even €Ge rr,rc. o ;"

",1 i"

"iip'iiii,jiJ iiHI.oud senerale a hishervotume "rp.ar"ri"" "i


d" dFd o r , .", ...,p_- _r,.o ,,o i .;

";;: ; r; ;:;:1-.:l_ " .. "

pe"0 , .ono. o- "u - o -"p-. r",e ",0f,fur/"bl"Y '

o ooo"tion.

'' ::lj':JH"..1"!.yy:;::zi:t'?:,,,.^,1-..." o.,0

Lb r5+ Aprain< rne retative impldan.o ofd,he;nl raab-o" aro 40 qobd, anon I _d.o,ni.on5oe.: F

L '-Fo

TFr ' ,o.Fr "."0 ", o, e.. ",,g-- *-,.g +.-j"

Page 51: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



li:l:r"::e:4r L-.-10-. -,o.d.dad.

-ulr ! rcrcr ro, -

^o-d bF , - I ro Lcroi, SnododeTh b" "J, -. mrpo" *d. ,Nc;;+ ' n rca o d r%(toft,bi, rhd,

^, i .e o.eou, e... .n.. ol

:i:,,^':l -g_t!+r" naao..-r"s,h, -"r" ".".i .,".;;; H;r,'" ; 3'j:".i "t: ",i":iffi;. ;";; ;.;","icrppns d cpla r.",ero," sinquoo,"..,.i...",u^marl" o qo,dd"Fncm",o,b."rr . ",.",

.ur.rirro.Lr dd/.n 6. I 4 aroiog.

4lb) h-- "re ,."" .d-9,F .d q,, qp .- tda \aaapo..o,oorrraroldt econom c drveNif€l on. lrammtionat @mpan4 md smat!medrum enlerpr ses. regrcnatisation

Wh,lr ol lh€se wU best nr..aa€

Writes abour dv.rstyirot13ml




Awdd 1 nat| tat generct slatenent and 2 natks t'at ilenti/ing othet

lililiilffi n*f,'#;iq+tr#,.il#ffifr *f#,oesdib€s racio(s) bur wiihot dpra.hjnsrhm L.rl


i{J,:,:f:if:":;!" ""- " neksrutwo u nare t'acto,s up ra a

g{ffi#ffiig:'j,r+ '":4ffHlL3 Exptains one taci;trprcins one taclor

a^"tu 6 rdt. a.a"narks ru-twa. up ra a naxihun

"r e ;"i;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i,i""l

I I '' gdpo,F 6-o Dr 04 r, q r,o

Page 52: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

hiqtr i;hrcoav acrivil€; Me che ica end-sne -Dharmaeull*ls-;;,. i;.;0" ". " roo.,'r o"

'"t2" " "" 't"^;;*"i;;;; o'" ,r " q 'n" a ou"r' o' -00/ stqdpoFi.i,"*. 'i "i "

q 4"" ^t' '1 ' rrrrmn o I

li.l " -," *"r,,":: o. r'" J

s,*;";"" cD;',". Do'-;P'odu r" rra'a roJerq dFi" ^-ii.-". i"r '.;" ".'"*, s, o r'oodJ o rna'e1';:";;-,: ;^";"" ' - ndn alru ne F o' ar\o d b i


" illi.:. Ii",i" .r'; ".", .

" 'hd; h" v" I:lj-,1'.:^d,;:il,'""*:lr-;: --,i"";-:ii;-- ''i"J" ' rll l plu: olhe' fa"l"r. lhN ill h€lp susrain s'ngcpores e(onomv '_inz dlobalizinq world')l^ii,iii.''..

".*,'",a, ^ hoFtat dt't 0,dt'ra

anolhet, uP tD a naYinun al 1 1 nalks

I -,o o', 1-"qlooc,/no r'"--...i;i; ,;-". . ". in.nno.,o'no "M' sadr,j.iil,i i"r"

";.:*, r' '\ o-€us" \v.( " e ,4 pon" , p o der

:: ;; ^".;-. :" 'mo;, , -, p 6' ' 'c

o 6 'o

Ni n ';rnlG,tuna;.o t!:.'e,o " sMl a d5.n' \FFoorv.:;;;;; i;";;;" " ":"srcnc rd u%du.noa d.-F"" b

ii.li.."ir.ni "". '".;" p,'o adrd r'"roa' or'I hF

'-;.-;;;-;'Ma p o d,o or sn"r v6diL ' Fa4orrd tc i; b

"-. * dd q o ho^ oe'' o u svr" :'da' orF

i;.:;";;.' ." ,oo. -o",o o ' " o " oo rod'J h'\e: ,;-";; ";;; o;o h . dom lrc 'on "orcnc /rho' sLr h

