Title: Sustainability in Civil Construction in São Paulo Vivian Aparecida Blaso Souza Soares Cesar Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Doctoral Researcher and Master in Social Sciences Professor of Publicity and Advertising Course at Communications and Marketing College from FAAP and Professor of Graduate Studies in Sustainable Constructions from FAAP-Fundação Álvares Penteado Research area: Anthropology. [email protected] [email protected] http://conversasustentavel.blogspot.com/ Area: Ecological Economics Abstract The current environmental alert is pointing out the need to rethink the production and consumption of goods and services, mainly environmental resources, viewing the sustainability that will support the survival and continuing existence of mankind in the planet. Taking into consideration the above scenario, this article aims at presenting the sustainability efforts in the civil construction sector in São Paulo. Based on discussions conducted by the present work it was possible to realize that there is a strong trend to follow the ways towards sustainability in Brazil. However, if we analyze issues related to consumption, individualism, lack of defined sustainability strategies, and lack of articulation between public and private sectors, we can easily assure that, at least in a near future, there will be no

Sustentabilidade no setor da construcao civil em sao paulo english version

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Artigo apresentado durante o Colóquio Internacional SUSTAIN-Ability goes SUSTAIN-Active, ISEG em Lisboa - Portugal Título: SUSTAINABILITY IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION IN SÃO PAULO. 2012

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Page 1: Sustentabilidade no setor da construcao civil em sao paulo english version

Title: Sustainability in Civil Construction in São Paulo

Vivian Aparecida Blaso Souza Soares Cesar Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Doctoral Researcher and Master

in Social Sciences Professor of Publicity and Advertising Course at Communications and Marketing

College from FAAP and Professor of Graduate Studies in Sustainable Constructions from FAAP-Fundação Álvares Penteado

Research area: Anthropology. [email protected]

[email protected] http://conversasustentavel.blogspot.com/

Area: Ecological Economics Abstract The current environmental alert is pointing out the need to rethink the production

and consumption of goods and services, mainly environmental resources, viewing

the sustainability that will support the survival and continuing existence of

mankind in the planet. Taking into consideration the above scenario, this article

aims at presenting the sustainability efforts in the civil construction sector in São

Paulo. Based on discussions conducted by the present work it was possible to

realize that there is a strong trend to follow the ways towards sustainability in

Brazil. However, if we analyze issues related to consumption, individualism, lack

of defined sustainability strategies, and lack of articulation between public and

private sectors, we can easily assure that, at least in a near future, there will be no

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significant change in sustainability practices in the sector. The foundation of

Instituto Ethos de Responsabilidade Social has boosted greater attention from

corporations to both social responsibility and sustainability issues in Brazil. The

institute has steadily been consolidating itself as a reference of producing tools,

organizing figures and information for companies aiming at implementing both

the concept and social responsibility practices in their businesses. Other institutes

and councils have also been searched, such as CBCS - Conselho Brasileiro de

Construção Sustentável (Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction),

established in 2008 with the purpose of gathering the Brazilian civil construction

participants, to pursue both a better life quality of Brazilians and preservation of

their natural patrimony. Key Words: Social Responsibility, Sustainability,

Sustainable Building

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1 – Introduction

The current environmental crisis, also related to the climate changes1, has pointed

out the need of governments, companies and society to gather themselves together

in order to implement policies that aim at low carbon economy, that is, policies

that promote the reduction of the use of materials and energy per each good

produced, by preserving the basic ecosystemic services such as the water supply

and other natural resources that the planet provides us with and also by providing

the society with equity and good life quality which are essential for survival and

the preservation of our species.

According to INPE- National Institute for Space Research- (2010)2, “from the

point of view of climate changes, regardless the population growth, urban

transition itself is alone a contributing factor to the increase of greenhouse gas

emission. This fact is due to the urban life styles that provoke more energy


In Brazil, the social responsibility and sustainability movements have received

more attention from companies since the foundation of Ethos Institute for Social

Responsibility that is a reference in creating tools, organizing indicators and

information for companies that seek to insert Ethos Institute’s social responsibility

concepts and practices in their businesses.

1 Climate changes(s) – treaty signed under Multilateral Environmental Agreements by UNEP- United Nation Environment Programme, known as Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997, in order to reduce CO2 emission between 2008 and 2012, related to 5-7% below the levels recorded in 1990. After ratification by Russia in 2005 Kyoto Protocol entered into force, although skepticism on its effectiveness and without the United States support along with their political followers. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has defined climate change as a significant statistical variation on average climate parameter or its variability, remaining this way for a long period of time (decades or more). João Salvador Furtado, Termos e Conceitos Relacionados ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável (2010), accessed on November, 29th 2010 at www.intertox.com.br.

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For Ethos Institute, social responsibility could be defined as:

Social Responsibility is a management model that is defined as the company’s

ethical and transparent relationship to all publics it relates and as the setting of

business goals that trigger the society sustainable development, by preserving

environmental and cultural resources for future generations and by respecting and

promoting diversity and the reduction of social inequalities.

