The history of communication in turkey

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Page 2: The history of communication in turkey

Postane-i amire was founded in 1840 by Sultan Abdülmecit

The first line of Telegraph was installed between İstanbul and Edirne in 1847

The first manuel exchange with 50 lines was founded in 1909

The general directorate of Turkish post, telegraph and telephone became responsible for founding and operating telephones throughout the country in 1924.

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Page 4: The history of communication in turkey

First Turkish automatic exchange was established with a capacity of 2000 lines in Ankara in 1926

First single circuit long distance communication was realized between Ankara and Istanbul in 1929

First automatic telex center was founded in 1973

Through first satellite communication system, communication with 13 countries was provided in 1979.

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Page 6: The history of communication in turkey

Payphones available for international and long distance dialing were began to be established in 1982

E-mail service began among Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Adana in 1984

First fiber optic cable was installed in Ankara in 1985

Mobile phone was realised to service in İstanbul and Ankara; pagers were realised to service in Ankara, İzmir and İstanbul in 1986.

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Page 8: The history of communication in turkey

First video conference was managed through satellite communication system in 1987.

Cable TV service began in 1988. Turkey met GSM technology in 1994. First

Turkish satellite (TURKSAT) was launched in 1994.

A project connecting all universities to each other through national academic net was launched in 1997.

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