;-;. ';."-'"" rhrrr^./F coL ddrrr'd o^t

-; i.";i'"; "ar"r.a -n. o-" "-.u F. ia iad

fi;;;;;;;"; e o r, . rczreerots 'rooo aronor

,;,;;";;.". eo.;,r.5' ro.dt,oea.'.r-n i 'o-"--:" ;;;" ;' "i.-p.^-r I sr'e"po " oooLrron o o^rr

-,i,".": " "'i ., /oo..r", 0"6^'ii'ir,.'.r". r"'"*t l'i ns;co mv snsapore has 1o venlure

labrcad dd $ek rew marketi

Ls TR"."he balanced conclusio! 1.,-13

sranili@nce of the factorsii-a tt ^'x .'"ea^..s,"t-:.-Fpanah "ato^ ra La


iznst anothet @ to a na rdun ol 1 i n'tts:;, '" - ;." r hnr d.\q \.'l',^*;.

b fi;;' - ^

r -,b's,. - t,o '"o"po- to '' t"' '. i,,-.i..

" ,

'.: ' +o-,..q *,6 -h-'adrnarsro"o "h" d

l.l ""i,.i* 0"" -rt"-p'"1.-,.,'--

ri" ir:i"'" ' iap.. +." -'"tt"-a " '"';;;.;; n;. i ,-e];e Aq:';

' " L q"d o/ rlF oo\F' 'F o'

i^".i.. " -*"r" r",-i o."o-- ordoor" o li "

;.";";;-,;i "'0"'E? 'p"!r c'o orr' oad or Lo

"-"" 'iirie r .on'"no-n"n6eo o' oroq/t o rhF d/ond

i.. "" ". -o "..

*'".-". "-""0- ",'a '* ' olgh 'o'r r\eea-rt oro'c'ii"."i'; -"; ,o '"-"eei. G ",'so:i,;-', .o -.'

"" itre s' qapo'" wo or d D' broD F-l

I ^ii,i

. sruor.:- ip q e,o t ror!q!:.,dr Fe,a o e

Page 53: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

llh ESs {Empt,ryabi y sUs sysremsl scneme, wrrle rnec'o'.',",

d boo -t6'6io 6

|lraapore lo suslmls .)fuomv in a gLoba izinq;ord.


How td'do you ag-ee thdi envtronhenl deg,ddanon is lh. do<l \oriousadverse €ft€cr or gtobar'sarion? Exprain yoir answer.

Answers on ihe topic, but nor addressins lhe question-o loDJ do, o-14d.,-6oro.. br*t \p-o!e.h-,.oe"s"nodif- b. od]. o

oescribes environment degradarion aND/oR another facrorAwtrd 3 marks tor one factor and 4 marks lor enorher facror descrbedAward addrtiona ma*s for delaits Siven.






t3 .!

"a V",, -',ro --.rL.s h"\e dio... .d qooorrtroi d oe .d-. aIo E ro rrre r. .a m,,.o, rmr oc .,"oo.Ft.d.q.i rlThe rainlor-.srs n nany countries are cd dowf lo make way for!" --f " ." I d r -.. "e-!1,.." aou.. q

"no"- ": "doaa J " 'dod "a ro a*F q"\ to.- onon. "-1 ad d ."e.d,h.ara,!,

I J Erprd'n rhe oDen f:cror oR othcr faclo(s, lhdr oring abour adve,<e I

r,p"," o ., r. ,!.-.dd onle,.d .uppord-pd olo d d odd,.ona, a.,l. roi r ) .rppo1.a o- d, ,o d r /imlm

eo. Vd . "r ro.i- rdir 1d.- d9.60 .d coo"t."[o, ", oe "d.- p.o e..Fo dqa, L,w 6i r\i .-i uo oa . 1 0r t-.q tp"r,',

h r ' no6 ot o.a r.rd q o d oF,o ,.. .r ..dr

6 I 6 dF,etopno o!-- F. a.6 rdg6. ro qr1 iaF F o.or I o(nelv'^ 'r'Fl le ;rL "bei d. 4 I 6. - de/doprAnt. o

t."l:oTq.r,d" vm-n6 I p.o.e.liol Ea. ron , el. oFo."o" o" po.-.lo.l6io.n'-.. ^"t", rof-,-..o.:Tno d b.a!

