Academic Pointers Tips for a stress free college experience.

Time Management Tips

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During the first weeks of college, Time Management is one of the most challenging skills to master – challenging but not impossible – Why are we so confident about this statement, you ask? Well because sometimes we tend to forget the ever so simple ways to balance the personal, the academics & the fun.

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Academic PointersTips for a stress free college experience.

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So... Time Management

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During the first weeks of college, Time Management is one of the most challenging skills to master – challenging but not impossible – Why

are we so confident about this statement, you ask? Well because sometimes we tend to forget the ever so simple ways to balance the

personal, the academics & the fun.

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5 easy tips on how to master the art of Time Management

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1. “Don’t be afraid to say NO!”

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When asked if you could go back in time and give yourself a one liner piece of advise, Daniel Mulato (3rd Year Psychology student - and former Bridge ‘07 student) said: “It would definitely be ‘Don’t be afraid to say NO! to friends and parties”

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FACT!The parties will go on even after you graduate...

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Your friend will hate you if you don’t join them to the premier of Dear John…in Fact! Your friends will secretly respect and admire your sense of responsibility and will power!


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2. Get a planner or agenda and start writing things down!

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FACT!Detailed tasks lead to completion. If you’re writing a “to do list” make sure your bullets are not open-ended tasks, write down exactly what you need to do and how to do it.

Example: If you need to read for a class be specific about what you need to read, write the chapter title, how many pages you need to read, the subject you need to go over and key points that you might need to cover again.

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Allow us to demosntrate...

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It’s ok if you miss a task, you can put it in the next “to do” pile. Wrong! If you have a schedule planned out stick to it. Not being able to follow-through will only lead to more “piling” and stress.


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find a scheduling/planning method that works for you. Some prefer the good old fashion way of writing on a planner – ahem…like yours truly. But! If your phone is another extension of your body, then use it! And make it your planner.

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Find tools on your phone or apps to help you manage your time

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Here’s a useful review to help you choose between these two apps: http://frenchmajor.wordpress.com/�00�/0�/0�/ihomework-or-myhomework/


• Take advantage of technology - your phone can be more than just a txtin tool...

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Plan ahead! 3.

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January �0�0

February �0�0

March �0�0

April �0�0

Yes, so you got yourself a planner or a new app, now you’re more than ready to start planning your life into it, but before you do make sure that you plan ahead and that you plan for the unexpected.

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A great way of being able to plan ahead is by working backwards. What does this mean? It means that if you have a paper due at the end of the month plan backwards from the due date, determine how much time it will take you to figure out your topic, research it and to write about it.

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April �0�0


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April �0�0


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April �0�0


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April �0�0


• Your �st draft should be proof read by the LRC

• By your �nd visit to the LRC your paper will be closer to completion (Allow time before the deadline incase you need to work on a �rd draft)


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Also avoid Cramming...

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3rd cup Dehydration

due to caf





due at noon

10 pg. rese


due at 9am

Tired eyesExhaustion

Irregular he



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Be realistic with timing, if you know that writing is not your cup of tea then allocate more time to the task. Yes, we all know that you can write � research papers and put together a presentation on the French Revolution of ���� on a single cup of coffee, but what happens if you catch the flu on the night of your all-nighter extraordinaire?


3rd cup Dehydration

due to caf





due at noon

10 pg. rese


due at 9am

Tired eyesExhaustion

Irregular he



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FACT!A realistic assessment of your schedule can improve the quality of your work and it can also save you a lot of unnecessary stress.

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The ancient practice of cramming will improve you chances of getting a good grade…WRONG! Fact! Cramming for a test does not allow time for the brain to process new information. In Fact! Cramming might cause you to forget the material that you have already understood.


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4. Figure out a study strategy

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There is only one way to study and that is at the library… Wrong!


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FACT!Everyone learns differently and figuring out what study technique works for you, this will not only make studying more effective and faster but it will help you develop your strengths.

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· So while some prefer the quiet surrounding of the library...

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· So while some prefer the quiet surrounding of the library...

· Others might enjoy the sounds of death metal while learning about the delicate process of osmosis.

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Joe Landsberger, creator of Study Guides and Strategies offers great examples of different types of study strategies that you might find interesting.


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5. Schedule time to relax :)

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FACTS!· Educational burnout tops the list of reasons why

students drop out of college.

· � out of �0 students report having felt so stressed they couldn’t get their work done on one or more occasions.

· Academic concerns like school work and grades are the top drivers of student stress.Source: http://www.campuscalm.com/did_you_know.html

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Stress only affects Juniors and Seniors in college...Wrong! In fact: �0% of students who attend college drop out, and ��% of them during their Freshman year.


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Avoid: Enjoy:

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Yes burnout is real... and you want to make sure that you avoid getting to that point. Make some time for activities that you enjoy. By doing so, you will feel reinvigorated and even motivated to stay on top of school and work.

Avoid: Enjoy:

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So in conclusion...

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1. Don’t be afraid to say NO!2. Get a planner or agenda and

write everything down!

3. Plan ahead! 4. Figure out a study strategy

5. Schedule time to relax :)

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1. Don’t be afraid to say NO!2. Get a planner or agenda and

write everything down!

3. Plan ahead! 4. Figure out a study strategy

5. Schedule time to relax :)

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5 easy tips on how to master the art of Time Management

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http://www.time-management-guide.com/student-time-management.html http://www.academictips.org/


Special thanks:Daniel MulatoMillicent Lu