How did you used media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


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How did you used media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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During the process of this project in the planning, research and production stages there were many media technologies i used to help me create my media product: These are:

- Video Camera- Memory cards & hard drive- Flip camera- Still camera- Blogger- Youtube- Final cut pro- Photoshop- Slide share- Camtasia

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Video Camera, memory and hard drive The video camera we used for this project was a brand new state of the art camera. it had 2 memory card slots in order to hold more footage this was very help full because when the first memory card was full it would automatically switch to the second memory card so that we weren't filming over any footage in addition the camera was very easy to use as it allowed us to film the type of style we wanted. We also had memory card readers that would allow us to put footage on the iMacs easily so it was simple when it came to sorting out our footage.

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Still Camera and Flip camera We used still cameras to take pictures off our filming journey to show evidence were we filmed and what parts of the video we filmed. Also used the still camera to take pictures of our locations. Flip camera was very useful as it allowed us to recorded feedback from our audience and teachers giving us advice or comments on our work.

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BloggerBlogger is the site we used like a diary by uploading our work during our research, planning and production. It was very use full because as we uploaded our work it would be dated so that it would be in chronological order so if we needed to look back on our previous work we would just go to the date we done the work also our blog were in parts for example during our research all our research blogs would be together same as planning and production. Another helpful aspect was that after filming we could just blog about how the day went and if there were any problems we faced also it is was easy to upload apps like slide share and photo bucket straight onto blogger which makes it helpful when using different ICT in out work

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YouTube and Google

YouTube was very helpful because it was were we looked into to find the music video we wanted to re create. as we were freely allowed to road through videos on YouTube this helped us find ideas on what to do for our music video for example we liked the scenery shots in Devlin London city so we decided as a group to have some of these type of shots in out video. YouTube allowed us to compare genres, identify key factors and elements of music videos, choose the song that we used for our own production, research the original artist and much more.Google gave us a lot of information for our project like the production company which we got from Google also it helped us look at current artists digi packs to give us ideas on how to do ours.

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Camtasia Camstasia allowed me to talk through my work through the microphone whilst showing my work on screen.

Social sites We also created a twitter account for our artist to keep the fan base updated.

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Final CutIn our video one key effect which was praised was the slowing down and speeding up of footage. By having a change of pace with in my video made it more engaging as well as this it follows Carol Vernalis's theory of the speed being in time with the beat. We also used filters to change the footage into black and white. Editing the base track on Final cut pro was very simple as this software allowed us to out in more than one base track at a time so that we could cut the footage that we didn't want doing this made our shots change whilst remaining in sync.

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I used photo shop to create my magazine add and front cover. I took pictures of my artist and imported them into a CD cover template and added text so that my CD cover would look like a professional artist CD cover. This software was very helpful as after I practiced using it i was more fluent with editing and creating pictures.