Technologies in media In my A-level media project these are the following technologies and programmes I have used. Bethan Eldridge

Technologies in media project

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Technologies in media

In my A-level media project these are the following technologies and programmes I have used.

Bethan Eldridge

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We researched many different films in the genre of horror – we did this by using IMDB. IMDB is a website that shows nearly every film and tells you all the information from ratings to quotes from the film you select.The good thing about this site is that you can read the summary of any film and we used this to look at many films to see what was successful in a film and wasn’t. However the disadvantages of IMDB was that you cant see the age of the main audience that liked it you just know the rating over all. As a group we needed to aim our film at a certain age group and IMDB didn’t help us in that area.

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We used this microphone many times in our coursework. I used it for the podcast and weather report. I found it very easy and useful to use because it was small however recorded every sound we made. The only issue with it was the memory on the memory card – other than that one issue everything was fine and it was very useful to everyone in the group because it was small and compact rather than big and heavy.

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Final cut express was a very big programme in our coursework and we used it to edit every video related piece of work.It did take me a while to get around using it and to do certain things – I found it difficult to move scenes and cut them to the right timings. However when I started using it more and more I picked up how to use it.

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We used audacity for editing our podcast and weather report and I found it very difficult to use – I had to ask my group if they knew how to use it. Luckily by watching I learnt how to use it and after that I was okay with using it.

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I have had experience using the Apple Macs so I did find them easy to use. However I did find it difficult finding the pieces of work I saved due to the different locations on the Apple Macs. Other than that issue using the Apple Macs was very easy for me – I know that some people in my group found them hard to get around so I showed them how to use them.

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I found it very difficult using garage band on the Apple Macs so I spent a while fiddling and using it before I produced the music with Martyna. I still found it hard to use and to make the right music for the project we where producing so I worked along side Martyna making the music because she had more expericance with it than I did.

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I have great experience with Google Chrome so I found this easy to research and to find things on the internet.I used it a lot in my coursework for looking at various websites and editing our website. Everyone in my group used Google Chrome because it was faster and a lot more efficient than Safari.

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I have made many websites in the past and therefore have used Wix. I didn’t need to learn anything new and I found it easy to use. I taught people in my group how to use it and showed them how to make a website look very professional.

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I have used Canon cameras in the past so I found it easy to use the camera and film some shots however when I was uploading onto the Apple Macs, I found it difficult. A couple of times I did upload the wrong images and shots from our film the Menace. However when I understood what to do this became easier.

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I have used YouTube in the past and I knew how to upload videos and how to help the viewing numbers increase. I didn’t know how to annotate the images at first, so I had to ask for help on how to do it – after I knew where it was I found it easy to do.

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Prezi was used in my coursework for presenting my work in a different way, I found this different and hard to use because it had many different options on how to present it.

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It was very easy to use Survey Monkey because you type in your questions and publish it to a wider audience rather than asking the people we know personally.However the only negative issue I had with Survey Monkey was that the people I knew personally had to visit survey monkey and use that to fill out our survey – this was because then all of the results would be together in one section rather than using two different types of media.

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Rotten Tomatoes was a extremely useful site for us because it showed us what the audience enjoyed and didn’t about each film that has come out.The audience could write a comment at their own free will and also to vote. This was very useful for us because we could see what they like and didn’t like about each film.

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Slide share was a useful way of presenting my work on our website and was very easy to use and upload the PowerPoints'. However it took me time finding how you link it up to the website and I got confused on how it worked. After I over came this obstacle it was easy for me to use and upload and attach my work to Wix.