HAZARDSS OF CELLPHONE RADIATION This short clip will forever the way you look at your cell phone, ever again. A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cellphone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies have also stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use. In 2011, San Francisco, CA passed a law, which originally required retailers of cell phones to display the amount of radiation that was emitted by each unit. Lobbyists successfully had the law revised to simply inform people on ways to diminish their exposure to cell phone radiation. Ellie Marks' husband had a golfball-sized tumor in his brain, next to where he regularly used his cellphone. It was removed and he subsequently suffered severe memory loss. She says that over 20 cities and states tried to pass similar legislation to that of San Francisco- and all were threatened with lawsuits from the cell phone industry. Brent Bocook, a former US Olympic Champion Crew Team Member had a portion of his brain removed, right next to where he used to always place his cellphone. That particular portion of the brain is responsible for motor control and his surgery has left him almost completely disabled, physically. He says he is spearheading a class action lawsuit against the industry because he believes that this is the only way that big business can be made to take responsibility for itself, as was the case with the tobacco industry. He notes that cell phone use is much more dangerous for children because their skulls are a lot thinner. Brain tumors associated with cell phone use has replaced leukemia as the number one child- killer.

Hazards of Cellphone Radiation Peligros Radiacion de Celulares

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Hazards of Cell- phone Radiation Peligros Radiacion de Celulares - Information Paper

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Page 1: Hazards of Cellphone Radiation Peligros Radiacion de Celulares


This short clip will forever the way you look at your cell phone, ever again.

A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cellphone use, which he describes as "Cooking the brain". The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped and in the meantime, insurance companies have also stopped coverage for health damages related to cell phone use.

In 2011, San Francisco, CA passed a law, which originally required retailers of cell phones to display the amount of radiation that was emitted by each unit. Lobbyists successfully had the law revised to simply inform people on ways to diminish their exposure to cell phone radiation. Ellie Marks' husband had a golfball-sized tumor in his brain, next to where he regularly used his cellphone. It was removed and he subsequently suffered severe memory loss. She says that over 20 cities and states tried to pass similar legislation to that of San Francisco- and all were threatened with lawsuits from the cell phone industry.

Brent Bocook, a former US Olympic Champion Crew Team Member had a portion of his brain removed, right next to where he used to always place his cellphone. That particular portion of the brain is responsible for motor control and his surgery has left him almost completely disabled, physically. He says he is spearheading a class action lawsuit against the industry because he believes that this is the only way that big business can be made to take responsibility for itself, as was the case with the tobacco industry.

He notes that cell phone use is much more dangerous for children because their skulls are a lot thinner. Brain tumors associated with cell phone use has replaced leukemia as the number one child-killer.

Truthseeker host, Daniel Bushell uses a radiation detector to measure the amount of radiation emanating from commonly-used household items:

*Microwave oven: 800 microvolts*WiFi Router: 800 microvolts*Tablet PC: 2,000 microvolts (watching a movie).*Smartphone: 40,000 microvolts (Samsung S3). This is over a thousand times the normal background radiation levels of 30 microvolts.

The use of cellphones and other wireless technologies is being called the next 'casualty catastrophe,' after tobacco and asbestos. iPhones now all contain a legal disclaimer page with fine print, which cannot be enlarged and which is relatively difficult to locate within the phone's navigation. It discloses the dangers of radiation exposure from cellphones and advises users to keep the device at least 10mm from the body.

Page 2: Hazards of Cellphone Radiation Peligros Radiacion de Celulares

At the same time, a wireless lobbying group called the CTIA assures us that "Radio waves from cellphones are safe" and studies paid for by the cellphone industry claim that, "Cellphone use causes no biological damage." However, independent studies consistently report serious health effects, ranging from DNA damage, a 300% reduction in sperm counts, 290% more brain tumors, autism and birth defects.

Former Senior White House Advisor, Epidemiologist, Dr. Devra Davis testified to the Senate and gives a hair-raising report here about the back-stories behind these contradictory scientific reports: The independent scientists who reported on the ill effects of cell phones found themselves under attack by the cellphone industry, who would attempt to get them fired and to get their funding taken away or else accuse them of fraud.

When that didn't work, they hired inexperienced scientists who didn't know anything about the subject to *look* like they were replicating the incriminating experiments and when all of the above didn't work, they wrote an internal memo, in which they stated, "We war-gamed the science." Journalist, Anthony Gucciardi proved how easy it is for industry to plant fake science in respectable science publications, in the very similar case involving the drug Prozac, which was proven in the 1980s to increase the incidence of suicide among users and to cause violent behavior - but this was hidden from the public until 2005, until there was a BBC expose. In response, the manufacturers hired their own scientists to prove how "great" Prozac was.