ait ,u1" a. d," L.or e nE po^.o.b4.o..oir e

", Gob"," o rdsr.orot.r e..ad thp .. or .gop o. ^-Fn rtd i, n

"ndroo, o.1l es Ira ,-.ur-or !pdo".".op.,",1rore-a, ird d.o i .Fd..o rhd o,6od or oo.-i. , ;." d."- : dt ::/:r ",r " ,.do n oa" o ""

. -. -I dn.ro iu.9 4 .,.-. o ." o,.- " o t.,;

Page 54: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet



*p$*fiem**mmqiven l.ctor AND other tacto(s) th'l brinq abolt adverse

L3 exampes Award 3

denlrf enq,d€scnbrnq lh€ olher

ractor and addrlonal marls ror

m:rrs lo e plarnrnq on€ ede and

qiF Aw:rd I mrrrs ror e'plainmq rnomer

any suppoftLng delar up lo a ma mum or

L5 L4+ roaches a balanced conclusion explici$y addre3sing "how far do

l:,+"ffi i:s*+: *lir'::r' "



To whal ert€nt are t.ansnational coQoraiions

oi g obalisauon? Erplain yoLr answer

iTNCsrthe ma'n dnvmq lorcel12ml

I M"rr. I

f:,'":1":,n':';"':";''ii:. "":'i,li":';irhou,,,nkins,o


Xi""')),", r, *,n or^,* r.a\mun at 2 natt\

Lheoo!- o ^'r Paooe r'"" 'd'a d

;:.,:""1:1 :',;1"" i; ;i "^""i0".." "- " * "a t_1'r

Page 55: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


eC TNCS are worldwide operalons coordnal€d and conlrol€d bylheheanqlane^ whch s usua y ocated in a developed couflryTheyopeEle na numberotcoLilriesa.d haveprodu.to...setu ce fa. nes outs do lhe colnlry of lhen orq.

Explain the Given Facior OR Oth€r FactorsAwatd 1d Lt exptai^ing hav I^lCs ptadale glabalisalian, an.t an.dditanal natu fat anv sDpp.nins derailta a nainDn af 6 n

TNCSsel uplheroperanons n d lferenl locallofs aroLnd lh€word lo source lor n€w markels:nd lo lower lhe cosl of


TNCS a so source for componenblrom around lh€ world beioreassemlr ng lhelina producl . anohercounlryThe r headquarlers cood nate and conlro al llrese a.lvlres loensure lhal nai!laclure of Ihe fnalproducts meels lheproducrion oo.ls and lhe demands ot the r darkels.Manyeconomi€s are invo ved ii the O.oduclion acl vites andmarkel ns slrateq es of lh€se TNCS

'!!!3!!Many€cononresarebrouohlinlocanlaclwithoneanolherandesp€ca ywllr the countries of odg n ol lhe TNCS. As a result,TNCS have made econohies around the wdrld moreinterconnecred and inregrated.

Explain the Olher FactorsA\|.td 4 h lat erplaininq an allenEtive fa.lat, and an addtionalnatu for any sLppatling delat ta a fraxinun ol 6 n.

lmorovefrenl nTransoodalon- ln the2ori centurV. malor morovereit

inc uded lhe !se oi comnerc allet a rcr!il, rarge ocean !.inq

- -t-FrF .d Fd 'obIro.lood.cdtnootF" o., "

elfi cienl.nd nlegraled lmnsporlaton inlkstructure such as

€irvays 1o hcllate ths movemenlSu.h mprovemenlinlransporiatonleclrnoloqyhas'shrunk'lhe

co.siderably i lems of lime taken lo g€t irom on€ p ac€ to

;,r@@s "

lransponall.n ncreases lhe dovehent ol peope

Page 56: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

afd loods t n one cohlryloanorh4 [ n]e€m lht.an hi\elrr und I F sund easway theworld be.om€s more -r-"."".i"a

ioRllmpro!cmFn naommuntrions- sJre ire erhnorlqy hJs mrde I

transmrned rrom one oelion to

nlehet has enabted consumerc

poss ble fo. ! messale t.

