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Learning Structure Episode 8

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“The Teachers and the Parents”

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INTRODUCTION:“A positive parent-teacher relationship

helps a pupil/student feel good about school and be successful in school,” advises Diane Levin, Ph.D., professor of education at Wheelock College. “It demonstrated to the child that he can trust his teacher, because parents do. This positive relationship makes a child feel like the important people in his life are working together.

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Communicating well is a key factor for making this relationship work. Communication on both sides is extremely important. The parents need information about what and how their child is learning, and the teacher needs important feedback from the parent about the child’s academic and social development.

But communicating effectively with parents can be challenging. When’s the right time to talk – and when isn’t? How can you get her attention? What should you bring up with her with and what should be left alone? How do you create a relationship with someone you may only see a few times a year?

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Sharing of anecdotes on encounter with parents


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Activity : Role Playing 1. feed backing on the learners academic

performance2. on pupil/student misconduct toward the

teacher3. on pupil/student misconduct toward

schoolmate/s4. on pupil/student vandalism of school

property5. teacher’s alleged violations of

pupil/student rights

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What are your realizations in terms of your relationship with parents?

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Questions on Self Reflection

• 1. Are you balancing your feelings of sympathy and antipathy with a student or parent?

• 2. Are you demeaning a student’s family values? • 3. Are you arguing with parents on how to best raise

their children?• 4. Do you have the best interest of the child (student)

at heart• 5. Are you using them (parent) as a scapegoat for not

doing your job? Be cautious that you do not point your finger at the parent and blame them for their child’s difficulties in the classroom or in school?

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SECTION 1: A teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.

SECTION 2: A teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the process or deficiencies and seeking parents’ cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of learners.

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SECTION 3: A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding and shall discourage uncertain criticism.

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Application:1. Develop guidelines by using this matrix

Activity Helps Persons Responsibl


Blocks Persons Responsible

1.homeroom PTA meeting

2.parents’ complaints and grievances regarding

-teaching-learning concerns

- pupil/student behavior

3. meeting with parents of pupil/students manifesting misbehavior

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2. How can we turn the blocks into Helps? Closure:

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• Parents and educators…need to establish a culture in which security and clarity of expectations are balanced with the encouragement of playfulness, inquisitiveness and self reliance.‘

-author unknown