3x3 The first page layout, I did a 3x3 grid, I then chose to take a picture of Miley Cyrus from Google images and put the copy around. The image I put on the right hand side which is equal to 2 columns. I think the gutter space on this layout is just the right amount as its enough to separate the text up but not too big to make it look weird. I think the amount of white space is the right amount as well because the page looks full but not too busy.


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Page 1: Presentation1


The first page layout, I did a 3x3 grid, I then chose to take a picture of Miley Cyrus from Google images and put the copy around. The image I put on the right hand side which is equal to 2 columns. I think the gutter space on this layout is just the right amount as its enough to separate the text up but not too big to make it look weird. I think the amount of white space is the right amount as well because the page looks full but not too busy.

Page 2: Presentation1


This layout is a 5x4 grid. For this one I decided to make the picture equal to 3 columns and position it at the top left. I think added the copy going down the other 4 columns with a drop capital at the start to make it look more interesting as otherwise its just a load of text that looks pretty boring.

Page 3: Presentation1


This layout is a 6x3 grid, instead of having the text just down a single column, I decided to put the copy across three, I think this way look better as it makes the text easier to read and easier to follow. The image I chose to change to black and white because I think it looked better and also made the image equal to four columns and across the top in the middle.

Page 4: Presentation1

This grid is 3x3 and is for the extension task. I decided to get the images from Google as I knew they would be high quality I then changed them to black and white and cropped them down in Photoshop, I then placed them all down the left hand side overlapping each other a bit. I then chose to put the text down the right hand side, with images of her tattoos behind the text, to do this I put them onto photograph to crop them down then placed them onto the page on InDesign and changed the transparency until I was happy with them. I added a drop capital at the start and also added a pull quote which I made larger and more italic than the rest of the text. I made the heading, again on Photoshop, however now I don’t really like it. I also decided to change the space between the sentences in the second paragraph down near the bottom and also make some of the copy at the top slightly bolder. I think out of all four layouts, I like this one better because it looks more interesting and there is more to look at.