Welcome to the Treasure Hunt! Views and Sounds from Murcia Broken Dreams, RICT1112

Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

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General description and instructions about Views and Sounds from Murcia Treasure Hunt, made by Broken Dreams group from RICT1112 subject at the University of Murcia.

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Page 1: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Welcome to the Treasure Hunt!

Views and Sounds from MurciaBroken Dreams, RICT1112

Page 2: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


Topic: “Views and Sounds of our city”.Title: “Views and Sounds from Murcia”.Level: Fourth Year of Primary Education (9 – 10 years old).Subject (area of knowledge): Natural and Social Science.Hashtag for twitting around: #MurciaVyS1112 (MurciaViewsySounds1112).Game Masters names and contact data:

- Juan Martínez Vivancos

Mobile Phone number: 608146440 / 646252602

Email: [email protected]

- Cristina Belmonte Aranda

Mobile Phone number: 648242794

Email: [email protected]

Page 3: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

Description “Views and Sounds from Murcia” is a Treasure Hunt (TH) work format in which children will have to complete tasks and to get clues in order to answer the final question. Until here “Views and Sounds from Murcia” would be a normal activity but the most attractive point of this one is to use Augmented Reality as the mechanism (in the current case which we are dealing of it will be Layar program) which allow children to join reality to knowledge, learning in an interactive way.

This activity requires; Layar mobile application, QR Reader, a smartphone and also interest, initiative, thirst for adventure… To know how to use Layar app please be sure to check out this video. For this task we will need the layer called Murcia Views which we can localize using Layar browser inside Layar application. This layer includes 20 points of interest (POI) in which the program displays a short description about the place where you are and, at the end of the description, it shows where the QR Code is since you will need it in order to get the next step.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 4: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Explanation In order to complete “Views and Sounds from Murcia” TH children will have to be sure they have checked out all POIs. For that, there is one requirement which will assess that students have been in all places which constitute the route: When children arrive to a POI they will have to write a tweet about the place where they are (using the correspondent hashtag) but also enclosing an image in which pupils will have to be with the rest of their group (obviously, one person will be left because he/she will be taking the photo).

Making the Treasure Hunt may be quite easy, in fact, you (students of Bilingual Primary Education) are going to notice that questions are not too difficult because this task is for children who are 9 or 10 years old. However, despite questions may result simple for answering, in this TH pupils will have to follow a structure for getting a new step. Next slide explains how the system is about in “Views and Sounds from Murcia”.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 5: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Explanation First of all, Layar application and QR Reader must be available during all the TH because getting a new POI will be the combination of using first Layar and, then, QR Reader.

Here is the structure which children will have to follow in order to complete the task:

- Pupils will have to use Layar application for localizing where the POI is. The GPS from Layar will show them how long they are from the point they have to go to. Once children have arrived to the POI which they were finding an action will appear (an URL in the majority of cases but its appearance also depends on the radius meters and distance in which you are so please be patient). Pupils will have to click the URL and it will redirect them to a short description about the place where they are. Please (if you are group which is going to make this TH), you MUST read the description and to pay attention to it because it also contains where the QR Code is hidden and without the QR you will not get the

next step.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 6: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Explanation Once children have used Layar, they have localized your POI, they have read the description and they already know where the QR Code is hidden pupils will have to spend some time looking for it, but in the majority of cases it has been stuck on clear and visible surfaces. Practical example:

- Let’s imagine you have already found the QR Code. The next step will be to open your QR Reader application and focusing on the code. Once the

smartphone has indentified the QR Code it will show you a URL which you have to follow. This URL will be an image which contains a question (this section has been explained before but I will try to describe it again for avoiding problems). This question only has two answers, in fact, all questions have a right answer and an incorrect answer. Answers are always names of places so the answer which you choose will be the POI where you will have to go to. If you choose the correct answer it will not be any problem because you will arrive to a new POI where there is also a POI Layer about the place and the QR Code with the question which will allow you the get another POI.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

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Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Explanation Nevertheless, if you choose the mistaken answer you will go to a place where it is also a POI but, when you finish reading the description about the place you will notice there is not any mention about the QR Code location and as result you will understand you have failed choosing the answer and you will have the return to the place where you were before (in the case you do not remember the other answer of the question which you have failed) or going directly to the place which was included in the other option which you had not chosen.

As we have said, “Views and Sounds from Murcia” is constituted by 20 POIs but, if children do not fail any question they will only go by 10 right places, that is, although there are 20 POIs, 10 of them are correct but the other tenth ones are incorrect.