The civil construction sector has also started acting and the “Tear Project:

Building Sustainable Networks”, promoted by Ethos and by the Multilateral

Investment Fund from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has as its

main goals to increase competition and the sustainability of medium companies

and to expand market opportunities by contributing to the country’s development.

The Tear Project has already been object of previous research and has been

regarded as relevant to the development of civil construction supply chain, mainly

due to the fact that it may incentive small and medium companies to become more

competitive when it comes to social responsibility aspects incorporated to their

business strategies.

Other initiatives from the Brazilian government, such as the new National Policy

for Solid Waste approved on August 2nd, 2010 by the so called president Luís

Inácio Lula da Silva, besides forcing the progressive end of dumps in all cities by

turning them into controlled landfills to prevent the contamination of the soil and

by promoting recycling and reduction of hazardous gas emission into the

environment, it also promotes, among other things, “reverse logistics” which

determines that the manufacturers, importers, distributers and sellers are

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responsible for the waste. Therefore, they are responsible for collecting the end

user consumers’ waste: pesticides and its residues, packaging, batteries, tires,

lubricating oils, fluorescent bulbs, electronic products and its components.

The law establishes deadlines for companies to implement the new practice and

inform the consumers about the collecting of used products. Among other terms,

the law requires institutions to prove if they are properly disposing of the waste.

The Law infringement is considered environmental crime and states up to a 5-year

confinement penalty plus fine.

2. What is sustainability?

The issue of sustainability suggests a crack of paradigms, a reinvention, that is, a

process of innovation in an array of fields and sectors.

Giddens (2010) defined the term “sustainable development” as two separate

components: sustainability and development.

According to the author, sustainability is a useful idea, despite being tricky since

it relates to an undefined future and we do not know which technology changes

will occur. Thus, it becomes difficult to base our assumptions on evaluations

about the limits of the natural resources available on the planet, on the grounds

that such issues are usually left with a question mark. Apart from that, it is

possible to understand the term in many ways.

For instance, The World Economic Forum has created the Environmental

Sustainability Index which has been applied in 100 countries. The environmental

sustainability is defined based on five aspects:

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1. The state of ecological systems such as air, soil and water.

2. The pressure under which those systems are subjected, including their pollution


3. The impact of such pressure on human society, measured by the availability of

food and the exploration of diseases.

4. The society social and institutional capability to deal with environmental risks.

5. The capability to supervise global public properties, especially the atmosphere.

(GIDDENS, 2010: 90).

The term “development”, according to Giddens, has been regarded uniquely

through the point of view of the economic growth measured by the GDP- Gross

Domestic Product – or also in reference to economic processes that could rescue

people from poverty. By doing so, it is possible to compare developing and

developed countries in terms of their growth. In developing countries the growth

never ends which causes development separate ways in the world, at least until

poorer countries reach a certain standard of wealth. (GIDDENS, 2010: 91).

Giddens also shows that climate changes are a political issue and that it is

necessary to have an agreement among governments to overcome problems

concerning the issue. Besides, the author believes in technology innovation and in

the search for sustainable technologies to mitigate the causes of global warming

and transform our economy into a low carbon economy.

Michel Serres (2003: 83) bets on ingenuity: it is necessary to exercise the

creativity since it is impossible to reinvent mankind universality without it.

Sustainability suggest a new way of acting and thinking and so does Serres: the

process of Hominescence, through which we can build a new mankind able to link

again culture, science and philosophy, starts with the rupture with the Cartesian,

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Ocidental, traditional models that used to establish fixed positions for employees

at companies.

Serres (2003) shows how western thinking has ended up transforming the world.

Nowadays, society does not live the same way because there was a rupture with

the traditions and the way people used to live before the Industrial Revolution.

Families have also changed. They are no longer producers but consumers of goods

and services.

The West has ended up transforming the world. The Earth, seen from a shot taken

by cosmonauts in its totality, has replaced the Earth as a group of societies. This

perspective of the Earth has already transformed our relationships with fauna and

flora, with the season’s period, with the weather, with past time, with spaces and

places, with habitat and with our movements.

That division has also transformed social relationships. We have not been living

in society the same way since the lost link with the countryside, fields, nature and

animals, the occupation of lands and their defense and war. We even have not

been dying the same way. For lack of space in cities, we prefer to cremate our

deads rather than burying them. Serres, (SERRES, 2003: 83).

Perhaps, that rupture of the western Cartesian model that usually cracks culture,

individuals and society, is the contemporary science’s great paradigm that seeks to

leave the old paradigm where men is the center of the universe to state that men is

globally integrated. “Knowing the human being is, above all, to place him in

universe and not separate him from it” (MORIN, 2000: 47).

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Morin (2007) points out Ethics as a reconnecting process among individuals,

species and society and in order to make it happen, self-knowledge and reflexion

are needed.

Some of the issues raised by Morin are concerning the difficulty the human being

has to activate the reconnection, on the grounds that the current thought is not

systemic, but fragmented which makes it unable to link again to the whole. Those

restrictions lead to irresponsibilities and to the lack of sympathy that characterize

human beings as individualist rather than altruist.

