The first travel of Christopher Columbus Colombia Torres CC-1015- 416660

The first travel of Christopher Columbus

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The first travel of Christopher Columbus

Colombia Torres CC-1015-416660

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He was a navigator, cartographer, Admiral, Viceroy and Governor General of the West Indies in the service of the Crown of Castilla.

Colon planned his trip in order to bring commodity East (silks, spices, gold) and other products originating in the Far East.

He is famous for making the discovery of America, October 12, 1492.

Map first trip

TRAVELOn the first trip he sailed from Palos on August 3, 1492 and, via the Canary Islands, where he was from August 9 to September 6, he arrived in the Indies to discover the Bahamas on October 12 and later the Spanish islands also -current Santo Domingo and Cuba. He returned from The Spanish January 4, arriving in Lisbon on March 4 and Palos March 15, 1493.

Pinta and Nia with caravels, and the ship Santa Maria and a crew of about ninety men.

How Christopher Columbus actually discovered AmericaTHANK YOU