Furthermore, if there are 10 right places there will also be 10 questions so, for completing the task, they will have to answer ten questions in a correct way.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

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Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Tools The necessary tools for making this task will be:

- Layar application with the correspondent Layer and user (it will be explained later).

- QR Reader.

- Twitter; also remember that the task will not be valid if children do not write a tweet about where they are and also enclosing a photo of their group in the

place which they are mentioning (using #MurciaVyS1112 hashtag).

Little summarize about you (students) have to do:1. Find the POI with Layar application, when you are

near of it an action will appear on Layar.2. Click the URL action which redirects you to a

description about the place and also the QR Code location.

3. Once you have found the QR Code, you use your smartphone which redirects you to the question.

4. Finally, after answering the question you have to go the place of the answer which you have chosen, and then you will arrive to another POI where you will have to repeat these steps.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 9: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Tools

Layar Application

For using the “Views and Sounds from Murcia” Layer pupils will have to log in with a specific account which will be this:

Name of account: cuentaparaict

Password: rict1112

If you are going to make this activity, please, remember you have to login in “Become a developer” section in order to chose the correct layer for this task. The title of the layer is Murcia Views and the layer name is viewsandsoundsfrommurcia. Although the layer is already made, maybe I will be modifying some aspects as colours, icons, little images or other things

so do not feel surprised if you start to test the layer and one day the title is green and next day it is blue, do not worry about it, the information is the same.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

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Views and Sounds from Murcia

Basic Tools We think that is all children have to know for

completing this task. Anyway, if they have any doubt or question please they can feel free to drop us (the producers) a line on our email or asking us about the matter. The last important thing (this point is for Students of Bilingual Primary Education), please, inform me in advance the day you are going to make the task because QR Codes are not stuck on the places yet since from here to the day you decide to make the activity it is possible that some of them had disappeared so please communicate me when you are going to complete the TH for planning my day and for being free if you have some problems.

Are you ready my dear friends?

Because…I think I am not yet. I have to go to the toilet before, thanks.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Route“Views and Sounds from Murcia” starts in Renfe Train Station (this one is included as the first POI). Children will find a QR Code which has been stuck on a streetlight (throughout the trip QR Codes will be stuck on streetlights, bins, posters and other public elements, later, it will be explained the QR Code’s function). Then, thanks to this code students will go to Floridablanca Garden where, again, they will find another QR Code which will lead them to the next landmark called Old Bridge or Peligros’s Bridge. Once they are there, they will have to go to Veronicas Square or Veronicas Market where they will find the next QR Code which will guide them to Flowers’ Square. After being there, they will go to Gran Via street (despite it is very long, Gran Via street is also included as a POI). Next, children will cross Gran Via street and they will place in front of Murcia’s Cathedral, in Cardenal Belluga’s Square. Thanks to another QR Code, students will go through Trapería Street and there, another Code will send them to Redonda Square. Finally, once they have arrived to Redonda Square, they will finish their route in Fofó Park (despite we said the maximum distance would be between Renfe Train Station and Redonda Square we decided to include Fofó Park because it is one of the most sounding places from Murcia).



10 POI’S

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The RouteOnce explained the Correct Route, we have to say there are other 10 incorrect POI’s where children may go if they do not choose the right answer of the question from the QR Code. The list of 10 mistaken places is: San Andrés Bus Station, La Seda Garden, Sto. Domingo Square, Saavedra Fajardo Market, Murcia Town Council, Fama Avenue, Merced Square, Seiquer Alejandro Street, Juan XXIII Square, and Science’s Museum.

The mechanism is explained next: the child arrives to a POI’s, he/she focus on the QR Code with the smartphone and the technological device shows a question with two answers. If the child chooses the correct answer, he/she will go to the next landmark but, if he/she chooses the incorrect answer he/she will go to one of the 10 mistaken places which have been exposed on the top. Once the child arrives to the incorrect POI’s he/she will also find a QR Code but when he/she check this code he/she will realize he/she is in the incorrect place because the mobile phone does not show any question to get the next landmark but only information about the place where he/she is.

Page 13: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The RouteSome sketches about the correct way which children have to make.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Route

Click here to download the image or to watch it bigger.

Page 15: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

QR CodesQR Code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode which consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of four standardized kinds of data, or through supported extensions, virtually any kind of data.