All knowledge (and awareness) that does promote individuality and subjectivity,

and does not even include the observer, is not strong enough to embrace all the

problems, mainly, the Ethical ones. Such knowledge may be effective to obtain

material things, to control energy and to manipulate living things. However, it has

become blind to capture human realities and therefore, it has become a threat to

the future of the human being. (MORIN, 2007: 62).

In this background, Morin and Serres, authors of the systemic thought, point out

the human beings’ need to reconnect to the society as well as to themselves in

order to understand that those individualist attitudes will not lead them to ethical

attitudes able to systematically think how much those attitudes can impact on a

society’s mechanisms of solidarity.

The systemic paradigm, thus, points out a break up with the traditional thought,

since it shows an array of other possibilities to express feelings which are not

solely through the consumption of goods and services. Perhaps, those possibilities

arise because before consuming, an individual who thinks systemically is able to

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realize that the action of consuming will have other impacts on society, such as


The difficult thing is not to think about individuals, species and society, but to

think about the ethical attitudes that Morin and Serres’ reflections propose: to

think about the past by living the present and by looking at the future and taking

into account that our actions impact on other people’s lives and, therefore, on


Sachs e Giddens, on the other hand, point out that the concepts of sustainability

and development must be taken to companies as an innovation proposal that seek

to promote a low carbon economy. Such proposal should include social aspects in

accordance with international treaties on the greenhouse gas emissions. The

authors bet on the development of new sustainable technologies.

ON this regard, companies have been seeking to insert sustainability in their

businesses. In business, sustainability should be more than a green ad or a

products line, a philanthropy action or planting trees to save the planet. It should

be a management strategy targeted at social, economic, environmental and

cultural aspects.

2.1 What is sustainability for companies?

Fernando de Almeida (2007), president of CEBDS – Brazilian Business Council

for Sustainable Development states that companies have the greatest force to

trigger the necessary changes concerning sustainability. According to the author,

the greatest stake of power in the contemporary world is concentrated in

companies and, therefore, they are responsible for the ways the society will take,

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that is, if we really want to build a sustainable future, the imminent rupture has to

begin in businesses by leaving old paradigms behind.

Elkington (1998) developed the concept of Triple Bottom Line that focuses on

economic, social and environmental aspects that give positive feedback to

companies that are concerned with sustainability issues as it is shown below:

Figura 2 – Triple Bottom Line (SAVITZ, 2007: 5)

Economic Environmental Social

Sales, Profit, ROI Air Quality Labor Practices

Taxes paid Water Quality Impacts on the


Financial flows Energy consumption Human rights

Job posts Waste generation Responsibility for the



The Triple Bottom Line could be compared to a balance that shows results in

those three dimensions proposed as important parameters for sustainability. For

the shareholders they refer to the quantitative data. Profits are generated from a

management model that evaluates the impacts according to a systemic view and

takes into account the interdependence among the parties, that is, the stakeholders.

The stakeholders are divided into three categories, according to Savitz:

• External, who have no direct relationship with the company: members of

the community, governmental institutions, press, etc.;

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• Internal: employees, managers, shareholders, etc.;

• External with direct relationship with the company: customers and

suppliers. (SAVITZ, 2007: 65)

Another classification is based on the level of influence on businesses. According

to Werbach:

“The word sustainability started being used in the environmental contexts in 1987,

after occurring on a United Nations’ report written by the Norweigian prime

minister Gro Harlem Brundtland” She defined sustainable development as “to

meet the needs of the present without compromising the capability of future

generations to meet their own needs” (WERBACH, 2010: 8).

In doing so, according to Savitz:

sustainability in practice can be regarded as the art of doing business in an

interdependent world. Sustainability is about respecting the interdependence

among living beings and the environment. Sustainability means to run the

company without harming the living beings and without destroying the

environment. Sustainability is a question of restructuring and enriching the

environment. (SAVITZ, 2007: 8).

The environmental movements and the spread of environmental issues in mass

media and, specially, in the internet, have made companies pay special attention to

their reputation in the market.

According to Almeida:

the information society already has the available tools to change simple actions,

for instance, to shop online in order to avoid energy waste. Companies should

make more use of teleconferences for the same reason. (ALMEIDA, 2007: 40).

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A research carried out in Brazil in 2010 by the Environment Ministry, Walmart

and Synovate Brazil, on Sustainability and Buying Habits, has shown that the

society is willing to avoid the contamination of the environment by taking care of

the disposal of batteries and solvents. 45% of the people involved in the research

said that they are concerned about the proper disposal of hazardous materials

while 13% said that they tried to use their cars fewer times.

The habit of fixing things to extend products’ service life has also been spread.

Nevertheless, only 17% of people stop buying a certain product because they

believe it causes harm to the environment. 22% have stated that they reduced the

consumption of red meat for health reasons and 27% have declared they had

already bought some kind of organic products when they shop for food.

It is said that companies have an important role as social transformation agents, on

the grounds that they influence and are influenced by their consumers. According

to Bauman (2008), consumers are, at the same time, promoters of products and

products of promotion because they are all inserted in the same social space, the


In view of that, we can realize that companies also have a role of influencing the

transformation of buying habits, due to the fact that they interact according to the

expectations and wishes of the society that associates the consumption of goods

and services to happiness. On the other hand, when it comes to capitalism,

innovation and saving of natural resources are essential so that companies remain

in the market. This way, companies end up committing to improve products and

service quality.

