Information Communication Technology and Cyber Law A Class Project As on :- A BigSmile

Information communication technology

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Page 1: Information communication technology

Information Communication Technology

and Cyber Law

A Class Project As on :-

A BigSmile

Page 2: Information communication technology

Information and Communication Technology

Information technology (IT) The world lies with in the word ‘IT’, As we all know ‘IT’ means everything for us.

IT is what we are seeing write now, IT is what u hear through earphones, IT is that what u are now being described. Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, receive , transmit and interpret data, often in the context of a business or other sectorsThe term ‘IT’ is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also holds other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with information technology, including computer hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, internet, engineering, healthcare, e-commerce, computer services and last and not the least communication.Therefore, Information Communication Technology is a synonym for the IT or an umbrella term that covers all the technical aspects for the processing, recording, transmitting and many other related functions of the communications. A BigSmile

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A BigSmile

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Social Impact of the ICTAs we know the definition of the ICT :Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a synonym for the IT or an umbrella term that covers all the technical aspects for the processing, recording, transmitting and many other related functions of the communications.

ICT is used by we humans. Since we live in society, the impacts of the ICT occurs in the society. ICT has created a colorful space around us it has now been our daily part of our life, we are living in it. It is hard for us humans to accept that that we now have been undertaken by these machines which we use daily for small to small objectives, For instance u find the calculation of 2222 * 48329 difficult u just switch on the calculator and multiply it not only this but u even correct the mistyped spelling on MS-Word by using it. Apart of all this ICT has helped in the development of technologies that has help human race since the creation many advantages are now being obtained with the push of the button on our device.Concluding ICT has more advantage in our daily life and are being used by peoples around the globe for various reasons and causes.

A BigSmile

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The impact on the society by ICT is determined the way u use it. As we also know that any object has its positive role and negative role on the society, ICT due have these aspects too.

Information Communicatio

n andtechnology

Positive impact

Education Employment Business Entertainment

Negative impact

Hacking Theft Unemployment Spreading virus

A BigSmile

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Positive Impacts of ICTThe advantages obtained from the ICT are the Positive impacts of ICT that occurs in the society. ICT has helped in many sectors in various ways and if ICT are used wisely and for the benifitial of the society than the impact will lie as positive else the impact will be negative.

Some of the positive impacts of ICT are listed below:1. Education.2. Employment3. Business4. Entertainment5. Health sectors 6. Banking sectors 7. Communication and so on.

Some of above major Positive impacts of Information Communication Technology are briefly descried :

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Education:Information technology is studied as a major subject in universities and colleges. ICT tools

are used as a teaching tool in science, health, medicine, engineering and almost all other areas. It is used as a learning tool in practical class of school, colleges and universities. Education practice like online study, distance learning uses ICT.

ICT is used in the education field for learning new ideas, ways to solve problems and many more. ICT is used in education field form the starting field of education to infinite point of education. So, it is one of the positive impact of ICT in the society.

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Employment : In the case of employment, ICT has brought new ways of earning money,

learning new technologies and many more to human kind. As on the other hand it has brought many unemployment to.

The creation of ICT has many positive impact on the society such as those people who were helpless, were physically disable are now able to work sitting on the home and earning money for the children's and so on.Every part has been responsible for positive and negative impact on its factors.

Females who aren’t sent outside of the houses, blind people who are jobless, handicap people who are jobless, have now a new possibility and era to conclude by earning money and live the livelihood with a maximum satisfaction.Here taking positively the impact of the ICT has positive impact on the society.

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Business.With the increase in the risk, profit and all the responsibility of a business man ICT has

helped and improved the way of making business in the society that is more safe more reliable and with great speed.The introduction to E-commerce i.e. and electronic commerce is now being popular with the use of the ICT.Business sectors now have been improved and are at the maximum service and profit due to various reasons i.e. online banking, virtual shopping malls, e-auctions have now been introduced that has helped the customers to satisfy their want as well as the business man.Thus ICT has been successful to make the business at the international level.

Therefore, ICT has helped to flourish the business.

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Entertainment. ICT is responsible for the entertainment of 21st century people. Since people are now a

days at a daily race they have a few opportunity to grab the entertainment, so to give a maximum entertainment ICT has taken the credit. For instance:

People are crazy for the football, for everyone it is not possible to watch the football live in stadium, so ICT has provided the facility to watch live the same match on same time on our television on your home which is one of the most possible way of grabbing the entertainment.As on the topic of movie you can watch online movies either paying money or free on various sites.Now for the gamers ICT has created a whole new level of experience and different level of inventions by the creation of many 3D games and various other machinery games.

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The disadvantages that are obtained form the ICT are known as the negative impacts of Information Communication Technology. The degrading act that occurs in the society due to the use of ICT are the negative impacts which hamper various prospective of different people. Some of the negative impacts of ICT are listed below :

1. Hacking2. Health problems3. Unemployment4. Theft5. Spreading virus

Some of the above major negative impact of ICT in society are briefly descrived:

Negative impacts of ICT

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Hacking.It is the one of the most known negative impacts of the cyber world that occurs in the

society. The experts are the one who gains all the unauthorized aces intentionally to other’s computer and other resources. They attack the information system and destroy files and programs.

Hacking is the process of using destroying others resources like computer hardware, software, data intentionally and without permission of the owner.They may be showing off their hacking skill to other with is illegal and is punished. Hacking are also done to loot money from bank, personal machine and so on.

Therefore hacking is one of the negative impact of ICT in the society.

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Un employment :

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Thank you

A BigSmile