Influence Influence {when you have no power or authority} http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomas_sobek/4649690892/sizes/l/in/photostream

Influence When You Have No Power or Authority

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Keynote for URI GSLIS Conference, 3/23/13

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InfluenceInfluence{when you have no power or authority}


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InfluenceInfluence{when you have no power or authority}


Keynote by Peter BrombergGSLIS Conference: Catapult Your Career

Kingston, RI, March 23, 2013

InfluenceInfluence{when you have no power or authority}

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I Believe that…

We all exert influence

We can make conscious choices that will increase our influence

We can learn to make better choices

more consciously and consistently


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Why Are We Here Today?Why Are We Here Today?

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Why Are We Here Today?

World population: 7,000,000,000

Ever Lived: 108,000,000,000

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Why Are We Here Today?

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the absolutely crazyhistorically unprecedented

accelerating pace of

or…Why your ability and willingness to influence is more important than


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1.5 mill yrs lever, wedge500,000 yrs control of fire

50,000 yrs bow & arrow

5,000 years wheel and axle; sail

500 years printing press with movable type; rifle100 years automobiles

55 years satellites

31 years IBM Home Computer

27 years Windows / Mac

19 years World wide web

11-13 years iPod, Netflix, Tivo6-8 years Ubiquitous Broadband, Blogging, Skype

5 years iPhone, Android, App Store, Geolocation

< 5 years SMS/Smartphone ubiquity, Twitter, Facebook

< 2 yearsTablets, iPads, Cloud


Exponential Pace of Change

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www.flickr.com/photos/circulating/3251962169 Kurt Lewin

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Permanent Whitewater


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Photo cc license 2.0 courtesy flickr user Chrissy Eliza http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrissyeliza/4142314898/sizes/l/in/photostream/

Flat Organization

- Agile - - Flexible - - Adaptable - - Innovative - -

Responsive -

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Here’s the


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- No formal authority

- Motivate others

- Initiate new ideas

- Seek others’ opinions

- Are passionate and involved

(Emergent Leadership concept from Peter Northouse)

Emergent Leaders (AKA Influencers)

Photo cc license 2.0 courtesy flickr user Ian’s Shutter Habitflickr.com/photos/9289838@N06/3387635009/sizes/z/in/photostream/

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Influence or Leadership?

“A piece of spaghetti or a military unit can only be led from the front end.”

- General George Patton

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Influence or Leadership?

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Leadership is…

The alignment of our energy and the energies of others

towards the manifestation of a mutually enriching state.

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Warren Bennis on Leadership

Leadership is management of:


(Hey… that sounds an awful lot like…)

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Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

• Self-awareness • Self-regulation • Social skill • Empathy • Self-Motivation

Definition of EQ from Daniel Goleman

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It’s Not About Being It’s Not About Being NiceNice

Image: CC by 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/dirigentens/4592361218/sizes/l/in/photostream

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When we avoid difficult conversations

we trade short term discomfort

for long term dysfunction

CC by 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimwall/5129679770/sizes/z/in/photostream/

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Effective Communication

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Effective Communication

• Appeal to Shared Values• Separate Observations from Meaning• Question your Assumptions• Move from Certainty Curiosity

• Move from Blame Contribution• Separate Intentions from Impact• Connect your Emotions to your Needs• Make Direct Requests

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Emotional Intelligence is rooted in self-awareness and


•Self-awareness • Self-regulation • Social skill •Empathy • Self-Motivation

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Practice Leads to Habit

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Practice Leads to Habit

•Reflection•Mindfulness Meditation


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Coaching Awarness and Action

1. What do you want?2. What have you tried?

3. What was the result?4. What else can you do?

5. What WILL you do?

Modified from Steve and Jill Morris’ Leadership Simple

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Coaching Awarness and Action

1. What do you want?2. What have you tried?

3. What was the result?4. What else can you do?

5. What WILL you do?

Modified from Steve and Jill Morris’ Leadership Simple


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Better Mood (FYI… Mood Matters)Regular Practice

Results In…

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More TrustRegular Practice

Results In…

Trust is the conduit for influence; it’s the

medium through which ideas travel.

If they don’t trust you, your ideas are just dead in the water. Having the best idea is worth nothing if people

don’t trust you."

- Amy Cuddy

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“My job is to awaken possibility

in other people”

-Benjamin Zander


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Thank you!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/vernhart/1574355240/ (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Peter Brombergpeterbromberg.com | [email protected]

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Deleted Scenes

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What assumptions are you makingthat no longer

serve you?

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Effective CommunicationEffective Communication==


Cc by 2.0 http://Stockmonkeys.com

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A Change in Perspective


Regular Practice

Results In…

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Regular Practice

Results In…(which is worth 80 IQ Points)

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Play the Long Game