SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL OF OF OF OF ARCHITECTURE, ARCHITECTURE, ARCHITECTURE, ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING & DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN Foundation Foundation Foundation Foundation of of of of Natural Natural Natural Natural Build Build Build Build Environment Environment Environment Environment (FNBE) (FNBE) (FNBE) (FNBE) Name : Lam Wee Wee Student ID : 0320129 Session : Monday(4-6pm) Subject and Course : Social Psychology(PSY30203) Submission date : 27 th April 2015


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Page 1: S.psychology



FoundationFoundationFoundationFoundation ofofofof NaturalNaturalNaturalNatural BuildBuildBuildBuild EnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironment (FNBE)(FNBE)(FNBE)(FNBE)

Name : LamWee Wee

Student ID : 0320129

Session : Monday(4-6pm)

Subject and Course : Social Psychology(PSY30203)

Submission date : 27thApril 2015

Page 2: S.psychology

Entry #1

Intrinsic motivation is the motivation of self-satisfaction of doing things. One will do a

better job when enjoy doing it just by that purpose. For example, every morning before

going to campus, I use the free time to cook myself breakfast. Most of the time will be

egg on toast, if not, it will be just instant noodle but I try to cook egg instead of instant

noodle because I enjoy taking my time cooking rather than having an instant meal.

Since semester one of my foundation I have always been going out to eat with my friends

and I have never once cooked at home but when I started semester two, I have been going

out less to eat since my friends was still on holiday. Then I have been getting lazier to go

out of the house, so I started to buy rice one day so that I could cook at home instead of

going out everyday because of that my every weekend when I go back to my cousin

house myAunt will buy chicken and chop them to pieces to give it to me. I have then

started to love cooking more and have the curiosity of trying to learn what else I can do

by myself.

Page 3: S.psychology

Entry #2

Extrinsic motivation is the motivation of completing a job in return of getting a reward.

For example, I would clean the toilets of my apartment when my friend told me to. Why?

That time when my friend asked me to clean the toilet, he also stated that I would get a

free meal of Kaima at Lorong. I immediately agreed. Getting a free meal just for cleaning

the toilet? Why not. After I got back from campus that day, I went to clean up the toilet

immediately before he got back. It got me motivated so much just for such a small reward.

As long as it is a free meal that I love to eat, I would do it again.

Page 4: S.psychology

Entry #3

Social facilitation occurs when a person is performing in the presence of others yet their

individual contributions are noticed. For example, for my first business assignment, we

had to create a group of four. For this assignment we have to present a slide about our

business. Every time when we have a meeting, there's this one guy that hardly appear

until the our final meeting he finally appeared. Everyone were worried about his part of

his slides since he haven't even completed it and the next day was already the day for the

presentation early morning around 8am. During the presentation, we volunteered to be the

first group to present and it was quite a shock when he presented it. He managed to did

his part and everyone was happy about it. Until now, I still remembered how he

performed...it was better than mine. I had to admit.

Page 5: S.psychology

Entry #4

Persuasion, an attempts to influence other's attitudes or behaviors. During my Economic

class, Mr Joe our lecturer told us that we will be having a trip to either Pinang or Melaka.

Majority of our class picked Pinang. He also told us that we will be doing an assignment

mixed together with English, Effective Public Communication and Economics and we

have to choose a business to interview one at Pinang and one in Klang Valley. At first the

price was for the trip was RM150 but due to being a Public Holiday on 1st May we had to

pay RM200. I didn't bother about the price because I have already been persuaded. I've

been there once and I love everything about Pinang. The food there is great and I would

love to have some Char Kueh Tiaw again.

Besides, I believe that this trip would be way better than our semester one trip at Kulim,

Kedah which was horrible. We had to live in a dorm of 16 people without

air-conditioning and some of my friends bathroom didn't have water but this time Mr. Joe

told us that we will be staying in a 3-star hotel minimum. As long as I heard the word

hotel, I was relief and happy and we will be living together with around 3-4 people for

each room. I was easily convinced by the offer and I had to regret of doing so.

Page 6: S.psychology

Entry #5

On 20thApril 2015, I learn about Stereotypes during Social Psychology lecture. At that

time I thought to myself thinking whether that I am a stereotype or not. Well, ever since I

was young I went to a Chinese Kindergarten school and I only have Chinese friends but

after I reach primary school I studied at a government school and I made lots of friend

from different races Chinese to Malays and I did not think anything wrong with them and

I don't think I am a stereotype but I still unconsciously prefer going to the shops and stalls

from my own races up until I finally went into University. I now no longer care where I

go, I would even love to go to a Mamak stall to eat IndoMee instead of eating Chinese

restaurant and eat Fried Kueh Tiaw.