h.re !c.r' drre .Jryrnq cFa.rt! "nd

Inforoaroi at very fulh sFe€dsadvanc€d c.mmunical or te.lrnotoQysuch es

lo llaiher inlorm.l on abo!1

^d,"1" or nbF h.. t b. osolcommuncaron ahong peope n difier€nt o.ations flster andtr lhn dy. rh€ *o,to bpcoT., mu,e

La BatahcedAn*.AwatdTntuexptainina GNcn Fact t AND identjfyjng 1 Other

tjtven F.clotAND exptaining l ather

Awad an addttanalnad t.t aF) s )ppannadeLajls b a

I Ls h.rs,** *r"r* r-*n* "rr*,"-tt I

Mu! 4.4h d la) ro he c,pt.rlcd tdLtars



(b) Do youaoree th?llhewidennA iiconre aap betlveen lher nore <erou. cfi€!r or q obat s:lron rhan enr rofme.tah3t

:r" J- p of v" Des oto,:r r De.. ribe. qtobaticdioh w ith

6, Go o ., orne r..rv 1'€e ndtflercn p.rls or(he trorld be..mainlerconnecled or if te. rFd



Page 57: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

L2 De\cribes the wdenirg incom€ gap beMeen lho rich drd lrE I 4

!l'J.?f.:t"-ii:"::,r"1111-d'9r19a''d :aG .bvslobdli.arion r €. valid po'1F but nor eaboraEdtt^.o ad.'ad.'- a1D.tt?a.

€ g Globaisation has rapdty ncreased the incone oaD behveenlhe rch and lhe poor nahons t has resltted in rap d devetopme.trn hany counlries Nowever, I has etso increased the spread otpoveny n many o(her countres

e q Goba salon can be a destruclve for€ to lhe nalural€nvironnenl The ranforesG in hafy counides arc cul down ronake w:y for deveopmeil Land is ne€ded for rhe irduslries.agricullre housin! and transportation Al the same rime. somego.Ern1c, aadotr10r-a.tob6 Ido na.o,apd .- o

to.ds1 tr1n9 dno.alil€ ran.h no wh Lh canaanerate rcvenue tor ihe m"n ru

L3 Explains howwideninq income qap behteon the rich;ndthepoorcaa be s.rious oR how envnonmenral dogradrrior ldn

Awatd 5 natks la. exptanalnn af ane senous effect ot one factd,and an addilbnal na* fat funhet e4tanatians, ta a naxjnoh of l

.o.Glob r'o d 'dpd.r

rr.!.60 6tr or6cdoDdweenldtio . hd> r6,L Fd r bpn ;e\-,op, " I

Hox".e . d. "t.o |Fd.Fd ,. e .or-do o.oo,-l! n d v olhF oL r'6. he oe.e,ooeo r dtiu,,, o €n, o r- q,of a.

1dn.G rrro..l',re O - o.e d1o. o oe.atoprqa o orea o - r.oe bd 6, npo,.d o) rT &.edp-;

dodbt- ot o.o.urr-q q.d,r qooa. wlon 'o d'!iohe' o . d d ., h te'o6 oiotr \ The srLuanon ol awro.nrng income gap poses a qe,,ous Drobrem lo rhecountrie. ihar embraLe gtobahsalon ar ,t mav adversetyatferl social cohesron. tf not property managed, i( may rFaCto many olh6r socrdt probtens cuch as an ift rease rn Lrime

eg Gbbaisaiion €n be a destruclive force to the naturat../ior1F l 6 dloi6 rd ) ou re d.a,!,oou.,o1jr4 ro, or dp\Aloo1. ]^h.. -\c. Fr ,p prd4.. a o - drrodl\ o lh4 {o lo ron/ or '1Fn L\6 nor..alifrber, ol and metals al a 6pid rate A1 Ihe same lme,deveopin! countrles are eager lo qain lhe e@fomic beietits thalcome wllr grob:lzalion. very often, the natur:t envronm€ntsuliers because lhese d€veopino @!nlres are moe conc€rned!!th ecoiomrc devglE enl rhan etuimm€nl€t prcrectoi. ]

