UNIVERSITY KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Sustainable Urban Transportation Kajang future development Prepared by: ALAA.H.MOUSA P71081 Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Riza Atiq

Sustainable urban design presentation

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redevelopment kajang city 2020

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Page 1: Sustainable urban design presentation



Sustainable Urban Transportation

Kajang future development

Prepared by:


Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Riza Atiq

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sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. This definition has attained universal traction and is seen by many who recognize the current unsustainable nature of society as a means of achieving sustainability.

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Kajang is located in Hulu Langat District, in Selangor. The first settlement in Kajang was established in 1709. In 1807, Kajang was founded after the Klang War.

The current location gravity of growth in Kajang would be Sungai Chua. The total population of Kajang has grown rapidly in the past few years, with estimated population growth of 9% per annum.

As of 2004, a few townships have been developed in Kajang, such as Taman Prima Saujana (straight from Jalan Cheras), Sungai Chua, Taman Kajang Perdana (Kajang Highlands).

Areas surrounding these new townships are easily accessible via the SILK Expressway.

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Higher population: the population in Kajang increases rapidly and it’s also due to the higher employment such as in commercial sector and public sector. All the residential will be converged at Kajang city.

Environmental issue: the increase in population and rapidly development of

buildings in contribute to pollution in Kajang. The critical pollution that occur in Kajang due to the air pollution coming from transportation and for water pollution coming from industrial and residential development along Sungai Langat

Road congestion: road connection system in Kajang is very narrow and it cannot occupy the higher density of traffic congestion. Higher traffic congestion happened during peak hours and weekends

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Due to the traffic congested, the pedestrian are not given priority and the facilities such as pedestrian bridge and sidewalk are not being provided for the pedestrian. So, the pedestrian safety is not a priority.

Demand on residential area. At the centre of Kajang city, the

land use is more on the community facilities components and for the residential areas; it was located at the edge of the town. There are a few townships have been developed in Kajang such as Taman Prima Saujana, Taman Kajang Perdana and many more

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Our city will produce a quality development to achieve

a sustainable development

There are some qualities that should be focused to achieve sustainable development in term of economy quality, social quality and environmental quality.

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Economic quality One of the ways to achieve the sustainable

development is through economic health of the city Economy activity, job creation and poverty should be noted and the role of informal activities and small-scale trade become important.

Social quality Sustainable urban development must take

into account social justice, basic human needs, public health, environmental awareness in space and time.. Social equality should be maintained in terms of economic opportunities in this city.

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Environmental quality Sustainable urban development

should be carried out taking into account the ability cope that are consumption of resources, distribution of waste and pollution that is triggered on the city and surrounding areas.

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Access to knowledge Measures favorable to education,

access to information and research must be encouraged in order to stimulate innovation, raise awareness and ensure effective participation of the public in the implementation of sustainable development.

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Sustainable development applied to transport systems requires the promotion of linkages between environmental protection, economic efficiency and social progress.

Transportation, as a core component supporting the interactions and the development of economic systems, has also been the object of much consideration about to what extent it is sustainable

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Redirecting the movement pattern of using the private transport to the public transport and also improving the service for public transport such as subway, busses and taxi.

Upgrading the road systems by widening and implementing the smart grid system for the transportation systems.

We also suggest making a new Bus Rapid Transit Systems (BRT)

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The-density form of traditional kajang cities has recently come under attack as the antithesis of the sustainable urban form promoted by the compact city advocates 1.The densification and agglomeration of activities can involve spatial structures such as logistics zones or transit oriented developments and can result in reduced vehicle trips and increase transport alternatives

2.The strategy of traffic is a more direct method of reducing traffic demand.

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Pedestrians, cyclists, public and private transport are parts of every roadway environment.

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Pedestrian The demand for provision of more and

better pedestrian and cyclists facilities, the

demand for this facilities influenced by : Car ownership The nature of the local community. Local land use activities. Quality of provision. Safety and security.

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improving the quality of bus services throughout the area Improving network coverage to give access to key facilities. Improving bus stations and bus stops to improve the waiting

environment. Improving the scope and range of information provided to

passengers. Maintaining a range of tickets which allow travel throughout the

network or can be used on trams and trains

In general plan network due to long-term developments encourage the use of public transport by it competitive advantage over private car.

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Increasing roads in kajang is important improvement to expand the connections with other surrounded towns .

Construct new roads is required to decrease the congestion on the main roads especially in the city center.

Applying Intelligent Traffic System and road monitoring.

