Showing how I've grown Reflective, lifelong learning with Mahara e-Portfolios Derrin Kent [email protected] Web: http://tdm.info Tel: 01299 405719 Email: [email protected]

Iatefl 2010 Presentation

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Derrin gave this presentation on Mahara to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in April 2010.

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Showing how I've grown

Reflective, lifelong learning with Mahara e-Portfolios

Derrin [email protected]

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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How many of you use Open Source Software

nearly every day?

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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Open Sourcee-Portfolios

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What does this have to do with Language Teaching?

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Pedagogical Approach:

Formative Mediation in collaborative learningversus

Acquisition via our own devicesversus

The Transmission model

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Content In / Content Out

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Focus on form / Focus on form(s)

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Reflective Growth

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Personalisation of Learning:

Real people telling real stories on a lifelong learning journey

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Ownership of Learning Content

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• paper behind glass • the arch-lever file• the credited author• Leap2A portability

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Focus of this presentation:

To show you how Mahara works To show you how Mahara relates to other

software platforms To show you how TDM - an official Mahara

Partner an Linux (LPI) Approved Training Partner - can add value.

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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The Nuffield Review Demands...

The re-assertion of a broader vision of education in which there is a profound respect for the whole person (not just the narrowly conceived ‘intellectual excellence’ or ‘skills for economic prosperity’), irrespective of ability or cultural and social background, in which there is a broader vision of learning and in which the learning contributes to a more just and cohesive society.

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Starting from the learner's perspective...

A Self-Development Process

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Setting your own learning agendas...

My Goals / My Skills

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Building your content and your stories...

A Learner-Led, Portfolio-Building Process

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Showcasing your learning

Personalised learning and showcasing...

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“Paper behind glass”

Easy online showcasing of your learning...

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Lifelong Learning

Online Resume (CV) Builder

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Portability of data

The Leap2a Open Data Standard

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Assessment of Competence

An assessor-led evidence-building process:

Build (eg Communicaive Language Testing) templates

Feedback on submitted views

Lock completed views for verification

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Information, Advice & Guidance

Learners, tutors, Assessors (templates), employers, mentors, verifiers, etc. have the freedom to presentMy Views...

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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Social Networking

Create Groups for Communities of Practice and Professional Networks

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Create your own CoPs

Each group has many members, each member has many groups:

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Practical uses include:

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•Group Projects•Build your English persona•International Working Parties•Special Interest Groups•Teacher networks (Knowledge Transfer, Capture & Creation)•Monitored Social Networking (protection against sexually inappropriate behaviour, cyberbullying, etc.)

•Stakeholder feedback•Formal assessment•External marketing•Reflective Fridays•Lecture / Conference notesharing•Internal Reporting•Job applications (digital CV)•....and more and more and more...

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What is the problem for which

this technology provides the solution?

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Small Pieces, Coherently Joined

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Integration with Moodle

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LMS v's VLE v's PLE v's SLE

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LMS = Learning Management System

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Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

VLE = Virtual Learning Environment

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Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

PLE = Personalised Learning Environment

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Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

SLE = Social (Web2.0) Learning Environment

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The Institution Needs...

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The Teacher / Trainer Needs...

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The Learner Needs...

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TDM offer hosting...

Professional hosting and integration with and Networking between other Mahara, Moodle, etc. sites:

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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TDM offer Open Source...

Open Source Ref: UK Govt. ICT Strategy incl.

Open Source, Open Standards and Re-Use: Government Action Plan

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TDM offer professional support for more OSS than Mahara...

LMSs / VLEs ( eg Moodle)

Website Content Management Systems

Customer Relationship Management

Accountancy / finance / payroll

Project Management

Course authoring

Shopping carts / online purchasing

Repositories / Document Management Systems

Video sharing

Graphic design

Photo galleries

...the list goes on....

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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TDM offer user training and site development...

The TDM book practically illustrates how Mahara might be used in:

A Primary School

An International Corporation

A private WBL Provider

But the applications are numerous:

Recruitment Agency / English Language School / EAP or ESP Centre / Business English Centre / University / Adult Education Provider / Professional Body / etc.

Also includes the useful Implementation (Pre)Planner – to help any organisational software implementation.

Web: http://tdm.infoTel: 01299 405719Email: [email protected]

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Give us a shout...

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[email protected]

Tel: +44 (0)1299 405719Mob: +44 (0)7792 569415