Page 58: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Environmental degradation poses a serious problem lo thecountries concerned as well as to the rest ot th€ world,bringing about ptoblefrs like global warming which has farreachinq consequences. Future senerations will suffer as a

result ofthe irresponsible actions of ihe prese.t qen€ration

Awa,.l 3 natks lat ane etplanatian eacha.ldton.l natks fat tuhhet etplahaLhns,

Susraininq Economic Developnenl

ls lhe economc laclor lhe moslqloba izal on? Expla n youra.swer

interelatedjjnterdependent/how on€ factor.annot be altected

A||an:l 1 1 naks far ane explahalian to sha{ how lhe twa factotsarc dependehl an e..h athet an.l thercfore balh have equalihpacl an thc wand. Awat.l a.l.Jtiahal natks fu lulhetexplanatnns la a natinun of 13 natus.

'Explanation ol nterdep€nd€n.e oR comparson ol lhe 2 gl!€ntacrors burwirhour L4 award L3/5 7ff





ldenlfies reas.ns for o obalisalionErp a ns €cononr c tactor ORollrer

Explains €cononic iactor AND olher faclors which dr ves

L4+ shows the re alive lmp.n.ncewh ch drives q oba isal on

o Tlre need lo lnd raw m.tera s for produclon ol products has forcedinduslres lo exp ore new locallonsn add 1l!., the .deas ng cosi ln develop€d couikes s drivn! up the

to d io. - ro doo41od" o, ri"lhe cosl so lhal lh€y can m:x m se proflsMarkets | lr\e deveopoenl nalbns nray reach ma*et saluEton,ndlsries need l. tnd new markel lor lheir Droducts or face

sl.gnaron ln rher atlempl to open new ma €ls ndnedly.q oba isal or ls encouraa€d

Page 59: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

D€v€opneil'n lransPoddtono mprovemenl n lranspod:lon has reCu.ed the lme laken lo qei ifom

on€ p ac€ lo anorhero For eraople the inv€nton ol commercl.l jel cader bree ..eai

Oono vesses a.d containersalon has efable greater mob ly ofgoods ard p€ope. Thls has rcduc€d lhe lima and cosl oi nrvnoqoods over ong dstanc€s. r hasalso helped to smpllythe rrznsfarolgoods irom one mode ol lransporlalion 1o lnolher as it s v€ryeasyt.lransfcr.onra ie6 i.om sh ps ro trucks

nlegrated transpon network lras enabl€d lreale.eiliciency a.d efiectiveness n lhe tlansponat on of goods

. Hence e.colrages grealer q obat sa on

Deveopnent ii comm!n calions. hnpr.v€nreil n lechnoogy has nade comnu.€lons anong p€ople

n dtf€rent ocalons lasGr and more conveni€nt.Peop e caf communicare va too s suclr as lereprrone. € €clron c ma I

f!x and vdeo conlerencing. Wilh lhe inlroduclion of optica libresyslenr, il s poss b e lo lransn l larce val!me of rnlormaloi al: !ery

Adva.cemefl n leecommunicaton technooly has enabt€dconsumers orealer access r. inform.lion abour new pro!!.ts andp ac€s nror€ conven eilly and eff c enllyt has h€lD ease TNCS control and coordifation of lher wordwde

Sustaining Economic Development

To wlral erlei( is Sngapor€s goba eco..mic skalegy deveropnrenrlependentonrcqonaisalion? Explainyolranswer

L1 Erplainsglobalecononicstrategytegionalisationwilhoutlinking

L2 Agr€es and describestho qiven factorOR disaqrees and identifies

L3 Expains siven reason 15,61To adapr ro a cha.Oin! patl€rn ofrhe gtoba econonry Sngaporetooks

oveBeas forqrowlh oDoortuniresas il is rm ted n ra.d a.d @solrcesArter years of experencng hioh growlh achteved by slronc dircct

foreln nveslmenl n its mlch liberalz€d €conoffy that provdes quaityl€chnoogica lnan.ra/ lnd busifess s€ruces; the clly slale also iivestsabroad esp€c aly in nearby counlres lhat have abunda.t and, ow€r aboucosts aid new markets lo decrease llre vulneEb iiy ot gove.nmenl revenuesv s a vs lhe.yces ol s ngapores econony

