Consolidating Consolidating collections collections of of learning resources learning resources using APML using APML http:// http://www. eun .org http://melt-project.eu Riina Vuorikari, European Riina Vuorikari, European Schoolnet Schoolnet


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This is my presentation related to teachers use of social bookmarking to create their collections, the papers are here: http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-388/

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  • 1.
    • Consolidating collections
    • of
    • learning resources
    • using APML
    • http:// www. eun .org
    • http://melt-project.eu
    • Riina Vuorikari, European Schoolnet
  • 2. How do K12 teachers search for content in Europe? Replies based on 45 European primary and secondary teachers participating the MELT project
  • 3. About 40% official sources
  • 4. About 60% informal sources and user generated content
  • 5. Is there any interplay between official and informal sources of learning content?
  • 6. Should there be?
    • Margaryan& Littlejohn (2008) on barriers: curators repository-centric perspective leads to introduction of repositories as stand alone tools to users.
    • However, repositories are not used in isolation!
    Margaryan, A., & Littlejohn, A.: Repositories and communities at cross-purposes: Issues in sharing and reuse of digital learning resources. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL), 24(4), 333-347 (2008)
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. How do we know?
    • Exploratory case study on del.icio.us:
    • How do teachers use it?
    • What kind of content is there?
    • From what sources does the content come from?
  • 10. Study specs
    • 16 teachers who have both MELT and del.icio.us account
    • Primary and secondary teachers
    • In science, languages, ICTs
    • Fi, Et, Hu and Be
    • 7 are females and 9 males
    • 1 < 30 years,
    • 8 30-40 years
    • 5 40-50 years,
    • 2 50-60 years
  • 11. Study specs
    • MELT portal profile information:
    • Country
    • Languages spoken
    • Main areas of interest
    • Resources bookmarked and tags
    • Delicious:
    • 100 last bookmarks and tags
    • Number of bookmarks, tags, network
  • 12. Study specs
  • 13. Study specs
  • 14. How do teachers use it?
    • This group seems to be serious about using del.icio.us, median amount of posts was 105
    • About 60% above median
  • 15. What kind of content?
    • We manually analysed the 50 most used distinct tags almost all of them were related to education!
    • e.g. teaching, English, esl, efl, history, interactivity, vocabulary
    • Lots of links to interesting resources! but not necessary CC content
  • 16. Why consolidate?
    • Make the MELT portal more central to teachers every day life make other resources available too! (i.e. web 2.0 fatigue)
    • Make resources available from other sources too, e.g. user generated content, interesting links found via Google...
  • 17.
  • 18. User Labor Markup Language (ULML)
    • User labor is the work that people put in to create, improve, and maintain their existence in social web
    • generating assets (e.g. user profiles, images, videos, blog posts),
    • creating metadata (e.g. tagging, voting, commenting etc.),
    • attracting traffic (e.g. incoming views, comments, favourites)
    • socialising with other people (e.g. number of friends, social influence)
  • 19. Profiling LOR based on users' interest
    • This is my APML file.
  • 20.
  • 21. Got issues?
    • Interoperability of user-generated metadata (e.g. tags, ratings, annotations, )
    • Data-portability
    • Attention Profile Markup Language (ampl)
  • 22. social bookmarks Metadata LOM tags folksonomy social tagging multi-linguality social classification thanks ! for your attention learning resources user communities discover resources and items questions ? teachers social navigation social traces paths , trails flock