Psycholog y Percept ion


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Page 1: Psychology




Page 2: Psychology

EDITORIALThis journal has been made with the intent to

convey to readers basic knowledge about perception and their types.

Perception refers to interpretation of what we take in through our senses. 

The way we perceive our environment is what makes us different from other animals and different from each

other.  In this Magazine,

we will discuss the various theories on how our sensation are organized and interpreted, and therefore,

how we make sense of what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.

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The nature of perception

In recent decades the study of perception hasbeen the subject of increasing interest within the field of

anthropology, however, this interest has resultedconceptual problems for the term perception

has come to be used indiscriminately fordesignate other aspects that have to dowith the field of view of the world group

social, regardless of whether these aspects arelocate outside the limits set by the concept

of perception.

Is commonly observed in various publications that the aspects rated perception rather correspond to the plane of the attitudes, social values

or beliefs. even whenboundaries overlap, there are theoretical differences

between perception and analytical aspectsrefer to different levels of ownership

subjective reality

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Replacing this concept by others is not a

problem with serious consequences to the extent that

the product of the present research findings

very general approach with the

social actors in the events of his everyday life andthat these findings do not lead to confusion

interpretation. It becomes a major problem when

misuse of the concept requires analytical bias

as the result of the investigation is within the

scope of theoretical and conceptual development of theScience.

Biocultural perception is because, firstly,

depends on the physical stimuli and sensations

  involved and, secondly, the selection and organization

of such stimuli and sensations. the experiences

sensory interpret and gain meaning

shaped by specific cultural and ideological

patterns learned in childhood.

The selection and organization of the sensations

are aimed at meeting the needs of both

individual and collective human beings, by

finding useful stimuli and exclusion of

undesirable stimuli in terms of survival and

social interaction, through the production

capacity for symbolic thought, which is formed

from of cultural, ideological, social

and historical guide the way in which groups

appropriate the social environment.

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The German word "Gestalt" roughly translates to "whole" or "form,“ and the Gestalt psychologist's sincerely believed that the whole is greater than the

sum of its parts.  In order to interpret what we receive through our senses,

they theorized that we attempt to organize this information into certain groups. 

This allows us to interpret the information completely without unneeded repetition. 

For example, when you see one dot, you perceive it as such, but when you see five dots together, you group them together by saying a "row of

dots."  Without this tendency to group our perceptions,

that same row would be seen as "dot, dot, dot, dot, dot," taking both longer to process and reducing our perceptive ability. 

The Gestalt principles of grouping include four types: similarity, proximity, continuity, and closure.

Gestalt Principles of Grouping

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Similarity refers to our tendency to group things together based upon how similar to each other they are.  In the first figure above, we tend to see two rows of red dots and two rows of black dots. 

The dots are grouped according to similar color. 

In the next figure, we tend to perceive three columns of two lines each rather than six different lines.  The lines are grouped together because of how close they are to each other, or their proximity to one another. 

Continuity refers to our tendency to see patterns and therefore perceive things as belonging together if they form some type of continuous pattern. 

In the third figure, although merely a series of dots, it begins to look like an "X" as we perceive the upper left side as continuing all the way to the lower right and

the lower left all the way to the upper right. 

Finally, in the fourth figure, we demonstrate closure, or our tendency to complete familiar objects that have gaps in them.  Even at first glance, we perceive a circle and a square.

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Perception and

RealityIn the case of visual perception,

some people can actually see the percept shift in their mind's eyes. Others, who are not picture thinkers, may not necessarily perceive the 'shape-shifting' as their world changes.

The 'esemplastic' nature has been shown by experiment: an ambiguous image has multiple interpretations on the perceptual level.This confusing ambiguity of perception is exploited in human technologies such as camouflage,

and also in biological mimicry, for example by European Peacock butterflies, whose wings bear eye markings that birds respond to as though they were the eyes of a dangerous predator.

There is also evidence that the brain in some ways operates on a slight "delay", to allow nerve impulses from distant parts of the body to be integrated into

simultaneous signals. Perception is one of the oldest fields in psychology. The oldest quantitative law in

psychology is the Weber-Fechner law, which quantifies the relationship between the intensity of physical stimuli

and their perceptual effects (for example, testing how much darker a computer screen can get before the

viewer actually notices). The study of perception gave rise to the Gestalt school of psychology, with its

emphasis on holistic approach.

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 Imagine if every time an object changed we had to completely reprocess it. 

The next time you walk toward a building, you would have to re-evaluate the size of the building with each step,

because we all know as we get closer, everything gets bigger.  The building which once stood only several inches is now somehow more than 50 feet tall.  

 Luckily, this doesn't happen. 

Due to our ability to maintain constancy in our perceptions, we see that building as the same height no matter what distance it is. 

Perceptual constancy refers to our ability to see things differently without having to reinterpret the object's properties. 

There are typically three constancies discussed, including size, shape, brightness.

Maintaining Perceptual Constancy

Size constancy refers to our ability to see objects as maintaining the same size even when our distance from them makes things appear larger or smaller.  This holds true for all of our senses.  As we walk away from our radio,

the song appears to get softer.  We understand, and perceive it as being just as loud as before.  The difference being our distance from what we are sensing.

 Everybody has seen a plate shaped in the form of a circle.  When we see that same plate from an angle, however,

it looks more like an ellipse.  Shape constancy allows us to perceive that plate as still being a circle even though

the angle from which we view it appears to distort the shape. 

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Jokes and Fun

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this world seems very gray

Switch glasses and see the world as it is black

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They are two friends who were married (married to John and Jane Maria married to Mario)

and Mary Jane asks:

- Hey Maria! How was your day yesterday?

To which Mary replied:

- Oh God! My husband came home from work, had dinner in three minutes, then had sex in four minutes and two minutes I was asleep

this asshole deep!And you Jane how was your day yesterday?

To which Joan replies:

- Find out that Maria was fantastic! My husband came home I took her to dinner, then walk for 1 hour until we got home. After 1 hour of foreplay to the candlelight, we had sex for 1 hour and then talked for

more than 1 hour!

Then later found men (John and Mario) and among them are chatting

- Hello Mario How was your day yesterday?

- Hi John, fiajte has been fantastic! I came home and the food wasserved warm, had dinner, we maked love

and I slept like a rock!And you as you were John?

To which John replies:

- Mario! I came home exhausted,there was no light, I had to take my wife to swallow out

the food was crap and expensive, so expensive that I had no money to pay the taxi back.

We had to walk home and when we arrived, had not yet reached the light, and lit the candles. With all that I unveil and had to endure my

wife talking to me for another hour ...

The perception´s wife

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- VARGAS MELGAREJO, LUZ MARÍASobre el concepto de percepciónAlteridades, Vol. 4, Núm. 8, 1994, pp. 47-53Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa

-Bartels JM, Hinds RM, THE PERCEPTIONWikipedia


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Graphic Design

Paola Linares


Edition Holanda Dam


Director of photography

María Ortega Hps-121-00256