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The Access and speed of information have made consumers pay close attention to

companies that cause harm to the environment, make use of slave or children

labor, use toxic products harmful to health without stating that on their packages,

among other issues related to social responsibility.

In this scenario, the economy has been impacted and a there has been a significant

change related to the level of interest of consumers in companies environmental


For instance, in 2008 Pão de Açúcar started getting engaged in sustainability

issues when they built a “green supermarket”, located in Indaiatuba, São Paulo.

By doing so, their goal was to show the society that besides investing in more

sustainable building systems that are capable of reducing water use, energy use

and greenhouse gas emissions, the company intends to develop and spread the

culture of sustainability and make stakeholders aware of that.

By means of marketing and communication strategies, the company has provided

consumers with clear ads and notices in order to show them the benefits of their

new actions. At the supermarket parking lot, for example, there are parking places

especially for alcohol-run cars which are considered, by environmentalists, as

being more sustainable compared to traditional cars. At the supermarket entrance,

the selective garbage collection system is available to all the community and the

results of that action are weekly informed and converted into social projects in the

community. Inside the supermarket, there is also a “green aisle” showing

sustainable products so that the consumers can understand which criteria those

products carry.

After Pão de Açucar´s initiative to start inserting that new culture into the

consumers’ actions, marketing and communications professionals now face a new

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challenge: to cope with the pressure from shareholders and to deal with

sustainability issues in ethical and respectful way so that consumers are not

cheated on by the products they find at points of sales. Facilitating

communication and language, explaining the benefits of sustainability and, above

all, opening a direct channel to clear out doubts and meet the demands that may

arise are the right procedures to be followed by professionals who want to stand

out in the market and to be sustainably responsible.

It could be said that sustainability occurs when a company precisely diagnoses

their management practices by taking into account social, environmental and

economic aspects through the point of view of their various stakeholders.

Moreover, it occurs when the risks of the process related to the target consumers

are taking into consideration. That approach along with better governance

practices in sustainability provides the shareholders with more value and enable

the company to continue their business at long term.

3. São Paulo and sustainability

Nowadays, 75% of the Brazilian population live in cities and part of it is

concentrated in large urban areas that have the following characteristics in

common: too much high water, energy, goods and services consumption.

According to Ignacy Sachs (2009), every city is an ecosystem and, therefore, has

wasted resources that could be converted into benefits to the population. Sachs

states that urban issues can not be detached from the organization of the territory

and consequently, solutions to urban issues should be raised. For example, how

can energy waste be reduced or minimized?

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According to IBGE data (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), only

17% of the 900 Brazilian municipalities have selective collection; about 40% have

landfills and only 11% of the Brazilian houses separate domestic garbage.

Like all world metropolises, São Paulo has also been facing great growth and

development problems which, consequently, have been negatively affecting the

life quality of the population. In a survey carried out by the movement “Nossa São

Paulo” in 2010 the population showed dissatisfaction with the city well-being: in a

1 to 10 scale the population rated their life quality an average of 4,8. Problems

such as security, fear of floods, traffic, robberies and thefts are among the main

causes of dissatisfaction.

Today, the number of cars in São Paulo is around 13 million. This fact shows us

how the consumption phenomena and individualism have been contributing to

worsen air quality and life quality of the population.

According to Professor Ricardo Abramovay, interviewed by IHU2 online

newspaper, the consumption standard in Brazil is one of the triggering factors of

unsustainable lifestyle. In São Paulo:

Who lives in São Paulo can observe that it is really important

to buy car, and its transformation not into a useful property,

but into something with status value is one example that the

increase of the income does not necessary means an

improvement of the well-being. This, of course, does not mean

that the income of lower classes should stop its upward trend.

This means that the current consumption standard, which is

2 To check: http://www.ihuonline.unisinos.br/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3654&secao=351

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concentrated in food products of lower quality, in a non

sustainable urban mobility system, and in houses based on a

huge waste of resources, should be reviewed and changed.

The Brazilian Action Plan for Sustainable Production and

Consumption (Plano Brasileiro de Ação para Produção e

Consumo Sustentáveis – PPCS), currently being discussed, is

an important step forward in this direction.

The civil construction sector, specially the real estate sector, is responsible for

setting public-private business partnerships, which aim at promoting an

improvement of the constructed area, impacting on the quality of life of the

citizens. However, the legislation or the plans drawn up by the governments or

investors are not always able to meet a latent social demand for service

infrastructure, health, transportation and education.

The urban development model in São Paulo is an example of gaps that need to be

properly treated. Only a glance over the city reveals issues related to urban

mobility, household garbage collecting system, floods, occupation of vulnerable

areas, among many other existing problems.

3.1 Civil Construction Sector in São Paulo

The civil construction sector is composed by companies such as property

developers, construction companies, manufacturers, dealers of building materials,

project companies and independent professionals, real estate agencies, and other

related activities. “The property developers have an important role in the

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economy, since they are responsible for providing durable assets which affect all

the society and generate infrastructure conditions, leisure, commerce, shelter and

comfort for the life of people” (SOUZA, 2004: 24).