In “Views and Sounds from Murcia” every POI will have a QR Code (they will be stuck on public elements and they will be clear and visible). When the child focus on this kind of system with the mobile phone, this one will redirect immediately to an image which will include the next format: 1. A close question with two answers. The correct answer will be the name of the next landmark where students have to go. On the other hand, the mistaken answer will be the name of another place where, when children go, they only find a QR Code with information about the site, but not with some question or tips for the next POI.

In addition, each QR Code will also include a clue for the final question so the true merit is not only to follow the correct route but also to get all tips in order to answer the final question which is the most important part of the game.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

QR CodesAs we have mentioned, the first POI is Renfe Train Station so, in order to go there, besides of receiving the TH instructions, children will also receive a QR Code which will include the first question:

Imagine you were in Murcia in the 20’s, you want to make a long trip but you have not got any car, you have to go to a transport station so, which of these transport stations was already available in the 20’s in our region?

A: San Andrés Bus Station.

B: El Carmen (Renfe) Train Station.

The correct answer is El Carmen (Renfe) Train Station and, therefore, this one would be the first POI where children have to go using Layar as the device which explains the place and, also, at the end of the description mentions in which part of Renfe Train Station is the next QR Code with the next question to get the second POI.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

QR CodesOn the other hand, if children had chosen San Andrés Bus Station, they would have gone to the first incorrect POI which it is not included in the list of the 10 POI’s which constitute the right route. Once they have arrived to San Andrés Bus they would focus on the station with the smartphone and, after reading the Layar description from the place they will realize that it does not include any explanation about they can find the QR Code and, as a result, they will be aware of they had chosen the incorrect answer and they will have to go to Renfe Train Station which is the right and first POI.

In addition, this QR Code about the Renfe Train Station question also includes a clue for getting the final question, the first tip is:

“I’m watching you right now”.

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Views and Sounds from Murcia


Explanation (teacher’s version)

Next, it is the whole list of question which children will have to complete.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The QuestionsHere are the 10 questions and the corresponding clue which will appear in each right POI throughout the correct route:

Beginning (children are not at a POI yet):Imagine you were in Murcia in the 20’s, you

want to make a long trip but you have not got any car, you have to go to a transport station so, which of these transport stations was already available in the 20’s in our region?

A: San Andrés Bus Station.B: El Carmen (Renfe) Train Station.

Clue: “I am watching you right now”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Renfe Train Station:

I was a Spanish politician, I lived in the 18th Century and I was a Count from Murcia. One of the most beautiful gardens of Murcia has my name and it is the next POI where you will have to go to.

A: The Count of Floridablanca (Floridablanca Garden).

B: The Count of La Seda (La Seda Garden).

Clue: “I am not very far from you”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Floridablanca Garden:

I was built in 1742, next to me, there is a Virgin who accompanies me every day and, in fact, one of my names is due to her presence. Furthermore, I have to say my “legs” are always damp. The next POI where you have to go is called:

A: Peligros’s Bridge or Old Bridge. B: The huge tree from Sto. Domingo Square.

Clue: “Despite I am talking to you, I am not a person”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Peligros’s Bridge or Old Bridge:

Ups! We have to go to the market but the street market of Murcia is only on Thursdays but today is not Thursday…Come on! Think about a

solution, you are in the Old Bridge, go the nearest market from your position.

A: Saavedra Fajardo’s Market. B: Verónicas’s Market.

Clue: “Although modernity is all the rage, it is something that does not apply to me”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Verónicas’s Market:

I am in the heart of Murcia, I am always happy and people usually spend a lot of time in all my nooks since I am full of bars and restaurants. In addition, I have a fountain and I (and also my name) would never be the same without a key element:

A: City Council’s Square or Glorieta. B: Flowers (Flowers’ Square).

Clue: “I have been witness of great acts and spectacles”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Flowers’ Square:

I am approximately 850 meters long, I am one of the communication’s artery of Murcia centre and I have great shops and bars at both sides of me.

A: Gran Vía Street. B: Fama Avenue.

Clue: “I am in Murcia centre, but I am not a park or a sculpture”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Gran Vía Street:

I am one of the most important parts from Murcia’s old quarter. Tons of tourists walk over me every day and they usually take photos with a

beautiful baroque and religious building which is at the back of me. In addition, I am next to the City Council. Who I am?

A: Merced’s Square.B: Cardenal Belluga’s Square.

Clue: “I am 547 years old”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Cardenal Belluga’s Square:

Ok, right now you are in Cardenal Belluga’s Square, imagine you have to go to Sto. Domingo Square, but you have to go through the shortest street which separate these two places and, as a tip, I would say to you that Murcia’s Casino is situated in that street, what is the street that we are talking about?