Tha Snqlpore qovernm€nt and Snqapore based comp€nes arcen.ouraged lo provida experlise and capta lo develop ndLsi.ia parks ln hosl.ounlres ln .elurn, the hosl .ounlres provde and and labour for Sing.pore.otrriranes Su.h r€Oonalzed cooperalon not only benelits the count€s

'nv.lred Lula s. Fromoles dev.opmenl .lhe reg on and alows Sngapore to

b€c.nre one ol lre hlbs of lhe lloblleconomy.An e:amae olsuch a venlure w.s the seilnq !p ol bus nesses nrh€

Page 60: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet

Suzhou lnduslralPalk in 1994Anolher exanrpl€ is lhe lnlenatioialTech Park n Bangaore ndl!. a

jo.l ventu€ belween Siigapore and lndan ente@rises Tho Park housesofice reta resdenlialand recrealiona f.c ites. Wth iis strategc lo.allonthal is hghy a.cessbe fton olh€r pans of lnda, a sk red labolr lorce ol lTprofessionals and a supporrve slate qovernment llral oversees {oregnnveslffent and slpporls busnesses, singapore and nda c.n enjoydereopmenlal weallh in lodays lnf€llercd capil.islic word economy ihalfavours outrvard orienlat on

Singaplre 6mpanes su.h as SingTe has also adassed .veslm€nlsn over 20 counrrles some ollhese @unlries .clude Aust€i. lndonesa andl.die such overceas investments lv ll enslre lhe company's ong lemgrowlh-' The spread of lnveslmcnl across lhe wo d is Io ensure llralSinlapores economc growlh ls mainlained €ven I lhe ma*els andnveslment opporlunlies n one regon are weakened Funhermorce9onai:alion also elows us to ov€rcome ourconslrants as a sda lcry sbkand provdes us with new r€sources and narkels lhal woud help to slslaneconomic growlh over ihe pastdecades.

L4 Erplains other r€asons FlolWlh our sfral domestic markel liven lny tertory and popularon,

S.eapore sees a need to est:blsh lEde lies wlh counlries around the woddro enabe oca companics to sellhen goods to a larger frarkel. one wayloexpand the fra*el reach s for the government lo sign Free Trade Agreeineils(FTAS) wrh oth€r counrres An FTA is a egatty bind ng roreenent behr€€ntwo or more countr€s 10 brng abolt coser economc colaboralion Forexadpe singapores FTA panners ncude lhe ASEAN ounlres Ne(Z*land Japan and others.

Henc€. Sing.pore consumers woud be abl€ to enloy tlre ben€fts ofFTAS by havng more ch.ces n goods atu services. Aso, ils seNceslandards w I ifrpove wlh foreign compelil on and companies wil enloy coslsavnqs as lates are refroved Alllhese ben€lils would brng aboul qr€atorprcduclivity technoogica advan@menl upOradng ofskils oa its labour forceand conlribute 1o iurllrer lrow1h ofrhe isand stare Ths slrategy, thus anolsSinqapore ro remain compellive lnd:fiEcltve as parl of the goba economyandens!reslhal 1 snolfulydependeflonreSionaizatonalon€

S.gapoe hrs llso cooperared wlh oiher colnlri€s n lhe sertng upolSpec al Economic Zones (SEZsl An SEZ isa geo!.aph cal req on n a counlrylhai has less stinqenl econoh c aws lhan lhose in olher pans ofthe counlryThey are also intend€d lo functon as zones of Epid €conomic grorvlh by usinqtaxand busn€ss incenlives lo anraclloreign nveslme.l

An example ol rn SEZ s thai of Riau rhar s desAned to revra lze thesands of Balam Binl.nand(armln n this cooperaton wlh lndonesia borhcounlri€s aim lo draw more inveslmenls and boosi econodrc aroldlr n lh€regon. ll would aso make singapore more comp€rlrve compared 10 oria

Al ii dl sl€l€gc such .s SEZ ansure lhalSn!apore ncoeorates lself nio lhe gobaleco.omy!nd llrrive in a Dolenla y

Page 61: S S  Structured  Essay Booklet


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A slrorc univers ty seclorther€ s a need to altr..t r.nbra.ches here This lvourd maie-.rahpl€, th€ Slanford UniveG ly

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L5 Answers to what e,l€nr,tt1-r2l..oFq .Enrd e

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