According to IBGE, the Civil Construction Sector in Brazil is responsible for

generating approximately 7.3% of all formal employments, largely impacting on

the basis of our economy. On the other hand, it is responsible for the generation of

40% of the world greenhouse gas emissions. This suggests that sustainability is a

strategic factor for the sector survival.

NGOs like “Nossa São Paulo”, “Instituto Polis” and other social organizations in

the metropolitan region of São Paulo act towards the city development, the

decrease of urban social black spots and the solution of serious issues such as

violence, drugs, accessibility and etc..

Most of the times, the municipal government and agencies in charge of the urban

planning of the city and its public areas are not able to face the exponential growth

of the city. Therefore, the intervention actions made by civil social organizations,

corporations and institutions are of utmost importance.

3.2. Market behavior towards sustainability in civil construction sector

The actions towards sustainable constructions in Brazil are motivating the whole

civil construction sector to adopt the best three practices for sustainability: water

and energy saving and reduction of building materials consumption.

The building materials manufacturers are pursuing competitive advantages in

relation to their competitors, as consequence of their organization improvement

and a better performance of their products.

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3.3. Basic construction raw materials: steel, cement and wood

The manufacturers of raw materials for civil construction are also standing out in

discussions concerning sustainability. Companies such as Holcim (Cement),

Camargo Correa and Arcelo Mittal are steadily concerned about their products

lifecycle. In large companies, like those before mentioned, this movement is

gaining a greater importance, because their industrial activities are related to the

mining sector, which incur many social or environmental risks. In addition to that,

in the case of ceramic industries, there is the risk related to the corporate image,

since the toxic dust (particulates) generated by their industrial activity can impact

the neighboring communities.

The society, the press as well as environmental organizations have greater impact

towards environmental improvements in production sites, which have to be

implemented to meet the demand for a better quality of life of people living in the

vicinities of those sites.

On March 18, 2009 the São Paulo State Government, the São Paulo Municipal

Government, the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT (Institute for

Technologial Research), the NOG WWW Brasil, the Sindicato da Indústria de

Construção Civil –SindusconSP (Union of Civil Construction Industry in São

Paulo) and entities such as the Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável

(Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction) have signed a Protocol of

Accession for the use of legal wood. This protocol is part of the Legal Wood

Programme which aims at boosting and promoting the use of legal and certified

wood. Both the state and the city of São Paulo are the greater consumers of

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tropical wood in the country, and the civil construction consumes approximately

70% of wood obtained in Amazonia. (MILLER, TAYLOR E WHITE, 2008).

Unfortunately, the greater part of our consumption is not composed of legal or

certified wood, what originates a predatory action in Amazonia and illegal

businesses in the construction sector as a whole, impacting on the consumers who

buy wood from illegal origin.

Legal wood means that its origin is declared on licenses issued by IBAMA, by

environmental agencies, such as DOF – Documento de Origem Florestal (Forest

Origin Document) or in Forest Licenses, and the use of wood-based forest

products produced by the listed companies of the Cadastro Estadual de

Madeireiras Paulistas – CADMADEIRA (State Listing of São Paulo Wood

Industry), authorized by the State Decree 53,047, of June 02, 2008. A certified

wood means that besides its declared origin, the forest exploitation is rationally

preserved, assuring the forest existence and contributing to the social and

economical development of the forest communities.

Many isolated initiatives taken against the degradation of the forest have been not

enough to change this unsustainable consumption of woods obtained in one of the

most important natural biome of the world: the Amazonia.

3.4. Water supply

Water supply is already one of the State Government's concerns. After the United

Nations World Conference concerning water held in 1992, where the participants

stressed that water is a vulnerable and finite resource, many efforts have been

driven to preserve and maintain water resources worldwide. In Brazil, one of the

actions was the creation of ANA - Agência Nacional das Águas (National Water

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Agency) with the mission “to implement and to coordinate an integrated and

shared management of water resources, to control the access to water, by

promoting its sustainable use in benefit for both present and future generations”.

The available water resources are no longer enough to provide water to

approximately 20 million inhabitants of the São Paulo Metropolitan region. Thus,

the concern about this natural resource has been motivating Sabesp - Companhia

de Saneamento Básico de São Paulo (The Basic Sanitation Company of the State

of Sao Paulo) to maintain the partnership with CEDIPLAC and ProAcqua to

structuring, developing and producing technical and functional documentation for

individual measuring systems of the water consumption in buildings.

The objective of the Programme is to guarantee the services quality in many

systems phases (project, execution and maintenance), the assurance of consuming

profiles, as well as the water rational consumption.

With this Programme driven to the professional qualification and the certification

of both companies and processes towards the establishment of appropriate

measuring criteria, Sabesp aims at achieving a model of rational water

consumption, that generates savings for the consumers and looking forward

environmental awareness. The Programme was set up in 2007 by CEDIPLAC -

Centro de Desenvolvimento e Documentação da Habitação e Infraestrutura


Individual Water Measurement in Real Estate Ventures

The individual measurement is already being used by construction companies in

São Paulo. The main objective is to make consumers pay for their exact

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consumption. This way, they will be able to evaluate their water waste per month.