A: Trapería Street. B: Seiquer Alejandro Street.

Clue: “I have a great control of time”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Trapería Street:

People say that I am the centre of Murcia, lot of cars go around me, beautiful trees adorn me and tons of people come to my fountain in order

to take a bath when some football team wins the league.

A: Redonda Square. B: Juan XXIII Square.

Clue: “I am a religious building and you can hear me periodically”.

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Questions

Redonda Square:

Ok, it’s almost done! To finish you have to go to a place where there is a lake with ducks and you can hear sounds from basket and tennis courts. In addition, I will give you a hint: this place has the name of a famous Spanish clown.

A: Science’s Museum. B: Fofó Park.

Clue: “I am the highest point of Murcia”.

Page 29: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

As we have said, each question which is codified in the QR Code also includes a clue for answering the final question. Maybe, among all people (if we are thinking the activity in chronological age, that is, if we are thinking in students from Bilingual Primary Education) could answer the final question without making this TH but we have to think this activity is oriented to 9 – 10 years old children and it is possible that they do not know the answer of the final question


The final question will appear at the end of the game, that is, in the last POI. The last place also includes a QR Code but this will not redirect you to a normal question but to the final question because there are not any more POIs and, the cherry of the cake will be answering this question for wining the game.

For replying children will have to recollect all the clues which they have won by answering the other 10 questions and then to start thinking about what the

solution may be.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

The Final Question

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

The Final QuestionTaking into account all the clues given the Final Question will be:

According to all the clues; Could you name a famous religious building from Murcia and also its part which is the highest point of the city and it emits sounds eventually?

Answer: The Cathedral of Murcia, the bell tower.

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Views and Sounds from Murcia


(Topics and Subtopics)

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Next, it is presented the content which describes each POI (right and incorrect POI’s) and also

the place where the QR Code is hidden in accurate POI’s.

Page 32: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONRenfe Train Station:It is the railway station of Murcia; it is located in the district of El Carmen. The station was built by the Madrid-Zaragoza-Alicante’s trains company. The 24th October of 1862 Queen Isabel II inaugurated it. “El Carmen” Tren Station building encouraged the growth of “El Carmen” neighbourhood until the point that it became the most important place related to merchandises’ manufacturing.  Views: To see trains passing, the smell of oil, the rails and people going back and forth turning will make you feel as you were in another industrialized town. Sounds: Trains’ noises are very characteristic and also the noise of bags’ wheels.

QR Code location: There are four streetlights in front of the main Train Station’s facade. The QR Code is stuck in one of them, let’s find it!


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


It is located in the centre of Murcia. You can enter to the station through Sierra de la Pila Street or Bolos’s Street (this last one is the way through buses enter to the station). Renewed, it counts with accesses adapted for people with motor disabilities.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONFloridablanca Garden:It is a public garden from Murcia City which was created in the mid-nineteenth century. It is the oldest one of the city. It is located in Alameda de Colón Street.It is dedicated to Don Jose Monino y Redondo; Count of Floridablanca who was Minister of Carlos III and Carlos IV and also president of the Murcia’s Supreme Committee and Central Committee. Views: Floridablanca Garden has beautiful and huge trees to see, it’s pretty nice how the majority of big roots are dug up and they build interesting forms on the land. Furthermore, the smells of flowers, as roses, or the fountain are also elements which transmit peace and harmony in the full centre of Murcia. Sounds: Sounds are not very nice because of the cars traffic. However, the sound of the water in the fountain may result relaxing.

QR Code location: There is an information’s screen from City Council just in front of “El Carmen” church, go and look for it in the post of this screen, good luck!

CORRECT POI! (In videos, information about the POI has been enclosed to

video’s description)

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


It is located between San Antón Street and Olma Street. La Seda Garden is a meeting point where playful learning, workshops, games and activities for all ages take place every day. Here all people want to share different cultures, and promoting peaceful coexistence with free time days and cultural workshops.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONPeligros’s Bridge or Old Bridge:It is an arched stone bridge over the River Segura whose building was finally completed around the year 1742. It is the oldest bridge in the city which actually remains up; hence the name "Old Bridge" as opposition to another one in other part of Murcia City called "New Bridge".In September 1718 City Council proceeded to start the building due to a flood which destroyed it in 1701. However, the bridge building stopped by Felipe V because of the lack of money but later it was resumed in 1739 until its end in 1742.Views: You can’t pass the bridge without taking a look at the wonderful scenery which Segura River makes as well as the landscape of the Cathedral’s Bell Tower with some important buildings as the City Council.Sounds: Sounds depend on the level of cars’ noise, if the street is quite calm you may hear how the water flows and ducks quack.