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Diesel-Electric Hybrid Train

70 km/h in inner-city traffic.


Low capital and operational costs Flexible routing Zero on-site emissions Extremely low overall energy use

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we can reduce the traffic jam in kajang center and solve the parking problem by using

Parking controls, raising parking prices or reducing the amount of parking areas

to encourage (or force) commuters to seek cheaper alternatives either in mass transit or carpooling.

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CC Park






SC shopping Center CC City Center RA Residential Area

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are considering the following principles:

1-Density,diversity, and mix uses : users, building type, and public spaces.

2-transit supportive: shifting from car oriented pattern to transit

oriented pattern.

3-pesdestrains:as alternative modes to reduce car-dependency.

4-Place-making:with a strong sense of identity.

5-Complete communities :with providing needs of daily living.

6-Integrated natural systems: by conserving and enhancing health of this system.

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7-Integrated Technical and Industrial Systems.

8-Local sources :by growing and producing the resources needed.

9-Redundant and Durable: Life Safety and Critical Infrastructure Systems.

10-Resilient Operations: by developing building types and urban forms with reducing servicing cost , and reducing environment footprints.

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1- Responding to the site

2-creating attractive surroundings and spaces to live 

3- respecting the local site

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Ensuring natural surveillance and human presence. Designing an integrated network of streets Video Surveillance and Analytics Collaborative Monitoring Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Facial Recognition System (FRS) Communication Systems Data Centers

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maintaining a patchwork of green spaces and ponds in gardens and the public domain to produce a cumulative benefit to wildlife.

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This free energy from sun can be easily converted into electrical energy to reduce energy costs and provide electricity in remote areas where infrastructure is limited

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Biomass is a sustainable fuel that can both offer a significant reduction in net carbon emissions compared with fossil fuels.

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Air pollution has many disastrous effects that need to be curbed. In order to accomplish this, governments, scientists and environmentalists are using or testing a variety of methods aimed at reducing pollution.

Five major input control methods exist. People may try to restrict population growth, use less energy, improve energy efficiency, reduce waste, and move to non-polluting renewable forms of energy production. Also, automobile-produced pollution can be decreased with highly beneficial results.

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sustainable wastewater system Rainwater and water from a catchment area are stored in a lake for use by residential and commercial users. Roof water is also used by residential users. Grey water from baths, showers and other domestic use is recycled and dispersed into the ecosystem. Storm water from commercial users is piped to silt ponds for evaporation and for re-use. Wastewater from homes and commercial users is treated in a small-scale plant; solids are composted and treated water disposed of into silt ponds. When the water makes it way from the silt ponds to the sea, it is clean.

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Langat River Basin The Langat River Basin provides water for its

population for domestic as well as industrial and agriculture uses. However, population growth, rapid industrialization, urbanization and infrastructure development are changing the socioeconomic patterns of development and affecting the water quality and ecosystem health of the Langat Basin.

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We suggest continuing project river of life part II at Langat River. The objective of this project is to transform the Langat River into a vibrant and livable waterfront with high economic value. This transformation is divided into three components that are river cleaning, beautification and river development.

River cleaning.

The objective of the River Cleaning is to clean and improve the water quality from its current Class III until Class V water quality that not suitable for body contact transform to Class II b that suitable for body contact recreational usage.


The objective of the River Beautification is to beautify the river to increase the economic availability of the area.

River development.

The beautification works will spur economic investments into the areas immediately surrounding the river corridor. To catalyze development along the corridor, potential government land will be

identified and tendered out to private developers through competitive bidding. 

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a) Kajang Business Hall

Kajang Business Hall will join several other governments and private developers that have constructed green roofs as a way of capturing greenhouse gases, easing water runoff and potentially lowering building energy costs.

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B) Riverview Hotel (Hotel budget)

It doesn’t take a luxurious property or budget to build in sustainability, but the Riverview Hotel is a strong example of how luxury and green building can work hand in hand in the hospitality industry

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C) Renaissance Hotel

This hotel concept of the Eco Factor that is energy efficient hotel complex. The concept revolves around three themes, the analysis of the historical city with its arches, vaults and arcades, a close relation to the master plan with its boulevards, plazas and narrow streets and a focus on human beings

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The concept of this building is zero carbon footprints. There, things take a turn for the higher-technology that sophisticated heating and cooling systems that that use minimal amounts of juice, all linked up to a central computer that monitors environmental conditions in real time and adjusts electricity consumption accordingly

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Thank you very much