This system allows a change of consumer’s habits to a more rational consumption.

Based on this analysis, it is possible to detect possible leaks. This system requires

the installation of a hydrometer in each housing unit.

As per Sabesp, the installation of hydrometers in each apartment does not interfere

in the company´s activities, because the reading is obtained by one hydrometer

installed at the building main entrance. The major difficulties faced for the

individual measuring in already constructed buildings are the high installation cost

of an individual hydrometer, since it is necessary to change the whole internal

pipeline, besides a measuring system that requires technical and administrative

adjustments in the property. In new ventures, the solution is easier since the

individual hydrometers are included in the architecture project.

The ideal in multi-family condominium complexes is also to establish a

Programme for environmental education towards rational water consumption,

because the system can not work miracles if the condominium member does not

react to the obtained results. The change of the inhabitants’ habits is necessary.

Presently, there are 5,548 housing units in the São Paulo State Housing

Programme using this system, and other 8,472 units were already foreseen until

the end of 2010. However, this quantity is very low in comparison with the total

existing housing units in the state.

3.5. Energy efficiency

Today, the housing units are responsible for 22% of the energy consumption, and

therefore the Federal Government in partnership with Eletrobras and Inmetro have

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launched some initiatives to help consumers reduce the electrical energy

consumption in their buildings.

Consumers are able to evaluate electrical devices such as television sets,

refrigerators, and others, through the Selo Procel – National Programme for

Electrical Energy Saving, launched in 1993 by Eletrobrás.

The Selo Procel is part of the Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem - PBE

(Labeling Brazilian Programme) a partnership with Instituto Nacional de

Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial – Inmetro (National Institute of

Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality). The main product is the

National Label of Energy Saving: products are assessed to check their energy

saving potential.

After many studies carried out by the Programme, the Selo Procel Edifica was

launched in 2009, with the main objective to motivate the preservation and

efficient use of natural resources (water, energy, ventilation, etc.) in buildings,

reducing waste and environmental impacts.

Sustainability is made by choices, for example: someone who goes shopping,

besides analyzing the products technical features, has also to pay attention to the

quality and origin of the product. Nowadays, when a consumer chooses any kind

of electrical and electronic device, he/she must pay attention if the product meets

safety and energy efficiency requirements.

Saving energy is very important, since, in Brazil, the energy is generated by

hydroelectric power stations, which means that the greater the energy

consumption is, the greater will be the need to construct new hydroelectric power

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stations. This action brings as consequence the flood of many areas, an

unnecessary environmental impact to the natural water flow of the rivers, besides

the socio-environmental burden to the neighboring population.

Source: Procel Edifica

In Brazil there are studies for alternative energy sources. However, this deficit has

to be balanced with investments and technology. The consumers affected by the

environmental impacts generated by the degradation must change the reality by

means of useful attitudes, for example, buying electrical devices with higher

energy efficiency. According to Almeida, the conscious consumer will probably

accept paying more for energy produced by renewable sources. Public policies

and energy pricing aligned with new social objectives and sustainable consuming

habits”. (ALMEIDA, 2007: 40).

3.6. Sectoral actions towards sustainability

3.6.1. The Government

The Federal Government by means of incentives to real estate financing launched

in 2008 the PAC - Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (Growth Acceleration

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Programme), and in view of the world economic crisis, has recently launched the

Programme “Minha Casa Minha Vida”, in partnership with Caixa Economica

Federal, in order to meet the demand originated by the Brazilian housing deficit,

presently of 6,273 million housing units, as per Inês Magalhães.

Housing units deficit, which requires reposition or number of houses increase, is

composed by temporary shelters, rustic houses, poor domiciles, part of the

family cohabitation, the excessive burden with rent (a commitment higher than

30% of the family income among families earning up to three minimum wages,)

and, lately included, the excessive overcrowding in rented domiciles”.

This initiative aims at boosting the construction of popular houses, introducing

some sustainable criteria in the construction, generating significant reduction of

the consumers’ energy and water bills, besides decreasing environmental impacts

due to the civil constructions. In a global scale this sector is responsible for 40%

of the greenhouse gases emissions, interfering in climatic changes and in social


The Secretary of the State Housing Department and president of Companhia de

Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano - CDHU (Urban and Housing

Development Company), Lair Krähenbühl during the 9th Construbusiness, a

business event driven to the civil construction industry, held on November 29,

2010 in São Paulo, stressed the need of “Minha Casa Minha Vida” Programme to

focus on the construction of housing units for the population with low income,

living in the country’s metropolitan regions.

“Nowadays the price of plots is high and people who earn up to three minimum

wages do not have access to the Programme, since the subsidy of R$ 52,000.00

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per housing unit in metropolitan regions is not realistic, making it difficult the

construction of a house of social interest besides introducing sustainable criteria.

The alternative would be to establish partnership with the private sector, to offer

wider bank credit lines for population of low income, besides a joint action of the

Federal, State and Municipal Governments.

