Iraq War or Occupation of Iraq Timeline Timeline

Project 2000

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Iraq War or

Occupation of IraqTimelineTimeline

Page 2: Project 2000

2003March 21- First U.S casualties April 9- Saddam Hussein’s statue fallsMay 1- Bush claims major combat has

ceasedMay 6- Bush appoints Paul Bremer head of

the coalition Provisional Authority (basically leads Iraq)

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• July 16- military officers reveal they are facing guerilla warfare tactics

• July 22- Saddam’s sons are killed in the U.S. raid of Mosul

• December 13- Saddam is captured in Tikrit

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2004• January 17- American death toll = 500• April 4- Shiite uprising led by cleric

Moqtada al-Sadr in Iraq• April 29- torture scandals of inmates at

Abu Ghraib by U.S. soldiers• May 28- Iyad Allawi becomes prime


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2004• November 15- Marines gain back most of Fallujah

• October 7- CIA report backs the Saddam didn’t have WMD

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• January 30- Iraq holds democratic election

• October 15- Iraq votes to become a federal republic

• December 15- Iraqis vote for a permanent government and the Shiites win a majority of the votes

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2006• February 22- al-Askari shine of the Shiites is

bombed • April 22- President of Iraq appoints Nouri Maliki

prime minister and tells him to form a government

• June 8- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, self-styled leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, gets killed in the U.S. attack just north of Baquba

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2006• November 5-

Saddam is convicted of crimes against humanity and is sentence to death

• December 30- Saddam in hung

• December 31- death toll for Americans hits 3,000 and for Iraqis 16,723

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• January 10- Bush puts more troops in Iraq (surge)

• April 15- Pentagon extends all soldiers time in Iraq by 15 months

• April 26- Senate passes bill which has the deadline of October 1 for the withdrawing of troops. House of Reps have a similar bill the Bush vetoes

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2007• September-October= even with troop

escalation 60% of Iraqis see a worsening of security

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2008• February 22- Turkey

launches ground ops in Iraq to fight Kurdish separatist

• March 29- U.S. conducts military airstrikes to back up stalled Iraqi forces in Basra and battle Shiite militias in Baghdad

• July 22- pres Bush’s surge has ended

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20082008• Novermber 16- Nouri al-Maliki

decides to allow U.S. troops to stay in Iraq untill 2011

• Novermber 30- Ayatollah Ali Sistani says that this agreement does not do enough to protect Iraqi sovereignty

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• March 22- U.S. frees all prisoner from Camp Bucca

• June 13- Leader Of Iraq Parliament’s Sunni Arab Bloc Assassinated

• June 30- Iraq begins major oil and gas auction

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2009• August 19- Worst attack of 2009. 95

people killed and hundreds injured.

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Present DayPresent Day