QR Code location: The QR Code is stuck on the nearest streetlight to the chapel where Peligros Virgin is.

CORRECT POI! (In videos, information about the POI has been enclosed to

video’s description)

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


It is one of the most important urban areas of Murcia City. It is located in the old quarter and it is a pedestrian square since the last urban reform. Sto. Domingo Square houses some of the most representative buildings of Murcia.This square joins well-knows and traditional streets as Trapería Street, La Merced Square, Sto. Domingo Arch and Alfonso X The Wise Boulevard.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONVerónicas Market:It is one of the main market squares of Murcia. It is located in San Francisco Square next to the old Verónicas’s Convent and very close to Almudí Palace, Malecón Boulevard and Segura River.The current building, a modernist edifice, was designed by the architect called Pedro Cerdan and finally it was built between years 1912 and 1916.Views: Apparently, Verónicas Market is not a bright building, but the true appealing element is inside its walls where you can the typical aliments and gastronomy from Murcia and also how the ambient of being in an illustrative place as this one is. Furthermore, we have to make reference about the smell of meat, fruit, fish and sea food which may be an index of products’ quality. Sounds: Verónicas Market is a close site so you won’t have any problem about hearing market’s habitual sounds as people talking about prices, storekeepers crying and other sounds like the knife grinder’s music.

 QR Code location: You have to go to the main door of Verónicas Market which is really near to Verónicas’s Convent. Once you have arrived to there, there are two bins, one at each side of the door, the QR Code is on one of these bins’ back.


(In videos, information about the

POI has been enclosed to video’s


Page 39: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONCity Council:City Council Square is situated in the Segura River’s bank, as its name indicates; the City Council is established in that place due to a central position which allows to be connected with other state organizations.It is basically a garden which has lot of flowers and fountains.As you can see there is a banner about asking for water stuck on the facade of the building due to the Murcia’s water shortage.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONFlowers’ Square:It is one of the most important urban areas of the old quarter. It is located in the centre of Murcia. Flowers’ Square is highly known because of the great amount of bars and tapas sites which evidence why the Mediterranean gastronomy carries on being the best in the world. Flowers’ Square houses luxurious buildings and also the economic level which usually walks around these places is from people with well-considered jobs. Due to its warm ambient and culture level among all processions from Murcia City cross the square as a prestigious sign during the Holy Week. QR Code Location: there is a fountain at the centre of the square, look for the QR Code around the sides of it, it is close near to the metallic sculpture.


(In videos, information about the POI has been enclosed to video’s description)

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONSaavedra Fajardo Market Square:

It is a market square which is situated in Murcia centre. This market is located in the Selgas Street. It was called Saavedra Fajardo because this name belongs to a Spanish writer and diplomat who was born in Murcia.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONGran Vía Street:Francisco Salzillo’s Gran Via is an avenue of the city of Murcia. It is located just at the city centre. It is a urban thoroughfare which was built in the mid-50s of the Twentieth Century. The construction of Gran Vía caused the demolishion of hundreds of medieval buildings, including the Arab baths. It is dedicated to the famous Baroque sculptor called Francisco Salzillo.

QR Code Location: Look for the corner sport shop called “Cancha” and the QR Code will be stuck at the nearest streetlight of the avenue.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


Fama Avenue is an important urban thoroughfare which connects well-known buildings of Murcia as Condomina Stadium, Victor Villegas Auditorium and also, at the end of the street we can find Reina Sofía Hospital, joining to Ronda de Levante road.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


Cardenal Belluga Square is located in the historic city centre. It connects political and religious buildings as the Cathedral, the Episcopal Palace and Murcia Town Council. In 1885 he was placed in this square a statue of Cardinal Belluga. The square’s name comes from a Cardenal called Luis Antonio de Belluga y Moncada whom was built a sculpture. Later, this sculpture would be removed and the Square remained with Cardenal Belluga name. Today is a pedestrian and barroque place which is visited by tons of tourists daily.

QR Code Location: The QR Code is near the Cathedral, it has been stuck on a electric device which is situated between Episcopal Palace and Dance Conservatory.