The São Paulo State Housing Department has today a Housing Project of

Sustainable Social Interest, which presents four Programme criteria: legalization

of land or properties titles, action in urban slums and precarious settlements,

integrated action in projects for urban and environment recovery and urban

requalification. Additionally the Programme foresees the sustainability and the

improvement of the quality of the product to be delivered.

The legalization of land titles counts with the support of the “Cidade Legal”

project, created by the state decree no. 52.052/2007, which has 407 registered

cities and 11,000 supporting sections. Under the support of the state law no.

13.290/2008, the legalization process of housing units has 57,000 units, out of

155,000 yet to be legalized, including a reduction in 90% of the total fees due to

the legalization process.

The new system for legalization of land titles foresees infrastructure systems in

the neighborhood, such as: water supply, sewage collecting, commerce and

services, rationalization of public transportation and integration of health, leisure

and education services, benefiting the families’ quality of life.

Figure 3 – Life standard

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Nos. globais preliminares para o PEH – Plano Estadual de Habitação

Preliminary global figures for State Habitation Plan

Necessidade Habitacionais Housing deficit % de domicílios Total of domiciles Total de domicílios do ESP Total of domiciles in the São Paulo state Déficit Deficit Inadequação Inappropriate housing Fonte Source Elaboração Responsible

In relation to the improvement of domiciles of social interest, the Programme

foresees new project alternatives, as three restrooms, higher floor-to-ceiling

heights, providing more ventilation and comfort, hard floor covering in all rooms,

tile floors in the kitchen and bathroom, cover for the service area, aluminum

frames, dividing walls, gardening and afforestation.

The project also foresees sustainable aspects viewing a reduction of consumer’s

water and energy expenses, besides new building technologies and the universal

design enabling anyone with or without total or partial mobility impairments to

live in.

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Professor Alex Abiko, from Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo University), in

the 3rd. Brazilian Construction Symposium presented three important aspects

towards more inclusive and sustainable cities: the need to introduce green areas,

the adoption of transportation management guidelines and society engagement.

These principles integrate new technologies of green buildings into a new

approach of cities planning.

3.6.2. UNO’s strategy towards sustainable building

Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference the United Nations Organization has been

boosting Programmes with the purpose of motivating the Heads of States to align

their strategies and actions with the sustainable development of nations.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been coordinating

many initiatives in the civil construction sector aiming at reducing greenhouse

gases emissions, one of the causes of the global climate change.

The SBCI - Sustainable Buildings and Construction Initiative, for example, is

motivating the government and the construction industry to promote public

policies and greener practices, in order to decrease impacts and assure a

worldwide commitment for the reduction of greenhouse gases.

In Brazil, CBCS – Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável (Brazilian

Council for Sustainable Construction) – in partnership with SBCI is working to

achieve the aimed reductions, the targets of an inclusive low carbon economy.

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In 2009, UNEP launched a guideline to evaluate the products lifecycle, and

pointed out in its studies that the products lifecycle can induce a greater corporate

social awareness, in socio-economic and political context.

CBCS Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável (Brazilian Council for

Sustainable Construction)

In Brazil, CBCS – Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável, one of the

SBCI’s members, is also developing Programmes with the purpose of reducing

CO2 emissions, minimizing impacts on the climate, which deserves our close

attention nowadays.

The Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction was in August 2007, as an

OSCIP, with the aim to motivate the construction industry to apply more

sustainable practices, improving the quality of life of consumers, workers and

environment around the buildings. The Council is a result of the articulation

among leading corporations, researchers, consultants, professionals of the area

and opinion makers. CBCS maintains a close relationship with national and

international organizations acting in this field with different perspectives, based

on an environmental point of view, with business and socio-economic

responsibility. Additionally, the on going team committees discuss and indicate

goods practices for crucial aspects of the constructions, for example energy, water

supply, materials, projects, sustainability assessment and financial and economic

issues (CBCS,2008).

Since 2009, SBCI, PNUMA Brasil and CBCS have been developing the “Sushi


The SUSHI Project, Sustainable Social Housing Initiative, is part of SBCI

Sustainable Building Initiative and is represented in Brazil by PNUMA and

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CBCS - Conselho Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável (Brazilian Council for

Sustainable Construction).

The project has been drawn up as consequence of the need to improve the final

product of social housing projects carried out by the government, because in many

countries this kind of project results in houses with low durability, low

construction quality, inappropriate internal comfort and high maintenance costs.

Those factors lead to a reduction of houses lifecycle, waste of non-renewable

natural resources, waste of consumed water and energy impacting on the family-

income and consequent high bills.

The SUSHI Project was developed in partnership with PNUMA local

representatives in Brazil and Thailand, and as part of the Resource Efficiency –

SCP – Norway Partnership, coordinated by DTIE – Division of Technology,

Industry and Environment, of United Nations Environment Programme

(UNEP/PNUMA). Its final product will be a social housing with better

environmental performance, lower lifecycle costs, and that may provide a greater

satisfaction to the final consumer. Besides that, the project final target is to

promote changes in current construction practices of social housing units applying

public financial resources, by putting into operation the sector production chain

engaged with the project.

