Incorporating L2 Learning Principles into Teaching Approaches Through Digital Storytelling Elena Poltavtchenko Northern Arizona University Elizabeth Iannotti LaGuardia Community College

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Incorporating L2 Learning Principles into

Teaching ApproachesThrough Digital Storytelling

Elena PoltavtchenkoNorthern Arizona University

Elizabeth IannottiLaGuardia Community College

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Outline• Definition and types of DS• Process of creating a DS• Educational uses of DS• Positive outcomes reported by practitioners• Reported classroom activities that support these

outcomes and corresponding L2 learning principles• Potential challenges for using DS in ESL classes• Tips for implementing DS projects• Conclusion

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What are digital stories?Digital Stories (DS) are multimedia projects that

• Combine narrative with digital content by mixing images, sound, text, narration, and video, to create a short movie

• Focus on a particular theme or viewpoint• Often have strong emotional component

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Process of creating DS• Think and plan out storyStep 1• Research and collect

materials for the storyStep 2• Write and define the storyStep 3• Create digital sequenceStep 4• Refine story and reflectStep 5

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Types of DS• Personal• History• Character• Work• Love• Recovery• Discovery

• Informational / instructional

• Persuasive / argumentative

• Reflective• Adventure• Accomplishment

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Educational uses of DS

• Graduate students at the University of Houston in a course on Popular Culture in Education.

Pop Culture

• ESL students at LaGuardia Community College capture a snapshot of some aspect of life in New York City, from the underground to Broadway.

New York

• Freshman students at Northern Arizona University work in groups to create an informative digital story on a particular local topic.

Local controversial


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DS as a learning toolStudy skills• Research• Organizational• Technology• Presentation• Problem-solving• Assessment / Reflection• Critical thinking• Creative outlet

Language skills• Reading• Writing• Speaking• Listening• Vocabulary• Pronunciation

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Most cited benefits1. Increased content knowledge / Deeper understanding of material2. Enhanced ability to use digital, visual, textual, and technological

tools in teaching and learning (multimodal literacy skills)3. Increased motivation, engagement, enjoyment4. Enhanced creativity / Improved confidence, self-esteem, attitude

toward learning / Improved abilities to think critically and solve problems

5. Increased autonomy and sense of responsibility for own learning6. Improved abilities to function in a group (social, collaborative skills)7. Enhanced language skills (6 NS and 7 ESL/EFL)8. Increased involvement due to authenticity of experience9. Increased interest as a result of a unique learning experience,


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Use of DS in language classrooms

DS in classes for NS students• Six articles mentioned

enhanced language skills, such as Basic skills in reading and

writing Oral communication Public speaking Expository writing

DS in ESL/EFL classes

• All seven articles on DS projects in L2 classrooms reported enhanced language skills, such as Writing Speaking Reading, including foundational

literacies (reading comprehension, fluency, text decoding, vocabulary)

Listening comprehension

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Reported activities in DS projects1. Students communicate

to achieve meaningful results

2. Students produce written and spoken drafts, receive feedback and revise

Associated L2 learning principles1. Use of authentic language

interactions, need for genuine communication

2. Repeated opportunities for output, modified input, and negotiated meaning

DS and L2 learning principles

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Reported activities in DS projects

3. Instruction is customized for each learner. Activities are designed and sequenced to promote autonomy

4. Learning occurs through manageable yet challenging tasks; learners choose the topics and

sometimes partners

Associated L2 learning principles3. Learner-centered

classrooms, scaffolding, gradual development of autonomy

4. Increased sense of control of one’s project and learning; enjoyment, motivation

DS and L2 learning principles (cont’d)

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Potential challengesClass management• Too many projects

• Pair up or group students• Assessment

• Use existing rubrics “as is” or adapt to fit your students’ projects

• Students focus too much on technology• Emphasize other elements • Give specific language-related tasks and feedback

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Potential challengesTechnology• Lack of confidence in teaching use of software

• Provide written instructions/tutorials• Low level of technology skills among students

• Provide step-by-step demonstration• Pair up less skillful students with more tech savvy ones• Provide links to sites with free images, music, tutorials

• Not enough computers• Create group projects

• Low language level• Provide scaffolding• Start with easy projects (alphabet, daily activities)

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Helping language learners succeed through DS

• Plan well• Keep the scope within limits of practicality, be realistic• Consider creating groups and assigning collaborative projects• Break the project into stages, each with its own grade• Include project reviews in the timeline; intervene when project is

off-track.• Stress creativity, effort, and unity of text, image, and transition.• Start with low stakes, fun, fluency-based storytelling activities.• Use a story map and storyboard; these are fun and helpful.• Provide links to open resources (to prevent copyright

infringement).• Talk to relevant people at school for multimedia support.

Celebrate with a film festival and popcorn!

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ConclusionDS is a tool that can be used in L2 classrooms to

• Promote authentic language interactions for genuine communicative needs• Purposeful opportunities for an integrated focus on form and

other aspects of language

• Facilitate interaction among students• Repeated opportunities for output, modified input, and

negotiated meaning• Additional opportunities for practice in all four skills

• Promote deeper understanding of the material• Increase students’ motivation and autonomy

• Learning through manageable but challenging tasks• Control of one’s project

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Implementing DS• Take a couple of minutes and jot down ideas

for at least two DS projects which can help you promote language learning in your L2 classroom(s)

• Then turn to a person sitting next to you and share your ideas

• Can you think of any other uses?

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