Producers of anti-depressants have since been mandated to disclose these drugs' side effects, which one may read in their accompanying manuals or overhear, in the blindingly-fast and unintelligible disclosure statements that run during television advertisements for these products. Remember, virtually all the mass-murdering shooters in these recent attacks were taking this drug or else one of many similar fluoride-based, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI), at the time that they massacred people by the dozens. Gucciardi says he believes that once the public becomes aware of these dangerous side effects, the public outcry will be worse than it was for cigarettes.

Dr. Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News since 1981 says, "The system is broken, nobody has been told the truth. It's crazy." The science which would eventually prove that cigarettes and secondhand smoke damaged human health during the did not yet exist when tobacco was initially marketed - but cellphones were launched after preliminary science was already available as to its inherent dangers and these products were released into the public without any safety studies, whatsoever. Dr. Slesin says, "The point is to take action." Action is already being taken outside the US: In Italy, a landmark supreme court ruling found a "causal link" between cell phone use and brain tumors. In France, WiFi is being taken down in schools and replaced with cabled Internet in and countries from Germany to Israel and Finland are moving to stop cell phone sales to kids. In the UK, children under the age of 18, have long been barred from cell phone use.

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But of course, in the Good Ol' USA, the former chief lobbyist for the wireless industry, Thomas Wheeler was recently appointed by President Barack Obama to head up the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices, in yet another astonishing conflict-of-interest in the choice of appointed Federal Regulators, who better resemble wolves guarding the sheep, rather than advocates for the health of the public at-large. VIDEO ( mins): Cell Phones and Child Brains: 'Casualty Catastrophe'http://www.ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.com/page/24990.html P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV emails and videos with your friends and colleagues by using the "Forward to a Friend" link within this newsletter, below. That's how we grow. Thanks. Alexandra BrucePublisher, ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.com Daily Videos from the Edges of ScienceBuy Books by Alexandra Bruce

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Este clip puede cambiar para siempre la forma en que mira a su teléfono celular, para siempre. Un valeroso artículo científico publicado por un importante biólogo en radiación, el profesor Dariusz Leszczynski, ahora permite que los mejores neurólogos, como Keith Negro, MD de Los Ángeles Cedars-Sinai Hospital, emitan advertencias a sus pacientes sobre los peligros del uso del teléfono móvil, que él describe como "cocinar el cerebro". La industrial de la telefonía celular tomó represalias contra Leszczynski ejerciendo presión para que su financiación se detuviera y mientras tanto, las compañías de seguros también lograron detener la cobertura por daños a la salud relacionados con el uso del teléfono celular.

En 2011, San Francisco, CA, aprobó una ley que requirió originalmente que los minoristas de teléfonos móviles mostraran la cantidad de radiación que emitida por cada unidad. Los grupos de presión tuvieron éxito en hacer revisar la ley, simplemente informando a la gente sobre maneras de disminuir su exposición a la radiación del teléfono celular.

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El marido de Ellie Marks tenía un tumor del tamaño de una pelota de golf en su cerebro , al lado de donde regularmente utilizaba su teléfono celular. Se retiró y posteriormente sufrió la pérdida severa de la memoria. Ella dice que más de 20 ciudades y estados intentaron aprobar una legislación similar a la de San Francisco y todos fueron amenazados con demandas de la industria de la telefonía celular.

Brent Bocook , ex campeón olímpico de EE.UU., miembro del equipo de Remo, sufrió la eliminación de una parte de su cerebro, justo al lado de donde solía siempre colocar su teléfono celular. La parte particular del cerebro responsable del control motor y la cirugía le ha dejado casi completamente desconectado, físicamente . Dice que está liderando una demanda colectiva contra la industria porque cree que esta es la única manera como se puede lograr que las grandes empresas asuman la responsabilidad de sí mismas, como en el caso de la industria del tabaco.

Señala que el uso del teléfono celular es mucho más peligroso para los niños debido a que sus cráneos son mucho más delgados. Los tumores cerebrales asociados con el uso de teléfonos celulares ha reemplazado a la leucemia como asesino número uno de niños .

El anfitrión de Truthseeker, Daniel Bushell, utiliza un detector de radiación para medir la cantidad de radiación que emanan artículos para el hogar de uso común :

* Horno de microondas : 800 microvoltios* Router de WiFi : 800 microvoltios* Tableta de PC : 2.000 microvoltios (viendo una película ) .* Smartphone: 40 000 microvoltios (Samsung S3 ) .Esto es más de mil veces los niveles normales de radiación de fondo, que son de 30 microvoltios .

El uso de teléfonos celulares y otras tecnologías inalámbricas se están denominando la próxima “víctima catástrófica", después del tabaco y el amianto. Ahora todos los iPhones contienen una página de aviso legal, impresa en letra menuda, que no puede ser ampliada y que es relativamente difícil de localizar en la navegación del teléfono. Esta da a conocer los peligros de la exposición a la radiación de los teléfonos móviles y recomienda mantener el dispositivo al menos a 10 mm del cuerpo.

