From teacher to entrepreneur - IATEFL 2013

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Page 2: From teacher to entrepreneur  - IATEFL 2013

By the end of this talk, we will have:•Discussed planning

•Discussed the importance of having a business plan

•Drawn a parallel between a lesson plan and a business plan

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What is the use of Lesson Plans?

“The success with which a teacher conducts a lesson is often thought to

depend on the effectiveness with which the lesson was planned”

– Richards, 1998.

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A Lesson Plan Template• Clarity, limitation, and specification of

aims/objectives• Class Profile• Assumptions• Personal aims• Skill and language focus• Timing and Timetable fit• Patterns of Interaction• Procedures• Anticipated problems and possible solutions• Success Indicators

(Harmer, 2007)(Richards, 1998)

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The Lesson Plan Paradox•Magic Moments•Sensible Diversion•Unforeseen Problems

(Harmer, 2007)

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What is the use of Business Plans?“The business plan is a strong business tool, especially for the small business owner. It provides you with every detail about your business and allows you to review the hard, clear facts that are needed to make strong and successful business decisions, even if it means starting the business over.”Source: http://smallbusiness.chron.com

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The Vital Importance...•The latest statistics from Brazil:

Out of every 100 companies opened in 2007 in Brazil , 24 closed in the next year. 

Source: IBGE, 2010 (census 2010)

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The two questions:•Where do you want to be?

•How do you get there?

(White et al, 2008)

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The Business Plan(Kawasaki, 2003)•Executive Summary

- Provide an enthusiastic snapshot of your company, explaining who you are, what you do and why

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•Business description and vision- Mission statement (business purpose) - Company vision (statement about

company growth) - Business goals and objectives - Brief history of the business - List of key company principles

(Aims , Assumptions, Personal aims)

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OUR MISSION “Our mission is to provide high quality language

instruction in an effective manner and in a way in which each student is unique. The classes are taught according to the profile of the student/group, taking into consideration their personal and institutional needs, helping students meet the challenge of today’s global competition as well as improving their communication for academic and everyday social purposes. Caltabiano Idiomas is committed to achieving this mission by working with dedicated professionals and relevant materials.”

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•Definition of the market

- Define the critical needs of your perceived or existing market

- Identify your target market - Provide a general profile of your targeted

clients - Describe what share of the market you

currently have and/or anticipate (“Class” Profile, “Skill and language” focus,

Anticipated “problems” and possible solutions)

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•Description of products and services

- Specifically describe all of your products and services

- Explain how your products and services are



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•Organization and Management

- Provide a description of how your company is

organized as well as an organization chart, if available

- Describe the legal structure of your business

- Identify necessary or special licenses and/or permits your business operates with

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-The legal form of ownership for your business -Who the leaders are in your business as well as their roles -Provide a brief bio description of key managers within the company

(“Class” Profile)

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•Marketing and Sales Strategies

- Identify and describe your market – who your

customers are and what the demand is for your products & services - Describe your channels of distribution - Explain your sales strategy, specific to

pricing, promotion, products and place (4Ps)

(“Class” Profile, Procedures)

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•Financial Management

- Estimate of start-up costs - Projected balance sheet (1 year forward) - Projected income statement (1 year

forward) - Projected cash flow statement (12 months


(aims, timetable fit, success indicators)

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The Lesson Plan Paradox


The Business Plan Paradox

-The planning process is more important than the plan itself

- Managing change, not avoiding it(Berry, 2010)

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LT0 Management (White et al, 2008)










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BIBLIOGRAPHY•Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English

Language Teaching. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2007.

•Kawasaki, Guy. The Art of the Start. New York: Portfolio, 2004.

•Richards, Jack. Beyond Training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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•White, Ron et al. From Teacher to Manager. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

MAGAZINE•Guy Kawasaki's Art of the Start column in

the October 23, 2003 – Forbes

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WEBSITES• http://www.businessweek.com/stories/

2008-01-07/the-right-business-plan-for-the-jobbusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice • http://smallbusiness.chron.com • http://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=FN7QUMj7a_8 (MOVIE – Malone’s Cones – The Office Websode 2)

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•http://www.ibge.gov.br •http://www.portaldofranchising.com.br

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THANK [email protected]