The project final result will be a report presenting the developed methodology

applied in SUSHI Project, together with case studies of each one of the pilot

functions both in São Paulo and Bangkok.

3.6.3. Sectoral entities’ strategy towards sustainability

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On July 06, 2009, SindusconSP – Union of Construction Industry held an event to

promote discussions on the climate changes. The specialists participating in the

event pointed out to some necessary changes, such as the implementation of

greener production processes and the change of our consuming profile. In São

Paulo, some government initiatives towards the CO2 emission reduction have

already generated positive results. For example, the gases generated in two

landfills provide electric energy for two country cities, serving more than 700

thousand citizens. It means that today we already know what has to be done. So,

let’s do it!

Another important point to promote a fast change is to make companies aware of

their “carbon footprint”. The internet site

http://www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools/all-tools offers a free-of-charge tool

that calculates the carbon footprint of the companies. This tool has been

developed by: MMA - Ministério do Meio Ambiente, FGV - Fundação Getúlio

Vargas, CEBEDS – Brazilian Council for Sustainable Development, WBCSD -

World Business Council for Sustainable Development and WRI - World

Resources Institute.

Based on this data, the companies will be able to set objectives to reduce their

impacts and improve their processes. It is important to point out that for the time

being this is a voluntary report, but the government is already discussing a project

that will make all companies to present it annually. Some companies are already

engaged: Alcoa, AmBev, Arcelor Mittal, Banco Real, Sadia, Boticário, Suzano

Papel Celulose, among others.

Concerning energy efficiency, as per Eletrobrás, the use of air conditioners is

responsible for 40% of the consumed electric energy in the North region of the

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country. That means that it is necessary to change the projects, applying shading

techniques to façades, solar energy, among others. Thus, the consumer has to

consider these important and sustainable aspects when he chooses a venture.

CIBIC – Chamber of Construction Industry

Since 2005, the CIBIC – Chamber of Construction Industry has been rewarding

companies that have excelled themselves in social responsibility, via FASC –

Social Action and Citizenship Forum, which settles the guidelines for the CBIC

Social Responsibility Prize. This prize is given to social projects carried out by

entities and construction companies, in the base year of 2009 and previous


The Social Responsibility Prizes aims at:

- Boosting and motivating the development of social actions of the

Construction and Real Estate Industries, rewarding joint efforts of the

sector towards a society with a better quality of life.

- Divulging the culture of social responsibility in the sector, debating the

subject, highlighting its importance to the whole society, especially among

all players of the Construction and Real Estate Industries.

- Promoting an information interchange among corporations dedicated to

social responsibility issue, building up a permanent source of information

and news concerning social actions in the sector.

Who can participate?

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- Companies related to the Construction and Real Estate Industries, located

in Brazil, of any size, which are developing social responsibilities actions,

projects or Programmes;

- Class associations of the Construction and Real Estate Industries affiliated

to CBIC which are developing social responsibilities actions, projects or


Secovi – Union of Companies related to the Trade, Rental and Administration of

Private or Commercial Properties, by means of Projeto Ampliar aims at promoting

education and professionalization among young people at risk, providing work

skills for them to enter into the work market.

The project has two approaches. The first is the “Engraxate” Project which offers

an earning alternative and boosts the development of poor young people between

the ages 16-20 years, providing them a real work opportunity: shoe shining. The

second is the “Jovem Farmácia” Project that consists of giving courses in

“Pharmacy Assistant” to young people between the ages 18-23 years, at Unidade

Ampliar’s Paulista/Brigadeiro Unit.

With all these initiatives it is possible to see that the social responsibility sector

gained a new configuration with both green ventures and environmental

certifications recently implemented. In turn, the sustainability idea is stronger,

mainly because there is a favorable sectoral articulation towards this movement

carried out by representative entities.


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The real estate sector in São Paulo is an important conducting agent of the city

concept project, because it smoothly articulates urban operations, by means of

public-private partnerships with huge ventures developers. The city outskirts and

slum’s population are excluded, what makes it difficult for these people to have

access to infrastructure services, for example transport, leisure, health and

education. This denotes a gap in many areas of the city’s urban planning.

The present work aims at providing a context to the incorporation of social

responsibility aspects to companies, based on the awareness of worldwide

environmental issues. On this regard, it was possible to observe that in Brazil

there is a strong trend to follow the sustainability way. However, if we think about

consuming issues, the individualism, the lack of sustainable strategies defined for

corporate management, the lack of articulation between public and private sectors,

it is possible to assure that there will be no significant change concerning

sustainable practices in the near future.

In face of this information, it is possible to observe that important changes are

occurring in the civil construction sector by means of the articulation among

companies, manufacturers, unions, NOGs, government and society. However, the

social responsibility issue in the industry sector practically does not meet the



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Instituto Ethos





Secretaria de Habitação do Estado de São Paulo




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MERCADOS BOVESPA. Disponível em: www.bovespa.com.br Acesso em: 07


Termos e Conceitos Relacionados ao Desenvolvimento Sustentavel, Disponível

em http://intertox.com.br/index.php/br/baixar-arquivos/search_result Acesso em:





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