Vic meeting 4

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When vi arrived to the airport, all the Catalonian students shouted and waved with flags. We became surprised and happy with the welcoming. Then we went to the other terminal to wait for the Lithanian students. We waited there for half an hour and started to learn each others names. Then the Lituanian students arrived and we shouted and waved with flags. /Frida

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Meeting the Lithuanian and Catalonian students

I think that the funniest part of the whole trip and project was to meet the other students. In the beginning it’s was a little awkward, because we didn’t know each other. But very soon we realize that they were very nice and friendly. We all became friends immediately. It was interesting to see how they lived and what they did in there spare time. They showed us different places and things that they use to do. We told each other stories about different things that we’ve been through, and funny thing that we have done. After only 4 days, it felt like we have known each other for maybe a year. It’s very fun to have some friends that lives in an other country.


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At first we was just sitting down listening to the guide. She told us about the architects, about the building and how they could afford too build the church. After that we went into the church and she talked about the colors and about the different types of stones in the building after that we went down too some type of museum where they had pictures and models of the building. It was a bit long but some things was really interesting./Johan

La Sagrada Família

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Us visiting students only visited one lesson, and I was at the IT lesson. I couldn't really take part in the lesson, because they didn't have enough computers. But I got the impression that the catalans have come much farther than us swedes in IT education. In Sweden we have very little IT lessons, but the Catalans seemed to know exactly what to do. I felt a bit stupid... /Linnea

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Guided tour in Vic

The guided tour in Vic was very interesting, we had a very good guide that explained everything and took care of us. Me myself thought that Vic was a beautiful town, it looked nothing like Sweden. And every time we were going to cross a road, every car stopped, every car! I know it’s a law in Sweden and everything but not even the police stops when you are crossing the street in Sweden. And I’m a big fan of their food, it was delicious. I thought I’d have a problem when we ate, because they ate so late! But It was so warm there so it was okey to eat late. 

To summarize everything, I had a great time.


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The Exposition – the European commissionaire

 On Wednesday we walked to a place in Vic, where we met a man. He told us about the work of the European Union, to make a better environment. We listened to a lecture with a PowerPoint. We learned something about Catalonia’s environment and what they did to make it better. Why the dust clouds weren’t over Barcelona, and that the clouds blow to the north part of Catalonia.


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Living in host families.The host family was great people. They gave me great food. We went for a walk in five minutes and then we stopped in the park for about three hours. They were happy and kind. We went out with the dog after we eat and we stayed out to one in the morning at one time. /Saga

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The party

The party we had Wednesday evening was fun! It was a good way to get to know everybody. We ate a lot of good food and snacks. And the students that performed were very brave and good! I especially liked Nuria. /Ella

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Boat trip

One day we went on a boat trip. We took the bus and after a very long time we arrived. The sun was shining and the weather was really good!

The boat was big and had two floors. Under the boat there was like a glass room. It was beautiful because you could see fish and mussels and they were very close to you. I think it was so much fun and I really enjoyed it.


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Callella del Palafrugell

On Thursday we were on the beach. It was so beautiful in the little village where the beach was. It was very cold in the water but everyone took a dip in the ocean anyway.

We all sat in a ring and ate lunch together. We talked about everything and were just chilling. It was so warm so after a while we went to the shop and bought ice-cream. A very nice day!


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When we were in Barcelona, we went on a guided tour. The guide showed us an old cathedral and some other old buildings. When we were going in to the cathedral, a guard stopped us. He said that we had too little clothes. Because you had to have long arms on your jumper and long trousers. And we had shorts. So we did what we could and my friend tied a cardigan around her legs, and we went in. After all the old buildings, we went to La Rambla. La Rambla is a wide boulevard, it’s twelvehundred meters long. There you can by flowers, bracelets and get a selfportrait. If you were unlucky, you could get your money stolen.


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CosmocaxiaOne day we went to Cosmocaxia. It was a nice idea to go the museum and the exhibition was great. We got a lot of free time to explore the different parts of the very big museum. There were a lot of different things to experiment and play with. Maybe it would have been better if we got some more time to get to know the different floors, because we didn’t have time to see it all, which was a pity.


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FarewellAfter five fantastic days with a lot of fun and many new experiences we stood there with our bags packed and ready to go home. It´s very early and everybody was pretty tired. Even if we just had spent five days with these people it felt very hard to say goodbye. Many of us hade created friendship and relationships with the students from the other countries on a special ways. Of course we all looked forward to sleep in our own rooms and not always be surrounded by other persons. But we all understood that it would take a very long time before we would see our friends again. So there we stood at bus station, the sun was slowly rising and we hugged all the people that have giving us five of the best days of our lives! /Karin