At the same time, a wireless lobbying group called the CTIA assures us that "Radio waves from cellphones are safe" and studies paid for by the cellphone industry claim that, "Cellphone use causes no biological damage." However, independent studies consistently report serious health effects, ranging from DNA damage, a 300% reduction in sperm counts, 290% more brain tumors, autism and birth defects.

Al mismo tiempo, un grupo de presión inalámbrico llamado CTIA, nos asegura que "las ondas de radio de los teléfonos móviles son seguras" y los estudios pagados por la industria de celulares afirman que “el uso del teléfono móvil no causa daño biológico”. Sin embargo, estudios independientes demuestran consistentemente grave efectos sobre la salud , que van desde daños

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en el ADN, una reducción del 300% en el número de espermatozoides, 290% más tumores cerebrales, defectos de nacimiento y hasta autismo .

El ex Asesor de la Casa Blanca, epidemiólogo Dr. Devra Davis, testificó el Senado y dió un informe espeluznante aquí acerca de las historias detrás de informes científicos contradictorios: Los científicos independientes que informaron acerca de los efectos nocivos de los teléfonos celulares se encontraron atacados por la industria de celulares, que intentaba conseguir que les despidieran y conseguir que su financiación fuese retirada o bien, los acusaran de fraude.

Cuando eso no funcionó, contrataron científicos sin experiencia que no conocían nada sobre el tema para *aparentar* replicar los experimentos incriminatorios y cuando todo lo anterior no funcionó, escribieron un memorando interno , en el que declararon: "Jugamos a la guerra con la ciencia" El periodista Anthony Gucciardi demostró lo fácil que es para la industria plantar ciencia falsa en publicaciones respetables de la ciencia, en un caso muy similar involucrando la droga Prozac, que comprobó en 1980 que aumentaba la incidencia de suicidio entre usuarios y causaba comportamientos violentos - pero esto fue ocultado al público hasta el 2005, cuando hubo una exposición de la BBC. En respuesta, los fabricantes contrataron a sus propios científicos para demostrar lo "grande" que era Prozac.

Los productores de antidepresivos han tenido desde entonces el mandato de divulgar los efectos secundarios de estos fármacos, el cual se puede leer en los manuales adjuntos o escuchar , en las deslumbrantemente rápidas e ininteligibles declaraciones sobre esa la situación que se muestran en la publicidad televisada de estos productos. Recuerde, prácticamente todos los tiradores asesinos en masa de los recientes ataques estaban tomando este medicamento o bien uno de muchos similares, inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina ( ISRS ) a base de fluoruro, en el momento en que masacraron docenas de personas. Gucciardi dice que él cree que una vez que el público tenga conocimiento sobre estos efectos secundarios peligrosos , la protesta pública será peor de la que se hizo para los cigarrillos .

El Dr. Louis Slesin , editor de Noticias de la Microonda desde 1981 dice: "El sistema está roto, a nadie le han dicho la verdad. Es una locura " . La ciencia que eventualmente demostró que los cigarrillos y el humo de residuo dañaban la salud humana, aún no existía cuando el tabaco fue inicialmente comercializado - pero se pusieron en marcha los teléfonos celulares después que la ciencia preliminar ya estaba disponible para advertir sobre los peligros inherentes y estos productos se liberaron al público sin ningún estudio de seguridad ,en todos los casos.

El Dr. Slesin dice: " Lo importante es tomar medidas”. Ya se están tomando acciones fuera de los EE.UU.: En Italia, un histórica sentencia del Tribunal Supremo encontró una "relación de causalidad" entre el uso de teléfonos celulares y los tumores cerebrales. En Francia , el WiFi se está retirando de las escuelas y se sustituye por Internet por cable y países como Alemania, Israel y Finlandia, se están moviendo para impedir las ventas de teléfono celulares a los niños. En el Reino Unido a los niños menores de 18 años siempre se les ha prohibido el uso del teléfono celular.

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Pero, por supuesto, en los buenos y viejos EE.UU., el ex jefe cabildero de la industria inalámbrica, Thomas Wheeler, fue nombrado recientemente por el presidente Barack Obama para encabezar la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC), que regula la seguridad de los dispositivos inalámbricos, en otro sorprendente conflicto de interés al elegir los reguladores federales designados, que mejor parecen lobos cuidando las ovejas, en lugar de defensores de la salud de la población en general.

VIDEO ( minutos) :Celulares y cerebros infantiles : " Accidentes Catastróficos 'http://www.ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.com/page/24990.html

- Alexandra PD Por favor, comparta los vídeos de TV y los e mails de Forbidden Knowledge con sus amigos y colegas a través del enlace "Enviar a un Amigo " en este boletín de noticias, a continuación. Alexandra BruceEditorial , ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.comVideos diarios desde los bordes de la CienciaComprar Libros de Alexandra Bruce Este correo electrónico fue enviado a [email protected] por [email protected]

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