CORRECT POI! (In videos, information about the POI has been enclosed to

video’s description)

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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


It is located in the centre of Murcia, close to the Faculties of Law and Letters from Campus de la Merced. Merced Square also connects other important establishments and buildings as Diego Marín Library, the auditorium and Service Office of University of Murcia.


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Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


Trapería Street is one of the most important pedestrian streets at the centre of Murcia. This boulevard connects two well-known places: Sto. Domingo Square and Cardenal Belluga Square. It represents the wealthy social class and, in fact, the Royal Casino of Murcia is situated at the middle of the street.

QR Code Location: The QR Code is at the beginning of the street, really near to a building work which is in front of the left-side of the Cathedral.


Page 47: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


This street is located in the center of Murcia. It is parallel to Trapería Street. This pedestrian street was dedicated to Alexander Seiquer, who was an Spanish artist who made sketches of the Romea Theatre and also animals.


Page 48: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONRedonda Square:Also called Plaza Circular, Redonda Square is one of the most important point of Murcia since it represents the heart of geo-centralization inside the city. Furthermore, it is near to the Hospital Morales Meseguer and next to the Colegio Capuchino. Before the massive logging that occurred in the twentieth century, this square had many chopos and botanic gardens, which were infected and they died.

QR Code Location: Let’s make the activity a little bit difficult! The QR Code is stuck on the fountain of Redonda Square, but it may be inside the fountain…


Page 49: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)


Juan XXIII Square communicates the Plaza Circular and serves as a way of urban connection between Avenida Juan de Borbon and other less relevant streets of Murcia. Tons of vehicles use this Square daily in order to access to the centre of the city.


Page 50: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIONFofó Park:Fofó Park was one of the “modern garderns” which was built in the 80's. On the opposite to classical gardens which emphazise in planting botanic gardens this park is built with the purpose to promote several sports and and also spare time: Barnes Sport Center, Mar Menor Swimming Pool, Football field and movie theater auditorium. The name of the park comes from Alfonso Aragón Bermúdez who was a famous Spanish clown known as Fofó who became a remarkable milestone in the History of TV Entertainment.

QR Code Location: The Code is in the Cupola which is situated in the middle of the lake. The QR Code has been stuck on one of the vertical beams.


Page 51: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

POI’s Information and Description

Science’s Museum:

Science museum and water is situated in Spain Square. The main purpose of this building is to encourage curiosity to public people and inform them about the water’s uses and science in a fun way without using technical natures in order that the whole population could be approached to science field.


Page 52: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

Developed ContentsTaking into account the main eight competences from curriculum, “Views and Sounds from Murcia” Treasure Hunt develops the next competences:

- Linguistic Competence

- Knowledge and Physic Interaction Competence

- Information Treatment and Digital Competence

- Cultural and Artistic Competence

- Learn to Learn Competence

- Autonomy and Personal Initiative Competence

Page 53: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from MurciaExplanation (teacher’s version)

Developed ContentsOn the other hand, taking into account Decreto n.º 286/2007 de 7 de septiembre, por el que se establece el currículo de la educación primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. We have to point that this Treasure Hunt develops the next contents

- Block 1. Geography: The environment and its conservation

- Block 4. History: People, culture and social organization

- Block 5. History: The change of time- Block 7. Sciences: Objects, devices and new


No significant science content (as anatomy, biology…) has been developed through

“Views and Sounds from Murcia” Treasure Hunt.

Page 54: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

The Treasure

After making the Treasure Hunt about “Views and Sounds from Murcia” and answering the final question children will receive a sweet present to get the sugar which they have lost during all the expedition.

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 55: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

The Treasure

Hakuna Matateros Group members with their prize:

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 56: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

We are starting! (This is a little part of the explanation which game’s participants received)

From here you are free to make whatever you want but, before…I think you will need something for starting. Good luck? Yes, of course, but besides of good

luck you will need the first QR Code which includes the first question thanks to which, if you choose the correct answer, you will arrive to the first POI.

Here is the first QR Code:

Explanation (teacher’s version)

Page 57: Treasure Hunt: Views and Sounds from Murcia

Views and Sounds from Murcia

We are starting!

Remember the main goal of this activity is to learn something so try to be honest and please do not cheat because this task would lose its sense. I am making the digital version of this document so if you want it please let me know. The digital version will include this slides but in a PowerPoint document and

also another document which is the teacher’s version which includes the answers of questions, the route you have to make and some tricks but…the

teacher’s version is protected with password so, if you decide also having the digital version of this document you will know the password of teacher’s version when you finished the full task.

Good Luck!

Explanation (teacher’s version)